• Published 24th Jan 2021
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The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(11-1) Thank You

“You don’t think Cadance would actually try something, right, Twilight?” Starlight asked. “I mean, sure she has a history of it, but… that was the whole point of our friendship lessons.”

“Well I certainly hope not, but… I guess it can’t be completely out of the question, but I really don’t think-”

“She would,” a mare’s voice, Luna, suddenly interrupted, causing Twilight and Starlight to jump. They turned towards her as she continued, “If you have not noticed, the royal family is quite a vengeful one, with the lone exception of you, Twilight Sparkle. You know of my history and have seen my sister with your own eyes. Thinking that Cadance won’t seek revenge would be a foolish thing to do.”

“But we-”

“I understand,” the princess continued, knowing what the two were going to say. “However, I must say I have to agree with Alex on this matter. I do think she’s plotting something, and it would be best to assume the worst.”

“But we went through helping her realize she was wrong, Princess,” Starlight told her. “I mean, she was the one who offered to apologize to him. We didn’t put her up to it. Doesn’t that say something?”

“It does indeed say something, however, what it says can be open to interpretation. What might look well meaning on her part by you might appear ill intended by I.”

“Well we can’t just tell her we think that, especially since it might not be true,” Twilight argued. “Everypony deserves a second chance. Just because it looks weird doesn’t mean it is.”

“And I am not suggesting that she doesn’t, personal feelings for her and what she's done to my sister aside. I’m only saying to please be weary. Just hearing from Alex, it seems like he’s being appropriately skeptical of her, as will I, and as I suggest you two do.”

“And what if we’re wrong?” Starlight asked. “That would completely break whatever trust she has in us and make her upset if she found out. It just seems too risky to be paranoid.”

“Nor am I suggesting such. I’m only saying to please be cautious and weary as you would of anypony. It would be quite foolish to not be so. If a situation arises where she is offended by our actions, then all that will be needed from us is an explanation and an apology. I do believe that would be acceptable given the circumstances, do you not?”

“Well, I guess, but… it just seems like she’s going to be more upset if we hawk around her. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“I’m only saying be weary,” Princess Luna explained with a sigh. “Just be cautious. That is all I’m telling you.”

“Black hole sun, won’t you come and wash away the rain…” I said aloud a couple of days later as I sat with Hope in the throne room. “It’s getting close to the time when I said I would bring back the black hole sun, isn't it.”

“Huh?” she asked, not really paying attention to what I was saying. “What are you talking about?”

“Ah, nothing, it’s just an old song that came to mind.” I sighed and continued, “What do you think about bringing back Celestia soon? I remember saying during Cadance’s trial that I would after a year or so, and that time is coming up.”

“I wouldn’t, honestly,” Hope responded automatically. “I’m not sure Canterlot would care one way or the other, and they’re the most important ponies in Equestria. So even if other ponies don’t like it… I mean, if Canterlot doesn’t care, why would we? “

“That’s true, but I don’t want to be dishonest, because you and I both know a certain pony is going to parade around talking about it endlessly if I am. Ugh…”

“I mean, why does what she says matter?” the mare asked. “It’s not like she has any leverage in this, or the royal status to back up anything she says.”

“But she does have influence,” I told her. “Just her being an alicorn gives her influence, and that’s something that can’t be ignored. Besides, how does it reflect on me if I say one thing and do another? Badly, I think.”

“Well, I mean, you can do it if you want, but don’t be surprised when it goes poorly, because I can’t see her being happy. Although you’ll have to have someone else do it. Seeing a familiar face, like Twilight or Princess Luna should help her. Or actually, bring Prin- I mean, Amore. I’m certain she would forgive you in an instant if she saw her.”

“Now there’s a thought… although it might be best left for when Sombra and I are separated again. I can already feel the intensity brewing inside of me at just her name.”

“I think you should,” somepony suddenly called behind us. We turned around to see that it was Cadance, strutting around the castle happily, all smiles and her wings outstretched, the same expression she'd been wearing for the last few days.

“And why would that be, if I can ask?” I humored her.

“Because no one wants her around,” she replied quickly, confidently. “Believe me, I’ve heard it just by listening around the castle, if you can believe it. Even if she wanted her seat back, she couldn’t grab it because the ponies in Canterlot would just depose her. There’s no good reason not to bring her back.”

“I see,” I said flatly, looking at her for only a second longer before facing forward again. “I do appreciate your consideration and opinion, thank you.”

I could practically hear her rolling her eyes behind me as she started off before I interrupted, asking, “Cadance?” I turned back around, meeting her annoyed gaze as I told her, “Thank you.”

“Huh? For what?” she asked.

“Thank you for not attacking me immediately,” I explained. “I understand how much… rage you must hold for me, and I appreciate you not taking it out on me. Thank you. It goes a long way towards trusting you.”

“Oh. You’re welcome, I guess,” she said, sounding confused before walking away again. As she did, I sighed to myself and closed my eyes, wondering what exactly she was trying to do and what her plan was.

“What is she up to?” I asked myself silently. “I hope that little thank you dissuades her from trying whatever she’s planning to.”

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