• Published 26th Mar 2022
  • 2,628 Views, 278 Comments

Bakugan EQG - Banshee531

Bakugan, the most popular game in the world. But there's more to it then meets the eye. Now, a group of teens must work together to save both their world and another.

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No Brawler Stands Alone

Back in Canterlot, the people of the city continued to watch as the many Bakugan battles occurred throughout the city.

The human led Bakugan continued to both outthink and outpower the Bakugan under Lucifer's control, causing the infestation to slowly lessen with every defeat. But the battles that were really captivating them were the ones involving the Rainbooms and BakuFighters, as they battled the hybrids.

They had been worried when they saw Heath and his partner lose to the one responsible for all this. And now, they could only watch as Lyra and her Bakugan were attacked as well.

"This isn't good," Scootaloo gulped. "He's going after their Attribute Energies."

"Those are the things Flash's Bakugan has, right?" Misty asked, her daughter nodding back. "So this Lucifer is going to go after Flash eventually?" Scootaloo nodded again.

"I don't really get the whole picture," she explained. "But the Energy is what remains of the Bakugan's homeworld. The Guardians gave them to Flash and his friends after they proved themselves, but now Lucifer's trying to take them for himself."

"And he's already got two," Sweetie gulped. "If he beats Lyra, he'll have the same amount as the rest of the BakuFighters do." The others still didn't understand what most of that meant, but they knew it wouldn't be a good thing.

And it wasn't just this fight they had to worry about. The others were having just as many problems in their battles.

"Ability, Activate!" Bonnie cried as Gaia began to glow, "Heart of the Earth!" The light flowed into Gaia as she charged forward and threw a punch at Quetzal.

However, her serpent-like voice allowed her to coil around and avoid the punch and she slithered down her arm. "Radiant Aura!" Her body exploded with light, which shined right into Gaia's face. She screamed as the sudden over exposure to her eyes, forcing her to stagger backward and covered them. Quetzal laughed at this and prepared to fire her Heavenly Cannon.

"Howling Force!" But before she could, a blast of sound slammed into her and knocked her backwards into a building. Fenroar then used this to charged forward and leap into the air at her. "Wolf Claw Strike!" He slashed at her, but Quetzal managed to avoid the attack and laughed several feathers at him that made him flinch.

On the ground, Applejack and Bonnie stood there frowning at the situation. "We really need a flying Bakugan," Applejack growled as Quetzal flew higher and higher to get out of range, whilst Gaia's eyes finally recovered from the flash. When she saw Quetzal high up, he activated her Gaia Cannon and fired. But the energy couldn't reach her.

"Yeah," Bonnie nodded, "we do."

Over in Las Vegas, Roaster continued to laugh as he laughed fireball after fireball at the Ventus Bakugan who had been foolish enough to face him.

"Fry you fools!" He cackled as he laughed another fireball at the two humans, who were constantly running to avoid the attacks as their Bakugan charged at Roaster. "Missed me!" He laughed as he leapt back to avoid Garuda's slash, then ducked under Terraspin's fin. "Too slow!"

"Ahhhh!" Soarin growled as Roaster launched the fire tornado at the two Bakugan again. "This guy's really starting to bug me!"

"Tell me about it!" Rainbow nodded as Terraspin unleashed a gale that blew the flames out. "The sooner we beat this guy, the sooner we can go help the others." They could only hope Lucifer hadn't done anything to any of them yet.

In LA, Pinkie and Gumigator had just recovered after getting slammed into a building.

Luckily, Gummy hadn't returned to ball form and managed to pick himself up. He then saw a dome appear around her friends, which trapped them inside along with Sombra and Lucifer. "Oh no!" Pinkie cried as Gummy ran over to the dome and tried to claw his way through it. But the energy zapped him and made the alligator flinch, Pinkie frowning as she had to really look in order to see her friends through the dark energy. "Lyra...Nimue."

She could only hope they were okay in there. If not, things could be really bad.

Inside the dome, Lyra and Sombra stood atop different buildings as they prepared for battle.

Lyra had just agreed to fight, knowing that is she refused Lucifer would just attack anyway. Now the Bakugan returned to their brawlers, Nimue frowning as she did so. "Lyra, you know this battle might not be one we can win on our own."

"We still have to try," Lyra told her. "I don't care how powerful Lucifer is, I won't just stand around and let him bully me." Despite her words, Lyra was still worried. It would help if she knew what her opponent was capable of. But when she checked her BakuColar, she saw it wasn't getting a signal from any of her friends.

"Come on!" Heath cried, "come on!" He was trying to connect to Lyra, who hadn't responded when he tried to call. He had already warned Flash, Bonnie and Soarin about what Lucifer could do, but Lyra wasn't picking up.

"I hope that doesn't mean what I think it does," Fluttershy quivered as they rode atop Ragnaroid.

