• Published 13th Jan 2022
  • 4,486 Views, 231 Comments

Harmonic Reverberations of the Heart - UnamusedWaffle

A companion is meant to be there for somepony. To be the driving force in their life, to be the reason to keep going. I always thought I'd never find that pony for myself, until now.

  • ...

Chapter 13: Fulfilled Promises

My eyes are completely glazed over at this point. I let out a breath as I scooch myself to the side to allow my phone to block the sunlight pouring into my room. The muscles in my hoof are a little strained from scrolling for the…I don’t even know how long, but I don’t pay it any mind.

United Alliance of Nations news, UAN politics, Equestrian politics, the new tax bill, NX news, and dumb memes all fly by my face like an unstoppable torrent wreaking havoc, also known as me whenever I fly. The only thing that can stop me is-


My hoof flies to slam the “Snooze” button at about 20% of the speed of light. With as much care as I can muster, I let my phone plop onto my chest before taking a deep breath and rubbing my eyes.

Damn meeting. Fucking meeting. What time is it?

I squint as I bring my phone back up to my face.

9 A.M. I got time.

I chuckle.

Me when I got time.

The smile quickly fades from my face as I go back to mindlessly scrolling through Tweetbook. The entire room is silent save for the faint whir of the A/C in the background. There’s no shuffling of paper, no clickity-clack of a keyboard, or even the ruffling of bed sheets.

Just scrolling.

And more scrolling.

And more-


I grit my teeth as my hoof slams into my phone a bit harder than I was intending before taking another deep breath.

Again? What the f-nope. Cursing. Gotta cut down on that. Anyway, it should be a nine-minute delay, why’d it go off already? No way-

9:09 A.M.

Sighing, I almost let my phone slide out of my hooves but a small vibration stops me.

Twilight: Mezzo, please arrive a little early to discuss how the meeting will proceed.

Are you fuc-I don’t want to-Calm down! Grow up, you foal!

I let my phone drop onto the bed and take several deep breaths while hiding my face in my hooves.

Just calm down, calm down. I can break down later. For now, I just gotta get through this meeting. Alright, let’s go.

With a titanic effort rivaling the amount of effort I put into playing a round of Super Smash Brawl, I swing my hooves out of my bed and make my way into the bathroom. An intense feeling of cold and longing permeates by being all the while.

I grab my toothbrush and get to work.

Sweet Celestia, I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up. I haven’t gotten this stressed since college. Though, in college, I at least had a set end date for when the stress and anxiety would end. I guess it’s just a matter of time until I figure something out but…I just want to be done with it. Maybe tonight in the shower I can brood for a while; figure everything out.

Yeah, I’ll do that. Just gotta get through the meeting.

I take a deep breath after spitting out the fluoride and saliva concoction floating around in my mouth.

So, now what? Should I dress up or just do the bare minimum? I already showered last night so…I think I can just get away with doing gel in my mane again and some cologne since it’s not like I have regalia or something to put on. Yeah, sure, easy. Just gotta be careful that I don’t pull all my hair out when I put the gel in.

Once I’m finished, I quickly wash my hooves and walk back into the bedroom, my gaze landing on the nightstand for a brief moment before I shake my head.

Nah, I think I can go without my phone. It’d just be more to worry about.

With pursed lips, my brisk trot turns into a near gallop as I throw the door open to go down the hall to the meeting room. Wherever that is. Guess I should ask. So much for ignoring my phone.

I whirl in place and go right back into my room, ignoring the piercing gazes I can feel from the castle staff.

Just ignore it. Think of something else.

Now, I heard there was a secret chord…

My back hoof seems to vibrate at an almost impossible speed. Almost reminds me of a magic construct jacked up on nitro.

I smirk at the thought, but it immediately dies.

I can hear them talking in there. And I’m out here, waiting for my cue. Normally I’d appreciate a dramatic entrance, but not when I’m left alone with my nerves and rampant overthinking.

This sucks!

