• Published 18th Feb 2021
  • 3,898 Views, 93 Comments

The legendary Saiyan - Jayelms43

My name is Jackson keon William and I'm the the legendary saiyan

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The Rise of the Omni-King part one: meeting with family.

The Rise of the Omni-King part one: meeting with family.

(3rd pov)

It's been three weeks since Jackson came from Fred Equestria. He was currently in the meditation room try to calm himself but the hollow was making it difficult.

In another part of the castle Twilight and her friends were in the throne room talking about Jackson Behavior lately.

"Ah started to notice it to twi," Applejack said while looking at the others.

"Yea, he's been a lot more angry than normal," Rainbow said while leaning against the pillar.

"That's why we are going to summon Edward here so that he could help him," Pinkie said while looking worried for her colt friend.

"Then it's decided, EDWARD I SUMMON YOU," Twilight said in her royal Canterlot voice.

“Ah, isn’t this the part where a portal of some sort opens up?” Rainbow asked while scratching her head. “At least something small. That’s usually how things go with these guys right?”

Just then they hear what sounds like a train whistle outside the castle. They went to the window to see a crimson train sitting outside the castle with the citizens looking at it with amazement.

"Okay that's cool," spike said while looking at said train.

The train then lets off a roar of steam as its doors open and a ramp slides down on to the ground. Soon a tall blonde haired man with his hair in a braid and golden eyes wearing a red hooded coat and black suit underneath walks down. In his hand was a clipboard that he stared intently at the entire time.

“Let’s see we’ll schedule this for next week,” he says as he walks up to the castle. “Then we should receive this shipment of fire rubies by Friday,” he gets to the doors and they open on their own allowing him to enter the palace. He never looked up from his clip road as he walked into the room with the girls and dragon. “So I'll need the metal by no later than tuesday. That should keep everything for the college squared for now… Hello girls and Spike,” he says to them as he paces around the room still not breaking away from his clipboard.

"Uh, were we interrupting something," Jackson's Spike said while Jackson girls nodded in agreement.

“I’m getting martails for my college in order,” Ed says, still not breaking focus. “Prosthetics are a big deal in my world and until a few years ago no one could make them outside myself and on either pony, so I built a school and several shops for it.”

He suddenly causing everyone to lurch back a bit.

“That should do for now,” he says as the clipboard fades away. “The clones can handle the rest. Now let me guess… he’s moody and quickly angered while also having trouble controlling his power right?”

"Well not exactly but," Jackson Twilight began before Rainbow dash interrupted.

"He has been threatening to kill any nobles and beating wild dangerous animals as well as cursing a lot" Rainbow said while having a deadpan look.

“You sound like you have a crush on him,” Ed jabs.

"BUCK NO!!" Rainbow shouted in fear, "Pinkie would try and beat me to a bloody pulp," Rainbow said while imagining what Pinkie told her what would happen to her if she try to flirt with Jackson.

“Death threats have never stopped a Rainbow before,” Ed shrugs. “Besides, what’s a little bit of fun between friends. I would think you’d have a more open mind about this sort of thing given your activities in the bedroom with Jackson, Maud, and Twilight,” he smirks, causing Pinkie and Twilight to have steam coming off their heads. “There are very little secrets that aren’t known to me though I do tend to stay out of the bedroom but at the same time that doesn’t mean I don’t know what’s going on. I’m very old but not stupid.”

Maud clears her throat, getting everyone's attention before saying, "Back to the topic at hand, this is serious. The others and I are getting worried about him," Maud said while looking worried.

That's when they hear a loud explosion before hearing someone yelling.

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!!!!" They heard Jackson yell out while the castle was shaking violently.

“Yes I know its serious because eI told you three to call me when he started to act out like this,” Ed points out. “Asta and Ichigo are the only others who could stand a chance against him as it stands if he were too hollowfy but even though their more than powerful enough to do the job they don’t have the abilities to come at having their memories stolen like I do. That’s and neither of them could make it as is. Asta has been thrown into an alternate reality connected to his own and Ichigo is palling around with a Goku Black Displaced and will be there for the better part of that world's weekly system. So yea, I’m here.”

"Yes, we should Have informed you sooner but now we need to go and help him," Rarity said while they walked to Jackson meditation room were they heard him yelling and screaming.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONE GET DAMN MINUTE YOU FUCKING SNAKE!!!!" Jackson yelled as the castle shook again.

"Yup, he's pissed a lot right," Spike said while having a sweat drop

“Better he be pissed then scared,” Ed threw up a hand. “Hollow takes over a lot easier when you fear it. Any who,” He snapped and they all appeared in the mediation room startling Jackson causing him to fall backwards. “Enough stalling. I don’t want the enitre castle to cave in from idiotic yelling at oneself. I can survive it but you kids can’t.”

Jackson blinked before saying. "Edward you're here," Jackson said before Ed words register in his head before you look down sighed.

"And I'm sorry, I thought I could handle him for another week but-" Jackson said before gritting his teeth in anger before punching the ground making a small crater.

"The son of a bitch wouldn't shut up," Jackson said, grabbing his head in pain.

“Yes well that happens when they haven’t been forced to submit to you,” Ed shrugs, “And the longer you wait the harder it gets to ignore. You’re lucky you have three loving girls that can summon your totally op’d big bro for help. Now follow me,” he motions as a portal opens and he enters it.

Everyone but Jackson, Maud, Twilight, and Pinkie just stare at the swirling vortex.

