• Published 3rd May 2021
  • 1,903 Views, 94 Comments

The Adventures Begin - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset get banished into another world and start a journey to come back home (With some help)

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Collect the orbs (1)

The Team decides to set up a camp in front of the stone gate to use for several days. Lance is analyzing the map so he will know exactly where he needs to go. Lance found the orbs' location, so the Team decided to go together since they knew going alone would be dangerous. They are now on their way to claim the first orb.

"I wonder what the orb looks like," Sunset replies inquiringly

"We don't care about the history of this planet nor its legends, so we don't know what the orb looks like," Lance explains as he looks at the map.

On their way into the cliff, the team came upon yellow slimes and an electric raven. They slay it with no problem and go deeper into the cliff. At the end of the cliff, they see a red orb glowing on a pole. Sunset suspects this kind of situation.

"I wonder if there are guardians for this orb or not."

"Nah, don't worry. We'll take them down no matter what." Matt responds as Sunset nods.

"I think we should set up traps before we go to that orb." Sunset says.

"This will be a good idea. I've got some...uh" Lance says as he searches for something in his dimension pocket " oh sorry. I forgot my explosion" Lance pulls out a piece of C4.

"What was that?" Sunset asks

"It's a C4, can only be used to destroy important targets, because it doesn't explode instantly and is used as a time bomb instead of a grenade," Lance explains.

"Oh, I see... Just take back please, we don't use it" Sunset says as Lance takes the C4 back to his pocket. "I will set some magic traps on the floor and mark it with an "X"

Sunset and Natalie set traps while Matt and Lance keep an eye on things. By the time they were done, Sunset waves her front hoof at the boys. Matt volunteers to go up and grab the orb. By the time he gets close to the orb, a rumble is heard on both sides of the rock wall. Following that, the Clays have different colors for each type: Black, White, Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. They jump in front of the orb and slash Matt. Matt jumps back immediately to dodge the slash and stands alongside his teammate.

Green Clay aims the bow at Sunset, while Red and Blue Clay rush to Matt and Natalie, Back Clay rush to Lance, White and Yellow Clay rush to Sunset. Sunset blocks White's attack with "Shield" as she blocks Yellow's attack with her staff. Matt punches Blue, making it fly backward to Black, rescuing Natalie. Natalie sees an opportunity and chants a spell while Lance blocks Black's attack. He sees that Green Clay aims for Sunset; gritting his teeth, he uses all his strength to make Black back off.

Green fires two arrows at sunset. Sunset immediately pushes the duo off and dodges one of the arrows, but the second stabs at her right front hoof. Natalie cast a spell at Green; many fireballs appeared then exploded at Green, making Green unable to react, shattered into many pieces after the explosion.

Black slams the axe to the ground. Under Sunset appears a black circle; Sunset immediately jumps back to dodge, the circle appears many dark spikes seem to stab the patient. Sunset grits her teeth to contain the pain. She teleports above Black to stab it. Black simply dodges aside and makes Sunset's staff slam into the ground. She casts the spell after that while Red is busy fighting with Matt. Red looks back at Sunset but all it sees is a water dragon that appears from the ground and rushes to the Clay. Red is surprised and gets hit by the water dragon, scattered into pieces.

Black tries to slash Sunset but she reacts fast enough to dodge the slash, then she teleports above Black while Black is stumbled by his slash. Sunset pushes Black into the traps by the "Push" spell. Black flies toward the traps, it activates and explodes, another Clay scattered into pieces. White is using many flash thrusts on Lance but Lance dodges them all. Lance kicks White away, takes out his big guns and aims at Yellow. White jerks back and rushes to Lance, but it activates the trap, explodes and shatters into pieces. Lance shoots "Plasmacross" by the time Sunset throws an electric ball; all projectives fly toward Blue. Blue tries to jump back to dodge, but it can't move; looking down, it sees vines tied it up into place. The shot and the electric ball strike directly at the Clay, scattering it into pieces. Now all the Clays are gone.

Sunset sits down the place and uses her left hoof to take off the arrow while Natalie uses "Heal " on her. The wound slowly recovers.

"Wow, I don't know there is an army of clay" Sunset is trying to say between the breath.

"Yeah, look like magic traps are effective; still, there are three orbs left," Matt says he takes the orb and puts it into the dimensional pocket.

"We will rest here for a while," Lance says as he sits down next to Sunset.

