• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 8,627 Views, 689 Comments

The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(3-4) The Solution

“Oh, hey Twilight!” Starlight called as the mare entered their room. “How’d your talk with Cadance go?”

Twilight sighed, flopping onto her bed as she explained, “Not well. She wanted me to believe her when she said she wasn’t guilty.”


“Yeah. She told me that she was admitting what she did and told me how she knew it was wrong, and yet said she wasn’t guilty. Like, just… not guilty! I don’t know what we’re supposed to do about this or how to approach it!”

Starlight couldn’t help but chuckle at that as she said, “I remember feeling like that. When you first talked to me, I knew what I was doing wasn’t changing anything or helping me make friends, but I didn’t actually realize what I was doing was ‘wrong’ per se for… a little while…”

“That’s different because you didn’t know,” Twilight countered. “She’s saying that what she did was wrong, she knew it was wrong, and she just… doesn’t care! She thinks we should just ignore her because she won’t change her mind! And I don’t know what to do! She thinks that he’s doing all of this to humiliate her and make ponies hate her!”

“Twilight, calm down,” Starlight said as she got up to put a hoof on her friend's shoulder to stop her from starting to hyperventilate. “Even though I didn’t say it out loud, those first few weeks you were with me, I thought every single one of those things. I thought I did nothing wrong and that you were just doing this to humiliate me in front of everypony. It only seems scarier now because she’s saying her thoughts out loud rather than keeping them internalized like I did.”

“I know, I just…” she trailed off, catching her breath before continuing, “She’s my sister, and I’m really worried about her. It really feels like she doesn’t care. I don’t want everypony to hate her forever like she thinks they will.”

“I’m pretty sure everypony doesn’t hate her, and even if they do, they certainly won’t hate her forever. I mean, look at Discord, or Princess Luna, or heck, even Alex. Not everypony hates them and they were all in the same position as Cadance.” Starlight paused for a moment, then smiled, saying, “I’m sure she’ll be fine as long as she works at it. I believe in her, and so should you. She just needs time. I mean, look at me! She didn’t do half of what I did, and now I’m a counselor in the School of Friendship! And it’s all because of you. I’m sure we can get her to come around, especially with how close you two are.”

Twilight smiled back at her, telling her, “Thank you. Hearing that does make me feel better. Thank you Starlight.”

“No problem. Although, bringing up Alex, do you think using Cogeria would be a good spell to try and use on him? I know it should be combined with something, but I just can’t think of what… although I know it shouldn’t be Fiducia Compelus or Persuadere. I already learned that lesson.”

“A spell for what?” the alicorn asked, before catching herself. “Oh yeah. That. Ummm… I’m not sure that’s a great idea, using Cogeria. Although I do want to talk about that, too.”

“Well, I was thinking that Cogeria could be used to try and make it so that their mind is available for us to work with, but um, what did you want to talk about?”

“I was just wondering how you… plan on going about this is all.”

“What do you mean?”

“About this spell, I mean,” Twilight explained. “Just wanted to know what you were going to do. Are you going to let Sombra take control? Or dispel him entirely?”

“Oh, well, I’d let him make that decision,” Starlight answered simply, giving a small shrug. “But what do you think about combining it with a spell like Duciere or-”

“Wait, what? You’re gonna let him choose? Why? That’s not- why?”

“Well, at first, I was thinking what he was telling me about him and how he felt was a sign of two separate personalities, but then I wondered if actually we were dealing with two entirely separate conscious beings in one body. Well… probably conscious anyway, very close to it at least, just based on what he described.”

Twilight gave her a look like she didn’t know what she was talking about, letting the silence hang in the air for a minute before simply getting out, “What?”

“I was just thinking about it all day, just the what if, and how much sense it made to me. I mean, think about it. From what I understand, personalities don’t come with memories of things that didn’t happen, and they certainly don’t know that they’re a separate personality.”

“Okay, but where-”

“I talked to Princess Hope a few hours before the trial and asked her about it, and she mentioned that he was completely tied up on the inside. I think she described it as a wire? Or string? Or something like that. But anyway, she said that he asked her to untie it, and the string broke completely instead, and she tied it back later.”

“Yes, I know that, but what does-”

“And so from there I got to thinking: what does that string have to do with a personality spell? And then it hit me! What if that string wasn’t a spell, but his actual consciousness? What if-”

“Starlight, you’re a genius!” Twilight said enusiatically as she gasped, clapping her hooves together excitedly as she finally realized where she was going and jumped ahead of where Starlight was at in her story. “You’re saying he tied off part of his consciousness before he cast whatever spell he used so that way only a small part would be affected by his spell, and then once it was untied, he was going to undo whatever he did to himself on his own!”

“Exactly! But when he broke the string, it took the part of him that he was using the spell on and created it as a whole, entirely separate being! That’s why he’s conflicted with himself! Not because he has two personalities, but because he’s literally two ponies in the same body who are trying to control it at the same time! It explains everything! Why he wasn’t conflicted before, why a certain draconequus wasn’t able to do anything to him, everything!”

“That’s great Starlight! But what do we do about it?”

“Don’t you see, Twilight?” she explained. “We don’t need to find a way to send some creature away or change his personality or anything like that! All we need to do is find a spell that’ll place one of the consciousnesses in his body under stasis, use it, and that’s it! Everything will be fixed! Is this great?”

Twilight's smile dropped a bit as she waited a second before hesitantly answering, “It absolutely is, but I think we should talk about it with Princess Luna first.”

“What’s there to talk about?” Starlight asked. “We just find the spell, cast it, and that’s it. Easy as that.”

“Well… I guess you’re right… but I really think we should run it by Luna first and see exactly what she would want to do.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“No, it’s nothing. It’s all good. It’s just… it’s nothing. Everything is perfect. I’m just… I’m just a little bit concerned, but it’s nothing. I’m probably overthinking.”

“That’s okay, Twi. I understand. I just can’t believe he was able to manipulate his consciousness on his own like that, and to that extent… he must be one of the most powerful unicorns who ever lived, maybe even more powerful than Starswirl the Bearded! Just thinking about it makes my head spin! We’re gonna need to put this in library books.”

“Absolutely,” the purple pony agreed, continuing carefully, “Although, let’s make sure to not tell him, or anypony really, until we have a spell all picked out and developed. We want to make sure we don’t hurt anypony or get their hopes up.”

“Oh yeah, I understand. I mean, that is how this whole mess started anyway, right?” Starlight chuckled to herself, continuing, “I can’t believe this! I really do impress myself sometimes.”

Author's Note:

Oh hey! It's an I Am not Sombra book that you can buy here!

I know Twilight is acting a little bit suspicious, but I promise there's a legitimate, good, reasonable, non-selfish reason for why she seems hesitant and wants to talk to Luna first.

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