• Published 3rd Mar 2021
  • 3,366 Views, 570 Comments

Bluebird - Hammerhead

To fulfill his ambitions as a military officer, and to live closer to his friends at school, Gallus goes to the Royal Guard Academy. Things should go well for him, although he's the only griffon among his fellow cadets and superiors.

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First Day on the Field - Part 2

What a perfect first night out with friends was what Gallus thought through that first night manoeuvre, the sarcasm incapable of escaping his mind. All six of them, Gallus, Scythe, Throw Up, Pound Sterling, Wind Breaker, and Dusty, out in the woods. With nothing more than the full-bodied coveralls they were wearing and the spears and navigation tools they carried, they faced the chill of the autumn evening. With nothing more than the moon in the sky, they faced the darkness of the woods.

As they slowly walked around the perimeter of the woods, the only way they could preoccupy their time was to talk with the only things they could see clearly from their limited field of vision, themselves. At least, they could talk amongst themselves, as long as they could speak no louder than the cicadas that chirped from the sides of the trees.

“To be truthful, Sterling," whispered Gallus, “I was looking forward to seeing what you loved about camping until now…”

“Ah did say there’s always summa’ new…” Sterling leant on her upright spear like a walking stick and held onto one of her hindhooves to massage it, “least we can sit down for a bit, mee dogzizz barkin.” With all the flying and landing they did during the daytime, the temptation to rest came as no surprise. Gallus himself could feel the ache in his talons and paws, although neither of them was the worst complainers of the group.

“Ugh, I only had six hours sleep last night,” moaned Throw Up, his voice had become slurred from fatigue. “I didn’t know we had to do night watches…”

“I did…” Of course, Scythe knew, likely it was one of his brother’s warnings that were uttered but ignored by others.

“I can barely see anything in this night, can you lot see anything?” Gallus took a pause to scan the area around him, aside from the pegasus ponies in his group, everywhere around him was a dark shade of navy blocked by tall dark pillars.

He could make out dark figures moving in the distance, they were either the other group that had to be awake or their command keeping an eye on them, at least he hoped it was either. The only other clear and visible to his eagle eyes were the moon and stars that shone through the branches and leaves above him.

Throw Up continued to moan, “How much longer do we have to stay up?”

“Maybe five minutes less than when you last asked…?” Scythe replied, he couldn’t bother to lift his head to show his jaded face.

Not that Throw Up would notice, he attempted to calculate with what energy he had, “…so we have three hours to stay awake, minus the amount of time we’ve been doing so far…” He stopped and looked to the empty wrists on his forehooves, his head tilted as he turned around to face the rest of the group. “Has anypony kept track of the time?”

After a beat, the whole group sighed and marched past him, it dawned that no one had a watch or timer on them.

The exhaustion was getting to some in the group, Wind Breaker couldn’t stop thinking about the combat manoeuvre during the day, the obstacle course from weeks earlier, or his own struggles at drills. “Not sure I can take more of this…” he confessed to himself, his head bowed as the moments orbited around his head. “It’s not what I signed up for…”

Catching wind of the last part, Gallus asked curiously, “Well, what did you sign up for?”

Wind Breaker rotated his head slightly to see Gallus out of the corner of his eye, “…adventure, I guess?” he answered with a shrug. “Manehatten is a great place to live if you like art, entertainment, business…” his voice trailed before he finished with a ceded sigh, “but I wanted to go outside, challenge myself…”

The griffon could see Wind Breaker was downcast, but lifting spirits was hard enough in this environment. “Well, this is a challenge,” he remarked, before turning to the rest of the group. “Guess that is what we all wanted, right?”

Sterling nodded. “Course, ah love ta fields and woods, they’re part of my home in Trottin’h’m.” even with a lack of sleep, it was impressive how she kept her chin up and a smile on her face. “It’s why ah came ‘ere, to be a dragoon.”

Gallus furrowed his brow, “You joined the academy to be a dragon?” he asked, yet the mare simply mirrored his brow and stared.

“She means the regiment…” he turned his head towards Scythe and went poker-face. Scythe realised it was Gallus he was talking to, so he cleared his throat and clarified. “The Trottingham Dragoons, it’s one of the E.U.P. Guard infantry regiments.”

Sterling drew a wide smile, her pride overriding her lethargy, it was as if she had the resilience. "Aye, it’s the best regiment, trained to fight in the forests, day and night, rain or shine” she explained in brief. “Wanted to be one since ah was a little bogga, so ‘ere ah am.”