“Some time within the next few minutes would be nice!” Ed’s voice rang out from everywhere at once causing them all to jump and hurry through said exit.

What they came into was unexpected but a place Jackson was familiar with, a Time Chamber, or at least the door to one.

“Welcome to my lab,” Ed motions around causing everyone to gasp at the various things. What caught Jackson’ s eye was the massive wall adorned with what looked to be random crap until he got a bet closer and felt the pull of the items, the tokens.

"Wow, that's a lot of tokens," Jackson said looking at them. "So what do you have to help me," Jackson said while looking at Edward.

“This isn’t on me,” Ed remarks as he sits dials on the side of the chamber door. “Its on you little brother. Just like when you achieve your bankai you must face the hollow and force it to submit to you, but the difference is that it’ll be inside your soul. So you’ll both have home field advantage.”

He opens the door to the chamber and allows everyone in. “In that time your body will be pure instinct and rage, slowly Holliday on the outside,” the girls’ eyes widened at what Ed just said. “Which is why I brought you to my world, or more precisely my personal zone in between the universes. It’s still connected to my world via a passage though so not my own piece of the void yet. Anyways, I’ll be out here fighting your body until you can beat that thing inside you. You’ll have two hours until I Decide to really interfere and bring you back to this side. Understand?” He glares harshly at the saiyan.

"Don't worry I understand what you are saying," Jackson said.

“You eight,” Ed turns sharply to the ponies and drake. “Will not interfere in this at all. It will not be Jackson you see out there,” he points to the endless white void, “ but a monster that will no sooner kill you on the spot and eat your soul than a Timberwolf that’s chasing you for its next meal. Like any of his other major fights this is a life or death situations. I can be worrying about civies running onto the field but I still think you should be here to support him. That said, there will be a powerful barrier in place to keep you here in the common area. Not even Twilight's goddess power can hold a candle to what I can do on my worst days so don’t try anything, for your own sakes. Alright?”

Jackson's Twilight was about to argue with Edward but Jackson put a hand on her shoulder and said. "He's right Twi this is for the best," Jackson said with a smile.

"You better come back Jackson Williams," Twilight said before hugging him and going back to the others.

"Alright Ed let's get this started," Jackson said before sitting on the ground cross-legged.

“It started the second you stepped off the platform,” Ed says as he was currently nowhere, “We’re inside your soul world now. It’s up to you on this end. I can pull you back if I feel things are getting too dicey but as it stands, this is your fight and your fight alone,” he points at the saiyan who was just now noticing he was in his Shinigami uniform. “Good luck,” Ed waves as he fades away.

"Well, I guess I better start looking then," Jackson said before the arena changed to a snowy field with storm clouds above his head.

"So, you finally show up," Jackson heard someone say. He turned around to see Snakeyashi sitting in a chair drinking some tea.

"Took you long enough, I've been waiting for you all day," Snakeyashi said before getting up and stretching.

"Well sorry for keeping your wait then" Jackson said getting into his sword stance.

Snakeyashi just smiled crazily before summoning his scythe.

They stood there for a moment before both of them rushed at each other, weapons clashing.

While that was happening Edward was keeping a close eye on Jackson right for any reactions.

Ed reached out and flicked Jackson on the forehead forcing his spiritual body to go flying out. He then quickly teleports his physical body into the common area for the girls and Spike to watch over. His spirit body shakily got to its feet.

“Sorry but I won’t give you the luxury of growing strong as you fight,” Ed remarks as a magic circle forms under Jackson’s feet before immediately erupting into a massive column of crimson flames. “I’ll be taking that too,” Ed remarks as he motions with his hand causing Jackson’s zanpakuto to go flying into his hand. “You won’t be able to use any release commands in that state but I’d rather you not have the sword. Less likely for it to break,” he says as he places the spirit katana in his vault for safekeeping.

“Now the real fun starts…” Ed grimley sighs as a wave of immense malevolent spiritual pressure spread over the area.

The flames died down and there was Jackson with his head cocked back, mouth fallen open, no pupils in his eyes. The only thing that was left of his shihakusho were Jackson’s very tattered and scorched pants. Suddenly some sort of white substance started to bubble for the wounds and burns that littered his body. It was as if his very soul was boiling over from the inside out.

"What the buck is happening to Jackson!!," Spike said horrified at the site. After a moment of silence they now saw him in his full hollow.

“That would be the result of the trail he is undergoing inside his inner world,” came a voice. Everyone turns to see Princess Luna, Ed’s Luna, with two alicorn children at her sides. “This is the manifestation of his hollow and his combined form and the result of the hollow trying to devour young Jackson’s soul. The white stuff histhe hollow’s reiatsu pouring out in an effort to protect and devour its host.”

Suddenly, a hole ripped open in the center of Jackson’ chest and he let out a terrifying roar. The white fluid was now pouring from his wounds and solidifying into what looked like armor but was actually the hollow’s body. White reiatsu erupts from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears before it solidifies into a skeletal mask. It then lit out another more terrifying roar.

(Jackson complete hollowfied form)

"That's isn't Jackson, that's a bucking demon!" Rainbow dash yelled as the monster let out a loud roar that made everyone except Edward cover their ears in pain.

"Daddy beat that mean thingy!” The girl Alison cheered, causing everyone to look at her in shock.

“Daddy?!!” Everyone says in unison.

“They are Ed’s children after all,” Luna smiles.