"I'm through to Pinkie!" Rarity cried as they glanced at her. "Pinkie, what's going on? Why isn't Lyra answering her BakuColar?"

"Guys!" Pinkie cried, "Sombra and Lucifer showed up." They all flinched hearing this. "They trapped her and Nimue in a dome like the one Fluttershy mentioned. Gummy and I have tried getting through to her, but this thing is indestructible!"

"Great," Flash sighed as they flew through New York. The stadium was quickly approaching and they knew they could transfer themselves back to Canterlot or to Lyra's location, but would that help? "Maybe Leonidas will be able to get through it?"

"Maybe," Twilight sighed as a thought occurred to her. "But by the time we get there, the fight might already be over. We need to be smart about this."

"Smart how?" Derpy asked.

"We can't be following Lucifer whenever he shows up. We've gotcha beat him to the punch. Flash and I will head to Lyra's location. Derpy, you and Rarity head go help Soarin and Rainbow against Roaster. And Heath, if Wukong's up for it, go help Bonnie and Applejack against Quetzal. If Lyra can't beat him, Lucifer's gonna go after someone else once he's done. We have to beat him to the punch."

"GOT IT!" Everyone replied before they hung up, the stadium coming into view.

"You think Lyra and Nimue can beat Lucifer without knowing what they're up against?" Flasha sked, Twilight unsure how to answer.

Lyra sighed seeing the signal still wasn't getting through.

"I'm afraid you won't be getting any help from your friends." She glared at Sombra, who was twiddling his Gate Card around his fingers. "This dome doesn't just keep you from getting out. It keeps others from getting in, including their signals." He smirked, "you're all alone."

Lyra felt terror flow through her at that statement. But luckily, Nimue was there. "You're not alone." Lyra looked her in the eye, "we're in this together. No matter what happens, we'll face whatever it is together." Lyra smiled, feeling her fear vanish.

"Thanks Nimue." She shot a Sombra a glare, "you don't scare me. Not you or Lucifer. Don't think just because you beat Heath, I'll be an easier opponent." She pointed at him, "I'm totally taking you down!"

"We'll see about that!" Sombra chuckled before throwing the Gate Card down towards the still cooled lava-filled road. "Gate Card...SET!" Lucifer then leapt into his hand. "Prepare yourself, for the final Brawl you'll ever experience!"

"Doubt it!" Lyra grabbed Nimue, "we're gonna win this and keep brawling for as long as we can. Now, Bakugan Brawl!" She threw Nimue towards the ground.

"Bakugan," Sombra did the same, "BRAWL!" Lucifer shot through the air and glowed a black mist as he did so, both Bakugan hitting the ground at the same time. "Bakugan...STAND!" They popped open and unleashed tornados of water and shadow

"Let's do this, Aquos Lady Nimue!" The water tornado exploded and Nimue danced out of it, swinging her staff around.

"Rise, Darkus Lucifer!" The demonic angel absorbed the shadows into his hand, smiling down at Nimue as he floated into the air.

Nimue: 600Gs
Lucifer: 800Gs

Lyra took out a pair of cards and would have activated them, but Sombra pointed towards the ground before she could. "Gate Card...OPEN!" The field began to glow before chains shot out or the light, the lot slithering along the ground in every direction. "Enemy Lockout!"

"What?" Lyra asked as the chains began to merge with the ground and the buildings, "what's happening?"

"What's happening is you can no longer send in new Bakugan to help you," Sombra chuckled. "Now it's just you and your Bakugan with the Attribute Energy against us."

"And I have to say," Lucifer cracked his knuckles. "I'm liking my odds." He shot down, his claws ready. But Lyra wasn't thrown off by the Gate Card like he thought.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Nimue leapt into the air to avoid Lucifer's slash, "Overflow!" Her staff formed a ball of water, which she shot towards the ground close to Lucifer. The water exploded into a wave, which washed over the entire battlefield and pushed Lucifer back until he managed to fly up and out of the water.

Nimue: 600Gs
Lucifer: 400Gs

"Plus, Maiden's Fury!" Nimue quickly started playing her harp, the music flowing over her and double the new difference in their power levels.

Nimue: 800Gs
Lucifer: 400Gs

Lucifer watched this and chuckled, "not bad. Not bad at all." He shot down, claws hands at the ready. "But it'll take more than that to defeat me!" He slashed at her, but Nimue blocked the attack with her staff.

"Good thing I've got more then!" She pushed Lucifer away and swung her staff towards him, Lucifer dodging the metal as Nimue spun around to try and kick him. But he managed to grab her leg, as Sombra held two cards up.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Lucifer glowed, "Cursed Light!" The light spread to Nimue and she flinched as she felt her power beginning to be drained away.

Nimue: 600Gs
Lucifer: 600Gs

Nimue tried to stab Lucifer with her staff, but Lucifer let her leg go and she staggered back. "Plus, Deadly Strike!" Lucifer charged forward, preparing to punch Nimue.

