• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 3,366 Views, 570 Comments

Bluebird - Hammerhead

To fulfill his ambitions as a military officer, and to live closer to his friends at school, Gallus goes to the Royal Guard Academy. Things should go well for him, although he's the only griffon among his fellow cadets and superiors.

  • ...

Break the Ice

“How does this feel?” asked the nurse, gently applying pressure to the brim of Gallus’ blue wings. The griffon winced as his chest rested on the table, his breath seethed out through his shut beak and his eyes clamped shut. Even after a week of early morning drills and exercises, his wings were not getting used to the strain.

Fortunately, the nurse was an empathetic pegasus, “While I may not have enough expertise to figure out what to do with your talons,” she professed, “I’ve seen enough wings in my time to know you need to take better care of them.”

She made her way to a draw, pulling it open and using one of her wings to reach inside and pull out what appears to be a folded leaflet, before turning back towards Gallus and handing it to him. His eyes glanced at the page in front of him, SIMPLE WAYS TO STRETCH YOUR WINGS was printed in big navy-blue text on top of a sea blue background.

“I’ll write a note for you to hand to your captain,” she said as she picked up a quill to write down, before making a request. “Before you come back next week for your check-up, be sure you do some of those stretches every morning.” Gallus made his cue to push himself off the table, collect the note and give his thanks before making his way out. “SLOWLY, or you’ll be lucky to fly for the next few weeks” she warned him, loud enough that he could hear it just outside where another pegasus was sitting outside, rubbing their own pair of wings.

As he made his way outside, he kept his eyes fixed on the leaflet as he grumbled. He had only just become accustomed to the early morning wake up, tidy up, stand for room inspections, breakfast, and drills. Now he had to fit in stretches into the tight schedule so he could possibly manage the exercises for the rest of the day. He stopped to begin reading through the leaflet, to see which ones he could apply with the least amount of effort before an odd voice in the distance caught his.


The griffon clocked his head and lifted his feathered ears, trying to make out the voice and why it caught him out of the noises of hoofsteps and bellowing calls from other platoons carrying out their drills. It had a high pitch, a bit of a screeching call to it, coming from above, and there was a sense it was getting closer at an unusually fast rate. He tried to turn his head around towards the direction of the voice, but before he could complete the turn, the next thing he remembered was being knocked straight into the gravelled floor in a daze.

Using what motor skills, he could function in his woozy state to turn himself onto his back, he could make out in his blurry vision a silhouette of whatever collided with him. When he moved his arms, he felt talons resting underneath one of them, and it was not one of his own to his relief.

He could only guess who or what it could have been that flying taloned creature just collided with him, “Ugh…Silver…stream?” he uttered with a groan. His vision started to clear as the figure towering over him started to come into focus. His guess was way off, it was a large female bird, but there was no silver hair or bright pink feathers. Instead, there was a huge grin coming from the amber beak of an arctic grey feathered griffon with wide round turquoise eyes.

“Omigosh! Gallus, it’s you!” the griffon elated in recognition, and without any warning, Gallus was hoisted and pressed against a feathery chest, and clamped around two strong arms. She cheerfully squealed and cheered as she hugged him tightly.

In stark contrast, Gallus squawked in pain from the intense pressure against his aching wings. “Oof… hey… Gabby…” he greeted her with his best effort as he began to suffer from chest compressions and the soreness of his wings, his feline feet dangling off the ground as he hung in Gabby’s friendly vice.

“I can’t believe you’re actually here!” she joyfully remarked, before dropping Gallus back to the ground to think. “Well technically I always hoped you go to a place like this since I still remember when you were very very little you wanted to be a soldier so much that you would strap tree barks to yourself and sticks to dress up like one but now you’re actually get to train like one here I’m so happy for you I could just EXPLODE!”

There was a pause for breath that Gallus took advantage of, not only so he could sit down to recover from the tightest hug he had experienced in months, but also to process Gabby’s hundred words a minute dialogue. “It’s a surprise to see you too,” he steadily responded, “what are you doing out here?”

“Oh, I’m just at work,” answered Gabby, quickly turning to show off her brown shoulder bag, donning a pink wood-carved shield on it. Back in Griffonstone, she was the friendly and upbeat mail delivery griffon. Gallus remembered how he would see her delivering post, even when he was at the School of Friendship, she would be giving and receiving letters with a smile. Although why she was currently in front of him at the Academy, Gallus levelled his eyebrows in suspicion this was not a coincidence.