Back out on the battlefield…

“So it merged with all that power Ichigo used to suppress it after all,” Ed nods as he looks ver the hollow’s body while effortlessly dodges its strikes. “I can see that it heavily influenced the monsters build in this state but there are still several notable differences.”

He ducked then backhanded the creatures, sending it flying. It shakily gets up to glare at the alchemist as its broken and cracked mask starts to instantly heal. The monster’s vision narrows before it roars and gather reishi at its hand and mouth for a triple Cero.

“You don’t seem to have the me4ory ability is in this state though,” Ed writes in a notebook he pulls from his coat pocket. “Perhaps due to the feral nature of the two souls fighting for Dominick in there.”

The hollow fires the cero and all three hit Ed. The hollow his in delight as it knows its opponent is dead only to see the alchemist still standing their with only his clothes torn to shreds.

“I guess analysis is over now,” Ed sighs as he holds up his hand, “Bankai…” he remarks and floods the area with his own spiritual power.

The impact on the barrier of the common area was like a cannonball. The hollow was still standing but noticeably shaken by the outpouring of power.

“Let’s see if you make me use my mask beast!” The fighters rushed at each other, claw meets blade in blast of power.

While Ed was fighting hollow Jackson, Jackson was fighting his inner hollow and was struggling.

"Oh what's wrong little monkey, having some difficulties with our fight," Snakeyashi said before backhand Jackson a few meters.

"Damn it, the bastard is strong. I need to stop fucking around and beat him," Jackson thought before grabbing his sword and yelled.

"BANKAI!!!!" Jackson roared as he entered his Bankai form and rushed at Snakeyashi sending a right hook to his chest before spinning his spear and hitting him so hard that he was flying back crashing into an ice boulder.

"Now then," Jackson said before spinning his spear again and getting into the dragon spear art style stance and said.

"Let's see how you do now you son of a bitch," Jackson stated coldly before rushing at Snakeyashi again.

Back with Ed and the others he was doing fine, this monster wasn't even making him need to use his mask, in which it made it angry and attacked Ed wildly.

Ed didn't miss a single strike, “Oh I’m sorry,” he remarks as he nails punch into the beast. The monster lurched forward to meet the side of Ed’s zanpakuto as the alchemist slapped it again.

The monster gets back to its feet and lets out another roar before zeroing on Ed.

“That instant regeneration factor is a real pain though,” Ed remarks as he reaches up to his face. “I’ll humor a bit,” he says as he pulls his hand down and a hollow mask forms over his face. It had a singular red eye with light blue marking above and below it, and two front upward pointing horns.

An even more malicious aura spilled over the field as Reishi pours off Ed like a waterfall.

Ed raised his sword above his head and then let it fall. In the instant the hollow was nearly cut into with a single slash of wind that also sent it flying again. If it wasn;t for its instant regeneration it would've been dead then and there.

Everyone in the common area but Luna and her children were in awe of Ed’s power. They’d seen Jackson fight stronger foes then him before but this was very different. Even if the monster out their was just using Jackson as a medium he was still no push over when it came to physical power. Even stil this battle was completely one sided.

"I'm a little worried about Jackson," Jackson Twilight said, getting everyone's attention.

"I know this is needed, but I'm afraid to lose him," she finished while Pinkie and Maud nodded their heads in agreement.

“Then you don’t have much faith in your husband,” Luna cuts them off. “Is it not a brother role but to help each other in there times of need, be they an obstacle,” She says as the duo collide on the other sie of the barrier sending out massive shockwaves, “Or a helping hand.”

“Believe in daddy,” the little boy alicorn said , catching everyone by surprise. “He helped uncle Jackson.”

Twilight, Pinkie and Maud smile before they hear someone yell out in pain. They looked to see what happened and saw Jackson's right arm was cut off.

But his arm instantly grew back. Flexing its fingers, before grining and it licks its entire face with it's huge tongue before rushing at Ed again.

"That's just bucking nasty-" Rainbow said before muttering under her breath. "But soo bucking hot too," she didn't notice that everyone heard that, even Edward.

“Rainbow Dash,” Another Ed suddenly appears right in front of the mare causing her to jump back in fright. “I’m not one to normally back sass about one's tastes or not let them think aloud, Ms. S&M, but my children are present and don’t think I won’t smack the blue of a pegasus if you don’t keep that language to yourself in front of them or the youth here in my world!”

He pops into confetti causing the kids to giggle.

Rainbow dash Blush crimson before Twilight put a hand on her shoulder and whispered, "We will talk later Rainbow dash," Jackson Twilight said in a calm tone of voice.

While that was happening Jackson was beaten the shit out of his inner hollow.

Jackson threw a punch into Snakeyashi abdomen before doing a roundhouse kick sending him back a few more meters coughing up saliva.

"How. HOW CAN YOU BE THIS STRONG!!!" Snakeyashi yelled out while trying and failing to get up.

"Well you see fucker," Jackson started. "The reason why I'm so strong is because I train my ass off, so that you would never hurt my friends and family," Jackson said before going into the demon spear art style stance, his eyes glowing blue.

"Now it's time to end this," Jackson said before rushing at Snakeyashi ready to defeat him.

Outside ed was going to attack again before hollow Jackson stopped dead in its tracks and started to convulse violently.

"What's happening to him," Rarity asked as hollow Jackson started to cry out in pain while holding its head.

“Jackson has gained the upper hand it would seem but we have yet to see if he can peirce his hollow with his weapon,” Luna explains.