Nimue: 600Gs
Lucifer: 800Gs

But before he could, Lyra held up another two cards, "Double Ability, Activate!" Nimue regained her balanced and slammed her staff into the ground, causing water to explode out of it and wrap around her. "Hydro Sphere!" Lucifer pushed the water, flinching as his power was negated and Nimue's increased.

Nimue: 700Gs
Lucifer: 600Gs

And as he pulled away, he started glowing. "Plus, Co-Side!" The light flew off of him and into Nimue, powering her up as she swung her staff around and caused the water orb to explode and fly towards Lucifer in a powerful stream.

Nimue: 800Gs
Lucifer: 600Gs

Lucifer growled as he held out his hands, the water slamming into them and beginning to steam up as it was deflected. As the last of the water faded, Sombra took out two more cards. "Double Ability, Activate!" Nimue glowed and the light flew off of her before going into Lucifer. "Co-Side, plus Unending Punishment!"

Nimue: 800Gs
Lucifer: 700Gs

Lucifer smirked as shot forward and got to Nimue before she or Lyra could react, the Darkus Bakugan beginning to deal rapid punches and kicks faster then they could see. "Nimue!" Lyra cried, Nimue attempting to escape but Lucifer kept up with her.

Eventually, Lucifer spun backwards and slammed his foot into Nimue's chin. "AUGH!" She was knocked backwards as her power dropped.

Nimue: 350Gs
Lucifer: 700Gs

She fell to the ground, barely managing to hold onto her staff as she did so. Lucifer laughed at this and flew up, preparing to dive bomb the Aquos warrior. But as he did so, Lyra held up a card. "Ability, Activate!" Nimue held her staff up before slamming it into the ground, "Geyser Burst!"

The ground around her suddenly exploded, creating a circle of water that shot straight up and slammed into Lucifer. He cried out as he was knocked flying backwards, Whilst Nimue pushed herself back to her feet.

As she did, the water rained down upon her and she could feel her power being restored and increased as she sighed in relief.

Nimue: 1250Gs
Lucifer: 700Gs

"Heavenly Cannon!" Quetzal launched another laser at the two Subterra Bakugan, forcing them to leap back to avoid getting blasted.

As they did, Gaia had an idea. "Fenroar, I've got a plan. But you might not like it!"

"I'll try anything at this point!" The wolf howled before Gaia reached down and grabbed his back, picking him up. "You're right, I don't like this plan!" But Gaia used all her strength and threw him into the air, sending him shooting towards Quetzal as he howled.

"What the?" She gasped as she tried to fly away, but Fenroar managed to grab the end of her tail. "Hey! Get off me!" But Fenroar held on and as she prepared another Heavenly Cannon, he bit down on her tail and made her cry out. The light faded as she started falling towards the ground, all the while Gaia summoned her log blasters.

"Gaia Cannon!" The laser fired, flying towards Quetzal right as Fenroar let her go.

The blast slammed into her, making Quetzal cry out as she was blown backwards and into the water of the nearby river. "Got her!" Applejack cheered as Fenroar landed on a nearby building and began to climb down, the lot of them moving over to the water hoping to see her back in her ball form.

They waited, but nothing happened. "Maybe she sank?" Bonnie suggested, Applejack wondering the same thing.

But then she noticed a shadow in the water, Applejack gasping at the sight. "There!" She cried, but it was too late. Seconds later, the water exploded as a tornado flew out of it and used to water to morph into a squall that slammed into Gaia and knocked her backwards.

"Gaia!" Bonnie cried before a the wind slammed into her and Applejack, pushing them both flying backwards.

Fenroar tried to jump down and help them, but in that moment Quetzal shot out of the water and blasted him with her tail laser. He was blown off the roof, falling several stories until he used his claws to stop his descent. And as he did, Quetzal flew over to Gaia.

"Time to end this!" She cried, her tail lighting up again. But before she could fire-

"Ruyi Bang!" A long staff shot towards her and slammed into her chest, pushing the flying serpent backwards as she cried out. As she was, everyone turned to see Wukong flying towards them on his cloud. "Sorry we're late!" Heath cried as Wukong flew down low and allowed him to leap off without issue.

"Heath!" Bonnie smiled, "good timing."

"But is Wukong okay?" Applejack asked, since it wasn't that long since he had had his Attribute Energy ripped out of him.

"He'll be fine," Heath assured them. "He might be a little drained, but he's not fighting alone." Wukong reached Quetzal and started swinging his burning staff around, the winged serpent crying as she tried to avoid the flames and flew lower.

"Flare Jump!" From behind one of the buildings, Lepusinge leapt out and flew towards Quetzal with his feet aflame. He then spun around and slammed a foot into her chest, "gotcha!" He cried, pushing Quetzal backwards as Wukong flew to where she was flying and held his staff like a baseball bat.