“But you don’t work this far out,” he pointed out with a jaded stare, “I thought you only get time to visit Ponyville.”

The oblivious Gabby just smiled, “Not until a few weeks ago!” she remarked and shifted her shoulders. “The other griffons finally realised I needed extra claws to handle the workload, so now I have more time to travel to Equestria and back.” Gallus kept his incredulous stare, although Gabby remained unaware of it as she opened her shoulder bag. “Besides, there are some creatures in Ponyville and Griffonstone who have things to send to you~”

Using her talons, she gently pulled out a thin pink envelope, the mention of Ponyville caused his feathered ears to stand up and his eyes to widen with anticipation. It could only mean one thing to Gallus; his friends wrote to him.

His mind raced as he wondered what was in the letter, who wrote it, what have his friends been up to, what was he going to write. After all, he promised he would write when he was at the Academy, but up to that point, he barely had the time to pick up a quill, let alone the energy to write a letter out. Then the rest of what Gabby said caught up with him.

“…wait, Griffonstone too?” he asked as he cocked his head.

A proud smile and nod were given in response., “Don’t want to ruin the surprise, but I managed to get a few griffons to put stuff together for a care package” Gabby happily explained. “I was gonna hand it to you before you set off, but when I asked Grandpa Gruff where you were, he just got grumpy and said you were long gone.” She explained it so positively and passively like it was no big deal, yet Gallus could feel his claws dig into the gravel as they clenched into fists. Gabby tilted her head, “How come you left ear- “

“What in Celestia is going on here?!” a loud stern voice shouted in the pair’s direction, the moment Gallus caught eyes with a tall white unicorn with a crossed look on his face, wearing a dark green jacket with red stripes on the collars and multicoloured bands on one side of the chest. Appearing higher ranked than either his captain or staff sergeant, Gallus shot upwards to attention. “Griffon, do you know who this is?” the unicorn asked with force, pointing a hoof towards Gabby’s direction.

“Yes, sir” Gallus hastily replied.

“Can you explain what she is doing here and why you let her- “. Before the unicorn could finish his question, his hoof was grabbed by two talons of the excited griffon and was shaken. Perhaps shaken a bit too hard, despite Gabby’s greeting intentions, as his head was being violently shaken along with his hoof.

“Oh HELLO! I’m Gabby Griffon, delivery griffon for Griffonstone, please to meet ya!”

She finally let go after intense shaking, and left the unicorn in a daze, his eyes briefly spinning before shaking himself back to focus on the pleased griffon. “Pleasure…” he remarked with displeasure, as he rubbed the shaken hoof against the side of his jacket. “I’m Commandant Authordox, head of command at this academy.” He introduced himself before turning to see the pair of them, Gallus still stood tense through the encounter.

“From what I can see you two aren’t aware of how we run this place. We don’t allow anypo…guest, to just fly onto the grounds, especially during the first four weeks of initial training. We also have our own department for handling mail, so unless you are a delivery pony with the particular authority then you need to…”

Gabby’s head bounced up, “Oh yeah! That reminds me” she cut in once more, “I asked the Canterlot Post Office about where to send things to the Academy and I was told to show this.” She dug through her shoulder bag and pulled out a cleanly folded sheet of white card and gestured it towards the Commandant’s direction.

The Commandant jerked his head back and picked up the card with the power of his horn, allowing it to unfold and float in front of him. The card was immaculate, with clear and thick cursive handwriting on it with a simple and signed instruction: “To the E.U.P. Royal Guard Academy, Let Gabriella Griffon meet with your mail couriers. Signed, Postmaster General Mare Mail

The Commandant glanced towards Gabby before returning to the note, he assumed this must be a joke as his eyebrows slowly raised in disbelief. He looked behind him and raised his head in a gesture to order a staff officer to approach. Soon in response, an earth mare approached and stood at attention by the Commandant’s side.

“Take Miss Gabriella to the mail courier department,” he begrudgingly ordered, “when she handles her deliveries be sure to show her the way out.” The mare gave a salute and turned face towards Gabby. The griffon gave Gallus another tight hug, enough to break him out of his tense stance.

As Gabby made her way towards the far building, both Gallus and the Commandant shared a sigh. For Gallus, it was out of relief, but for the Commandant, it was for something else. “It is bad enough having one griffon here…” he uttered under his frustrated breath. He turned towards Gallus, who peered towards him. The unicorn felt a slight agitation that perhaps he spoke a bit too loud and turned to the griffon fully and looked down on him. “Don’t you have somewhere to be, griffon?”