It sounded obvious in hindsight, but Gallus wondered if there were more regiments out there. He has seen the Royal Guards at the Canterlot Palace and knew about the Crystal Guards of the Crystal Empire, but he also knew Equestria was a huge country. Just because a lot of villains end up in either Ponyville or Canterlot would not mean the rest of Equestria was unprotected. He figured it must be like the Griffon army, a regiment for each city,

It also meant another realization for Gallus. “So, you already had a regiment in mind…”

Sterling nodded once more, “Aye, plus ah led ‘nuff camping trips at uni to convince others I could make a good leadeh.” It did give Gallus a bit of relief, knowing a pegasus who wanted to be an officer close to home as a possible goal. All Gallus wanted was to be one and live close to his own friends in Ponyville, at some point he would need to find out which ones are nearby.

He figured he might get some clues by asking around, “Okay, so we know why Breaker and Sterling signed up, what about the rest of you?” he asked, stretching his talons to act casual. He instinctively made his first candidate his own roommate, Scythe.

However, Scythe didn’t realise he was expected to talk until the rest of the group followed and waited in his direction. “Oh uh…” he opened, giving a slight jump and looked upward to think of his answer “my brother’s been through here, my parents were in the guard, my grandpa was in the guard, so it made sense to do the same...”

As Scythe’s voice trailed off, Throw Up’s eyebrows rose with intrigue. As he had been nodding off during the exchange, decided to lean by a tree and keep the conversation going. “Huh… Mumbles' from a military family… fair enough.” His head then turned to Dusty, “What about you?”

The mare had a slight reluctance to answer, only relenting when Sterling nudged her, “I enjoy flying, it’s what I’ve always been best at…” she answered with her gravelly voice.

“Oh really? Why didn’t you join the Wonderbolts?” Throw Up followed, although Dusty’s face contorted in frustration.

“I mean, I tried…”

Throw Up then smirked, “Ah, you washed out…” he remarked. In an instant, Dusty glowered at the smug pony and started approaching him, only being held back by a hoof on the shoulder by the other mare of the group.

“Oi, Dusteh! Dusteh. He ain’t worth it” she called out in a loud whisper, attempting to calm her down.

But something about what Throw Up said got the wheels in Gallus’ mind turning until his eyes lit up. “Wait… weren’t you part of a touring pegasus stunt group… what were they called… The Washouts?” As if on instinct, the turquoise mare went pale and tried to look away as quick as she could. Her aversions failed, as recognition finally dawned on Gallus’ face. “I KNEW YOU WERE FAMILIAR! You’re Lightning Dust!” he exclaimed, only to have the mare press his beak shut to shush him, reminding that they need to be quiet.

Throw Up, on the other hand, snickered at the realization. “Wait, for real? You were a stunt pony?” This left the mare red face, being called out and having two cadets to be angry at.

“Yeah, I saw your show in Ponyville years ago, you were awesome!” quietly eagerly remarked Gallus, after forcing her hoof away so he could speak again. “How come you’re here?”

Lightning Dust started to agitate and look away, “I uh… wanted a new challenge… like you said…” Before Gallus could press further, Lightning Dash bolted ahead of the group, motivating everyone to move.

Now near the back of the group, Gallus and Scythe walked beside each other. The cicadas continued to chirp with crickets as things got quiet again until Gallus felt a nudge in his side.

“Hey Gallus, what about you? Why did you want to sign up?” asked Scythe quizzingly.

The griffon tilted his head, “What do you mean?” he retorted. “I’ve already given a whole story of why I joined the Academy.” He recalled the lunchroom break from the first week in the Academy, Scythe was sitting next to him, so he must have remembered it.

But Scythe persisted, “Yeah, and you said you’ve always wanted to be a military officer and join the Griffon Army…” He then tilted his own head to match Gallus. “what made you want to do that?”

For a moment, Gallus looked out in front of him with a long stare, the question troubled him. It was true that he always wanted to be an officer in the Griffon army, but he didn't have aspirations to go to a specific regiment, or knew anyone in the army, or even had past experience that could justify it. He did have a reason though, it required digging back through his memories. The further back his memories went, the more his eyes began to dart and the more he felt compelled to hold his breath. Then, in the end, he hunched over, “It’s not important…” he mumbled, looking down at the damp soil and away from the Scythe.