"Fore!" He cried, swinging the staff around and clubbing her into a nearby building. She screamed and the four Bakugan smiled, knowing they would have this fight over with in no time. And hopefully, that would be before Nimue's battle against Lucifer was over.

"Wildfire Cyclone!" Once again, Roaster launched a blast of fire coated wind, which swirled around into another vortex.

"Don't you have any other tricks?" Garuda asked as he fired another Aero Bomber, which struck the fire tornado and dispelled it as Terraspin unleashed a blast of fire that pushed the flames upwards where they couldn't ignite anything.

"Why change up what's working?" He then charged forward, "Pyro Claw!" His talons exploded as he spun around, slashing at Garuda and making him squawk as he was knocked back. Terraspin then tried to slice at him, but Roaster leapt straight up before launching a Whirlwind Cage at him.

Terraspin cried as he was pushed towards the ground by the wind, leaving Roaster free to glide down with his claws ready to slash at Garuda. "Move!" Soarin cried, as Garude picked himself up. But before Roaster could reach him.

"Blazing Light!" A laser slammed into the hybrid and blasted him backwards, straight through the tornado. As Terraspin was freed, the others looked around and spotted Cleopal running towards them with Ragnaroid flying behind her.

"You guys okay?" Derpy cried from Ragnaroid's claws, the dragon putting them down before focusing on their opponent.

"We are now that you're here!" Soarin smirked as the girls ran to them, Ragnaroid flying over to Roaster as Derpy held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" The card glowed and Ragnaroid's chest opened, "Doom Vision!" The eye was revealed and began to glow, unleashing a light that flew towards Roaster. Unfortunately, he rolled out of the way before it could hit him and jumped back to his feet.

"Sorry, you're gonna have to do better than that!" He cried before stopping his feet on the ground, creating lots of smoke. "Inferno Dash!" He shot out of the smoke surrounded by flames, leaping towards Ragnaroid and slamming into his chest. Ragnaroid flinched as was knocked back, but Garuda, Cleopal and Terraspin quickly jumped into action.

"Sky Spark Surge!"

"Mad Scratch!"

"Shell Saw!" The three charged forward, Garuda and Cleopal flying passed the landing Roaster and slashing at him as they did so before Terraspin slammed into him and started grinding away at him. Roaster squawked in pain as the flames around him vanished, Terraspin stopping his attack and using a blast of air to send him flying into the sky.

Ragnaroid had recovered at this point and held up his claws, "Apocalyptic Fire!" The flames exploded from his claws and slammed into Roaster knocking him backwards. As he crashed into the ground, the humans cheered seeing the tide had turned. They would soon have this fight over with.

Back in LA, Nimue walked through the domed off area of the city.

After Lucifer was blasted away by her Geyser Burst attack, he had disappeared behind one of the building. Sombra had also vanished from the rooftop and now both Nimue and Lyra were searching for them through the streets.

"You can't hide forever!" Lyra told him. "Just do yourself a favour and surrender. Give by the Attribute Energies and we can end this peacefully." But there was no response.

"He's afraid," Nimue told her. "They know that when this is over, they'll both have to pay for the pain they've caused to both humans and Bakugan." But as she said that, movement to her left made her spin around and launch a blast of water towards a bunch of dumpsters.

From out behind them, Sombra rolled away as the water smashed the metal away containers her was hiding behind away. He rolled to his feet and Nimue prepared herself, only to then feel a presence above her and looked up.

"Surprise," Lucifer smirked down at her, as Sombra held up two cards.

"Double Ability, Activate!" Lucifer's chest symbol glowed, whilst he brought his hands together and formed a sphere of dark energy. "Vanishing Doom, plus Phantom Dread!"

"Raaah!" Lucifer cried as the light shot off the symbol and struck Nimue, making her cry out as her Geyser Burst was nullified. Luckily, it didn't drop her power down to what it was before she activated that Ability, but she still lost the added power.

Lucifer then crushed the orb and sent out a wave of power, which struck Nimue in the heart. "Augh!"

Nimue: 600Gs
Lucifer: 700Gs

"Now who's the one that's afraid?" Lucifer chuckled, as Nimue staggered back.

A wave of fear washed over her, the Aquos Bakugan looking up at Lucifer and seeing his form distort into a more terrifying appearance. This made her scream out as she moved backwards, eventually hitting her back into a large building.

"Nimue!" Lyra ran to her, "what did they do to you?" Lucifer and Sombra laughed, clearly enjoying the look of fear on Nimue's face. Lyra rushed up to her partner and jumped onto her leg, the girl beginning to climb up. As she did, Lucifer shot forward with his claws ready.

Nimue saw this and screamed again, quickly beginning to jump around and throwing blasts of water in his direction. But Lucifer simply slashed them away, not even slowed down by these as he tried to claw Nimue's eyes out. The Aquos Bakugan used her staff to protect herself, blocking the claws but getting an up-close and personal look at Lucifer's face.

"Scared yet?" He asked, his face distorted into a horrifying expression.