“Yes sir…” answered Gallus, as he slowly walked his way towards the cafeteria, it was lunchtime.

The cafeteria was almost full by the time Gallus arrived, with the appearance of an informal banquet of green matching coveralled ponies sitting at long oak tables surrounded by old paintings of guards in battles hung on dark mahogany walls.

The griffon stood in line with a tray and plate in hand to choose something to eat from the long buffet down the side of the room. Gallus was never a picky eater, like other griffons he’d enjoy meat or fish, but after spending years in Ponyville, where the only meal options were vegetarian or vegan, he had to adapt quickly. Fortunately for him, ponies were exceptionally good at making vegan dishes that were close enough, although choosing what to eat wasn’t the top priority on his mind at that time.

As much he could tolerate Gabby’s bounciness and upbeat personality, that short time before the Commandant arrived was the first “casual” conversation he had with any creature since he arrived, at least aside from his roommate. One week and most of the ponies would rather stare at him oddly than say anything, and the few that did were part of his platoon, and they couldn’t get his name right.

He counted the number of weeks he had in his head, he had 43 more weeks in this place. He did not want to spend 43 weeks in his current situation, where the only friends he could talk to were miles away. Unfortunately, the only friend he had was hard to find amongst the rows of other ponies sitting and chatting away, maybe there was another pony in his platoon he could follow?

“Ay up Bluebird! Allreet?” a voice called out from behind him.

Either it was the background noise merged in with the voice he heard, or there was something off about the words being spoken. He did recognise one word though, Bluebird, it was what that pegasus in the platoon that puked in the washroom called him. It was not the most pleasant indicator that the voice was from a fellow platoon pegasus, but it was better than nothing.

He turned around to see a white mare, her mane was brilliant amaranth cut short enough to touch the top of her cheeks, she had a green cutie mark shaped like three trees. The griffon had to think quick, he could not make out what was said but he shouldn’t be rude or offensive, there is the background noise so he needed to casually pretend that he couldn’t entirely hear her. “I… um… what?” he asked hesitantly. Somehow, he mistook pretending not to hear with pretending to be dumb.

Luckily, the mare remained unphased, her mind was on something more important. “Move up and get ya food, am famished,” she asked firmly, nodding her head in his direction. Turning his head back around, he was reminded of the buffet and getting food, and he made his way down the line to choose his food.

He decided it was going to be lasagne for lunch, grabbing a ladle to scoop it up. At least he’s got his food, although that didn’t take off the impression, he screwed up with the mare next to him. She mare picked up a hayburger and noticed Gallus looking down. “Ya mard at somethin, Bluebird?” she asked concerningly.

The griffon started to frown; it was that name again. “You know my name is Gallus, right?” he asked.

The mare returned a confident smirk, “Course ah do,” she answered, “just a good nickname spread fast, jono?” she proceeded to grab some more fried hay from another tray to add to her plate.

Meanwhile, Gallus raised one of his eyebrows, “Nickname?” he queried.

“Yeh, everyone in the platoon ‘as one, means ya fit into the banter” as she casually explained, she scooped up some steamed vegetables to complete her plate, the size of the dish compelled Gallus to grab another scoop of the lasagne to compete. “Don’t bother ya, does it?” she followed with curiosity.

The banter of it made sense, it reminded him of his friendly jabs with Smolder. The dragon would often call him something like pigeon or chicken when he’d manage to get on his nerves. On the other hand, he’s blue and a type of bird, so the best nickname the other ponies come up with was that? That is not assuming they were calling him after the little twittering bird, he wasn’t the only griffon who didn’t like being called after smaller birds.

"If I wanted a nickname, I’d rather it be a cool one. What’s yours anyway, Sterling?”

The mare just laughed, “Heh, no one gets a cool nickname in the E.U.P. Mine’s Steppin’ Time.”

An odd nickname for sure, Gallus could see he was not the odd one out. “Why do they call you that?” it was his turn to be curious, he had to know.

The mare bowed her head, “Bad riddym wid drills in the first day,” she breathed in and returned to her smile as she looked back at Gallus, “best not get into a munk over it though, name’s Pound Sterling by the way.”

