• Published 13th Jan 2022
  • 4,506 Views, 231 Comments

Harmonic Reverberations of the Heart - UnamusedWaffle

A companion is meant to be there for somepony. To be the driving force in their life, to be the reason to keep going. I always thought I'd never find that pony for myself, until now.

  • ...

Chapter 5: I Can't What?!

How am I ever going to get through this? The entire country-no. The entire world is going to know I exist!

I feel small beads of sweat start to accumulate on my hairline and a sinking feeling in my stomach.

Sure, I have the Princesses, but I’m normally too much of a fucking coward to even attempt to go out of my comfort zone! Holy fuck, am I a stupid fucking-

“Mezzo? Is something wrong?” A melodic voice makes itself known to my right, ripping me out of my tornado. I turn my head to meet the gaze of Pri-er Cadence walking alongside me.

“No, I’m good,” I tell her, grinning slightly.


I shake my head. If I didn't know any better I'd say that she saw that, and that's why her brow furrowed slightly.

“What are we doing after breakfast?” I ask while bringing a sore hoof up to rub my eyes.

“I’m supposed to give you a tour of the castle. But for right now, I need to address whatever details we didn’t get around to yesterday.”

And I still have some questions about the other day.

“Alright,” I say, nodding.

“As alicorns, not only are we immortal, but we also can’t reproduce.”

“Wait, what?” I ask incredulously, my mouth slightly agape.

Wha-wha-why?! You can’t just start my morning off like that!

“I know, I couldn’t believe it either,” Cadence says, her gaze lowering to the floor for half a second before she pulls herself back up.


“So, like, does that mean no physical intimacy whatsoever or am I just infertile?”

What the fuck is happening? I feel like I’ve been having a LOT of thoughts like that lately. Oh right, I HAVE.

“No, you can still engage in intercourse,” she starts.

I sigh a breath of relief.

“You’re just infertile. We think it’s because of the overload of magic during the initial ascension, but we don’t know for certain.”

“Well, glad to know that option’s been forcefully ripped away from me before I could even fully consider it.”

I mean, sure, it’s fine to my immature brain, but that’s just because the more I think about how awful my siblings and I were when we were young, the less I want foals. Fuck, was I an annoying prick back then!

“Yeah…” She says, trailing off.

Oh. I see.

“From the sound of it, I assume you wanted foals?” Her eyes widen slightly for a split second before she controls herself again.

“Oh, I actually didn’t when I first ascended, I was too young to understand it all.” I see her eyes glaze over while she lowers her head to stare at the floor, her hooves on autopilot.

Uh oh, big mistake.

“And then as you grew up you realized how wrong you were?” I offer before I purse my lips.

“Yeah,” she says, sighing, after pulling her gaze back towards me.

I give her an apologetic look, “Yeah, sorry, I wasn’t thinking when I asked that,” I say, letting a breath out of my nose and grinning slightly.

Thankfully, she reciprocates, “It’s alright, you were just curious.”

And now we change the subject!

“So, about yesterday,” I start. “Why did you volunteer to be my guide?”

“Truthfully, I saw myself in you.” She says, smiling more now.

Well, that’s good but also WHAT?!

Cadence chuckles.

“Yes, I did. When I first ascended and got my horn, I was scared. I had no idea what was going on or what to do until Auntie Celestia showed up. She was my guiding light through the storm.”

I nod along with her.

“Then you come along, pursued by the militia, imprisoned, questioned…”

“Interrogated,” I correct, smiling.

“Questioned,” she continues, more forcefully this time.

I can only laugh in response.

Oh, look, an opportunity.

Quickly, I pull my phone out of my satchel with a wing, pressing down on the power button.

“Sophie, define interrogation.”

“Oh, come on!”

“To interrogate is to ask questions of someone, especially a suspect or a prisoner, closely, aggressively, or formally,” A robotic voice replies. With a smug smile, I put my phone away.

“You were saying?” I ask, my tone rising.

She just shakes her head at me and smiles, “And I thought I could be to you what Auntie Celestia was to me all those years ago.” She smiles as she finishes, and I feel my heart rate start to speed up a bit.

Oh, wow. That’s…

“Thanks, Cadence. I didn’t expect anything that thoughtful.” I feel a heat start to-

Nope! Not happening! Get a fucking grip!

Shaking my head a little, I turn to look in front of me again.

Well, I imagine her cold demeanor on the walk to the interrogation didn’t help my fears in the slightest.

“Are you sure it wasn’t because you felt bad about treating me like a piece of sh-dirt?”

She smirks, “You know, I don’t mind if you swear.”

I gasp.

“Really?! Holy shit, thank fuck! Wait…”

I burst out laughing.

“And I immediately swear twice, not five seconds after…” I sputter out in between breaths, my core in miserable pain. Getting my breathing under control again, I look over to see her doing the same.

Ha! She laughed!

“Anyway, going back to what I said, why were you treating me like shit?”

“Uh…” she says nervously and I smirk.

“You’re not getting out of this.”

She brings her hoof in towards her chest, inhaling, and extends it back out as she exhales.

Oh, you most definitely can, but it’s not like you know that.

“You’re not really supposed to know, but I suppose I can be as vague as possible.”

My eyes go wide. “Ooooh, national security secret? Are you gonna have to wipe my memories if you tell me specifics?”