"YES GO JACKSON! KICK THAT GUY’S BUTT!!" Pinkie pie yelled as hollow Jackson was struggling to stand upright.

With Jackson he was beating Snakeyashi with combo after combo before Snakeyashi was struggling to stand up his broken scythe helping him.

"IT ENDS HERE SNAKEYASHI! FURY OF THE ICE DRAGON!!" Jackson shouted as he threw his spear which turned into the head of a dragon that hit Snakeyashi in which said hollow screamed in pain as the spear pierced his chest.

Back with Ed and the others, Jackson screamed freezing in place. There was a deathly chill and calm that swept over the battlefield with a small gust of wind. If one listened hard enough you could hear a cracking sound. It was coming from the hollow. Suddenly it fill apart as if molting a shell leaving Jackson standing there with a mask on his face.

Jackson was breathing heavily before saying. "That was more difficult than fighting cooler," Jackson said while sitting on the ground looking at his new hollow mask.

Ed deactivates his zanpakuto and mask then snaps Blinking Jackson’s herd in between the two of them.

"But it was worth it," Jackson said, smirking before being tackled to the ground by his herd mates.

“Hate to break it to ya bud but you’re not out of the woods just yet,” Ed crosses his arms. “You have to master your power while wearing it and know your time limit of wearing it. Not to mention the hollow is only suppressed for now. It can still pop back up if it ever sense your soul waver thus it will seek to devour you.”

"Oh I already knew that, I'm hoping that I could use the mask between one to three hours a day," Jackson said before looking over to his Rainbow who was blushing crimson.

"Hey what's up with RD?" Jackson question which made Steam come off Rainbow dash head.

“She’s secretly into s&m and made an inappropriate comment about you that only led us to know for a fact that she has feelings for you, which most of us in this immediate area already knew,” Ed says nonchalantly, causing the peruses to start steaming.

Jackson just blinked at that before looking over to Rainbow. "RD is this true?" He asked her.

Rainbow Dash nodded her head nervously before saying, "yea I liked you for a while now, but after you, Twilight, Pinkie and Maud said that you guys were getting married I thought I lost my chance to join your herd,' Rd said looking away.

“Did you even bother to ask any of them?” Ed’s Luna says as she walks up with the children in tow.

The little girl immediately ran to her father letting him pick her up.

“She has a point,” Ed picks his daughter’s cheek causing her to giggle before hugging her father. “I married Tia after two thousands years of being married to Luna and I’m seeing Amore at the current moment.”

Jackson was still looking at Rainbow before Twilight whispered into his ear. After a moment he smiled before going to her and hugged RD making her blush before he said.

"I don't know if you still have those feelings but if you do then we could date before I marry you as well, what do you say," Jackson asked.

In response Rainbow jumping on him kissing him while crying in happiness.

“Just keep the s&m confined to the bedroom and after the first date,” Ed says. “And not mentioning it while you’re here. Got it?” he glares at the herd.

Jackson glared back at Ed. "Dude can you please stop saying that word, also we will wait to do that after the third date," Jackson said before looking at Edward's children before saying.

"Nice to meet you two for the first time, kids," Jackson said while smiling at them.

“Hi Uncle Jackson,” the girl waves, “My name Morning Star!”

The little boy hides behind his mothers, “I Solar Eclipse…”

“Solar is a bit of a shy one,” Luna says as she picks up her son. “Morning takes after her father in the genius department and my sister in the outgoing department.”

“Where you in the baths?” Ed asks.

“Yes,” Luna nods. “They got rather dirty playing tag…again…”


“Chryssy,” Luna nods.

"Oh no," Jackson said while everyone looked confused before they felt bloodlust coming from Jackson Pinkie pie.

"P-pinkie calm down please," Jackson said while whispering to Ed and his Luna. 'There 's something

you guys need to know," Jackson said while a pink aura was coming off Jackson's Pinkie pie.

“Morning, go to your mother,” Ed says as he sets the girl down allowing her to join Luna. He turns to everyone and his gaze hardens. “Let me make this clea little girl. Chrysalis is my adopted daughter and I will not stand any and I mean ANY animosity towards her while you are here!” Ed’s eyes shift to sharingan then to mangekyo. A pattern that Jackosn had never seen but knew its meaning. A blackened sun eclipsed by a blackened moon. “You better reign yourself in before you really piss me off. I’m not as soft as Asta is…”

"Okay first," Jackson said getting in front of ed. "You should already know what happened when you and Asta was here, she was traumatized about what almost happened to me," Jackson said before continuing.

"Second, while you are here we do not and I mean DO NOT THREATEN FAMILY HERE EDWARD!!," Jackson yelled, getting into Ed's face.

"And finally, if you fight Pinkie I will fight you to the point I become not but a broken person and even so I will still keep fighting so let's calm down and talk in a civilized manner," Jackson said, not afraid of Ed power.

“That goes double for me kid…” Ed says darkly.

Luna steps in. “Calm down. Chryssy is a touchy subject for both sides I can see. Ed can you take the twins for a minute?”

He nods and the kids follow their father.

