• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 3,366 Views, 570 Comments

Bluebird - Hammerhead

To fulfill his ambitions as a military officer, and to live closer to his friends at school, Gallus goes to the Royal Guard Academy. Things should go well for him, although he's the only griffon among his fellow cadets and superiors.

  • ...

Two Sisters

The cadets listened to an orange mare in the dimly lit auditorium, giving a Communication and Applied Behavioural Science lecture on why soldiers commit atrocities. “Throughout history, we’ve seen evil commit atrocities against Equestria. Although, we should recognise those responsible had also made others carry out what they wanted,” she explained as she went through her slides.

She pressed a button as an old drawing of a black and grey pony covered in smoke appeared on the projector sitting on a throne. Surrounding the throne were ponies wearing helmets covering their entire face, leaving only green glowing eyes. “There are cases where soldiers were under magic-induced mind control, such as when King Sombra ruled over the Crystal Empire. In such cases, responsibility on them is minimal and more for those in control.”

“Other cases are not so clear.” She then pressed the button again to change slides, this time a different creature, a tall horse with insect-like wings and holes around its legs. “Former patrol changelings who worked under Queen Chrysalis argued that, like other changelings, starvation was a constant problem in the hive. They followed orders to kidnap, imprison, and treat ponies as food sources, believing it was the only solution.”

She pressed the button again; this time, the projector showed a large, white-furred baboon creature with horns as a crown. “Even the guards were trained never to believe that invading peaceful nations, overthrowing rulers, and oppressing citizens was the right thing to do.”

“As leaders, it is important to understand why creatures like these could easily commit atrocities by understanding their leaders. Learn from history, or our ponies will be doomed to be like them.”

“Have any ponies committed atrocities without being influenced by magic or mind control, ma’am?” The lecturer turned to the audience to see Gallus with one arm outstretched upwards.

The lecturer contorted her face, unsurprised but annoyed to see Gallus of all cadets asking such a question. “I’m sure if there were any, they didn’t take this class,” she answered scornfully. “That will be our lesson for today, but before you go, I have an announcement”, she followed up, ignoring Gallus as she picked up a paper to read aloud. “The Two Sisters Foundation, founded by our retired rulers Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, has offered to sponsor this year’s Academy Adventure Award.”

Murmurs and groans emerged amongst the cadets. The Academy Adventure Award was one of the schemes to encourage cadets to go somewhere and do some exercise, likely to avoid them relaxing for the two-week spring break. “Entrants will present to the Academy board what you and fellow cadets had done over the spring break. The team with the best presentation will be rewarded with a total cash prize of one thousand bits.”

Sudden gasps flowed through the audience, the tone of the murmurings shifted to positive and encouraging, and even Gallus’ eyes widened at the sound. “I’m aware the spring break is a while away, but now’s a good time to plan what you want to do if you want to win. Class dismissed. “

With the lecture over, the cadets made their way out and travelled to the mess hall. Along the way, the volume of chatter elevated about spring break, knowing a cash prize was involved.

“Guys! Guys! We need to go somewhere together once break starts,” urged Nicknames with excitement at Gallus and the others.

“You’re eager,” Gallus remarked nonchalantly.

“Uh, yeah, why wouldn’t I be? There are a thousand bits if we go somewhere cool enough!”

“To share, right?” Lightning Dust questioned with a narrow-eyed stare.

“Oh, yeah, there’s five of us so…” Nicknames hastily counted in his head, looking towards the ceiling while tapping one of his hooves to the ground. “Two hundred bits each? That’s gotta be something, right?”

To most of the group, even for how much Griffons valued the gold coins, Gallus had never seen what two hundred bits looked like, let alone one thousand. He was lucky if Grandpa Gruff gave him more than five bits to spend on himself, and even at the School of Friendship, he had to save for an entire term if he had to have two hundred.

Pound Sterling glowed at the thought of so much money, “Aye… ah can finally get my ba’ ‘n arras.” She pictured herself with an expensive red bow and a quiver filled with arrows; the quality was leagues above the ones she had to borrow from the shooting range.

“See! Steppin’ Time’s got it!” Nicknames remarked, wrapping an arm around Pound Sterling whilst distracted in her fantasy. “So come on, where should we go?”

“Ha ‘bout we all go thru t’ woods in Trottin’h’m?” Pound Sterling offered. “We can camp overneight.”