A cold sheen of sweat makes itself known on my brow and I comb a hoof through my mane before rubbing my eyes. I blink several times before allowing a sigh to escape my lips.

This is it. Cat’s outta the bag once I get called in. Well, sorta outta the bag but whatever; semantics, who cares.

“Come in, Mezzo!” Twilight’s muffled voice calls out to me.

Oh, thank Luna! Actually, it’d be more apt to say “Thank Twilight”, wouldn’t it?

I roll my shoulders, crack my neck, straighten my posture, and press a hoof up to the door and push. With the faintest of creaks, it swings open and I walk inside.

A series of four consecutive gasps assault my ears, causing them to flick and my muzzle to scrunch up slightly. My eyes immediately lock onto the griffin on the far side of the large conference table leaning on the table next to Twilight with straightened golden front claws. Her beady orange eyes bore into me as if her gaze alone could dissect me if she only held it for long enough. Her beak is slightly parted and her silver feathers laced with gold just barely peek through the vibrant magenta cloak she’s wearing with a small star pendant hanging from around her neck.

On the far right side of the room, anything blocking the view of the flat wall had been pushed aside in favor of a magic screen that folded down from the ceiling that radiates a dim blue light reminiscent of my laptop when I don’t have night shift turned on.

The projection itself holds two ponies: Luna and a light blue changeling with deep purple monochromatic eyes that seems to accentuate the dark green carapace hidden underneath her wings. The pink and aquamarine cloak along with the small blue heart pendant draped over top helps to lend an air of familiarity to everything.

I notice an empty seat next to Cadance on the far left end of the table and the silence in the room is palpable as I make my way over to her. A small colony of butterflies starts to make their presence known in my gut.

You all really just gonna let them gawk?

“Well, this is certainly unexpected,” A curt male voice makes itself known to the left and my gaze passes by Celestia before it lands on him. The muted turquoise hippogriff sits with an ashen gray mane and tail with a sizable silver moon pendant hanging from around his neck, seemingly draped over the black and silver accented cloak he’s wearing.

Finally, next to Cadance, I let myself fall down into the tall faux leather chairs.

“Hey,” she whispers, smiling down at me.


Directly across from me, next to Celestia, sits a pony with his light orange hooves drawn across his chest, his expertly combed bright green mane just barely hiding his horn. The bright yellow and white cloak he’s wearing seems to ruffle ever so slightly against the sizable sun pendant hanging from around his neck.

“We did warn you,” Celestia’s soft voice speaks up, drawing his attention.

“It is one thing to hear it said aloud. It is entirely another thing to see it for myself.” He then turns his attention back to me.

“Apologies, Your Reverence, where are my manners? My name is Archbishop Ashen Light.”

What did he just call me?

“Archbishop Sky Blast, at your service,” the silver griffin speaks up, her voice level and calm in a way that reminds me of a soft breeze on a warm day.

I was prepared for the entrance and how to deal with them, but not this! And I’m gonna have to get used to this?!

“I am Archbishop Burning Monolith. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Well, there’s the guy with the stick up his ass. Butt. Whatever.

And an extended moment of silence permeates the room for what feels like an eternity before Cadance softly clears her throat.

Damn, I didn’t think it’d last that long.

A barely audible sigh escapes from the screen on the far side of the room, drawing everyone’s attention. The border around the light blue changeling’s camera lights up as they start speaking in a way that reminds me of someone who’s on their last straw. So, in other words, my sister whenever she’s angry.

“Archbishop Quiet Tempest, if you must know, Your Reverence.”

“Please excuse her, she’s not normally like this,” Archbishop Ashen Light says.

Really? Sure, whatever.

“No worries, I’m Mezzo Harmonic,” I say, nodding.

“Forgive me, but some of my higher-ups have been scrambling to explain to the press and badgering me to explain to them where Princess Cadance has been all this time. I assume you are the reason?”

“I think that’s a good place to start,” Celestia interjects. “A little more than two weeks ago, Mezzo was the subject of a large concentration of magic that ultimately led to his ascension, but we do not currently know why he was chosen for such a role in the first place.”