Scythe looked on with narrow eyes, as the group kept walking to their next breakpoint.

The group decided to rest their legs against a set of trees, positioned so they could look out for any activity from all angles. All they needed to do was keep themselves awake, although it was easier said than done. Gallus could no longer feel the strain on his talons and paws from all the walking around, the thought of relaxation was enticing him to rest.

“I’m so tired…” he yawned, lightly tapping the bark of the tree with the back of his head.

Suddenly, a new voice emerged. “Oh, you’re tired, are you?” It caused Gallus to jump, it was the same gravelly and cranky voice from the obstacle course. “You young’uns don’t know what it’s like to be tired, in my days there were jobs you had to be awake all day and all night for.” Gallus looked around, the voice sounded like it was so close that it had to be right next to him, almost like they were in his head.

His breath quickened, he was starting to hear things, he must be dreaming. To test if he was awake, he clasped his beak shut with his talons, covering the holes on top to block his airways. If he could still breathe, he was dreaming.

But strangely, he could feel his lungs burning, the urge to open his beak again heightened until he let go. He gasped, he was relieved that he could still breathe, but it did not explain why he was dreaming. “Still awake… need to stay awake…” he repeated to himself.

But the ominous voice continued, “Oh, you wanna stay awake now, do ya? I’ve got a good story that’ll keep you up.” Slowly, a dark figure formed in front of Gallus, detailed enough to make out its shape of a griffon, but too dark for him to recognise.

“It was over a hundred and twenty years ago that the Griffon Empire received word of Arimaspi sightings in the southern city of Feathermore. The local Griffon Army regiment was in need of additional support so King Grant, the grandfather of King Guto, made the decision to send a group of his finest personal guards to aid them. One of those guards that went down was none other than my own grandfather.

When he and his fellow guards were making their journey to the city, they prepared for a mission to help the soldiers and officers to locate the beast and attack it by surprise. Yet when they arrived, an Arimaspi was in the midst of a rampage in the city square. The giant goat-headed lion had already broken through buildings and crushed monuments with the aim of seeking out precious gold.”

The voice told the tale with a dramatic tone, Gallus could feel himself leaning forward, compelled to hear more.

“Grandpa and his comrades took no time to rush directly into battle, their arrival bringing hope to the denizens in hiding. With their quickness, tenacity, and teamwork, they managed to distract the one-eyed beast long enough to drive him out from the city. Unfortunately, saving the city was not enough to end the beast’s wrath.”

Then the figure spread its arms out, revealing large sharp talons on each. They began to move around, following the actions of the story being carried out.

“Its target had changed to the very guards who drove it away, and in a fit of rage, it would swipe at the guard’s left and right, until it caught two of Grandpa’s comrades in its razor-sharp claws against a mountain. Those guards would have been goners, but Grandpa noticed fragments of rock trickle down from the mountain from impact, those fragments came from a loosened overhang in the rocks right above where the beast was flying. In his quick instinct, he lunged his spear like a javelin at the overhang with enough force that cracked and crumbled. As it fell onto the Arimaspi, he swooped in to grab his comrades.

Grandpa would have been heralded a hero for saving his fellow guards and defeating the beast, but the mountain he struck created an avalanche that crumbled on top of them. They had little time to take cover in a small cave, but as the rocks and snow piled up, the three were trapped inside. The other guards didn’t know of their fates and made the journey back to Griffonstone. The three griffon guards, however, were found alive by those soldiers from the Feathermore regiment of the griffon army, fifty-six hours after being trapped.”

After a brief silence, Gallus suddenly heard a young voice emerge. “Wow! Fifty-six hours?” The voice jerked his head in the direction of another griffon, much younger than him, although oddly she appeared to be taller than he was.

The griffon looked awfully familiar to him, her feathers were a darkened grey, her big turquoise eyes twinkled with awe and wonder. “They must have been in there for an eternity!” the young griffon remarked gleefully.

“That’s only two and a half days Gabby,” another young voice emerged. It was another young female griffon, her head popping out from the side. It was another awfully familiar face, white feathers with pink streaks and purple shadows around amber eyes. She jeered towards the young Gabby “it’s not that long” she sardonically commented, being followed by a small crowd of childlike giggling.