“You mean like all your other camping trips, Steppy?” teased Lightning Dust, with an added punch to the arm. “That’s like me wanting to do a high-altitude flight around Cloudsdale.”

“Yeah, if we want to win that cash prize, it’d have to be something none of us has done before… Any other ideas?”

As Nicknames scanned the group, all were in thought, but none of them could think of an answer; the fact they didn’t reach the mess hall for lunch didn’t help with thinking clearly. Despite teasing Pound Sterling, Lightning Dust couldn’t think of many good ideas, just places she’s previously flown around, such as Cloudsdale and Rainbow Falls.

Scythe also struggled; he knew his family had gone on journeys during their Academy days. Aunt Ariel Bomb and his mum worked as volunteer nurses in Somnambula, the desert village in Southern Equestria, though that was decades ago. Tomcat, on the other hoof, just stayed at a guard base that dad was stationed in, though it wasn’t his original plan.

He remembered Tomcat talking about going to the Frozen North, where their dad went during his days at the Academy, but Tomcat suddenly changed his mind after talking to him. Scythe never understood why, apart from his brother insisting not to bring it up. Suppose he suggested Somnambula and the others agree to it. In that case, he’d be able to tell his parents without causing a scene.

“We could go to Somnamb- “

“Hey, I got an idea,” exclaimed Nicknames, interrupting Scythe’s comment, “how about we hang out in your country, Bluebird?”

Gallus just stared daggers into Nicknames. “Yeah, let’s not go with that idea…” he responded sternly. Besides not being in the mood to go back to Griffonstone after his uncomfortable time during the winter break, he wasn’t keen on visiting griffons in other cities. “Besides, I think we’d think of better ideas after we’ve gotten food, and I’m starving.”

Before the group could turn the corner and head inside the mess hall, a familiar authoritative voice bellowed. “Gallus! There you are.” It was Captain Westland, swooping past before landing. Despite calling only Gallus, all five stopped to face her and stood upright to attention. “You have some visitors in the entrance hall”, she informed Gallus. “I know it’s lunchtime for you, but they can’t stay long, and I wouldn’t keep them waiting, " she instructed. Gallus could only close his eyes and fume quietly to avoid groaning in front of his platoon commander.

Westland smiled in turn, “Besides, they told me you’ll be happy to see them~” she said in a cheery tune.

The cheery tone sounded unsettling coming from the commander; it didn’t give Gallus much comfort for what was in store for him. Still, he knew he didn’t have a choice. “Yes, ma’am,” he said in a defeated drone before turning around and walking away from the mess hall.

The only pony that decided to follow Gallus was Scythe. He had his reasons to be curious, as well as offer emotional support for the hungry griffon. “Ugh, who wants to see me, and why didn’t they come after I had already eaten?” he moaned.

“Could be one of your friends.” Scythe offered.

The thought got food off Gallus’ mind, a relief to see his friends again after so long, but he was only distracted by how puzzling it was. “Yeah, could be, but Yona didn’t mention anyone coming down, and I haven’t had any other letters since then.” He furrowed his brow. “Who else would want to see me?”

The two made their way down past the pillars leading to the large double doors of the entrance. The room was barren as all the other ponies had made off for lunch. As Gallus looked from side to side, he could see a few Pegasus ponies flying across the sky outside with a few more earth ponies trotting down the edge of the field. Still, as far as anypony or anyone Gallus could recognise? None.

His forehead creased, and he turned back to face Scythe with an annoyed grunt. “Figures, bet this was some pony's prank to waste my-”. Before he could make his way back to the mess hall or even finish his sentence, he was pounced upon from behind one of the pillars.

“GALLUS!” a cheery voice exclaimed! Scythe was taken aback by seeing a black feathered, overly excited griffon standing over a dazed Gallus. The griffon pulled him up to his hind paws, only to wrap its arms around him and squeeze him. The intense pressure caused Gallus to squawk, leaving an echo to travel the room. “Ohmigosh, it’s so great to finally see you after so long! We’ve been so worried about you!”

Feeling his bones crack from such a tight hug was so familiar that Gallus recognised who had just attacked him. He tried in vain to give a response. However, the lack of air wasn’t helping his needed time to think of an exit. “Gabby… did you… say we?” he asked, with what little gasps of breath he could let out.

“You bet she did!”

Suddenly, another pair of claws pulled Gallus away, although it wasn’t the escape Gallus had hoped. He became trapped in a headlock, and instead of his chest being compressed, he now had knuckles digging into the crown of his skull. “Hey Gallus, thought you could avoid us for several months and get away with it?”

