• Published 18th Feb 2021
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The legendary Saiyan - Jayelms43

My name is Jackson keon William and I'm the the legendary saiyan

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Getting back to training and going on a Dragon Quest

Getting back to training and going on a Dragon Quest

(Jackson pov)

It's been a couple of months since the wedding and asta heading back to his Equestria, doing that time I didn't have any training because Twilight and Pinkie were not letting me train after the Chrysalis almost killing me.

Also doing that time Pinkie started living with me and Twilight but spike said we need to keep the noise down, he started to sleep in the basement, But after those months ended I was able to go back to training Spike but this time I was hard on him than ever before.

But he was not the only person to be training because I was training alongside him, I made three clones to help Spike train they gave him Mr. Popo's and Piccolo training while I trained with my grimoire and earth bending.

"Alright spike that's enough training for today let's get back to the others so we can watch the dragon migration," I said as spike nodded and we flew back just in time for the migration.

Everything happened as it did in the show after spike left I turned around to the girls and said.

"You girls need to know that spike is going to the dragon migration to find out about where he comes from," I said flying off to the Library.


(One hour later)

After Spike and I pack something and we flew off to join the dragon migration, I also sense three specific ki signatures, but one was different than the other two.

Once we led at the base of the mountain I use a transformation Jutsu to disguise myself as one of the dragons.

After I did that went inside to see all different kinds of the dragon there is also a dragon that looks like teenagers that were spike went to go talk to; some of the Dragons gave me odd looks because I was a new dragon some of the male ones looked at me with skepticism and scarf while the females looked at me in interest.

Everything happens as it did in the shown example of one major point is right when Spike saved a Phoenix egg the fake dragon that I saw a few moments ago was the girl that was inside of it but instead of rainbow Being with Twilight and Rarity it was Pinkie Pie.

Once Garble saw the girls he was about to shoot a fireball at them before I dropped my transformation Jutsu and kicked it away before looking at the girls and spike and saying.

"Let me deal with them and you guys find some cover and we'll talk about this later," I said active my Sharingan and getting in a fighting stance.


(Third person pov)

The Teenage dragons laugh before turning to burn Jackson in which he just uses his earth bending to put up a wall of earth in front of him, before jump over and sending a kick to Garble's face sending him flying into a tree knockin him out cold.

The other dragons stared for a moment before rushing at Jackson who jumped into the air and called out.

"Water style: water bullet jutsu" he said before thousands of water bullets shots toward them making them wet before calling out.

Lightning style: lightning dragon jutsu" he said before shooting his hand forward and a small dragon made of lightning hit the wet dragons shocking them to the unconscious.

After the smoke clear all the dragons were unconscious Jackson walked over to the girls and spike an instant Transmission them back to the Library and scented spike to bed.

Spike didn't fight Jackson on this one because Jackson was mad he could tell by the angry look he had on his face.

"Can you tell me why the fuck you three went to the dragon migration knowing you could get killed?" Jackson said trying not to let his anger get out of hand?

"We just want to make sure spikey-wikey was okay" Rarity said but then got a look of rage from Jackson shutting her up.

"That still doesn't make it fucking okay to go where fucking dragons are" Jackson yelled turning super Saiyan.

The girls were sacred of Jackson, he saw this and calmed down before hugging them then saying; "I'm sorry for yelling at you but you have to understand that you could have gotten hurt or killed" Jackson said while hugging them.

After they talked Rarity went home while Jackson went upstairs to take a shower, but Twilight and Pinkie had an idea on how to make Jackson happy.


(One hour later Jackson pov)

I led in bed while wait for Twilight and Pinkie I was still angry about what the girls did, my train of thought was stopped when the door to the bedroom.

"Twilight, Pinkie I'm Sorry for yelling but you hav-"I didn't get to finish my sentence when I saw the girls.

Twilight and Pinkie were not wearing anything, "I see you like what you see jacky" Pinkie said while smirking at me.

Let's just say that I got no rest at all that night, the next morning I lied on the bed while the girls were sleeping, I was thinking about last night before saying out loud.

"I didn't think Pinkie pie breast was that big or Twilight was that sexually," I thought before getting out of bed, and going downstairs to the kitchen to see a spike with bloodshot eyes and bags under his eyes.

"I just said you guys were too loud and to keep the noise down, but instead you guys just had to be even louder," spike said greeting his teeth and having a look at Rage.

After that, I gave spike the day off from training and I went outside to get some fresh air before thinking.

"I wonder if anyone has found my token because I need something to do or maybe I just got bored over the months while I was resting," I thought before sense five energy in the middle of the ever-free forest.

"I wonder who these people are because they have strong power levels, but two of them feel like I know them," I thought before flying to the power levels.

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