• Published 13th Jan 2022
  • 4,506 Views, 231 Comments

Harmonic Reverberations of the Heart - UnamusedWaffle

A companion is meant to be there for somepony. To be the driving force in their life, to be the reason to keep going. I always thought I'd never find that pony for myself, until now.

  • ...

Chapter 4: New and Old Burdens

Listen! Those crazy NetMeTube videos are a bad influence on you. I can’t have that in this household, do you understand me?”

I sigh as I put my family picture back into the cardboard box, careful not to scratch the glass.

Dammit, Mom, I love you, but sometimes you’re surprisingly stupid.

Pausing from my search through the boxes, I bring my phone up to me with my left wing as it vibrates.

And vibrates again.

And again.

Alright, I get it!

Yawning, I tap the screen and go into my text threads to find fifty messages from Mom and Dad.


“Yes..guys..I..am..fine..I’ll..explain..everything..later,” I mutter to myself.



Sent. I know they won’t live with that answer for now but that’ll at least quell some of their worries.

Returning to my rummaging, my eyes widen for a second as my wing brushes up against something smooth and almost velvety. With a small amount of anxiety, I pull the small black case out of the box and undo the zipper.

Flipping the case open, I sigh in relief at the undamaged screen of my NX.

Thank Cadence the guards didn’t damage too much of my shit in transport. Heh, how weird is it gonna be if I use one of their names in vain around them?

“Sir?” A muffled voice comes with a knock at my door.

Well, let’s go find out, shall we?

Silently trotting over and careful to avoid the corner of the bed frame, I open the thick wooden door to reveal an orange stallion with a light brown stylized mane clad in a sleek black suit, white undershirt, and an earpiece with a visible wire. No black sunglasses though, weird.

“The Princesses called for you. Right this way, sir.” He says, turning around without missing a beat. In an attempt to stay on his beat, I immediately follow after him, quickly winging the door closed behind me.

With every step, I clench my teeth.

With every step, my eyebrows narrow and a small sheen of sweat starts to coalesce on my mane.

Oh goody, how I love being in pain.

Thankfully, the security guard in front of me doesn’t notice as I continue to waddle behind him.

Scanning my eyes around the Palace, I am mesmerized by the architecture around me.

How did I miss this before?

My eyes drink in the swirls of color that call this Palace their home. Whites, golds, and silvers gradually give way to dark blues, vibrant violets, and awe-inspiring oranges that eventually end in the signature white, black, purple, and pink.

And yet I can’t help but scowl.

What the fuck did I do to deserve this? I’ve done nothing good with my life! I’m just a fucking incel piece of shit who’d rather sit in his fucking room all day!

Sighing to myself, I shake my head lightly and focus myself back on the member of security in front of me.

Just a moment of weakness.

Actually, that reminds me, why was Princess Cadence being such a dick to me earlier? Obviously, she didn’t know I was actually an alicorn or something but why would that even be in question in the first place? Just another question to add to the list.

As we round a corner, I spy a huge set of colorful wooden doors halfway down the hall to the left.

Throne room doors, I assume? Cool, no misdirection this time. Thanks, Princesses.

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to quell the butterflies in my stomach I nervously glance at the security staff member after he knocks on the large doors and steps to the side.

He nods at me, whispering: “You’ll be fine.”

“Thanks,” I mutter back and with one final nervous glance, I walk up to the door with a hoof raised and…watch as it is slowly pulled open in front of me.

“Now announcing Mezzo Harmonic.”

Holy fucking shit, thank fuck I hesitated. I got very lucky there.

Letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding, I weave around the partially open door and find myself taken aback by the room I now find myself in.

The same swirling colors utterly cover the small expanse of the throne room and a slightly imposing golden chandelier hangs high from the ceiling. Turning my gaze slightly, several near floor-to-ceiling windows off to the right almost catch my eye.

Gotta get a good look at those later.

Directly in front of me currently sits Princess Celestia, one of Equestria’s current reigning tetrarchs. I can’t help but notice a vacant throne next to her.

“Who is-it’s you! Princess, why in Equestria do we not have him in chains?!” A shrill voice rips me from my thoughts as I turn my gaze a couple of inches below Princess Celestia.