Once more, Gallus screeched in pain, and he also recognised the voice of this griffon. “Gilda! Get off!” he yelled. Scythe was frozen, uncertain to help free Gallus from a white-headed griffon, locking him in a headlock and giving him a noogie.

He should help rescue his friend on the one hoof, having experienced many a noogie from his brother Tomcat. On the other was what this griffon could do to him. Gabby just stood by giggling, showing the slightest concern over Gallus's agony.

“Aw, what’s the matter? Army griffon can’t fight his way out?” teased Gilda, giving Gallus enough irritation to make his way out.

While pushing away her arm as far as he could, he twisted his head sideways, giving him enough room to slip himself out from underneath. He speedily flung himself around until behind the Gilda and hooked his arms out. He grinned as the combat training had paid off, trapping Gilda’s arms and wings around his arms.

“Ow! Okay, okay! You win!” the other griffon relented.

Gallus let go of his hold, causing Gilda to stagger forwards. The two griffons paused to catch their breaths whilst Gabby was gleefully applauding the so-called match. “What are you two doing here?” asked Gallus as he tried to recover.

“Well, we were in the area and just wanted to check up on you”, Gabby replied, “isn’t that right, Gilda?”

“Sure, sure, plus I haven’t been here before,” said Gilda. She stretched her back and looked around the giant hall, observing the paintings and weapons decorating the walls. “Cool place. When can I move in?”

“Who’s this?” Gabby queried as she turned to Scythe but instantly gasped before anyone could answer. “Is this one of your army friends?!” she guessed enthusiastically, flying right into Scythe’s personal space sporting a huge grin.

After a few steps backwards to make room, Scythe returned a smile as he tried to remain calm. “Yeah, hi. I’m Scythe,” he said, politely extending his hoof towards the griffon to shake her claws. “I’ve seen a photo of you two in our dorm….”

“Scythe, it’s probably not a good idea to do that-”

But Gallus’ warning came too late. Gabby grabbed the hoof with both sets of claws. “I’m Gabriella Griffon, but you can call me Gabby since we’re friends now! Pleased to meet ya!” She then shook her arms, blissfully unaware that her violent shaking caused the pony’s head to swing back and forth until she stopped.

“Nice to meet you too…” said Scythe, left in a dizzy state.

Gabby immediately focused on Scythe, “Are those your friends too? Hello!” She then waved her arms exaggeratedly as Gallus and Gilda looked down the hall to see what Gabby was waving.

Lightning Dust, Pound Sterling, and Nicknames had huddled together, staring at the three whilst hiding behind a pillar. The surprise from catching eye contact with the three griffons caused the huddle to fall onto the ground.

“Uh… sup? We were bored of waiting for you, so we wanted to check up on you,” Nicknames hastily explained as he got up on the floor, grinning nervously. “Totally not spying out of curiosity….” His explanation failed to lessen how awkward the encounter was.

Lightning Dust had to step in, “Yeah, anyways. That’s Nicknames, this is Pound Sterling…”


“…and I’m Lightning Dust. Pleasure to meet you, Gabby and….”

“Gilda, Gilda Griffon.”

As Lightning Dust continued to look at Gilda, she couldn’t help but tilt her head. “You look familiar…” she admitted. “Have we met before?”

In response, Gilda quickly looked away towards the ceiling, nervously scratching her head. “Uh, probably, this isn’t the first time I’ve been to Equestria and all…” she said.

“Well, it’s cool to finally meet some of the friends Gallus keeps going on about.”

“Actually, we’re his-” Gabby interjected, but a bellowed voice cut her off.

“What’s with all the commotion going on here?” Authordox, having caught the squawks and talking going on, made his way to the entrance to investigate. After all, it was still lunchtime, and cadets should stick to the schedule, not crowding around the buildings outside without good reason. Only when he got closer did he see three griffons when there should be one, locking eyes with both Gabby and Gilda.

“How in Celestia did two birds get in here?!” he asked harshly before quickly turning to look down on Gallus. “Did you let them in here?” he accused. “We have protocols for visitors; nopony else knows if they are dangerous or not.”

“Cool it, dweeb. We were already checked for safety when we arrived and were let in by one of the platoon commanders.” Gilda folded her arms and gave an unapproving stare at the unicorn. “Besides, we’re not staying long.”

