• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 8,632 Views, 689 Comments

The Ruler of Ponies and Men - Boopy Doopy

Why am I cursed like this? I shouldn't have to suffer this way...

  • ...

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(4-1) What Happens Next

Far in the frozen north, just before the boreal forests turned into tundra, a bright yellow stallion stood at the base of Mount Everhoof. It was a place few ponies dared to go, what with the heavy mountain winds and the other dangerous creatures around it, and yet there he stood, the breeze flowing through his coal-black mane. He wasn’t looking at the mountain, however. He was staring at the sun, noticing that it wasn’t in the position it was supposed to be in. Or rather, the position it used to be in. It was common for it to be centered where it was now, but about a year ago, it pointed directly over the peak of the mountain, rather than sitting just to the right of it, half of its face being covered by the mountain's peak.

Of course, he knew the reason why. There had been a trial about it and everything. Celestia was gone. Banished, apparently. Which was a good thing, as it gave the stallion an opening to take control. He knew the three that were currently sitting on the throne, Sombra, Luna, and somepony named Radiant Hope, weren’t anywhere near as powerful as Celestia, and that none of them would stand a chance against him with the Grogar’s Bewitching Bell in his hooves. However, he still had to be smart. He couldn’t just rush in and attack them, even with the bell. He would only be struck down by Twilight Sparkle and her friends, the way it seemed to always go with everypony else who tried to take control. No, he had to convince them that he was using the bell to rid Equestria of evil, the evil, in this case, being Sombra and the pony who used to be Nightmare Moon. He had to convince them that he instead should be on the throne. Not a simple task, he knew that, but one that was apparently possible, as evidenced by Sombra’s, or rather, Alex’s sitting on the throne completely unopposed, as though there was no issue.

Perhaps he didn’t even have to convince the Elements of Harmony. If the public at least was on his side, then all he would need to do would be to take the three's magic and rule. An impossible task to do with Celestia in the way, but with her gone, it was feasible. He was sure there were already rumors out there about the three. All he would need to do would be to spread them and let them grow like wildfire, and then step in to take the place of the leaders of Equestria.

With that in mind, he made his careful way up to the top of the mountain, taking several hours to traverse and stopping once he got to the cave, which was blocked by a forcefield. Not too much of an issue normally, although he did think it was interesting that there were tracks in the snow right next to it. Clearly, though, they weren’t able to get inside, seeing as the other side was clear of any hoofprints.

He cast a spell, directing his magic at the forcefield separating him from the cave, and… watched as the magic was absorbed immediately. He raised an eyebrow and shot another beam, and once again saw it simply get absorbed into the forcefield. He frowned and picked his hoof up to touch it, sighing as he felt the hardness of it, letting another one out as he banged up against it to see how thin it was, noting that it was quick thick.

“A powerful force field between me and the bell,” he thought to himself. “No big deal. Probably. I could just get into the Canterlot Archives and find what spell was used… and then walk all the way back here and all the way back there again…”

He grumbled to himself. It wasn’t ideal, and would waste a tremendous amount of energy, energy he would need to put this plan into motion successfully. He wasn’t prepared for this, he had to admit, but there had to be a workaround…

After a few minutes of standing dumbly staring at the forcefield, he huffed angrily as he flicked his black mane out of his face and picked up his hooves to make the long trip to Canterlot.

“You are saying you’ve found a spell to help Alex become whole again?” Luna asked as Starlight and Twilight stood before her.

“Well, not a spell per se,” the former explained, “not yet anyway. Just an idea of what we should be doing. But I don’t think a spell is going to be too far off from here, maybe a few days or weeks, a couple of months at most.”

“I see… have you spoken with Alex about this development yet?”

“Well, no. Twilight said we should speak with you first to see what you would want to do.”

“Just to make sure we were going about this the right way," the purple pony added. "Starlight thinks we should let him choose what should happen to him.”

“I am not sure that’s a good idea.”

Starlight stared back at Luna with confusion plastered on her face. “You- you don’t?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“I do not,” she confirmed and sighed. “While he does agree that he is suffering and that he does not want the confusion that comes with being tied to another entity, multiple times he has expressed the sentiment that he has no interest in being in Equestria at all. If he were given the choice, I believe there is more than a small chance that he would choose for Sombra to be dominant.”

“Well, if he doesn’t want to be here, then I think that should be-”

“No, Starlight,” Luna told her, a bit forcefully. “Sombra is evil. His past crimes cannot go unpunished. The only reason he’s allowed to rule now is because there’s an innocent victim trapped inside of him. It is of the same nature when I was consumed by the Nightmare, although to a much lesser degree.”

“Well… I mean… technically he was already punished for his past crimes… and all he really did this time was cast a spell on himself, and that’s not a crime, so…”

"Bear in mind, it took the combined efforts of both my sister and I to bring him down the first time, and each time we have faced him, we faced the edge of defeat. As well, he has reality-warping spells at his disposal, currently being kept in check by the presence of Alex. We cannot risk that by giving Alex the choice to let Sombra be free and dominant over him."

"Well, we can't make a decision on what somepony might do, can we?" Starlight asked. "And if Alex really doesn't want to be in Equestria, then I don't see how we can just leave him here to suffer, especially since I heard that before you guys were working on a way to-"

"Before we were under the assumption that he was brought here from another world, in which case, the only just thing to do would be to send him back. However, being created as a being of Equestria is an entirely different set of circumstances, one that will be handled accordingly with care."

"I really think that-"

“What I say is final, Starlight,” Luna told her. “You may develop a spell to help him, but it is specifically for the purpose of helping Alex become dominant in his body and perhaps killing off Sombra entirely. Even if he requests to be made dormant, tell him that Princess Luna is saying no, and that what he is requesting is effectively suicide, which we are not going to assist him with. But before that, please see if you can come up with something better. If there’s a way to separate the two of them altogether, that would be preferable.”

Author's Note:

I had a lot of trouble figuring out what to do for the next arc of the story, but here we go! It's not Equestria if somepony isn't trying to destroy/rule it!

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