I see a mare with a similar coat to Princess Celestia and a blonde mane standing there wearing a familiar black suit, barely visible white undershirt, and one of the most furious scowls I’d ever seen while pointing an accusing hoof at me.

Princess Celestia adopts a more neutral expression before saying: “That’s enough, Snow Frost, we’ll discuss this more later.”

“But Princess, he’s a danger to this country, a false god! The churches are alrea-”

“Secretary Frost,” Princess Celestia states firmly while rising from her throne and flaring her wings.

She huffs, puffs her chest out slightly, and storms out of the throne room. Two security personnel turn to follow her as she exits. I turn back to the Princess with a nervous grin.

“Sorry, I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”

Her smile makes my shoulders drop slightly.

“Of course not. I was the one who sent for you, after all," she says, folding her wings back in.


“True,” I tell her.

“I assume you already know who I am?” she asks.

I nod, “Don’t think there’s a soul on this planet who doesn’t,” I say, grinning slightly.

“Good, then we can skip introductions. Now, please follow me, there’s somepony who I’d like you to meet,” she says, walking down her throne and to her left.

“A-at least you give me more information than Princess Twilight,” I comment, still grinning and slowly making my way to follow her.

“Right, she did explain the situation to me. Don’t worry, we will answer all of your questions,” she responds while smiling warmly and standing next to a tall door.

“Sick and cool,” I say semi-sarcastically as I then become painfully aware of how slow I’m walking.

“Sorry, I’d walk faster but, ya know…” I grin sheepishly while trailing off. Princess Celestia’s mouth opens a little in surprise.

“Have we still not given you better treatment?”

I give a pained chuckle. “Nope, was I supposed to?”

“Yes, three hours ago, as a matter of fact, somepony was supposed to escort you down,” she sighs and for a split second, I see…something in her expression, but I can’t quite put my hoof on it. She seems…sluggish almost.


“I’m sorry, Mezzo. We’ll get through this meeting as quickly as we can and then we’ll have somepony help you down to the Royal Hospital.”

I nod, but I can’t help but feel a little distraught at her pained expression.

Ha! She’s probably showing it more than I am.

“Thank you, Princess. And don’t worry, I’ll be fine until then, I can handle a little pain,” I tell her, smiling as best I can.

My small grunt of pain immediately afterward does nothing to help my case.

As the Princess schools her frown into expressionlessness, a swirl of magic engulfs the doorknob, forcing the door open.

“Thank you,” I say quietly as I shuffle through the doorway…into the wide-eyed gaze of Princess Luna.

I need to get off my hooves immediately.

“So it’s true,” she whispers with a near gaping mouth. I spy an open cushion next to Princess Cadence and nearly limp my way over to it.

“This is indeed unprecedented, but Cadence and Twilight’s investigation was conclusive, he is the first male alicorn in recorded history,” Princess Celestia says.

I sit down across from Princess Luna and sigh in relief.

“Really? You’re joking. I can’t seriously be the only one,” I say incredulously.

Princess Celestia takes the opportunity to sit down next to her sister.

“I am not joking, my little pony. Although soon you will not be so little, and that is what we are here to discuss now,” she says.

My eyes widen. “Oh wait, no, am I-I going to become a Prince now? I’m really not ready for that, believe me.”

Her smile allows my shoulders to relax.

“Don’t worry, Mezzo. You do not currently hold any political power, nor will you until we all agree that you’re ready,” Princess Celestia tells me.

Understandable. Saves me from worrying, at least.

“Although, some ponies will still likely look up to you as a Prince, and others still will look upon you as an affront to the status quo,” Princess Luna interjects.

I sigh.

“But you don’t need to worry, you will have the four of us and our advisors to help you through this.”

Four of the smartest ponies on the planet helping me along the way, that sounds reassuring.

So why am I still nervous?

“That’s reassuring,” I say, looking around the table at each of them. “Four of the wisest ponies on the planet helping me should make things easier,” I say while ending it with a light chuckle.

Ha, yeah, like I’d actually bother them from their important work.

Princess Twilight nods from the far end of the table.

“Exactly, but in the interest of making sure you have somepony at all times, Cadence will be watching over you for the foreseeable future, answering your questions and helping you get acclimated to life as an alicorn in the castle,” she says.