Nimue screamed and leapt back, Lyra almost losing her grip on Nimue's dress. She didn't let this stop her though, Lyra quickly pulling herself up higher and higher.

Outside the dome, Pinkie and Gummy saw the state Nimue was in. "We have to get in there!" Gummy nodded and started firing water at the dome, but the energy just made it evaporate upon contact. "Oh no."

"Pinkie!" She gasped as she looked up to see Leonidas flying towards them, Flash, Twilight and Spike in his hand. "What's going on?"

"I don't know!" Pinkie called back, "Nimue's started freaking out." Flash and Twilight frowned, knowing this was likely the fear causing Ability Heath had told them above.

"Leo!" Flash cried, "see if you can break through!"

"You got it!" Leonidas shot down and started building up power. "Ultra Destroyer!" The laser exploded out of his mouth and slammed into the dome, causing it to shake. But the energy barrier held firm. "I'm not done yet. Supreme Cannon!" The orb of light formed in his mouth and he fired it, the sphere slamming into the dome but having the same effect as his laser. "Damn it!"

"Let's try and combine power!" Twilight cried as she threw Spike into the air, the Darkus Bakugan appearing and falling down to land next to Gummy as Leonidas flew above them. "On three. One...two...THREE!" They unleashed a blast of light, water and green fire, the attacks hitting the same spot and pummelling at it for several seconds. But when they stopped, the dome remained solid.

"Oh come on!" Flash cried, looking through the dark void at the still terrified Nimue. "Hold on Lyra. We're coming."

Lyra groaned as she reached Nimue's back, the Aquos Bakugan screaming again as she swung her staff around wildly.

She was so out of control, her staff swung towards her back and Lyra had to swing around on her dress to avoid getting crushed. "Nimue!" She cried, "stop!" He kept pulling herself upwards as Nimue fired a blast of water that didn't even get close to Lucifer. "Come on! Snap out of it!" She used the last of her strength to pull herself up onto Nimue's shoulder. And as Nimue was about to fire another blast of water, Lyra smacked her on the cheek. "WAKE UP!"

The sudden impact shook something loose in Lyra's brain, the maiden turning to Lyra and seeing a horrible little goblin in her place. But Lyra's voice got through to her.

"You have to snap out of it. Whatever you're seeing, it's not real. You're hallucinating."


"Yes," the goblin told her as its form slowly distorted. "Remember, you're not in this alone. No matter how terrifying this all seems, it's nothing compared to what'll happen if we let Lucifer get all the Attribute Energies. We have to do whatever it takes to stop that from happening. So WAKE UP!" This last scream seemed to snap Nimue out of her fear induced hallucination. The distortion of the goblin's form vanished and Lyra was shown there instead.

"Lyra," she whispered, "you snapped me out of it. Thank you."

Lyra smiled, "that's what partners do." She then got serious and turned to Lucifer, Nimue doing the same as Sombra climbed up onto a building. "Now let's take these freaks down!"

"With pleasure!" Nimue cried, getting into a battle stance as Lyra leapt off her shoulder onto the roof of another building. She charged forward and started swinging her staff at Lucifer, but the demonic angel was able to easily evade or block the attacks.

"Don't make me laugh!" He cried, slashing at Nimue and knocking her backwards. "Who cares if you've overcome your fear. You still can't hold a candle to me!"

"We'll see about that!" Nimue cried, as Lyra held up a card.

"Ability, Activate!" Nimue spun her staff around and struck the ground, causing water to explode out of it. "Whirlpool Trap!" She played the harp and the music made the water shoot towards Lucifer, causing it to begin swirling around beneath his feet.

"What?" He asked, as the water shot upwards and created a tornado that he was trapped within. "AUGH!" He cried, quickly feeling his power beginning to drain away. He slashed at the water and kicked it, causing the tornado to explode off of him. But the damage was done.

Nimue: 600Gs
Lucifer: 500Gs

"We won't allow you to keep doing whatever the heck you want," Nimue cried as she began to glow blue. "Your selfish actions have caused nothing but pain and suffering." She swung her staff forward and launched a blast of water that slammed into Lucifer, knocking him backwards into another building as Lyra held up a card. "And it's time you finally paid for all that pain. And we're happy to be the ones to do it! Lyra!"

"Right!" Lyra held up a card. "Fusion Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Nimue began playing her harp. "Maiden's Heart!" The music caused light to begin spiralling around Nimue, mixing with the blue light of her Attribute Energy, causing her power to increase. With every struck of a string, the light grew brighter and brighter as Nimue grew stronger and stronger. Until eventually, her power had doubled.

Nimue: 1200Gs
Lucifer: 500Gs

"Do it!" Lyra cried out, as Lucifer began to pick himself up out of the building. "Make Lucifer pay for all the pain he's caused to us, our friends and all the Bakugan!" Nimue was happy too and swung her staff around, the light flying up and surrounding the harp along with the Attribute Energy.