“Yes,” She says deathly seriously and her expression goes blank.


And she bursts out laughing. I chuckle along with her.

“Ah, I have been gotten. Crazy,” I say sarcastically as she recovers.

“The names that Twilight mentioned that other day during your questioning,”

I roll my eyes.

“...were all involved with a fake ascension attempt before, so we had to be sure.”

My jaw drops, “Wait, what?!”

“I’m sorry but that’s all I can tell you.”

“Wait, but-”

“Oh look, we’re here.”

“You like what you see?” Cadence asks me, smirking.

“Well, it has been a long time, I don’t get many opportunities,” I reply.

I’m slightly taken aback by the absolutely massive, towering rows and rows of bookshelves. The Canterlot Archives nearly takes my breath away, which is ironic since everything here is made out of trees, more so than what I’m used to.

I almost fail to take note of the librarian’s desk a meter or two in front of me as I scan my gaze across the jungle in front of me, the books all carefully and neatly organized with that decimal system I could never fully understand.

“Are you looking for anything specific?” A raspy voice makes itself known from behind a large computer monitor at the circular desk in the middle of the room.

Craning my neck, I see a small insectoid creature poking their head out. Large green beady eyes stare back at mine as the bright green changeling buzzes its orange wings for a second.

“Uh, nothing in particular. I’ll let you know, though,” I tell them, nodding. The changeling nods back.

“Just don’t break anything. Princess, if you would, please?”

“I’m all over it,” Cadence says, momentarily rushing to fall in step with me.

Without a word, Cadence and I slowly stroll down the aisles, although I suspect she’s more focused on gauging my reaction than anything.

DA…bunch of numbers…World History, DB…Griffonian History, DC…The United Alliance of Nations’ History, DD…Changeling History, DE.1…Equestrian History-Post Nightmare Moon, DE.2…Harmonious Period, blah blah blah…

I gasp.

“Spellbooks!” I whisper loudly.

I faintly hear a giggle behind me as I quietly rush into the aisle and throw my face into the words of the first eye-catching cover I see.

“I take it you’re interested in spellcasting?” Cadence asks in a low voice.

Oh, heh. Kinda lost control for a second there, whoops.

“Yeah, I-I-I’ve been curious ever since my friends started learning and then complaining about how hard it was. I’ve wanted to learn ever since.”

Oh, wait, I’m gonna have to have that whole ‘I’m an alicorn now and am going to outlive you’ conversation with them too, right?

Fun. I can ask them what they want at their fucking funerals.

“Mezzo, I think you’re forgetting something,” she says, smiling smugly at me.

Oh great, how much of a fucking idiot am I now?


“True!” I say a little too loudly. I continue after quickly darting my eyes around. “But I’d have no idea where to start.”

Cadence deadpans.



“I’m standing right in front of you.”

Oh, right, fuck, I really am just fucking stupid today, huh? Oh well, I guess I can just turn it into a joke.

“What’re you implying? Are you offering me something?” I whisper, trying to contain my laughter.

Cadence just rolls her eyes and turns towards one of the bookshelves, her almost ethereal waving mane stopping me from gauging her expression. My smirk falls.

“Yeah, sorry, I genuinely just didn’t consider that. Can you teach me spellcasting, if you find the time?”

Cadence turns her head slightly to eye me with a cocked eyebrow.


My shoulders drop slightly when her expression softens.

“Sure. I was going to anyway, but now I don’t have to bring it up.”

“Happy to be of service,” I say, smirking again.

She rolls her eyes again.

“Was there anything else you wanted to see here?” She asks, turning around to walk out of the aisle.

No fucking idea.

“Nah, I think I’m good here, unless you aren’t,” I respond in a low voice.

“Nope, I’m ready when you are. Besides, I can come here whenever I want,” she whispers as I follow her out of the library.

Good point.

“True. Actually, will I be allowed back here without adult supervision?” I ask sarcastically, slowly raising my voice the more we step outside of the doors.

“Yes, you can come back here whenever you like. The staff are not allowed to speak about you outside the castle right now.”

Ha! They can’t gossip! Suck it!

“Can’t imagine how many NDA’s they’re under.”

“Too many to name.”

I chuckle lightly but Cadence doesn’t join me.


“So, where to next?” I ask.

Cadence stops for a second to let her horn glow and force an aquamarine phone with pink accents to appear in front of her.

Is that a watermelon keychain? That’s so fucking adorable.

“Going off of the list Twilight gave me, our next stop is her lab,” she says.

I can’t help but cock an eyebrow, “I thought you were supposed to be handling me?”

I say that like I’m a problem. I mean, I am, but that’s not the point here.

“Yes, well, sometimes Twilight can’t help herself,” Cadence replies, a little defeated, while starting to walk down the hallway, her horn forcing her phone to disappear again.

I chuckle. “She’s a neat freak?”

“You have no idea,” she says, nearly deadpanning. I can’t help but fully laugh this time.

One of my Princess Goddesses is a neat freak, let’s fucking go!

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long, the workload for this semester has finally started to pick up and it's hitting me hard.

As always, constructive criticism is encouraged and appreciated!

Seriously!! I need constructive feedback in order to improve this! I may be writing this for my own enjoyment first, but I also don't want this to be a pile of shit. If something feels off to you, please let me know!

EDIT: Made some small changes like grammar corrections and italicization