All the cadets, including Gallus, froze in a panic. Their eyes widened as they turned to Authordox. His coat started shifting from white to pink, and his eyes bulged. All the while, steam was bursting from his nostrils. It was hard to know if an old kettle had boiled or a volcano had erupted, but what was clear was Authordox wasn’t pleased with Gilda’s attitude. “Dweeb?!” he screamed before marching directly towards Gilda.


Despite the volume and invasion of space, Gilda neither moved her body nor changed her facial expression. “Did you forget?” her response was deadpan, saved for a curiously shaped eyebrow.

It only made Authordox angrier as he gritted his teeth, especially as he heard Gabby silently giggling and a pony was snickering behind him. His head turned behind him to see who laughed, but all he could see was a sea of anxious faces in a silent hall. He then angrily turned back towards Gilda.

“Maybe your delivery griffon companion or Gallus should have warned you that I’m Commandant Authordox. I’m the head of this Academy, and nothing comes in here without me knowing about it. Unless you want to be dragged off the premises, you should show some respect.”

Gilda just smirked. “Oh! I’m so sorry,” she said sarcastically, “Gabby and I weren’t aware of all the procedures around this place.” Then her brows drew together as her tone of voice deepened; it was time for her to be serious. “Maybe we would have been prepared if your mail ponies hadn’t cut off communications with our little brother.”

Authordox tilted his head. “Little… brother?”

“Yeah, as in Gallus, you’re talking to his sister.”

Gallus could feel his heart stop as every pony went confuzzled and turned to him for confirmation. He had no idea what Gilda was doing but was too overwhelmed to say a word.

“Sister?” Authordox repeated, feeling some need to clarify.

“Yep, we’re both his big sisters!” Gabby proudly chimed in, flying towards Gallus to wrap her arm around him with a massive grin on her face.

Scythe was just as confused, “But Gallus didn’t you tell me that-MMMFFF!” He suddenly felt his jaws clamped shut as Gallus held his muzzle with his free arm as if a defence function had kicked in uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Gilda swooped into Gallus’ other side, wrapping her arm around him whilst hiding Scythe from Authordox’s line of sight. “Yeah, and with our family, you don’t get respect unless you show it. So please, can we have some time with Gallus to catch up after not hearing a word for THREE MONTHS?”

The room was silent once more, the air thick enough to be cut with a knife. The scene was tense as the griffon and unicorn stared each other down. Authordox couldn’t get over the nerve of Gilda and Gabby flying into his Academy without him noticing, making him look like a fool in front of cadets. Not to mention calling him out on the letters stolen by a rule breaking employee.

He wouldn’t be put down by these birds, especially as the Commandant. He is the authority of this place. He wasn’t going to back down. It would look bad on him if he were seen with his pride bruised. Then again, it would look bad if he ordered guards to drag away a cadet’s family member who wanted nothing more than to talk. That would hurt the reputation of the Academy and its pride.

He had no choice but to choose his battle if he didn’t want to think of himself as low as the griffons. He cleared his throat. “Well, you should move the conversation outside. Crowds are better outside than in.” He then adjusted his stance and took a deep breath to relax. “Also, you’ll be happy to know the E.U.P. Guard’s Internal Affairs are investigating the mail situation. There should no longer be any problems with our communications for the time being. Good day, griffons.”

He then turned around and departed, grumbling to himself. The room went silent again. Nopony was sure how to react as Gilda glared at Authorfox as he moved further away.

Nicknames took a deep breath and turned to the three griffons, holding his hooves together as he prayed the tension was over. “So… it was lovely to meet you both,” he said, “I’m gonna go grab some food and let you have some family time. Laters.”

“Yeh, I’ll save you sum scran when yer get back, Bluebird.” Pound Sterling added a little salute as she and Lightning Dust began to follow Nicknames down the other end of the hall towards the mess hall.

Once the three were far away enough to avoid the griffons from possibly hearing them, Nicknames let out a whistle. “Those two sisters are really something. No wonder Gallus wanted to go military,” he remarked, impressed with their confidence and nerves of steel.

“Yeh, ‘ere ah thought Bluebird woz ‘n onny child or summa’.”

Lightning Dust agreed with Pound Sterling; it’s not like Gallus brought up his family with them. Plus, the older griffon, Gilda, was still bothering her. She couldn't put her hoof on where she's seen her before. It couldn't have been any random encounter, but then again she hadn't met many griffons, especially not one as tough and feisty as that.