“Look here. She is the reason Ed died before the kids were born, or at least she’s the main reason he broke and an entity that lives inside Ed whose made of thousands of years of his own hate for himself and the hate of the souls that were trapped inside his body at the time to break free,” she sighs. “It nearly killed all of us using him as a mediu, and while it forced him to watch. It’s taken him a lot, and I mean a lot of effort to see her the way he does now… I’m sorry to hear about what happened in your world. I truly am but you have to realize that this is not the same woman from your world. I’m sorry Ms. Pie but she is a part of this family and you’ll have to cope with it for now, and try not to work my husband up like that. He may not seem like it but he does have issues and a touchy subject for him is our family. It doesn’t matter if you are his brother or not, he’ll choose this world over any other if forced to. I hope you can understand…”

Jackson just rubbed his eyes in tiredness before saying, "Look Luna before Ed went and threatened pinky. I was going to say that Pinkie has some problems with that name, she has no anger against your Chrysalis, but ours," Jackson said before rubbing his neck.

"Besides, our Chrysalis said some things that got under her skin," Jackson said before adding. "When we visited her she said that the only reason I Like Pinkie was because of her body,' He gettin Ed and Luna attention.

"It really didn't help after we found out Twilight was pregnant either," Jackson finished.

“I’m not going to apologize for what I did and said because I'm not sorry,” Ed turns to them, “But at the same time I understand your feelings, Pinkie. Because it was only bloodlust I’ll overlook it, this time. But don’t let me see you directing any wrongful negative towards her anymore Okay?”

Pinkie just looked away making Jackson sighed. "She understands bro," Jackson said before adding.

"Let's just drop the subject okay, because it isn't help agree,' Jackson said holding out his hand for Ed

“Agreed,” Ed nods and snaps, causing Jackson’ s physical body to bling next to him. Flicked his forehead forcing the saiyan back into his body. “Now if that;s all you need I have a kingdom to run and wives and a girlfriend to please. Lets not forget children that need playing with.”

“Actually things are freed up for a while,” Luna says. “Tia is sitting with Sunny in the courtyard having Tea with Twilight and Nyx,”

“Nyx, Nyx,” the twins chirped as the ran around the parents.

“Guess that settles where I’m going then,” Ed gives a happy sigh. “Why not meet the rest of your family while your here?” He looks at the others.

"Yea, let's do it but first," Jackson said before putting two fingers to his forehead and disappeared and reappeared with four other people.

"Ed you already know their names but as for the rest of you their names are Naruto, Sasuke, Trunks, and my little mochi Bra," Jackson said while pointing to each kid.

“Nice to finally meet all of you,” Ed bows slightly. “My name is Eward and I am your father's older brother. That would make me your uncle, thoughI do understand if it makes you all uncomfortable to call me that so you can just call me Mr.Elric if you like. The two little ones currently running around us mre my son and daughter with your Aunt Luna here. Shall we go meet with your Aunt Tia and cousin Sunny?” he holds his hand out to the little one. “Oh and Jackson, don’t use Instant Transmission here again. It's fine at the moment due to the link to your world but if it didn’t exist you’d fall into the void between universes and your not strong enough to get out quite yet.”

"Duly noted," Jackson said, afraid of what might happen if it didn't work before Jackson turned to Pinkie and said.

" Pinkamena Diane Pie," Jackson said, making Pinkie worried about how Jackson used her full name.

"Are you going to behave around chrysalis if not then tell me so that Edward can send you back," Jackson said in a serious tone, he cares about her but worse comes to worst then he's going to have to make sure she doesn't do anything.

"Y-yes jacky I will be Alright," pinky said while looking away from Jackson.

Jackson stared at her for a moment before his features softened and he nodded. "Alright bro we are ready," Jackson said smiling.

“”You can relax Ms. Pie,” Luna caught their attention. “Chrysalis had to make a trip to the Badlands and check on a problem that came up. Apparently it couldn’t wait no matter what.”

"Okay thank you princess Luna," Pinkie said while smiling big.

“Stick close to me or Luna when going through the door that leads out of my lab,” Ed motioned to the door of the time chamber. “If you get seperated from one of us you’ll be caught in a trap I designed to keep the unwanted out,”

Everyone nodded in agreement before the walked through the door entering Ed’s Lab

"Looks kind of the same if you ask me," Rainbow said while holding on to Jackson's arm making him blush crimson.

"How can RD breast be so much bigger than Twilight," Jackson thought while looking anywhere but Rainbow.

Fair warning little man,” Luna remarks in Jackson’s mind. ‘Dark Magic is taught and practiced in this world and when those that aren’t trained in the arts they are like open books to those of us Like me and my son who have a strong affinity for it as well as mental and dream magic. Due, keep your more private thoughts on the quieter side please.

“Well I did say when we exit the lab not in the time chamber,” Ed holds up a finger. “When we go through those doors,” he pointed to the grand marble doors that no one seemed to notice earlier, “Is when you need to be careful as it leads into the bowels of Canterlot Castle.”

"Okay then first things first," Jackson said turning to Luna and said. "That was very uncomfortable. Do I have to worry about you invading my mind, because if so I got a helmet. That has the same properties as Magneto's in X-Men," Jackson said before turning to Ed.

"And if you're wondering how I got the materials, one word well actually two. Bulma briefs," Jackson said while looking around at Edward.

Ed deadpans stared and held up his hand materializing the exact helmet in his hand. “And your thoughts were so loud literally everyone in the college above us heard them,” Jackson’s eyes went wide as his face turned beat red. “You’re not even trying to shield your mind,” he remarks as he tosses the helmet to Jackson “Do us all a favor and wear the head bucket till you can keep those thoughts to yourself, m’kay?”