That’s when Gallus remembered, Staff Sergeant Razorwing kept calling out somepony named Sterling to step in time with the others during the first drill sessions. Gallus started to snicker, getting the banter part of the nickname.

“Guess it is better than if your nickname was based on your accent” he calmly reassured her.

Suddenly, Sterling’s face turned sour. “Wot accent?” she asked, her voice had deepened as she began to glare.

At that moment, Gallus’ heart stopped, unsure how seriously in trouble he was at that moment. He could feel himself tense up as he tried to force himself backwards. He was ready to apologise when Sterling suddenly burst out laughing.

“Nah, just messin with ya! Am from Trottin’h’m, where am from you’d be the funny talkin’ one! Ka’mon, let’s eat.”

Sterling took her tray and made her way towards the dining tables, meanwhile, in a state of confusion and relief, Gallus felt he had not much choice but to follow her.

It ended up being a good idea for Gallus to follow Sterling, as she made a direct path towards one of the tables. The table was full on both sides, and to Gallus the only one he could clearly make out was Scythe in the corner with his head staring down into his meal, with his crewcut mane showing in full view.

How Sterling thought the two of them could fit onto either of the benches was made clear when the mare stood at the end of the table, “Right lads! Budge up!” she ordered, and the pony on one of the corners saw her and started to shift along the bench, bumping into the next pony who followed until there was room for her to sit. Luckily for Gallus, he did not need to make any assertions, all it took was Scythe looking over to recognise him before shifting down to give Gallus room to sit.

The griffon sat down to eat his lasagne, back to a silent moment, as the other pegasi were conversing amongst themselves that was hard to decipher, and Scythe was not keen to join in himself as he kept his head down.

Then one of the ponies sitting opposite turned their directions to him. “Hey Bluebird, mind if I ask you something?” Gallus looked up to see who it was, and he saw the familiar cyan pegasus, Mr Throw Up. It was not his name, Gallus could not make out what was said on the nametag, probably was not his nickname either, but for Gallus it was a reminder.

Although he would rather not want to hear it, he sighed and gave in, “Fine, go ahead.”. He knew there was not much else he could do aside from eating.

“What made you decide to join the Royal Guard Academy? I mean, I know there is no better army to be in than the E.U.P…” he explained with an arrogant smug, “…but don’t griffons have their own army?”

His question seemed intently curious, smugness aside, so Gallus played along. “Yeah, the Griffon Army, an all-airborne military force for the griffon empire. I was gonna sign up, until a year ago…”

Mr Throw Up leant in further. “Then what changed? Not good enough for them or were they not good enough for you?” he asked haughtily, looking around the table to see if other ponies thought it was funny. The pegasus’ heart sunk when he turned back to see Gallus with a half-lidded glare, and he turned on the defensive. “Dude, I’m only joking.”

“You're always joking when you act like a jerk…” a mumbled voice had uttered from where Scythe was sitting,

Gallus took a deep breath and continued, “More than a year ago, I thought there was no better army to be in than the Griffon Army, and it would have been the only army I could have gone to.” He then paused, before lifting his glare and transitioning a mild tone. “But then I was in my final year at school in Ponyville, and all of my friends were staying there. My only choice would have been moving away from them to train in the Griffon Army, at least until I was on a field trip…”

“Welcome to the Royal Canterlot Palace, this is the oldest surviving actively used castle in the history of Equestria. It has been the residence of our former monarchs Princess Celestia for over one thousand years, as well as her sister Princess Luna for nine of those years, and is currently the home of our current monarch, as well as your school’s founder and former headmare, Princess Twilight Sparkle. As students, you will get to have a rare opportunity to witness various parts of the castle that are not part of our regular tours.”

It was several months ago when Gallus had “volunteered” to assist guidance councillor Trixie to supervise the first years on a field trip around Canterlot Palace. He was forced to help because of blackmail for a prank that he and Smolder pulled off, it was doing this or face Headmare Starlight. As a result, he was the only one in the tour group without a hint of glee or excitement.

One of the young first-year ponies eagerly raised their hoof to ask a question. “Will we get to meet Princess Twilight today?” Other faces glowed with anticipation at the thought of a potential famous visitor, but unfortunately, the tour guide had to disappoint.

“I’m sorry, but the Princess is currently away performing diplomatic duties.” A series of awws were emitted from the young group, but the guide kept her smile to reassure them. “I know, she’s truly disappointed that she couldn’t meet all of you as well, so she’s provided gifts for you all to receive at the end of the tour.”