The only griffon she had any connection to was a small shy griffon with oddly the same white head and tan body, who didn't talk much but was crazy good at flight acrobatics, back decades ago when they were at- “JUNIOR SPEEDSTERS!” Lightning Dust exclaimed as it suddenly dawned on her, causing the other two Pegasus ponies to jump in surprise. “The flight camp in Cloudsdale! That’s where I recognise her!” she explained.

She quickly rushed back towards the corridor to see if Gilda was still at the entrance with the others. Yet, to her disappointment, the hall was completely vacant.

Despite being a jerk, the Authordox had a good point about the outdoors. It was better for crowds. Gallus, Gabby, Gilda, and Scythe stood by the wall in front of the main building. The cool spring breeze was refreshing after the heated exchange.

It meant they could talk properly, although Gabby was too eager to find out as much as possible as quickly as possible. Gilda fixed her eyes on a nervous Scythe who was trapped between them.

“So, tell me everything! How’s your study going? Are you eating well? Done any fun exercises? Ooh, have you gotten any new uniforms?”

Gallus held up an open claw to signal the excited griffon to stop. “Okay, Gilda, Gabby, you two can drop the act. Scythe already knows…” he pointed out.

Gilda continued to stare down at Scythe with folded arms, leaving the Pegasus in significant discomfort. “And he can keep a secret, right?” she asked, or what felt like an order. Scythe hastily nodded before swiping a hoof across his muzzle as if closing a zip across his mouth.

Recognising the gesture, Gilda could relax. “Ah, finally,” she said, letting out a deep sigh of relief, “you have no idea how awkward it is to say that stuff.”

“So… you’re not….”

To clear things up for Scythe, Gilda shook her head. “None of us are related. I’m surprised all the other ponies bought it.”

“Well… why are you two really here?” Gallus was compelled to ask, with the truth laid out.

That was when Gabby’s mood shifted, and she hung her head. “Well, I was in Ponyville doing my rounds and spoke to Silvy”, Gabby explained, “and when I brought you up, she got really upset.” Gallus could feel his heart sink. He couldn’t stop the rush of guilt across his body upon finding out about Silverstream. “I was surprised when she said it turned out you hadn’t been reading her letters because somepony at the Academy was taking them from you… so. I wanted to see if you were okay.”

After hearing Gabby’s explanation, Gallus could feel a little happy knowing that Gabby would fly to the Academy to check on him. Unsurprisingly, her love to help others was excessive for most griffons.

It made him wonder why Gilda would show up, though, mainly when they spoke last time, Gilda wasn’t happy with him being away from Griffonstone.

When Gallus and Scythe looked at her, she quickly took a step back and avoided eye contact. “I was also in Ponyville just to hang out with Rainbow Dash. Before I knew what was happening, Gabby dragged me along here…” she explained, nervously scratching the back of her head.

“That’s not true!” Gabby called out. “You overheard us and got really, REALLY angry!”


“And then you said things about those army ponies going to pay and started flying towards Canterlot. Dashie and I had to hold you back to calm down while you were shouting bad words off the top of your lungs!”

“Quiet, Gabby…”

Gabby then turned to Gallus and Scythe.

“She said she was gonna find those jerk mail ponies and tear out their-”

“OKAY, GABBY! You made your point!” Gilda yelled, holding Gabby’s beak shut in the hopes of stopping her from saying any more. Even then, she knew her dignity had shrunk as she saw the look on Gallus and Scythe’s faces. “I was worried about you as well, okay” she reluctantly confessed, as her cheeks turned rosy. “I’ve known you since you were two, and I didn’t like the griffons who picked on you, so why would I let ponies treat you the same way, y’know?”

“Well, glad to know our message got sent out,” Gallus remarked before letting out a chortle. “But… sisters? Really?”

“In my defence, the original plan was to pretend we were your cousins”, Gilda stated before she glowered at Gabby. “But SOMEGRIFFON jumped in and went off script when we met the guards.”

“In my defence, we had to be convincing and give a good reason why we needed to see him, and it worked!” Gabby argued in her cheery, upbeat tone. “That nice Captain Westland was happy to see us when she thought we were siblings. Besides, since I was a fledgeling, I always told mama I wanted a widdle brother or sister to play with,” she admitted. At the same time, Gallus had to endure his face being smushed around by her claws while listening to her baby talk.

