• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 211 Views, 0 Comments

Flurry Heart is Hilarious - Badguy400

A certain baby filly who’s taken lessons from a silly pony about silliness.

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Chapter Two: The Royal Prankathon Pt. 1

Flurry Heart has been busy lately in the Crystal Empire… ; constantly gathering up supplies from her room closet for her best prank marathon ever! Or as Flurry Heart has known from countless foal friendly books: The Prankathon! Now; how did she get the supplies for her pranks… ? That’s easy… ! Flurry Heart just managed to have some stored, or leftover from countless parties! A couple of those parties are from Flurry Heart’s birthdays… .

Meanwhile; Twilight and her pals are currently at Twilight’s castle in Ponyville… ; reminiscing about the fond memories that they’ve had. Well… ; fond memories that were good of course… . They were just goofing around and having a blast; playing with a few nicknacks that they acquired from their adventures… . Like a medallion from one of the McColts for instance during their time when Twilight and Fluttershy were helping with an ancient family feud… . A medal for participation from the time that Applejack’s race from Appleloosa was a bust, and that her friends had to make her feel better… . And lastly; some messy looking; yet cute little drawings from Flurry Heart from the time that she was being babysat by her aunt Twilight when her parents went out to look at some weird art at Shining Armor’s friend’s art gallery in Ponyville Cafe… .

Things were going great up until there was a knock on the door… . Confused as to who could be knocking at this time; Twilight gestured for her friends to stay put, and then went to investigate who’s at the door right now… . Twilight opened it to see her big brother, and her sister in law. Problem with them is that they looked worried, and were sweating profusely just a little bit.

Getting worried for them; Twilight began to ask a little nervously; “uh… . You guys okay… ?”

Both shook their heads no, and then Shining Armor began to say; “we’re sorry for bothering you like this… . But can we come inside… ? We have something that we’d like to discuss with you… .”

Seeing the urgency of this situation; Twilight said; “oh… come on in!” and then gestures for them to come inside. They did, and Twilight closed the door to lock it behind her before following the two to the map room… .

Flurry Heart is in Ponyville right now… . The reason is that she heard about what her parents were doing there… , and she’s feeling like putting a stop to it… . But first; Flurry Heart feels like pranking at the moment… . And with that; she’s off… !

Meanwhile; back at the castle… .

“Woah… .” Twilight said in disbelief. “She actually said that… ?!”

Both of the Royal Couple nodded their heads in unison, and then Cadence says; “we think we know what’s going on here… . And I think that we might have to give her a little chat when this is all said and done… . But first… ; we’d like to have a talk with Pinkie Pie… ; if you don’t mind… .”

Twilight Sparkle looked a bit surprised, and then said; “oh… no problem! Feel free to let me know how it went; okay?” Both of the Royal Couple nodded their heads, and then went to go speak with Pinkie Pie… .

Feeling like that she’s in trouble; Pinkie Pie then got a bit nervous… . Shook a little bit anxiously… . And then began to cry a little, then confessed; “okay I’m sorry… ! Flurry Heart was just feeling bad for what she went through… . And I just can’t bear to see her sad like that… ! So I just basically played with her to make her happy, and that’s it! I didn’t mean for her to enjoy pranking so much because of that… ! I’m sorry… !” And then Pinkie Pie cried some more… .

Looking confused; Twilight then said; “wait, what?!” before hearing a massive splatter sound… ; signifying that someone or some pony just got hit with a tomato. After hearing that; Twilight then said; “uh oh… .” and awaited for what’s to come… .