• Published 5th Nov 2021
  • 211 Views, 0 Comments

Flurry Heart is Hilarious - Badguy400

A certain baby filly who’s taken lessons from a silly pony about silliness.

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Chapter Three: The Royal Prankathon Pt. 2

Seeing in shock as to what’s happening outside; they just couldn’t believe it… .

There… ; outside in Ponyville; was Baby Flurry Heart… ; gleefully just pranking as many ponies as she can from within the village… . Splattering tomatoes at them… . Tossing a few eggs at some of the ponies’ windows… . And even going the extra mile as to covering entire blocks; (if not baby carriages), in so many confetti that even Pinkie Pie would be proud of… .

Back at Twilight’s castle however… ; she isn’t. Least; not at the moment anyways… . Pinkie Pie is currently crying her eyes out; (metaphorically of course), because she’s still feeling bad about what she unintentionally made Flurry Heart into… . And is feeling bad about getting in trouble also… . Plus; she’s worried about having to receive a punishment later on… ; for when this little fiasco is all said and done. What kind of punishment… ? Something that even Pinkie Pie would hate… .

(Since after all; she does have the mindset of a child at times… . Am I right? But enough about that; let’s get back to the story… ).

While Flurry Heart is causing trouble for the citizens of Ponyville; Twilight Sparkle is at her castle with her friends; deciding on what would be the best course of action to stop Flurry Heart without her causing much of a scene by crying… .

Meanwhile; the parents are fast asleep… ; wondering as to whether it would be a good idea or not to punish their daughter in the most severest way possible; (for disciplining an infant of course… ). So with that; they’re sleeping on it… ; hoping that their final decision wouldn’t be too severe… in a sense… .

After a few hours of planning; they went out to stop Flurry Heart from pranking… .

And as for the parents; they’re still fast asleep to really be of any help as much.

With Twilight and her friends ready on the plan; they sprang into action… .