I narrow my eyebrows slightly.

“‘Watching over me?'” I repeat. “As in, like, my fairy godmother or something?”

“Only if you want to think of me that way,” Princess Cadence speaks up, smiling.

“And most importantly,” Princess Luna says. “Cadence will be making sure you don’t abuse your new position. As I said before, some ponies will start looking up to you whether you like it or not, and as such you will have more influence than you’re used to.”

Oh fuck me, now I have to watch what I say or something.

“I wasn’t planning on it, Princess. I wouldn’t even know where to begin manipulating ponies or something.”

Princess Luna nods, seemingly satisfied with that answer.

She probably has every expectation Princess Cadence will keep me in line. Let’s go, she’ll do the thinking for me!

Wait, she’s still on break, right? What the fuck?

“Wait, don’t you still have a year or two left on your century-long break? I can’t ask you to give that up,” I say, concern lacing my voice.

They only get that every four or five centuries when they rotate out!

“Well, we can’t promise that any or all of us will be available for you to contact at any given time, so this is what we came up with. Besides, I volunteered,” Princess Cadence says while smiling at me.

What? Why me? What’s so important ab-Oh right, Princess Celestia said why at the beginning.

“Do those terms sound acceptable to you, Mezzo?” Princess Celestia asks, drawing my attention back toward her.

So now I’ll have somepony breathing down my shoulder who I’ll feel bad about for taking up their vacation time.


But they do seem very accommodating, so if I do speak up they might actually listen to me. And Princess Cadence did volunteer, so getting that to change seems more than a little manipulative.

“How much ‘watching over’ are you going to do, Princess?” I ask.

Princess Cadence chuckles and smiles, “First off, you don’t have to refer to me as ‘Princess’ for the time being. Going off of how Twilight and I were when we first ascended, we’re probably going to be spending a lot of time together, and keeping formalities seems pointless.”

I nod hesitantly.

Damn, alright then, that was fast.

“And while we’re at it, you may as well cut titles with the rest of us. We’re all alicorns here,” Princess Luna speaks up, nodding once.

My jaw drops and I raise my eyebrows when Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight nod along with her.

I mean, true, but…what?! Clearly, I’m missing something because I was not expecting that!

“Uh, you sure?” I ask incredulously and Princess Cadence just giggles.


Pfffffft okay then, I guess?


“Pffft, alright then,” I say, chuckling as I throw a hoof up in defeat.

“Second,” Princ-er, Cadence continues. “I’m not going to be controlling your life, Mezzo. You are still your own pony, I’m just going to be your first point of contact for any questions you may have.”

Alright, that sounds okay. But that’s probably because I just haven’t thought about it enough yet. Oh well.

“Alright, that sounds reasonable.”

“But since we’re here, we do need to address some things about alicorns that you should know going forward,” Pr-er, Celestia says, and I nod back at her.

“First off, as an alicorn now, you are immortal. That means the normal aging process does not apply to you and as such you will live for a long time, likely millennia, but we do not know for certain.”

So I am immortal…fuck.

I catch Celestia’s mouth opening once again just as I start to speak.

“So, I-I’m going to outlive my family? My siblings? All my friends and everypony I’ve ever loved?” I say in a low voice.

When Celestia visibly cringes, Twilight speaks up, “Unfortunately, yes, Mezzo, but you won’t have to worry about that for a long time. Take the time to spend time with those ponies now.”

“Am I even allowed to leave the castle right now to do that?” I ask, my voice void of any discernible tone. I almost smirk when Twilight also cringes.

“We’re working on that. We should have a plan for the announcement of your ascension within the coming weeks but for now, we’re going to have to ask that you stay within the castle premises as we don’t want you to be crowded and shunned again like back in the western settlement. I’m sorry, but it’s for the best,” she says, looking at me apologetically.

I just sigh.

Damn, way to pull a complete 180 almost instantly. She probably rehearsed those lines about ‘spending time with the ponies I love now’ and didn’t give it a second thought. Maybe something Celestia or Luna told her at one point?

Anyway, obviously, they want to prevent a mass panic, so they can’t have me running around. I imagine I couldn’t leave even if I tried, the security system here is likely way too much for my feeble mind to get around. Fuck.

“I hate how much sense that makes, so I won’t argue with you.”

