• Published 18th Feb 2021
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The legendary Saiyan - Jayelms43

My name is Jackson keon William and I'm the the legendary saiyan

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How to go Super Saiyan 101 and meting the Mane 6

Chapter 1 how to become a Super Saiyan 101 and meeting the Mane 6

By: Jalen Elms

I woke up to the sound of growls around me and I look in the center of the cave and found 10 packs of Timberwolves standing there growling at me, but when I looked at them I wasn’t scared I was more annoyed but then I felt this feeling of wanting to fight them it must be the Saiyan Pride that goku and Vegeta had when they fight strong opponents.

So I got off the ground got in the same fighting stance that Goku use when he fights his opponents then I said, “ are you going to stand there an growl at me or you going to attack.” I said in a very confident and cocky tone I don’t know where this confidence was coming from, but l didn’t care right now.

The first wolf ran at me and I threw a punch I didn’t know how strong I was until after I threw the punch and I shattered it into millions of pieces I looked at my fist in awe while the Timberwolves look at me in shock that's was until they got in a pouncing position and getting ready to attack me.

I focus back on the fight in front of me and got ready for them they all came at me at once and in a flurry of punches and kicks at speeds I didn’t know I can do all the Timberwolves were in pieces laying on the cave floor I stood there for couple of moments before pumping my fist in the air and yell out in Victory.

“ I can’t believe I was able to fend off 10 Timberwolves at the same time this must be what it feels like for Goku and Vegeta when they won their first fights.” I thought was still cheering at my victory over the Timberwolves then I got to thinking if I was able to be 10 Timberwolves that mean if I train not only will I be strong enough to defend myself I can be able to help the Mane six defeat some of the villains if they get too strong for them.

I was about to leave the cave when I saw my sword laying on the ground I picked it up but then I found a note attached to the hilt of the sword I read it out loud and it Said.

“Dear Jackson you may be wondering where you are you’re in Equestria more specifically My Little Pony friendship is Magic season one, I hope you enjoy your new life I give you all the super saiyan transformation except you have to learn how to control legendary Super Saiyan, I also gave you enough chakra needed to balance out your chi; and I also gave you the same Sharingan just like Sasuke’s it’s a little different but you’ll find out soon enough when you unlock the Mangekyou Sharingan hope you have a great life sign the merchant.” I read aloud until the letter dissolve Into Thin Air.

“ so I have all the transformation of Super Saiyan one to three except I have to train and control Legendary Super Saiyan and I have enough chakra to; also I have Sasuke Sharingan but he said it was a little different whatever that means I guess I will find out sooner or later” I thought to myself as I approach the entrance of the Cave I was about to leave until I heard a loud growling coming from my stomach.

“ I guess I also have the saiyns appetite as well better find something to eat before training, after that I need to train on my fighting style and Chi and chakra and how to control my Sharingan at the way this is going to be a long day but I am pumped to try” I thought to myself as I ran through the forest looking for my breakfast just like Goku did.

---( Twilight pov)---

I was reading a book until Spike came running downstairs telling me I had a letter from Princess Celestia. “ Twilight its a letter from Princess Celestia I think its important” he told me when he hand me the letter I open the letter and reading aloud to see what the Princesses sent me.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle you asked me the night before when you save my sister from Nightmare Moon was there something wrong I lied to you and said it was nothing now I realize I should have told you and your friends in the first place me and my sister sense a very powerful energy coming from the everfree Forest I want you and the other element bearers to go see if this Pony is a threat to Equestria or not please write back on what you and your friends find sign Princess Celestia.”

Having finish reading the letter I sent Spike to gather the other girls and meet me at the edge of the everfree forest, whoever this Pony is we hope that he is not a threat to Equestria if he is that means we might have to use the Elements of Harmony to stop them

--- the outskirts of the everfree forest---

When I arrived at the edge of the everfree I saw the girls already there I asked to see they are ready to go inside they all said Yes except for Fluttershy who was scared to go back into the everfree forest; as we walk deeper into the Forest Rainbow asked me.

“ so Twilight did Princess Celestia say anything about what we supposed to find” she asked me while we went deeper into the forest.

“ no all the letter had said was that they sense this powerful energy coming from the everfree and they want us to see if we can figure out if they are a threat to Equestria” I told her as we heard someone yelling in the middle of the forest we went to go see who it was until we found a strange creature crouched down screaming his lungs out.


The creature gave out one final yell before erupting in a gold aura that surrounded him And he's hair turn from black to blonde in a instant.

I was in shock on how he has so much power coming from him, while Rarity stared at him in awe that he can change his hair color from black to blonde, while rainbow and applejack look at him and thinking how strong he is, while Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy look at him in awe of the Golden Aura surrounding him.

“ come out I know you’re there I can sense your energy” he said while looking straight at us I was scared because we were hiding behind some trees and we were far away from where he was standing; I was about to teleport us back to Ponyville until he appear right in front of us.

I was shocked at how fast he can move just from one spot to the other maybe he use some sort of teleportation spell, I didn’t get a chance to ask him before Pinkie Pie got right into his face and asked him a bunch of questions all at once.

“Hi my name is Pinkie pie what yours name do you like parties because I like parties do you like cupcakes because I love cupcakes do yo-“ she was about to say before he interrupted her and said; “ yes I like parties and yes I like cupcake to, but no you cannot plan me a welcome to Ponyville party at least not yet” he told Pinkie she was about to say something before he said.

“ you must be Twilight Sparkle, Rarity Belle, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash am I correct on guessing your names” leaving me in the rest of the girls shocked that he knew our names.

“ how do you know our names are you some sort of spy or something” rainbow dash ask in a skeptical and suspicious tone while getting right into his face he pushed her away and said. “ no I already knew your names, I also know that Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna sent you to come find me” surprising me even more than he knew about the princesses.

I was about to ask how he know that before he stopped me and said. “Don’t worry I will answer all questions until Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as they will arrived from Canterlot I can sense the energy heading towards Ponyville right now” he told us as he walking in the direction of Ponyville.

We soon followed him and I had so many questions on how he knew who I was. How he knew my friends and Princess Celestia and Luna and how he can sense there magic I guess I’ll get my answer as we make it back to Ponyville.

(Jack pov)

I was walking towards Ponyville while the girls were behind me, I was thinking about how I was going to tell them that i was from another dimension, bit I was more worried about Princess Celestia and Luna thinking that they will trying to be hostile towards me; I don’t know if I am strong enough to defend myself against them more importantly what will happen when they meet me.

Well like the saying goes I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it but seems like I’m going to have to deal with it sooner or later I just hope it was going to be later.

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