“Oh really?” The old cranky voice emerged, causing the bratty griffon to jump and dart her head back forward. Suddenly the dark figure leant forward, revealing himself to be a griffon as well, but also an intimidating one. He had no feathers on his head, apart from some small black ones on the back of his head, and some very bushy eyebrows. He glared with one good eye, and another with a whitened pupil and a large scar across it.

“Do you think you could handle two and a half days in a cave with no food, no water, and almost no light, not sleeping for nearly three days straight, Gilda?”

Gilda hastily shook her head with her eyes fully wide open and beak clamped shut, as Gabby curled herself up.

“How did they stay awake for so long?” Gabby asked nervously, her head half-covered by her knees. “How did they get out?”

The old griffon drew a long breath, rolled back his shoulders, and smiled, “Well, Grandpa always told me that a griffon will do anything to keep their mind occupied. His comrades still had their spears on them, so they used the metal points to dig through the rubble until they had a hole big enough to get themselves out. When they returned to the city they had rescued earlier, the denizens bent over backwards to nurse them back to health and alert King Grant that they were alive.

So, you cubs need to understand two things. One is that persistence will always pay off, no matter how long it may take. Two is that helping other griffons will someday earn you help in return, just when you need it.”

All the while, Gallus could feel leant forward with wide innocent glistening eyes, unable to speak, fully captivated by the story he was listening to. He no longer cared if he was dreaming or not, he wanted to hear more. The older griffon, meanwhile, stood up and started to brush himself off with his talons.

“Right, it’s getting late, that’s enough storytelling for tonight.”

A harmony of aws and sounds of disappointment emitted around Gallus, “Can you tell us another story?” asked the voice of a young griffon from further back.

“No,” the older griffon bluntly answered, “your parents will want you to go to bed soon.”

“Pleeeeeease?” another young griffon pleaded.

The older griffon paused for thought, before stretching out one of his open claws. “…ya got bits?”

Before Gallus could do anything to respond, he felt himself being violently shaken. “Gallus? Gallus!”

“Wh-what?” Gallus looked around frantically, only to stop and see Scythe kneeling beside him with a worried look on his face. “Do you see something?” he asked.

“Uh, no it’s just…” Scythe placed a hoof on Gallus’ shoulder, “you weren’t responsive…”

The griffon tilted his head, “Was I asleep?” he asked worriedly.

Scythe shook his head, “No… I mean… you looked awake, but you were staring off at nothing….”

In response, Gallus turned back forward to see he was back in an empty forest. “Just thought I saw something…” he responded with a feeling of chagrin. “You asked why I wanted to be a military officer, right?”

“Yeah…” Scythe answered, his eyebrow raised, “a long while ago.”

Gallus took a deep breath, “When I was little,” he explained, “there was a griffon who would tell stories to all the fledgelings and cubs. His favourite stories were ones of his Grandpa Griffon, this great soldier chosen by the King of the Griffons to be one of his personal guards, who always took great risks to help others.” He then bowed his head between his legs. “He looked up to his grandfather, and I know it sounds silly, but I wanted to be that griffon so other griffons might look up to me.”

Finally getting his answer, Scythe sat down by Gallus and looked up to the stars, with a content smile on his face. “I don’t think that’s silly,” he remarked, “Taking risks, helping others, being inspired by some griffon, that’s something any creature should look up to.” He saw Gallus lift his head up as if to make sure Scythe was being sincere. That was when Scythe had another question, “Was that griffon also a soldier? The one that told you stories, I mean.”

All Gallus could offer was a hard shrug, “Grandpa Gruff loves telling stories of the past, except his own.” Scythe never expected to get a name, if Gallus accidentally slipped during that moment, he didn’t seem to care to correct himself. The pegasus could still sense something was missing from the griffon, as he continued to stare off into the distance.

He could see one of his hooves slowly move over Gallus’ head on his own. For a moment he hesitated, he wasn’t sure if a hoof over the shoulder would help. After a short sigh, he finally lowered the hoof around his griffon friend. “Either way, I’m sure he’s proud of you for getting here” he kindly reassured him.

Gallus, in contrast, lowered his head to hide the grit of his teeth. He appreciated the gesture, but he wasn’t so sure that he was correct either. “Thanks…” He looked to the lower-left corner of his vision and caught sight of his spear. He picked it up and used it to pull himself back to standing. “We should probably get back to moving around the perimeter, right guys? …Guys?”