“There was also something we were supposed to give Gallus, remember?”

“Ooh yeah!” Upon being reminded, Gabby let go of Gallus’ pudgy cheeks and pulled a letter out from underneath her wing. “Silvy quickly wrote this for you. If you want, Gilda and I can visit you from time to time. We can pass letters along,” she said as she passed the letter.

“Yeah, we can send a message now before we go”, stated Gilda. “If not your friends, maybe a message to some griffon in Griffonstone?” She suggested in a judging tone before she folded her arms and leaned forward. “Like Grandpa Gruff?”

That was what Gallus was missing from Gilda, her bringing up not talking to him. He could feel anger building up as he clenched his claws. Gabby also dropped her smile once she heard that name.

“Gilda!” she hissed, “I told you not to bring him up.”

“Well, excuse me”, Gilda hissed back sharply. “When we go back, do you want to be the one to listen to the old geezer go on a bitter rant about how Gallus isn’t home, isn’t talking to any of us? I’m already at my limit myself.”

Gallus’ anger was rising, and Scythe looked on with concern.

“I don’t like hearing it too, but we shouldn’t be making Gallus talk to him if he doesn’t want to.”


“And when will he want to? Grandpa Gruff is getting on. It’s not fair to make him fly all the way to Canterlot because Gallus won’t come to Griffonstone unless some ponies make him.”


“Hey!” Gallus yelled, ceasing Gabby and Gilda’s arguing and their feathers puffed out in shock. “If you just tell Grandpa Gruff that I’m fine, will that get you to stop?”

The two looked at each other, calm and aware their bickering led them nowhere and nodded back at Gallus. “Alright. Guess we should fly back,” said Gilda, “can’t keep you from having food with your buddies.”

“Thanks for coming out here,” Gallus said sincerely, the corner of his mouth curved upwards to show his appreciation for the crazy encounter.

Unable to help herself, Gabby eagerly pulled Gallus in for one more tight hug. “It was good to see you too,” she cooed.

Gilda, in turn, planted her talons on the top of Gallus’ head and ruffled his head feathers. “Yeah, don’t be a stranger, got it?” she ordered.

“Alright! Alright!”

The two finally let Gallus go and stepped back before spreading their wings. They pushed themselves off the ground before turning and flew back to Griffonstone as Gallus and Scythe looked on.

“So… if they aren’t your sisters, who are they?” Scythe asked curiously.

“It’s complicated,” Gallus answered. “Gabby loves to be kind and helpful to a fault. Whenever she wants to be supportive, she ends up embarrassing me instead. Gilda wouldn’t give me the time of day unless she caught me doing something wrong and threatened to call Grandpa Gruff on me. Then she changed and stood up for me from time to time.”

“Maybe they’re more like sisters than you think….”

“I guess…”

Once the two griffons were nothing but specks in the sky, the next thing on Gallus’ mind was the letter held in his claws. He could feel the beating of his heart quicken as he tore open the envelope, not for any romantic reason. It was concerned about what she would write after months of zero contact.

He took a deep breath and delved into his first letter from Silverstream since the start of term.

Hey Gally,

Sorry for the rushed letter, Gilda was urgent about flying off, and even with all their strength, Gabby and Professor Dash couldn’t hold her for long.

I haven’t told anyone else, but I will be in Mount Aris for two weeks over the spring break. I don’t know if you can come down before or after, but tell Yona or write to me if you can.

Miss you,


P.S. If you ever get my letters, could you hold onto them before you next see me? It’s important.

There was strange relief, the letter felt as positive as he would expect from her, but there were things that felt off. It wasn’t just how she rushed it to her admission; no mention of the letters that Gabby said got her upset. What about not telling her friends about going to her home in Mount Aris? Or asking Gallus to hold onto her letters, meaning not to open them, what did she write?

There were just too many questions, he wanted to make things up with her, but he also wanted to know.

“What did Silverstream write?”

Gallus was startled as he remembered Scythe was still standing beside him. He quickly folded up the letter. He wasn’t sure how to explain the letter, but he had an idea in his head.

“Uh… I think I know where we can go for the spring break.”

Author's Note:

Aaaand that's the third book complete! Thank you all for reaching this far.

I'm gonna be busy with a bunch of things for the next two months (unrelated book being edited, house move, conventions) but I'll do some planning work during the free time I get, because I do enjoy working on this story and writing all the interactions between the characters.