“And we’re certain that this isn’t just another fake ascension attempt?” Archbishop Ashen Light asks, to which Celestia nods.

“Yes, Princess Cadance and Princess Twilight’s interview-”


“-of Mezzo was conclusive. He is the first newly ascended in five centuries. As this is an unprecedented turn of events, we’re here to discuss how to move forward.”

The sinking feeling in my stomach widens by a few inches. I think it’d be fair to classify it as a sinkhole now.

This is all my fault, why did I have to ascend? I’m just making their lives that much harder! Heh, I think that like I had any control over it.

“Let’s start with what actually happened. Mezzo, if you would?” She asks, turning her, and by extension everyone else’s attention, to me.

“Give my recount of events? Sure, should I give the long or short version?”

“The short version, if you will.”

Alright, but should I use their titles? I mean, I assume so but, they asked me not to, right? Uhm…

I go to open my mouth to ask Cadance, but something stops me. An invisible brick wall in the back of my throat restricts my speech. I want to say something to clarify. Anything.

I have to stop myself from clenching my jaw.

“Uhh, was doing a gig at a wedding, I’m a gig musician. T-the song got disrupted, I tried to continue it as best I could, I started glowing and feeling really hot, and then I woke up in some, like, L-LSD trip or something. It was a t-tropical island and Twilight was there but not really.”

I ignore the swarm of butterflies attempting to claw their way out of my gut and let my gaze fall to the table.

“She led me to a…uhm…how best to describe it? A crater in the sand that held a version of me sitting in the center of it. She then had me draw a grid in the sand around the c-crater and then this blue liquid, like, pooled into the grid. Then I flew up towards the sun but after a pillar of light scorched me, or at least, that’s what it felt like, I woke up in the m-middle of the Western Settlement with a crowd around me. That’s when two Priests showed up and, well, I’m sure you know the rest.”

“Thank you for your recount, Mezzo,” Twilight says with a smile. But another soft voice right next to me draws my attention.

“Hey, next time, try to use our titles. We might not care, but the Churches do. Especially Archbishop Burning Monolith,” Cadance whispers.

With a second titanic effort from me that day, I repress a sigh and clenched jaw to a short breath from my nose.

“Yeah, sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

You stupid fucking idiot, speak! Just speak, dammit! Wouldn’t have happened if you just spoke!

“Is the public really going to accept this?” Archbishop Sky Blast asks. Twilight shakes her head.

“We’re not entirely sure. While we’re sure that we can mitigate the worst repercussions with simply our word of support, online misinformation is rampant and the breakaway movement is going to muddy public discourse with whatever they can.”

“Absolutely,” Celestia speaks up. “While we obviously cannot directly control the actions of every creature online, what we can do is be as direct and clear as we can. Which brings us to the next point of discussion. We will be having a press conference to reveal this information to the world two days from now at 10 A.M. in the press room down the hall.”


“So that means leaving virtually nothing up to interpretation.”

Are you kidding me? I really should’ve expected that, but come on! There has to be something better than that right? Can’t we just make a Tweetbook post saying “Hey, there’s a new alicorn, nothing to worry about!”?

“You must be crystal clear and clarify anything and everything asked of you to the best of your ability. If you’re unsure of something, ask or direct the question to one of us. We’ll know the answer.”

I take a deep breath.

No, of course, that’s not going to work. But still. Am I gonna have to speak? I’m just gonna stammer again! Or curse! Or both! You’d think a couple of years of gig performances would get rid of my stage fright. HA, no, this is an entirely different Tartarus!

“As a side note, Princess Luna and Archbishop Quiet Tempest will be making the trip here via magical construct tonight. We can expect them to arrive around 9 P.M. where we will be making last-minute preparations.”

Wait, if I’m going to be “revealed” to the world, then I’m no longer going to be a private citizen. Everyone will know my name…my family!

I clench my jaw.