The two looked around and saw Throw Up, Wind Breaker, Lightning Dust, and Pound Sterling all resting against trees, motionless with their eyes shut. Scythe’s heart stopped as he realised what this meant. ”We need to wake them up!” he told Gallus, before rushing over to the others to try and shake them awake.

All the while, Gallus was calm. “So, what happens if one of the cadets sleeps during night manoeuvres?” To him, it couldn’t be bad if one of the cadets got in trouble for sleeping whilst he didn’t, but Scythe wouldn’t agree with that reasoning.

“If one of our group is caught sleeping, we are ALL in trouble. Not only with the staff sergeant but with the captain! You don’t want to get in trouble with the captain.”

The recollection of what Captain Westland looked like when she was glowering sent a chill down Gallus’ spine.

“…we need to wake them up.”

The pair went around to each of them, shaking them and calling out their names in hopes of getting a response. It was easier said than done since they couldn’t make noise without getting attention in case either Razorwing or Westland were watching them.

They had some progress when they could hear frustrated groans, or eyes half-lidded, from Wind Breaker, Lightning Dust and Pound Sterling, but one pony just wouldn’t budge.

“Nick! Nick! Nicknames!” Scythe called out to Throw Up, or Nicknames as his name turned out to be, Gallus needed to pause for a while to process that info… “You’re not meant to be asleep!”

Nicknames just pushed Scythe away, with his eyes tightly shut. “No mom, I don’t want to go to school today…” he moaned.

“Nick I'm not your mom, it’s Mumbles, remember?”

Gallus took his turn, using the butt of his spear to prod Nicknames until he waked up. “Quiddit…” it didn’t work either. Then Gallus looked at the top of his spear, the triangular-shaped tip shimmered as it reflected the light of the moon, his eyes grew wide as he came up with an idea.

“Scythe, I know a way to wake Nick up…”

“How?” asked Scythe with curiosity, but when he turned his head to Gallus, he saw the griffon slowly move his spear to point towards Nicknames’ flank. He began to get concerned.

“Uh… Gallus?”

“I’ll be careful,” Gallus calmly reassured Scythe, “all you have to do is be ready to shut his mouth.”

As Scythe pondered why he would need to do that, Gallus slowly moved the spear closer, and closer, and closer to Nicknames, until suddenly…

The sleeping pony’s eyes shot wide open. “OW! SON OF A BI-!” Scythe screamed at the top of his lungs, his yells cut short by a swift Scythe wrapping his arms around Nicknames’ face, although it wasn’t enough to halt his muffled screams and flailing legs of sharp pain. When the rest of the platoon ran up, fully alert with their spears upright, wondering what was going on, Gallus and Scythe knew the plan had worked.

The group had finished a tour of the perimeter, being a short walk from their base. The night became calm and comfortable, although not for everyone. “So… sorry about your…” whispered Gallus to Nicknames as he rubbed the back of his neck with his talons, feeling guilty while wanted to avoid further humiliation caused by the wakeup call.

Nicknames had remained stolid since the incident, “I’m fine” he quietly replied as he rubbed his forehoof against the surface area of his flank. He had spent the time since they started walking with a steadfast refusal to make eye contact with anyone, he’d rather be caught sleeping by Razorwing than the way he had been caught. Then in a short moment, he caught the anguished griffon in the corner of his eyes and laugh quietly. “Guess I deserved it though.”

“Yeah, you shouldn’t have fallen asleep,” chortled Gallus.

“Actually, I mean the time I made you clean the washroom on the first day…”

He remembered it, and it turned out to be in the back of his mind for a while. To Gallus, it was as close to an actual apology he was gonna get from this usually arrogant and smug pegasus, as he saw him with his face down, his eyes up, and one hoof rubbing his arm. “Let’s just say we’re even,” remarked Gallus with a smirk on his face.

The two finally had a shared positive moment for the first time since they arrived, a relief for both. Keeping up his smile, Gallus then raised an eyebrow, “So, is your name Nicknames, or is that itself a nickname?” Given how ponies had such pun-heavy names, he had to know if what Scythe called him was sincere.

Nicknames just shrugged and shook his head, “It’s what ponies call me, what did you think my name was?” Instead of answering, Gallus just turned his head back to face forward, leaving a deadpanned face. It was probably for the best not to let him know that Gallus had internally referred to him as Throw Up for several weeks.