Ed turns and opens the door, “Again, stick close lest you get caught in an infinity hallway…” he says as he walks on.

"Is everything okay Jack your face is all red," RD asked as Jackson just shook his head nervously.

"Y-yea I'm fine just a little hot under the collar that's all," Jackson said while putting on the helmet, before whispering to his Twilight.

"When we have time can you put up any enchantments to keep people from reading my mind," Jackson asked in which Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Ed led the group through the castle. Everyone noted it was very different from the one back home and much much bigger. There were alot more staff of varying jobs not to mention all of the Ed’s running around at one time or another.

“Most of me are shadow clones if you’re wondering,” Ed looks off in a classroom where another him was teaching class in a blue robe. “Some of them are duplicates I made through Particle Style Body Split, at least the ones that need to stick around for a while.”

"Wow big bro I never knew your Equestria this far ahead then mine," Jackson said in amazement before thinking.

"Maybe," Jackson said, getting Twilight's attention. "Something wrong jack," Twilight asked while looking worried.

"I was just thinking about asking Bulma to help me in advancing Equestria technology and education as well," Jackson said.

“Start with the education system and don’t introduce a lot of tech,” Ed says as he looks forward. “Believe it or not we don’t have a lot of advanced stuff here, even though I myself do.”

“The most advanced technology we have is actually one of Ed’s original concepts based of his original autmail. It is made from different gemstones to have different magic properties based on which gems are used,” Luna adds. “It called crystalmail and its helped a lot of ponies out that lost their limbs. Pegasi are one of his biggest supporting factions and enrollies at his own school. Outside that we do have a few magic power vehicles like airships and trains. Every now and then you see a personal vehicle but those are very expensive so not a lot of ponies have them.”

"I was thinking the same thing in teaching them first before showing them, as well as having a few mechanical and technical skills too," Jackson said while pulling out a notebook and writing in it while muttering to himself.

"Does he always do this," Rarity asked while having a strained smile. "After he was around Twilight so much he picked up some of her habits," Spike said while rolling his eyes.

“Believe it or not, Ed broke Twilight of that habit,”Lun smiles, “Though you will most likely not like how he did it…”

Jackson snapped out his train of thought before looking towards Luna and asked, "do I even want to know," Jackson asked, raising an eyebrow.

“That is what I just said!” Luna glares.

"Okay okay Jesus," Jackson said while holding his hands up.

"So Ed there's something I need to talk to you about," Jackson said before adding. " in private just you and me," he said in a series but nervous tone of voice.,

“Luna,” Ed looks at his first wife. “Take them to the gardens to meet up with Tia. Twilight has Nyx so the kids can all play but explain to the ponies who she is ‘not’.” Luna nods as she leads the group on. “How about the Kamui dimension?”

"Yea that would work for me," Jackson said before noticed his kids looking worried for him.

"Don't worry kids, me and uncle Ed are just going to talk, that's all," Jackson said before his daughter hugged him and said

"Okay papa we will believe you will be safe okay," she said while looking up at him.

“See you all in a bet,” Ed says, then looks at Spike and Rarity, “Spike is dating your counterpart here by the way," he said before pulling himself and Jackson through a portal using his eye. Leaving Spike with an eager grin and Rarity with her mouth hanging wide open. Exactly at that moment Jackson and Ed arrived in the other dimension, “So what do you want to know or ask?”

"Will you see the wedding is in three days from now, and since my father is dead and my mother is not here," Jackson said before looking away from Ed and said.

"I was wondering if you and your Luna or Celestia could fill in for them as my parents," Jackson asked Ed.

“Are you sure about that?” Ed crosses his arms. “Because if you are, we'd be honored to do it but you have to realize I’m not leaving any of my girls out of this. That means Lu and Tia as well as Amore would becoming, not to mention a few other members of the family. Unfortunately Asta and Ichigo are beyond my means of bringing as Asta is critical where he is now and so is Ichigo. Gar is… A bit out of my reach… His Sacred Tree doesn’t like me and ever since he got his grimoire and unlocked his World Tree magic the tree does all it can to keep me out of his world and I really don’t want to force my way in and stir shit up…”

Jackson just stood there for a moment before saying. "Yes I'm 10000% sure about this," Jackson said before adding.

"I know the others are busy right now, but me and the girls talked about this and they agreed to it," Jackson said while smiling at his brother.

“If that’s what you want I won’t deny you then,”Ed nods. “How about we head to the gardens though. Let’s hope the Twilights haven’t started a geek club. Oh and Nyx is Twilight’s daughter in this world, By blood and paper. If you even know who she is, that is?”

"Yup I know who Nyx is, but as for the geek club I think both Twilight's would do that and talk about their favorite Star Swirl the bearded books too," Jackson said, already seeing both Twilight's talk about while Rainbow said eggheads under her breath.

“Mine’s actually pretty tame with it. It doesn't help that she hindered my for info on the old bastard when I lied with her and Spike for a bit after I came back from my nap. I have no doubts yours will shake the fuck out of when as soon as we come through the portal as mine has told her about my past adventures with Tia, Lu, and Starswirl. The old bastard did know how to make a mean cup of cup and one hell of a mead.”

Ed activates his eye and and the duo were currently in the currently gardedns.

“Before I was warned that my grandson by a number of generations is engaged to my Twilight and Nyx calls him dad…” He says while walking, “But he’s stationed in Ponyville as Captain of the guard down there and is usually there, if not then he’s here train more of the Crimson Knights. Don’t ask about that though… I don’t really want to tell the story for the umpteenth time.”