While they were at least accepting, Gallus had his peeved and unsurprised glare fixed on his face. He could recall the same happening when he was part of the first-year tour, where Princess Celestia was ‘inconveniently’ away during his time at the palace but received a gift-basket of fancy chocolates at the end, recalling other classes over the years getting the same treatment as well... “It’s almost as if it was actually planned this way…” he quietly muttered to himself.

He would continue to keep an eye on the youngsters as they enjoyed the many sites around the palace, he may have had the fortune of being there more than once, for all of them it was their first time. Their reactions throughout the palace reminded him of the guided tour he had with his friends, Ocellus bug-eyed over the size of the filled bookshelves in the library, Yona getting lost in the maze at the royal sculpture garden, Smolder salivating at all the gemstones found on the royal artefacts in the gallery, Sandbar being thrilled and smug for getting the chance to sit on the royal throne, and Silverstream being overjoyed and playing with the telescope in Luna’s observatory.

They were good times, the memories were enough to keep him entertained, even if he was losing focus on the students, he had to keep an eye on them. The tour had reached a long hallway on the west wing when Trixie had made an announcement.

“Fillies and gentlecolts! May I present to you a special guest as part of the tour.”

This announcement confused everyone, especially both Gallus and the tour guide, neither of them could recall special guests on past tours. Nevertheless, everyone saw Trixie gesture towards a pony emerging from around the corner. It was a tall and amber coated Pegasus stallion, wearing plated armour and a tail helmet with a plume the colour of blood red to match his tail. He was recognisable to everyone, and the first years murmured amongst each other.

“I think I’ve seen him before… Is that the pegasus our professors talk about, right?”

The smug Pegasus gave his answer. “As far as I know, you’d be right! Name is Sergeant Flash Magnus, one of the Drill Instructors for the E.U.P. Canterlot Palace Royal Guard Regiment.”

“Woah Woah Woah… did you say you saw Flash Magnus? As in THE Flash Magnus?!”

As Gallus lost his train of thought, he looked up to witness half a row of pegasus ponies stare back at him, frozen with raised eyebrows. “Uh… yeah?” he answered, only raising a single eyebrow, calmly waiting for the reaction that would follow.

Throw Up’s face blew up, “Dude! Do you have any idea who that is?!” he asked with radiant energy, the likes that would compare to meeting a famous buckball athlete. It would not occur to Gallus that the Pillars have a similar kind of status to some folk, but there was a small part of his mind that figured that having teachers and tutors who saved Equestria from villains a few years earlier may have skewed his expectations of ponies just a bit.

“Actually, I d- “

“Flash Magnus a living legend! He started off as a cadet in the Cloudsdale Royal Legion over a thousand years ago,” as everyone listened to the pegasus’ patronising exposition about Flash Magnus, Gallus slowly became jaded as he already knew about the same pony. “He became a symbol of bravery for many heroic acts, even being honoured as one of the Pillars of Equestria.” Gallus knew about that too, almost like it was in Headmare Twilight’s class on Equestrian History. “Legend has it him and the rest of the pillars were in limbo to trap the Pony of Shadows until a few years ago.”

“I think he already knows all that…” Scythe also shared Gallus’ jadedness, not that any of the other ponies could hear him.

Then the pony next to Throw Up chimed in, a stallion with an amber coat and brunette hair, his coveralls had the name Breaker written on the tag attached to his coveralls. “Hey, do you know what I found out?” He asked rhetorically, seemingly just as much a fan of Flash Magnus himself. “Flash Magnus has other descendants in the E.U.P., there are whole generations with the Magnus name serving in the Guard. In fact, a Magnus graduated from here a few years ago, could you imagine if there was a descendent of Flash Magnus in our year? Or even in our platoon?”

“SO, GALLUS!” Scythe called out with an elevated voice, much to everyone else’s surprise. “You were telling your story about being in Canterlot Palace?”

Unsure of what Scythe’s eagerness and grin was all about, Gallus steadily continued…

“Woah, you work here?” one of the first years asked in amazement.

“That’s right,” Flash gladly answered, “it’s my job to train new recruits here at the palace, either to be guards here at the palace or in other regiments around Equestria.” He leapt and flapped over the entire group before landing at the windows to point out at the west wing courtyard. “As you can see, Canterlot has its own regiment that takes care of protecting everything, with companies dedicated to protecting either the city, palace or the monarchs. It is my duty to ensure that all companies have soldiers prepared in case something bad happens.”