"Get out of there!" Sombra told Lucifer, as he stood tall and started spreading his wings. But before he could fly, Nimue unleashed a mighty grunt as she swung her staff towards the ground and caused the light to explode off of it and fly along the ground.

When it reached Lucifer, the light exploded upwards and blasted him. Lucifer screamed as he was consumed by the column, making him vanish within the light as it burned him.

Nimue panted at the force of the attack she had used, her Attribute Energy dying down but still remaining as a light glow, whilst Lyra stared at the light column. "Please let this be enough." She didn't think she could do anything else if Lucifer survived this attack. And as the column slowly began to fade, she saw something that made her gasp. "No."

Lucifer stood there, smoking but looking practically unharmed from the attack. "How?" Nimue asked, "how is that possible." Lucifer spread his wings and Nimue tried to blast him with more water, but he flew straight up to avoid it.

"It's over," Lucifer told her. "You fight ends here."

"Ability," Sombra held up a card, "Activate!" The card glowed before exploding into a white and a black light, which shot up towards Lucifer and formed a pair sphere in each hand.

"What is that?" Nimue asked, as the spheres grew brighter and darker respectively. Lucifer then threw the white one towards her, Nimue gasping as she fired water at the orb. But the attack just flew through the sphere as it got closer. She tried to escape, but the orb followed her until it slammed into her back. "Augh!"

"Nimue!" Lyra cried, as the orb expanded and sucked the Aquos Bakugan inside. "Get out of there!" Nimue slammed her into the orb, but it wouldn't give way. Lyra then glared at Sombra, "let her go!"

"We will," Lucifer held the dark orb above his head. "Once I have what is mine. Paradise," he threw it, "Lost!" The orb shot towards Nimue and struck the white orb, causing it to expand and merge with the white orb.

"What is this?" Nimue stared at the checkered orb as the colours spun in two directions. She slammed her staff into it harder, but the energy refused to give way.

"And so..." Lucifer held his hand up, "the battle ends." With that, he snapped his fingers and the orbs unleashed the lightning into the centre. Said lightning struck Nimue and she screamed at the top of her lunges, as pain the likes of which she had never felt before rocket through her.

"NIMUE!" Lyra screamed, her heart stopping at the sight as she looked down to see Nimue's power dropping. "No." The power kept dropping and dropping and Lyra had no way to save Nimue, the scores eventually reading the amount she dreaded to see.

Nimue: 0Gs
Lucifer: 500Gs

As soon as Nimue's power hit zero, the orbs exploded off of her and she floated there as he Attribute Energy began to leak out.

Sombra quickly acted and fired a beam from her head, which struck Nimue and caused her power to be drained out of her. She cried out, but there was nothing she nor Lyra could do to stop him. Eventually, the Attribute Energy was sucked into Sombra's device and the blue mixed with the red which spiralled around one another.

Once the energy was gone, Nimue reverted back to ball form and fell towards the ground. Lyra gasped at this as the ball hit the floor and bounced around, eventually landing close to Lucifer had landed as the dome began to fade away.

The former White One looked down at the Bakugan and smiled, lifting his foot up and hovering over the orb. Lyra gasped, "NIMUE!"

"Now you'll see what happens to those that try to oppose their rightful ruler," he chuckled. But before he could stop down on the Bakugan, he sensed something and leapt backwards. If he hadn't, Leonidas would have slashed him in half with his claws.

"Get away from her!" He growled, his mouth filling with energy. "Ultra Destroyer!" He fired the laser at Lucifer, but the demonic Bakugan flew straight up to avoid it and caused the dragon to hit the Hollywood sign behind him.

"Nice try," Lucifer chuckled. "But it's gonna take more than that to defeat me." He shot over to where Sombra was and quickly scooped him up before flying up, Leonidas and Flash flying after him.

"Don't let him get away!" Flash cried, Leonidas firing laser after laser at him.

"Hey!" Leo cried, "don't you want my Attribute Energy? Get down here and we'll brawl."

Lucifer smirked as he looked down at him. "Oh, I'll be coming after you. But not before I'm ready." He snapped his fingers and his body exploded with light, blinding the pair for a moment before he and the light disappeared.

"Ahh!" Flash growled, Leo flying back down to the ground. There, Lyra had gotten to the ground and picked Nimue up.

"Are you okay?" She asked, tears forming in her eyes. "Like...please answer me!" The ball remained still for a moment, the let out a moan and opened up. Nimue looked up at her.

"That hurt," she sighed. "I'm sorry Lyra. I let him get the Attribute Energy."

"It's okay," Lyra assured her. "We'll get it back. I'm just glad you're not hurt." She hugged Nimue and the others gathered around her, all looking upset about what had happened.

"This is bad," Twilight sighed. "Now both sides have three Attribute Energies."