"So... How is your life when you serve your princess, Sunset," Matt asked

"I don't know what I felt like at that time. Honestly, I feel like I'm going astray when I serve her. Even having a friendly talk with Celestia didn't help me have a way to live." Sunset explains as Matt pats her back. "Thank you" she whispered.

"You know Sunset, I once lost my way too," Natalie says, making Sunset surprised. " When I was still in church, I had to follow the rules of the church. Eventually, I counted how many days I wanted to be free because the church doesn't want me to go outside" she says with a smile, "until I meet Matt here. He is the one who meets me in the church, listens to my story and drags me outside the church. If he does not appear, maybe I wouldn't be here and talk with you guys." Natalie laughs.

"Well, honestly at least you two have a good life. I am the one who doesn't have parents." Matt said with a sad tone "I don't know what family is, how do I feel when I am in a family. What I know is loneliness into infinite until I meet Natalie here." He pats Natalie's head and makes her blush "When I meet her and hear her story, I decide to get her out of the church. And we started many adventures until now."

"Well, I have a family but my mom is dead. My dad was always strict with me because he loves me, teaches me how to shoot a gun. My sword-blade is a gift for my 17th birthday." Lance leans against the rock, "when my dad is gone, I feel empty so I decide to conquer the world to find my feeling"

"Oi, you kidnap Natalie there and make me have to beat you down," Matt says

"Oh come on, you don't have to remind me," Lance complains as the other laugh.

"So? Continue our journey?" Sunset suggests

"Sure," the trio nods.

The Team gets up and goes to the second orb with Matt leading them. When they walk, slimes and ravens stand in their way so they have to slay all of them. After a while, the team finally arrives at the place that has the second orb.

"Here we are," Matt says as Sunset pokes him " What's wrong?". Sunset points at the line of spikes that prevent them from getting the orb.

"Okay, how do we get out of this one? Even this line has missing one square of spikes." Natalie explains.

"Sunset, can you see up high there?" Lance asked.

Sunset teleports to a high pole and sees an exact square of spikes.

"... They are square of spikes, it is a 4x4 square" Sunset explains as Lance draws a 4x4 square. "There have some levels and missing spike too"

"How sơ?"

"The first line, miss the second. The second line, miss the fourth. The third line, miss the first and the fourth line, miss the second."

".... there must be some related to spike and level, Matt can you pull a level?" Lance asks as Matt pulls the first level.

"The first line, missing third" Sunset tries to say as shorten as possible.

"I see. Now it's time to do some math."

Matt pulls the second level, the second line misses the first and the third. He continues to pull the third level, the third line misses the second and the third. He continues to pull the fourth level, the fourth line misses the second. The team pulls level until the spike opens the way for them. They continue to go to the orb and grab them easily.

"Well, that was easy," Sunset cheers

"Yeah, let's go back to the camp," Lance says as the team goes back to the camp. They decide to take a rest for a day before finding the third orb.

After sleeping for a night in front of the stone gate, Sunset opens her eyes and tries to wake up but once again she can't move. She finds that annoying because she knows Natalie and Matt use her as their pillow, again. She wakes them up with a water spell, makes them a jerk, and glares at her.

"Like I said, not using me as your pillow" Sunset complaint

"Sorry, except you are a human or something else. I will try to "pillow" you." Natalie says and giggles.

"I see... So where will we go, Matt?" Sunset asks.

"Last time we collected two orbs from the west. Now we go to the east to claim another." Lance answers.

"Good, have breakfast with...raven meat and we go now," Matt says.

After breakfast, the team starts to go to the East of the gate. After walking a while, Sunset feels hot and so does another.

"Ughhhh are we there yet?" Sunset asks as she drinks water.

"No, we have to go further," Lance answers while still walking. The Team has been stopped by two small stone gates. "Right..... We have to open these stone gates to get the orb"

" Okay... I see two levels over there" Matt says as he points to the levels.

"Isn't that so suspicious? I mean there is no monster here" Sunset says.

"Nah, you too worry about this. Remember they are level, not orb so I doubt that there has a monster there" Matt rejected.

".... Ok maybe I am too cautious about this." Sunset accepted

The Team comes near the level, it is in the area of sand. Sunset has more caution about this because all the walks are ground but this one is sand? Matt goes near the level, but suddenly the sand seems moving. After that, a giant sandworm comes out of the sand, has many teeth around its mouth, and roars at them for the challenge.

"You know what, maybe my caution is right ~," Sunset teases, making Matt groan.