"I completely understand bro," Jackson said while looking forward towards the others.

"Well let's not keep them waiting then," Jackson said while patting his brother on the shoulder. "Yo guys we are back," Jackson said before being tackled by his kids.

“Might want to dodge,” Ed remarks as he moves to the left, “To late,” only from Jackson to be tackled by a bright meledic rainbow blur. The saiyan slowly raises his head to see a white Ninetails sitting on his chest, rainbow aura wafting off its pelt.

"Hi there?" Jackson said while holding out his hand for the pokemon.

“Nice to meet you Jackson,” the pokemon smiles, “Yes I know who you are and my name is Faust,” she remarks with a gleeful smirk.

Jackson just blinked for a moment before rubbing his face before saying. "And of course you can talk, Ed your world is weirder than mine," Jackson said looking at him with a deadpan.

“Yea it gets weird in that she is one of the few who can actually talk but weirder with her too,” Ed rubs the back of his head.

“Mother, get off him now!” Celestia comes up.

“Yea… she’s my mother-in-law…” Ed let out a stressed sigh.

Jackson just stared at Ed before saying. "Oh dear lord and all that's holy my family is all types of weird," Jackson said gripping his head trying to wrap his head around it.

“Perhaps I can alleviate some of the headache young man,” Faust held up a paw. “I wasn’t always a pokemon. I died some thousands of years ago a couple of years after Luna was born. In this universe alicorns don’t necessarily die all the way. Our physical forms die and we remain in spirit form for an uncertain time until the world is ready for us to reincarnate. We don’t reincarnate in the same for we had before but we remain aware of who we are and with most of our power we had previously. I chose a vulpix and not long after evolved into my current form. Does that help a bit?” She grins

"NO!!!" Jackson yelled. "You just made it 10 times worse by saying that," Jackson said before adding. "It feels like I'm in a bad anime where guy 's brother has some of the weirdest and unique people in his family," he finished while his girls try to calm him down.

“Ummmmm….” Ed raised a finger. “Most of our brothers are anime characters or anime based characters and so this possible it's weird how exactly?”

Jackson slowly turned his head towards Ed before grabbing him by the collar and started shaking him violently while yelling.


Suddenly a big ass rock hits Jackson square in the head causing him to drop a dizzy Ed. Jackson rubs the back of his head and looks over to where the rock came from so see a little red haired unicorn filly glaring at him with much hate in her eyes. She wasn’t much bigger than knee high and then Jackson turned to look at the rock and it was about twice the size of his head.

“You meanie! Leave my daddy alone!” She screamed.

"And this is what I'm talking about Bro, she literally has God like strength," Jackson said rubbing his head before turning towards her and said.

"I'm sorry for hurting your dad, I just had a Twilight moment there for a second there. I hope you can accept my apology," Jackson said.

He reaches out to rub her head and she bites down hard on his hand.

"Ooowww," Jackson Yelp in pain before his daughter went up to her and said.

"Don't hurt my papa you meanie," Bra said while glare at the red haired girl.

“He hurt my daddy first!” she countered.

“Enough Sunny!” Ed scolds his youngest while getting to his feet. “Uncle Jackson was having a bit of a fit is all. He was just shaking daddy,” picking her up he dries her tears. “We’re family and he was a bit confused by how things work. It's like when Mommy and Mama Luna yell at daddy but with less magic beams and breaking walls oh kay sweet girl?”

Sunny sniffled a bit, “Okay…”

“Got to your mother for now,” he sets her on the ground and Sunny ran to Celestia who immediately startled to scold her about biting creatures.

“Lose any finger?” Ed chuckled as Jackson blew on his hand, the bite impression throbbing.

"Y-yea I still have all five of my fingers thank God," Jackson said before turning to his daughter and said.

"Bra," Jackson said, getting his daughter's attention. "I'm glad you stood up for your papa but we do not fight with family," he said while Bra had tears in her eyes.

Jackson put her up and nuzzled her cheek before saying. "I'm not mad my little mochi just don't fight with family okay," Jackson asked in which she nodded her head.

“Well that was an experience…” Ed’s twilight remarks as he puts her hand on her daughter’s head.

“Our family is really really really weird….” Nyx remarks. “Like even more weird than some of those comics Uncle Spike used to read to me…”

"Yup I couldn't agree more Nyx," Jackson said.

"So well that Happened we didn't get to introduce ourselves properly," Maud said, getting everyone's attention.

“Is Rarity still frozen and Spike still love struck?” Ed asks first.

"I got this," Jackson said, walking over to spike and whisper something into his ear and did the same for Rarity.

"WHAT!!!" both of them yelled one in excitement the other embarrassment.

“It's a good thing my nanites got lots of pictures of those faces,” Ed snickers slyly

"Please send me those pictures," Jackson asked Ed while the others try to calm down Rarity.

“One sec,” Ed pulls back his right sleeve and out of his arm prints a polaroid of the moment the duo froze. Spike with his goofy grin as he stares up with drool coming from the side of his mouth and Rarity wide eyed with her mouth hanging open, a fly flying into it. “Here ya go ,” he held out the photo.

Jackson and Rainbow dash were laughing their ass off while looking at the photo. "Dear God this is hilarious," Jackson said while holding his side's in pain from laughing, Rainbow nodded her head in agreement.