In an unfortunate convenience, another pony was not feeling comfortable at all at the moment. “What was that?” asked Wind Breaker, as he flinched and looked out through the trees in the dark forest. He peered as if recognising something, but others looking in the same direction could be confused as there was no movement to be found.

“What was what?” asked Lighting Dust, her head tilted in the hopes her ears could catch what was missing. “I don’t hear anything.”

Wind Breaker felt adamant to the contrary, “Something is out there…” he uttered, as his upright spear slowly lowered until it was parallel to the ground, held tightly in both his hoof and his wing.

The other ponies started looking at each other, “Is there? I see nuthin’” remarked Sterling.

The anxious pony relented, his eyes grew wider began to twitch, every small movement in the branches and shadows exaggerated more and more in his mind. “Something is out there, and it’s going to get me…” The rest of the group started becoming concerned, his behaviour became unsettling. Suspecting paranoia, Gallus started to approach Wind Breaker, slow and with caution.

“Uh… Wind Breaker… you know this is still an exercise, ri- “

“Get away from me!” shouted Wind Breaker, without warning, he swung his spear towards Gallus, inches from his throat. Panic set in as the group witnessed a hostile standoff, Wind Breaker breathing heavily through his teeth, fully capable of thrusting his spear forwards, while Gallus was frozen in place mid-step.

Nicknames rushed to Gallus’ side, “Breaker, buddy, it’s okay” he calmly yet nervously reassured his friend, his hoof reached out to try and stop something drastic, “We’ve been up for a long time, you’re exhausted. Just calm down, okay?” Gallus could feel Nicknames slowly inch towards him, almost ready to be pushed out of the way.

“No! Something is after us, we’ve been fighting all day, why wouldn’t they go after us at night?”

Nicknames persevered, as he tried to show a more friendly nature to calm his friend down. “There’s nothing after us, it’s just you, me, Bluebird, Mumbles, Steppin’ Time, and Dusty…” He tried to take a step forward, but Wind Breaker jutted forward in retaliation.

“Don’t come any closer!”

From Gallus’ perspective, he could see Wind Breaker was not in the position he wanted to be, his breathing was erratic, and the tip of his spear vibrated as it pointed directly towards the griffon’s neck. He needed to be taken back to reality, and as much as he tried, Wind Breaker wasn’t getting through to Nicknames. Gallus’ eyes shifted back to the spear in his own talons, he knew he was taught a way to handle a danger like this.

“Wind Breaker,” he opened before he took a deep breath and met the pony with a firm gaze, “put down your spear.”

The other ponies looked at each other, Gallus spoke firm and down, it put Wind Breaker’s focus back on him. Then Gallus slowly lowered his own spear to an angle, and carefully placed his other talon around it with a solid grip. “Drop your spear, now…” ordered Gallus, his spear hovered over the head of the hostile pony. The others were unsure if they should intervene before a fight broke out, but Scythe looked down at the ground between them.

Wind Breaker’s hooves began to shift, although it wasn’t much, he was moving backwards. Scythe realised what Gallus was doing, it was the stages, Gallus shouted, then he showed. He carefully moved to Gallus’ other side and angled his own spear in its own ready position. The realization was soon met by Sterling, and then Lightning Dust.

The paranoid pony now had a griffon and three ponies with their spears forward against his own, his breathing slowed, and his hooves started to tremble as he returned to reality. Ever so slowly, his spear lowered even further, until eventually it was dropped and landed on the soil.

As Nicknames finally felt safe enough to pull Wind Breaker away from his spear, Gallus took one long deep breath. All the tension built up inside him in those few minutes spewed out, his legs weakened as he needed to lean and hold onto the shaft of his own upright spear to maintain his balance.

The relaxation was brief, as an older red pegasus dressed in a dark green uniform made her presence known, carrying a candlelit lamp in one of her hooves that gave her an ominous glow. “At ease, cadets” ordered Captain Westland. “I was about to inform you that your night manoeuvre is over for tonight.” She made her way towards the fallen spear on the ground and picked it up with one of her wings.

As she surveyed the group, she glowered when her eyes fixed on Wind Breaker, but then transitioned to being impressed as her eyes met with Gallus. “Fortunately, I didn’t need to get involved tonight, well done. Go to your base and get some rest.” Without question, the group made their way back to their camp, as Westland went in another direction, carrying Wind Breaker’s spear.