“I already have several emails lined up to be sent out to the big news organizations once this meeting is adjourned. Now, are there any questions?”

Really?! They just had to be dragged into this! Why couldn’t this just be my problem? Now they’re just gonna be bombarded with fucking journalists and conspiracy theorists knocking at their doors. All of Mom’s friends are definitely gonna label her as part of the conspiracy now, so now she’s fucked! Sure, I want her to stop believing that shit but I don’t want her to just be alone!

That’s a special kind of Tartarus I wouldn’t wish upon anyone else.

“Yes, how much power will he have?” Archbishop Ashen Light asks, a claw supporting his chin while his elbow rests in his other claw.

“Absolutely none for right now. We had a small meeting of our own right soon after he was confirmed to determine that.”

“For right now?” Archbishop Burning Monolith repeats, to which Celestia nods.

“We cannot say how he will fare in a few decades or centuries from now, but for right now, we don’t need to worry about it.”

Archbishop Burning Monolith opens his mouth slightly in response, only to close it in a split second and lower his gaze to the table. Celestia just holds her eternal soft smile.

“So, does that mean he will not be getting his own Church as well?” Archbishop Sky Blast asks.

“Well, that’s not up to us, that’s up to the populous. The Churches were never a direct result of us in the first place,” Celestia responds.

“Oh, right,” she says, nodding.

I nearly smile and chuckle at her response.

Yeah, I’ve been there.

“Another question, if I may, Your Reverence?” Archbishop Ashen Light speaks up with his silky smooth voice.

“Yes, Archbishop?”

“Which one of our Churches is Mezzo a part of? It wasn’t mentioned in his profile.”

Celestia nods her head in my direction.

Sure, go for it.

I nod back.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?”

He turns his gaze to me and I speak up before he can open his mouth to repeat the question.

“Uh, I’m not a part of any of the Churches.”

I feel the entire room stop and stare at me for a second time when the words leave my mouth.

Ugh, great.

“My Mom never let me or any of my siblings participate in anything Church-related and I haven’t gotten around to fixing that since I moved out.”

I mean, that’s the truth. I don’t got anything else.

“What?!” Archbishop Burning Monolith exclaims and raises himself to lean on the table, causing me to flinch. “Son, do you understand the gravity of that? Not having the teachings and guidance of the Churches can lead one to an unholy life full of sin and treachery!”

“I mean, I haven’t ever been to prison if that’s what you’re implying.”

I think I’ve been fine without it, right?

Well, now that just makes me sound like the Uncle who sits on the couch chugging three beer bottles and eighteen croutons for dinner every night.

“The Churches are the foundational institution in this society, son. If you can’t understand tha-”

“Archbishop Burning Monolith, that’s quite enough,” Luna’s voice cuts in through the magical projection. “While we understand how you feel, there isn’t anything we can do about it at the moment.”

With a single short-lived glare directed at me, Archbishop Burning Monolith sighs and sinks back into his chair.

At least, I think it’s a glare directed at me.

“Forgive me, Your Reverences, I lost my temper. That is inexcusable.”

“It is quite alright, Archbishop, but know that we cannot afford any outbursts like that towards Mezzo in the public eye. This is stressful enough as-is for him without needing to defend himself from the onslaught of you and by extension your Church members and staff.”

Me?! You’re worried about me?! I’m not the one having to handle and organize all of this, you guys are!

“Thank you, Your Reverence. Your forgiveness is most appreciated.”

Luna smiles and nods. “Of course, Archbishop.”

Forgiveness. Forgiveness. Will my family even forgive me for thrusting them into the public eye like this? I mean, of course, they will, but still! That just makes me feel even more guilty! It’s like they have no choice but to forgive me, even when they really shouldn’t.

I purse my lips for half a second and let my gaze fall to the table.

No, I can’t keep thinking like that, it’s just toxic.

Heh, not any more toxic than my usual trains of thought.