The sandworm vomits its green saliva at the team, making them jump back; the saliva seems to have acid inside, it burns the sand ground like nothing. Matt lifts his sword and tries to slam it to the ground but it ends up subsiding to the sand, making him yep. Natalie is chanting a spell while Lance is charging his gun. The sandworm goes under the sand, making Sunset and Matt cautious. After a while, the sandworm appears and rushes to Natalie. Sunset quickly teleports in front of the worm and punches one of her front hoofs on the ground. A fire dragon appears and flies around her and Natalie makes the sandworm feel hot and jerks back. Natalie casts the spell; a magic circle surrounds the worm, then a light ray rises from the ground, making the sandworm stunned by the light. Matt rushes at the worm and slashes it into two.

"Well, I don't know you can do that Matt," Natalie said.

"That's a surprise for me too," Matt says as he feels something burn on his shirt, making him roll to cut the fire. "Hey, could you dispel that dragon? It is annoying here"

"Sorry," Sunset apologizes as she pulls the level, the stone gates opened for them to come in.

The team decides to go into the left gate, as they walk into a dark cave. I see many skeletons in this cave a lot.

"I wonder why many humans lie here? Something dangerous in this place."

"Yeah, be in caution because we don't know what we will meet here

They continue to go deeper into the cave. A while later, they see the third orb is wrapped in some kind of dried branch. The Team looks at each other and nods. Matt and Sunset go near the orb; suddenly, an earthquake-like something heavy is walking. Look at two sides, they see two golems, all white and seem made of stone. The golems stand in front of the orb and are ready to fight.

The Golems rush to Natalie, Natalie uses "ice" to freeze the floor, making one of them slip on the ground. The other golem tries to throw a punch at Natalie but Matt blocks it; the punch is too strong, making him fly backward. Sunset uses "Dragon Fire" at the golem but it has no uses. The golem rushes at Sunset as she simply teleports away. Natalie starts chanting a spell while Lance grips his big gun, aiming at the Golems to find the right time to shoot.

The Golem that rushes at Sunset, tries to punch Sunset; she keeps dodging the punches. Sunset teleport to another second golem, the second golem gets up and change its arm into a sword and slash her; Sunset duck to dodge; by the time the first golem throw a punch to her, she teleports away make the punch connect to the second golem, send it flying backward.

The first one glares at Sunset, it lifts its arm and shoots at her. She simply jumps aside while Matt is rushing the first golem with a red- aura sword. The second golem punches Sunset from her back, makes her and sends her flying. The second golem uses a sword - hand and swings at Sunset while she is in mid-air, trying to kill her. Before the blade impacts her, Lance shoots "Shockwave" above Sunset; it explodes windily, making her drop faster. The blade just connects to Sunset's horn and instead of connecting her chest, slashes off her horn.

Meanwhile, Matt rushes at the first golem and slashes furiously at the golem. The golem tries to block it but the slash is too powerful, Matt slashes off one hand by the third slash then leaves a big scar by the fifth slash. Natalie slams the staff on the ground and yells "Pulsar", a black hole appears and it inhales two golems inside, then explodes; make one golem scattered into pieces and another one nearly joins its friend. Matt rushes the golem and furious slashes at it while Lance shoots at it many times until it is shattered into pieces. The trio now breathes tiredness.

"That was a massive fight!" Matt cheers

"Yeah" Lance agrees " I don't know how hard for those Golems"

"We will check those golems later. Now grab the orb," Natalie demands.

"We hope that we can reach Volcano Peak right, Sunset? Sunset?" Matt asks as he turns around and sees Sunset is holding pain and panting, then she fainted after that. "SUNSET" The trio yells

"Quick, I grab the orb while you two carry Sunset back to our camp. Natalie, you can heal like moving right?" Lance says as Natalie nods. "Let's go".

Lance quickly shoots down the branches and grabs the orb while Natalie and Matt carry Sunset back to the camp. When they get to the camp, Natalie keeps using her hand to heal Sunset by magic while others set her down carefully and just wait until Sunset can awaken.

"I don't know that horn is sensitive for a unicorn," Lance said

"We don't know too, keep healing Natalie. I will hunt some ravens" Matt says as the other nod. They know he is not going out simply hunting.

"How is Sunset, Natalie?" Lance asks

"Other is fine but due to the pain of horn cutting. She will have to sleep a lot, luckily she learned how to cast the spell without that horn before" Natalie explains and Lance sits beside Natalie and Sunset.

"Just keep trying, I don't wanna lost a teammate," Lance says.

"Will do". Natalie nods.

The team now collects 3 orbs successfully, they have to prepare for a future fight and Arkon