Every first-year huddled around the window, outside they could see several ponies in the courtyard in full-plated armour, some marching in groups while another drill instructor shouts at them, standing guard, patrolling the outer walls, or saluting one another.

“So, anyone got a question?” offered Flash, to which every first-year turned around and huddled around the Pegasus, asking any question they could, albeit not all relating to his current job.

“Is it true you singlehandedly took on 30-foot dragons?”

“How come you always wear a helmet; do you have a cool mane cut?”

“Are you the same age as you were when you went into limbo? Or are you like over a thousand years old?”

As Flash, Trixie, and the tour guide try to control the young students and their eager questions, Gallus had remained fixed at the window, looking out towards all the soldiers and officers on active duty. Wheels turned in his head as he observed them training or working in full armour.

“Hey, I have a question!” Every other pony and student paused and turned their heads towards the griffon, one arm with talon raised. “Are there any requirements to join the Royal Guard, as a soldier or officer?”

All heads turned back to Flash Magnus, pausing for thought as he rubbed one of his hooves under his chin. He had to remind himself of the entry requirements, recruiting was not part of his general line of work.

“Well, ideally you need to be fit, healthy and prove that you’re outgoing. If you want to be an officer, nowadays you need to graduate from the E.U.P. Royal Guard Academy, which also requires you to be a particularly good student and a good character overall. Apart from that, the Royal Guard takes all kinds.”

The eyes of Gallus widened by only a few millimetres as if a lightbulb had gone off above his head. Trixie looked towards Flash with a smirk, appearing as the only one to recognise Gallus’ subtle glow that emerged. “If one of these prrrrospective students is interested in joining the Royal Guard after they graduate, what would they need to do?” she asked leering towards the Sergeant.

“Oh, well you can go into any E.U.P. Guard recruitment office to apply. There is one in every city, in fact, the Canterlot office is in the city square. I believe there’s still time to apply for the academy.”

Satisfied with the answer, Trixie decided to wrap things up. “Well, on behalf of everyone from the School of Friendship, I thank you for your time and your service.” After waving to bid Flash Magnus a farewell, the group were directed down the hall in one direction, as Magnus made his way in the other, Gallus occasionally looking behind as he moved further away.

“That’s what made me decide, I went to the recruitment office and filled in an application form later that day.”

As he finished the story, he noticed some on the table was still listening. Not as much engaged, but earnest. It was a relief for him, not seeing confused and standoffish expressions, but those who were interested. “Musta bin a surprise for tha pony wokkin there,” remarked Sterling.

“Well, he wasn’t that much help until he actually saw me,” Gallus replied, rolling his eyes. “never understood why he was weirded out by me being there.”

Throw Up jumped in, “Sure it’s not because you’re…?” His question trailed off as Gallus looked in his direction, his eyes widened as Gallus started to glare, easily anticipating what the rest of it was supposed to be.

“I’m what?” he dared the Pegasus, drawing a smirk. Instead, Throw Up lowered his head into his food, much to Sterling’s snickering.

All the while, Scythe was just smiling away. “Nice that you wanted to work closer to your friends,” he added quietly, leaning towards Gallus for him to hear. “must be hard though, being here and all…”

“Maybe, but I think we can manage,” using his talon, he reached around his back and underneath his wing. He pulled out an envelope that had been planted there by a friendly courier and was kept hidden the whole time. “As long as we keep in touch.” He opened the letter and smiled as it confirmed who he thought it was from.

“Hey Gally!

Silverstream here, just wanted to let you know what’s going on. The three of us at the house are having a busy time at school, sadly couldn’t get Smolder and Ocellus to write something because they’re out on a date tonight. I dunno what is more adorable, seeing them together or Smolder being all pouty whenever she is wearing a dress. :heart:

Speaking of dresses, Yona’s told me that she’s already on her first dress assignment with Rarity, hopefully, in a few weeks, I can send a photo to you of it! Sandbar’s also getting better at swimming down at the lake, although we should see how he fairs against a sea pony some time. ;)

I hope you’re doing okay at the Academy, those big tough guards not giving you a hard time. Just remember we’re all rooting for you! :heart:


Author's Note:

If you want to find out what actually happened in that recruitment office, here's the story! This is one of the original chapters I drafted before tweaking it into a flashback.

The next chapter will be more training shenanigans!