“Yea but you want to know what else,” Ed smirks. “Spike has been ;ing with Rarity for a good will now and is her main supplier of gemstone based thread and fabric. He;s the best gemstone alchemist there is, second only to yours truly.He even beats Twilight at it and he even teaches his own classes at the Automail Institute as its gemstone thread makes up the wiring for the automail and crystalmail. I gave him a pocket watch to signify his mastery of the art and granted him the title of the Jeweled Alchemist.”

"Huh, I guess all our spikes are different, but my spike is already part of the ombu as well as the captain of his own team too," Jackson said, smirking at his spike who blush at the praise.

"I could be proud too," Jackson said before putting him in a headlock while laughing.

“My little brother typically doesn’t fight,” Ed’s Twilight adds, “but that doesn’t mean he can’t. He did help fight against Ed’s berserk demon form along with Shining, Ed’s reincarnated son from another world, and a power ranger displaced.”

“Yes he was a big help with his dragon slayer magic paired with the ranger transformation.” Luna nods. “I doubt we could’ve held Malice back without my nephew’s help. He may not look it but our Spike is more than capable in his own way.”

"Well that's good to hear," Jackson said before staring out of space for a moment confusing everyone. "Jack, are you okay," Rainbow asked worriedly.

“I think he’s trying to imagine the battle between a supersized Ed and a Megazord,” Nyx giggles.

Jackson just shook his head before saying. "No, well maybe. But that's not it I just got a message from lord Zano," Jackson said, shocking his main six and spike.

“As if dealing with Black wasn’t enough, now I have the freaking Omni-King!” Ed groans. “I hope I don’t have to deal with the Damn Truth because of him! I have enough trouble dealing with that damn void dweller enough as is!”

"Not exactly sir," a voice said from behind the group Starling everyone.

“I’m not playing find the disembodied voice from another world,” Ed rolls his eyes then reaches in the air and throws a figure on the ground right in front of everyone.

Standing there was the Grand priest who was dusting himself off, "like I was saying not exactly mr. Edward it is just that lord Zeno wished to speak with all of you tomorrow," the grand priest said while smiling.

“I don’t take orders from the Omni-King priest and he has no say in my universe,” Ed’s gaze narrows as he throws his hand out to the side. “And if you think otherwise,” he holds his arm up and it turns completely jet black emitting nothing but the same time everything. It sent a chill down Jackson’s spine and he then knew that was only a small sample of Ed’s truest power.

“I don’t cater to children,” Ed glares, “Understand?”

"Ed let's just hear him out okay," Jackson said, getting his attention. "Besides this could be important," Jackson said.

“You can go if you want,” Ed quickly turns, “But I won’t. I can’t stand him and I want nothing to do with massacring fool. To destroy lives just cause he doesn’t like the idea or something. If I meet the son of a bitchi will fight him and I will destroy him. That’s not a threat but a promise too.” He turns back to the priest, “So if you have a message from him or he has something to say then you better be the one to say it, otherwise get out!”

The priest cleared his throat before saying. " Well yes, it has something to do with Jackson more specifically his ancestors," he said, confused Jackson.

"What do you mean by my ancestors," Jackson asked.

“Spit it or get lost!” Ed glares harder as the blaack spreads further over his body.

“You’re making my son-in-law very upset and that is no small feat usually but when he has this power invoked it is very bad,” Faust cuts in. “So if you would please get to the point. I don’t want to see him fully invoke that power lest the Truth spill over into this world and that isn’t something either parties want.”

"Well Jackson you should know about who your real parents are," the priest said ignoring Ed glare before continuing. "The people you know aren't your real parents. Your real parents' names are Joseph Thomas and Jasmine Smith," he said, shocking everyone more specifically Jackson.

“I think we’ll take the kids for some ice cream,” Ed’s Twilight says as she quickly gathers the young ones into a neat group. “Come along everypony!” she hurries them along

“Please continue,” Celestia smiles while Luna does her best to keep Ed’s temper down, and from strangling the priest with his own intestines.

"Yes for you see Jackson when were born your parents were excited but at the same time worried. Because someone would try to use you for their own gain, so they had to send you away to keep you safe from Moro," the priest said.

“I understand now,” Ed sighs as he deactivated his power. “He’s next in line for the throne isn’t he?”

"Yes he is," he nodded his head before turning to Jackson. "This is why lord Zano wants to speak with you," he said.

Jackson just stood there in silence for a moment before saying. "Tell him I will be there tomorrow morning," Jackson said, not looking at him, the grand priest just nodded before disappearing.

Ed snapped and brought the priest back immediately, “Make that two,” Ed says abruptly. “If you think I’m not going after hearing that then you're madder than I am. Also, one hour is all the time he gets though. Make sure his highness knows that and how serious I am. If I have to, I will fully involve the truth, and I utterly can’t stand that bastard.”

"Very well then," he said before disappearing from Ed's site, everyone turned to Jackson who was shaking violently. "Ed you don't mind if we stay the night do you," Jackson asked, trying and failing to keep his composure.

“I don’t mind but how bout something a bit more comforting than the castle,” Ed holds up a hand. “Sorry about losing my cool there. I went and exposed you to myugly side and then you get hit with that whammy,” he sighs as he rubs the back of his head. “How about we head to Ponyville. I know Twilight took the kids there for sure and I don’t need Pinkie on my back for not letting her see her sisters from another world, not to mention her brother in law.”

"Thanks bro," that's all Jackson could say to him, while lost in his own thoughts.

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