Everypony’s gonna be pissed that I can’t tell them, but it’s not even my fault! And now I have to leave Mom and Dad with that shitty ass text for the next few weeks! Am I gonna have to make it up to them somehow? I have no idea how I’d even do that. I can do apologies, but…

“Why, don’t look so down, my musical friend! You’re a part of the exclusive immortals club now! Now with free drinks for club members only.” A playful voice makes itself known from…above me? To my right? I can’t quite tell.

After witnessing a collective eye roll from every other pony in the room, a flash of light directly in front of me sends me sprawling back onto the floor with a hearty THUD.

“Holy FUCK!” I shout to the heavens with no remorse.

Fuck that! What the fuck?!

Ignoring the pounding of my heart and rush of adrenaline, I look up to yell at my assailant, but my swears die in my throat. I just lay there, gaping, at perhaps the most…I don’t even…wha…what the fuck am I even looking at?

“Uhhh,” I sputter out like a dumb idiot.

“Cat got your tongue, kiddo?” The creature says down at me, grinning madly. What was his name again…?

I swear, I can feel the smoke pouring out of my ears right now.

Oh right!

“Ya know, the d-description my history teacher gave of you in high school did not do you justice,” I manage to sputter out in between short bursts of laughter.

“Ooooh my, he’s a fun one isn’t he?” Discord says while backing away to casually float above the table.

Still just lying there on my back, I start chuckling.

My life really is a movie, what the fuck is happening?

“Discord, please stop harassing our guest, he’s been through a lot these past few days,” Twilight tells him with a smile.

“Oh, come on, Twily, I just had to welcome our new member! Besides, what kind of club leader would I be if I didn’t? I should get to know the new member that’ll be spending the next several millennia with us, should I not?”

Thanks for the reminder, fucko.

“Yeah, fuck you too, Discord.” Discord’s eyebrows just raise in response.

“Hooo, we might have to do something about that habit of yours. Wouldn’t you agree, girls?” He says, turning to each of the four Princesses while snapping his fingers.

After momentarily losing feeling in my jaw, I feel it slightly strain itself against something new in my mouth. Something slippery, basic, and oddly lavender. I quickly turn my head without thinking to spit out the light pink bar of soap in my mouth, but my eyes widen in absolute fucking horror at where I spit it out.

“Mezzo! Watch where you spit!” Princess Cadence nearly yells while I duck out of the way of her extended wing.

“Oh ffff-sorry! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to do that I wasn’t thinking!”

Uhhh, what should I-paper towels? I don’t know where any are! It’d take way too long to-

My raging storm is thankfully cut short by a flash of light and raging laughter. Glancing back towards Discord, I catch Pri-er Cadence’s wing looking clean.


“Oh, thank Celestia,” I mutter breathlessly while sitting up again.

Oh shit, hopefully nopony heard that.

“Discord, please, enough,” Twilight says firmly, cutting off Discord’s laughter solely at my expense.

“Oh, come on, Tw-” But he’s cut off again by her lilac gaze piercing his soul.

Sweet mother of Luna, that even sent a chill down my spine!

Discord sighs and floats over to her with his folded ears and a pouty lip. But after he forces a small stool and dunce cap to appear before him, Twilight then leans over and whispers something in his ear.

Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that shade of red appear so quickly before on anypony—nay—anycreature!

Looking up at Cadence, I see the biggest smile I’ve ever seen on her face grow as she watches Twilight and Discord. Now that I look around, both Celestia and Luna are also sharing that distinction.

“Ahem, yes, well, it seems like I have a few errands to run now. Somehow completely slipped my mi-don’t look at me like that!” He shouts while pointing a claw at Cadence.

“I’m going to go talk to Spike! A fellow male will surely be better company than you four!” Once all four of the Princesses start laughing, he takes that as his cue to snap his fingers and disappear from sight.

I give a breath of relief, let my head fall onto the table, and a pang rockets through my forehead.

Ow, forgot that fucking magic rod was there.

“Well, that happened,” I say into the silent room.

“Sorry about that, Mezzo, usually he’s better behaved than that. I guess he was just excited to have somepony new,” I hear Twilight say.