The pit in my stomach widens a fair bit further now, making me feel almost perpetually hungry, but for what, I don’t know, as a so-cold-it’s-hot feeling of chills radiates through my body.

I just wanna go cry in the shower.

“Okay, so to recap,” Twilight starts. “In two days’ time, we’ll be having the press conference at 10 A.M. to reveal Mezzo to the world.”

“Hey, you okay?” Cadance whispers down to me, drawing my attention.

“Please have pre-written statements prepared for the press and inform your personal staff of the event, as they will also be expected to attend.”

“Uhm…” I mutter and my gaze falls back down.

“This is a very important time in our history and we cannot fail.”

“Mezzo?” She asks before I squeeze my eyes shut for a second.

“Yes, Your Reverence,” Archbishop Burning Monolith responds with a nod.


“Of course, Your Reverence,” Archbishop Ashen Light responds with a smile.

“That’s not going to work this time.”

What? She knows?

“Sure thing, Your Reverence,” Archbishop Quiet Tempest says in a dry voice.

“Uhm, I-”

“Yes, Your Reverence,” Archbishop Sky Blast repeats.

My eyes dart around, my gaze still fixated down at the table.


Like any student’s reaction to the bell, I instantly rise from my seat.

“Sorry, I just need a moment,” I mutter before breaking into a brisk trot out the door. My mind barely registers the whirrr of the office chairs rolling on the hard carpeted floor, nor any other aspect of my vision.

I just need to get back to my room. Turn on the shower, and-


I freeze in place at the sound of Cadance’s firm voice.

“I know you’ve got a lot on your mind. A lot that you’ve neglected to share.”

I turn around.

“I-it’s nothing, I’m fine.”

I turn back around and start walking away.

“Where’re you going?”

Should I? I mean…I’ve been with her the most these past two weeks.

“To go cry in the shower, why?”

I hear soft hoofsteps against the hard floor slowly increase in volume. When I feel her gaze eating into the back of my head, I feel something compel me to turn around to face her again…

Only to have my gaze diverted to the side and a painful stinging sensation on my cheek with a resounding SLAP!

Did…did she just…

Before I can ponder anything any longer, she puts her golden shoe back on, sits down in the middle of the hallway in front of me, and extends her arms. With a little bit of magic, I collapse down into her embrace and she wraps her wings around me, causing a cascading waterfall of warmth and heat to radiate throughout my entire body.

My breathing becomes a bit more erratic and a few shudders fly through my spine with each breath.

Wha-why? I didn’t-What did I-?

When her hoof starts making slow circles on my back, I throw my hooves around her neck and bury my face in the crook of her neck as hot tears start to bubble up in my eyes.

We spend a few minutes just sitting there while I cry into her. Her hoof continues to rub small circles on my back and she squeezes me just a bit tighter when a small wail escapes my lips, despite my best efforts.

I mean, come on. Even I’m not gonna wail in public.

“Why?” I ask, my voice muffled to a near whisper.

“It’s just like I said during the tour. My goal is to be your light through the storm, and that’s what I intend to be.”

It’s-It’s that simple?

“But, like…”

Specifically why me? Because I’m the guy who ascended for some unknown reason.


“N-nothing, I answered my own question.”

“Mezzo…” She says, dragging my name out and causing me to chuckle.

“I know, I mean it this time.” I take a full two-second inhale and exhale for a full three more seconds. “Thank you.”

“No problem. In fact, whenever you need a hug, just come and find me. I’d be happy to help.”

Like, anytime? I can just…ask someone for a hug?



I can’t help but sigh again. “Thank you so much.”

“Of course.”

A moment of silence is broken up by my sniffle, and I briefly bring my head away to rub my nose and sniffle again.

“Ya know, I don’t know why you expected m-me to be so comfortable going to any of you about my p-problems.”

Another moment of silence and I bring my head back to her neck.

“Because most creatures already come to us with many of their problems. I didn’t think it’d be an issue.”

I can’t help but chuckle again. “Yeah, w-well, g-guess I’m really special.”