"Lucifer said he wasn't gonna come after me until he was ready," Leonidas pointed out. "Which means he must be planning to target Garuda or Gaia." Flash nodded and typed away at his BakuColar, getting through to the rest of their friends. "Guys, Lucifer has the Aquos Energy. He's coming for you."

"Just great," Soarin sighed as Ragnaroid held Roaster in his Purgatory Crusher Ability. "Guys, we might be about to have company!"

"I'll set out the sandwiches," Cleopal joked as her scarves floated up. "Just give me a minute." Rarity held out a card as she did so, which glowed along with the orbs. "Gem Leech!" The scarves extended and struck Roaster, draining away more power as Ragnaroid continued to crush him.

"Let...me...GO!" He squawked as his body exploded into flames, burning Ragnaroid and forcing him to let Roaster go. The chicken leapt up and spread his wings, which burst into flames. But before he could attack.

"Blitz Bolt!" A lightning bolt struck his back, making him cry out as the flames faded and his body froze up.

"Shell Spin!" Terraspin them shot towards Roaster and slammed his spinning shell into the rooster's side, knocking him down to the ground.

The hybrid picked himself up and as he did, the four Bakugan sounded him on four sides. Each of them stared him down as they prepared their attacks, Garuda and Cleopal charging forward ready to end this. "Apocalyptic Fire/Shell Tornado!" The other two yelled as they launched their attacks at him, slamming into him from both sides and making him squawk in pain as Garuda and Cleopal got in close.

"Sky Spark Surge/Mad Scratch!" They both shot passed him and in a blink, were on the other side of him with their claws pointed forward. Seconds later, explosions rocketed off Roaster's body as he screamed again. He was no longer able to hold on any more, the hybrid reverting back to ball form and falling to the ground.

They all cheered seeing this, but stopped when they saw Roaster beginning to glow a dark mist. "Grab him!" Soarin yelled, but it was too late.

As Garuda reached down to get him, the orb sank into the ground and vanished. "No," he groaned. "Now he's just going to show up again and cause more problems." Soarin knew he was right, but also knew they had bigger issues.

Looking around, he checked to see if Lucifer was gonna show up. But the dark angel was nowhere in sight.

"Lucifer's not here," he stated. "That can only mean one thing."

"Heavenly Cannon!" Quetzal yelled as she launched her laser at the humans on the ground, Gaia quickly moving in front of them to fire her own cannon.

The two beams collided and exploded, Quetzal so focused on her she didn't notice Wukong flying forward. "Wildfire Burst!" He swung his ponytail around and unleashed a flurry of fire, which slammed into Quetzal and burned her as her Heavenly Cannon faded away. This allowed Gaia's blast to push passed it and slam into the hybrid.

"YEAH!" The humans cheered as Quetzal was knocked flying back, as Fenroar and Lepusinge ran forward to where she was going to land. But Quetzal wasn't going down so easily, as she stared spinning.

"Feather Storm!" Feather flew off her body and shot towards the pair, forcing them to stop and leap away. The others frowned at this and watched as Wukong charged forward. But as he did, Bonnie's BakuColar beeped.

"Bonnie!" It was Soarin, "Lucifer's not showing up. I can only assume that means one thing." As he said that, Bonnie suddenly felt a chill run down her spin as the sun was blocked out.

They all looked up and saw the evil Bakugan flying above them, the other Bakugan gasping at the sight.

Wukong spun his cloud around, ready to attack. But before he could, Lucifer suddenly warped down to the ground and reached for the bunched up humans. "Look out!" Applejack cried as she pushed Bonnie away, Lucifer grabbing her in one hand and the other two in his other.

"GUYS!" Bonnie cried as Lucifer threw them away, sending them all flying off in different directions. "NO!" Their Bakugan partners charged forward, moving as fast as their bodies would allow to catch them. Wukong managed to grab Heath before he crashed into the water of the river, whilst Lepusinge bounced up to catch Fluttershy and Fenroar ran up the side of a building in order to catch Applejack in his tail.

"You okay?" He asked the farm girl, who moaned as she hung onto his tail.

"Ask me again when the world stops spinning." Fenroar turned back to Lucifer as he floated above Gaia, a smile on his face as he snapped his fingers. And in a flash, the dome appeared above him and started spreading.

"Hurry!" Heath cried, Wukong charging forward as the dome got closer and closer to the ground. The other Bakugan tried to get inside as well, whilst Bonnie and Gaia tried to escape. But the dome was too quick and sealed them inside with Lucifer and Sombra.

"Sorry," Sombra jumped onto the roof of a building, "but you're stuck in here with us until we say you can go."

"And now you'll have to deal with me," Lucifer chuckled.

"What if we refuse to battle?" Gaia asked, only for Lucifer to frown before warping over to her. The next thing she knew, she was being struck by an claw surrounded in dark energy. "AAAAARRRRRHHHHH!" She staggered back as Bonnie called out to her.