I hum in response, “Well, I-I’m sure I would’ve played along more if I wasn’t, ya know, injured and exhausted. Who’s Spike?”

“Spike is my surrogate brother, I helped him hatch about five centuries ago.”

I nod in understanding, my snout scrunching up against the wood of the table.

Oh right, that guy! Completely forgot he existed, heh. Crazy.

“He’s been helping Dragonlord Ember run the Dragonlands for the past century or two.”

I know Twilight, I know.

“Alright, what else do we have to go over?” I say into the table before finally bringing my head back up.

“Right,” Luna starts, and I try my best to maintain eye contact with her. “We’ll go through this as quickly as we can. Based on what you told Twilight during your interview,”

Interrogation, more like.

“We believe there may have been a problem with your ascension, for whatever reason. None of us ever experienced any pain during our ascensions and when Cadence first started using magic after her ascension, she did not, in fact, explode.”

Lucky. Wait, ‘first started using magic’?

“You were a pegasus, too?” I ask her with as much emotion as I can muster in my voice. She simply nods.

“Yep! Part of the reason I volunteered.”

I nod.


“Thanks, Cadence.”

“Of course!” She says.

I turn back to Luna, a small smile now adorning my face.

“So we will try our best to work with you and figure out why. Cadence should be speaking to you about that soon.”

I nod.

“Second, about who you saw during your ascension,” Luna continues quickly.

Thank Lu-her, I just wanna go to bed for the day.

I hum in acknowledgment.

“What you saw wasn’t really Twilight. We are not sure how, or why, but whenever somepony ascends, always the alicorn closest to that pony, whether that be in relationship, domain, or otherwise, will guide them through the process, but the guide themselves will not retain memories of this.” As Luna finishes, she turns to Celestia and nods.

“Right,” Celestia starts. “When Twilight ascended, she claimed that I appeared there with her to help her ascend.”

“And I was really confused when Celestia claimed she had no memory of such a thing ever happening, even though she knew to show up right after I ascended in, what is now, Everfree City,” Twilight continues for her.

I cock an eyebrow.

What? How?

“The only reason I knew where to be and when was the result of a vision I had the night before,” Celestia finishes and I nod.

Huh, crazy.

“Alright, what next?” I ask.

“The final thing on our agenda is just to quickly mention the Churchs’ roles in all of this,” Luna says.

I immediately sit up.

Oh great, what now?

“Now now, there’s nothing to concern yourself with for the time being. We are simply giving you a heads-up.”

I nod.

“While the Church leaders will always do whatever we tell them to do, almost frighteningly so, there are those within each group that may wish to hurt you. You are the first shakeup to the status quo in centuries, and I can only imagine that there will be as many creatures who will deny change as those who will embrace it.”

So I’m gonna be assassinated? Publicly slandered? What?

“While we will obviously be here to protect you from the backlash that will surely follow this, we also feel the need to simply warn you that it is coming.” I sigh and nod again.

Fuck this.

“I’m sorry, is there anything else or are we done now?” I ask.

Luna smiles, “No, we are done with the most important bits for now. Cadence should fill you in on more details later but for now, you may go. I need to rush back to the Crystal Empire, anyways. I usually can’t be gone from that place for very long without some sort of problem arising.”

Oh right, she’s over there for this cycle.

I nod and let out a breath through my nose as I move to stand up again, putting my weight back on my front hooves. I make it about three steps before I turn back to them.

I go to open my mouth but…something makes me hesitate. A wave of deja-vu washes over me as I take in their expressions. Their wings are drooping slightly against their sides. I can faintly make out bags under their eyes that are expertly covered up by layers of makeup.

I’ve seen this before. This is what I saw in Celestia’s face earlier.

“What is it, Mezzo?” Cadence asks me, smiling.

“Oh, uh, which way to medical?”

“One of the guards outside the door will escort you.”

I nod back and turn around again. My eyelids droop slightly and my hooves feel the heaviest they’re ever been in months, but I can’t help my mind from racing a little.

Are they okay?

They all look so tired.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took a bit longer than usual, Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel and Pokemon: Legends Arceus were both released while I was writing this, whoops.

Anyway, as always:

Constructive feedback is encouraged and appreciated!

EDIT: Minor changes + italicizing Mezzo's thoughts. Hopefully it's clearer now