I hear Cadance chuckle as well, allowing me to smile a bit wider. “And that’s not how I tend to roll. I think I-”

Well, I clearly didn’t want to go to them…why? I just didn’t think of it? No, it crossed my mind once or twice. And yet I continued to try and think of it on my own…

“I t-tend to try and fix a solution on m-my own as much as possible before going to anyone else about it. A-and that usually means I don’t go to anyone else without the basics of a solution already thought out.”

“At what point were you going to decide that you’d tried enough and bring it to someone else?”

“Well, I’d-”

Well, I would-no, that’s dumb. I’d-no.


“I don’t know. I’ve-I’ve always been able to come up with something eventually. Guess I’ve never just had t-two weeks to figure something out.”

“Well, there’s something to consider for next time.”

I chuckle again. “Heh, yeah.”

She doesn’t respond again and I simply let the silence hang in the air for the third time. After a moment, I catch myself barely smiling into the crook of her neck.

Heh, oh right. Forgot that could happen involuntarily. Damn, I am sad on another fuc-level.

“Cadance?” I ask and bring my head out to look up at her.


“C-can we just stay like this for a little longer?”

She smiles down at me and nods.

“Of course. Do you wanna go somewhere a bit more private, though?” She asks, looking around to punctuate her statement. I can only laugh in response.

“Yeah, sorry.”

Before I can move a muscle, she starts speaking again.

“Alright, just stay still, I’m going to teleport us.”

I nod. “Sure.”

I close my eyes and lower my head back into the crook of her neck while her horn charges up. For a brief moment, her ever-flowing mane whips past my nose and I catch a brief waft of something.

Honey, with a hint of cinnamon.

After I feel a small jarring sensation and hear a small pop, I open my eyes again to find myself staring down at the bedsheets.

“Your room?”

“Yep. Is this okay?”

I don’t care in the slightest where we go, as long as it’s comfortable.


“Hey, do you remember what I said about karaoke yesterday?”

And you’re gonna invite me?

“Oh no. Yeah, I do.”

“Well, I won’t force you to, but-”

“No, I’m just being dramatic to try and be funny. But sorry, I interrupted you. Go on.”

“While I won’t force you to, I think you’d have fun if you were to go. I’ll be there if it makes you feel any better.”

Heh, already appealing to my preferences? I…I actually appreciate that.

“Yeah, sure, I’ll go. Thanks for the invitation.”

“Of course. Now, for why this whole thing happened in the first place.”

What? Oh.

I sigh. “Yeah.”

“What’s on your mind?”

“I’m really going to outlive all of them, huh? Everything I’ve ever loved and there’s nothing I can do about it?”

Now it’s Cadance’s turn to sigh.

“No, there is nothing you can do to stop it, but there’s more to it than that.”


“Instead of trying to stop their deaths, you’ll find more solace in accepting their deaths and honoring their legacy. That’s why we live on after them. To honor their memory and celebrate their lives. Someone’s gotta do it, right?”

Not stopping their deaths? I mean, I wasn’t explicitly trying to do that in the first place. And honoring their memory? Yeah, that’s what funerals are for, obviously. How did I forget that? All it took was a simple perspective change, I do that all the time.

Maybe I can actually ask them what they want at the funerals? I know Assured Brush is just gonna want me to blast the Creatures Inc. movie song while chugging a full thing of whipped cream. Now that’d actually be funny.

“Thanks, Cadance.”

“No problem, Mezzo.”

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Pen Creator and Neither for helping me edit this chapter! (These people are from the changing expectations discord, the one listed in the story description. Join if you wanna talk to me or any of the other psychopaths on there)

NOTE: These extra credits in the Author's Notes do NOT imply anything about the impact the other editors listed in the story description have on each chapter. I'm simply listing someone extra.

Anyway, as always:

Constructive criticism is encouraged and appreciated!

Not sure when chapter 14 will be done, I've got my last final this coming Thursday, and I'm planning on getting another commission done for it as well, so expect at least an extra week's delay!