"Then I'll just attack and force the energy out of you," Lucifer smirked. Gaia panted as she clutched her chest, knowing he wasn't kidding. She and Bonnie stared at one another, nodding before turning back to Lucifer.

"Alright, you're on."

"But don't think you can take us by surprise like you did Heath and Lyra," Bonnie told him. "Heath let us in on all your little tricks. We know what's coming this time."

"Is that so?" Sombra smirked, "that should make things more interesting." As he said that, Lucifer and Gaia returned to their Brawlers as Sombra held up a card. "Then let's get things started. Gate Card...SET!" He threw the card towards the ground and held up Lucifer as he did. "Bakugan...BRAWL!" Lucifer shot through the air and hit the ground, popping open as soon as he landed. "Bakugan...STAND!" He burst into a tornado of shadow. "Rise, Darkus Lucifer!"

The tornado was sucked into Lucifer's hand, the Darkus villain crushing the shadows in his hands as he smiled down at the pair. "Hope you're ready, for the end."

Lucifer: 800Gs

They both shivered at this, but Gaia turned to Bonnie. "We can do this. We just have to stick together." Bonnie nodded before she grabbed her partner and threw her into battle.

"Bakugan...BRAWL!" Gaia shot through the air and hit the ground, "Bakugan...STAND!" In a burst of orange light, the giant Bakugan appeared and was eye-level with the flying one.

"You have taken everything I once cared about. The forest I nurtured. The Bakugan I housed within it. The very planet I called home. On this day, I swear to you, I will make you pay."

"I've heard that before," Lucifer smiled. "But let's see you actually put your Attribute Energy where your mouth is."

Gaia: 600Gs
Lucifer: 800Gs

"Bonnie!" Applejack cried as Fenroar clawed at the dome, only to get a shock in doing so.

"It's no use," Fluttershy told her. "That forcefield is impenetrable." She sighed, "Bonnie's on her own." As she said that, a laser flew down and almost hit her and Lepusinge, forcing them to turn their attention on the hybrid they had completely forgotten about.

"That's right," Quetzal laughed. "Your little friend will have to face my master alone. I give it five minutes before that overgrown oaf is down for the count." That statement really got on their nerves, the lot of them deciding to shut her up once and for all.

"Get her!" Heath cried, Wukong charging forward and swinging his staff at her. But the winged serpent managed to avoid the attacks and laughed at them the whole time. As she did, Heath looked back at the dome and frowned. "You can do it Bonnie. Don't let that guy get to you."

Inside the dome, Gaia charged towards Lucifer. As she did, Bonnie held up a card. But Sombra was faster.

"Gate Card...OPEN!" The field began to glow before chains shot out or the light, the lot slithering along the ground in every direction. "Enemy Lockout!" The chains wrapped around every building and slowly began to merge with them and the ground, Sombra chuckling. "Now you're truly alone." But then, he saw Bonnie smile.

"I don't think so." She show him the card she was holding. "Ability, Activate!" The card glowed as Gaia and the ground around her did the same, "Heart of the Earth!" The energy flowed into Gaia's fist before she let out a mighty roar, then thrust her fist downwards and slammed it into the ground.

The field shook as the chains covering the field and buildings cracked before shattering. "What?" Sombra asked.

"Sorry," Bonnie smirked, "but I just nullified your Gate Card. It's a power Gaia has in exchange for only half the regular power up."

Gaia: 700Gs
Lucifer: 800Gs

Gaia charged at Lucifer and threw a punch towards him, but Lucifer simply held up his own hand and caught the fist. "Nice try," he told her before letting go and grabbing her large wrist. Before Gaia could react, Lucifer flew into the air and swung her around.

"GAIA!" Bonnie cried, unable to believe Lucifer was so strong. The demon slammed Gaia into the ground with so much force, Bonnie was knocked off balance. As she fell to her knees, a part of the building she was in front of began to break and fall apart.

Gaia saw this and gasped, "BONNIE!" Rolling onto her front, she jumped forward and managed to place her hand over Bonnie. The debris fell and smashed into her hand, making her flinch but keeping Bonnie safe.

The girl finally recovered and got up, running from the building as Gaia continued to protect her. "You okay?" She asked her Bakugan, Gaia nodding as she stood up. But as she did, Lucifer slashed at her back and she cried out in pain.

"Ability, Activate!" The demon shot forward, "Deadly Strike!"

Gaia: 700Gs
Lucifer: 1000Gs

Before Gaia could brace herself, Lucifer threw a punch right into her chest. The impact was so great, her chest armor cracked as she staggered back. She smashed into a building and fell right through it, the taller construct collapsing upon her.

"GAIA!" Bonnie screamed, but had to run in order to avoid being crushed by more debris. As she did, Gaia was half buried by the rubble whilst Lucifer flew up and laughed. This battle had only just begun and already, Lucifer had victory within his grasp.

Author's Note:

Well, Lyra lost as well. Maybe Bonnie can claw out a victory.

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