• Published 3rd May 2021
  • 1,903 Views, 94 Comments

The Adventures Begin - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset get banished into another world and start a journey to come back home (With some help)

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The Guardian

Opening her eyes, Sunset found herself in that room again, being chained and having a dragon keep pointing his finger at her forehead. She finally can speak again

"You know, you can do that more adequately, right? Why do you keep tying me up like this?" Sunset asks in an annoyed tone.

"Because..." Whitty rubs her neck while talking, "I feel like it," he starts stroking her back, making her shiver.

"Anyway, why are you giving me your magic huh Mr. Like to touch me?"

"Because I trust you that you can use all of my power if you can live... By the way, I take that nickname."

"Grrr... I'm going to get you when I get out of this chain. Anyway, is there any payment to your full power? "

"Yes, but I can't tell you yet," he giggles

"Fine," Sunset says in an annoying tone." You really want to touch me right?"

"Yep. I like your fur, it's so comfortable when I touch it," he says as he keeps stroking her back. Sunset gives up because she can't do anything. "Anyway, time to wake up."

"And how can I wake up? You're not gonna use my body for anything bad?"

"Nah ah ah, don't be like that. Anyway just close your eyes as you sleep and you will wake up," Whitty says. Sunset nods and closes her eyes.

The Team wakes up and stretches their body. They sit together to make a plan for the Guardian.

"I assume that you know what to do in this meeting?" Lance explains as the team nods. "Good, for information, we just know the Guardian is a robot with a big cannon on its back, and can walk like a quadruple creature. So, any idea?"

" Use explosion spells and things, but only me and Sunset have those kinds of spells," Natalie suggests

"I can support Natalie for chanting the spells. Sunset, Nah her style of fighting does not need support," Matt says as Sunset glares at him

"Sadly, I have only this C4. As I said, it can't be used as a grenade so this thing may be trash for battle," Matt explains and he sees Sunset raise her forehoof "yes, old mare?"

"I think you gave this to me. Just show me how to plant that thing and I will use it," Sunset suggests, making Lance surprised.

"What are you going to do with this? " Lance asks but sees in Sunset's eye, he knows that she had a plan. "Fine, I will show you later."

" How about making some covers? I will use "Tremor" and "Iceberg" to create this, just make sure it has machine guns or something. " Matt explains.

"..... We don't know much about this machine though so that can count, we will fight in the plain area so that's gonna be a good idea," Lance explains.

"Then what if it has minions?" Sunset asks, "Don't get me wrong but from my experience when we fight big foes they always have some minions aside."

"In that case, Matt's cover is a good thing in case that happens. So, any idea?" Lance asks as the others are silent. "Good, we should prepare now. Sunset, come with me, I will show you how to plant this C4. "

The team is now fully prepared. They begin to put the balls on all the poles, the gate is open aside. Behind that gate is the white four-legged machine. It has a ruby on its head, a big cannon attract on its back; waiting for them to demand a battle. The team is now in a battle stance. The robot shoots many shots in the sky; a moment later, two balls, each ball has a pedestal and has crystal attract on it with different colors, down beside it.

Matt slams the tip of his sword to use "Tremor", a pile of earth rising enough to cover some ammo shooting. The red ball charges at the cover, sparking its crystal and then itself - explodes, destroys the cover. The machine shoots cannon at the team, making them have to split up. The yellow one uses its crystal at Sunset; Sunset looks up at the sky and sees a dark cloud on her head. She teleports to the blue ball and holds it to make sure it won't move.

A moment later, the cloud strikes thunder at them; it makes them hit by that. The blue ball was destroyed while Sunset could standstill by a lightning strike. The machine lifts one of its legs and tries to slam Sunset down, but an Iceberg rises from the ground and makes it fall aside. Sunset drags the staff on the ground then swings it, a wave of fire rushes the Guardian and explodes, creating smoke around. The team step up and take caution to see if it is destroyed or not.

Suddenly, a beam shoots from the smoke and strikes directly at Sunset, making her fly backward, slamming into the trees and coughing some blood. The smoke faded, it appears that the robot just has little starch, it takes out machine guns from two sides of the ruby, shoots at the trio rapidly. Natalie creates a shield to block the shoot but the machine rushes at them while shooting, it slams into Natalie and Lance, sending them flying backward.

Lance takes the big gun and shoots the machine gun and destroys it. Matt quickly stands up and points two fingers at it. A black hole appears on its head. A moment later, many swords from the sky drop into the machine. The Guardian raises the shield and blocks all of them, suddenly a giant sword drops into the shield and destroys it. All the swords disappeared. Sunset teleports to its back and seems like she is casting a spell. The machine shakes its body and it successfully throws her out of its back. The team starts breathing hard.

"This robot is tougher than through," Matt says.

" I don't know how long we take but we have to attack together," Natalie suggests as the team nod.

The robot shoots the cannon at them. Sunset and Natalie make a shield to block it while Matt puts his sword behind him, starts charging and Matt grabs his big gun on his back, starts charging too. The robot keeps shooting at them, trying to take out the shield. Sunset and Natalie can't take it anymore but Matt is done charging. He rushes at the machine with very high speed and delivers a massive blow at the machine, making it stun and the cannon is slashed off. Following the rushing, Lance shoots a massive beam at it and it explodes, leaving a smokescreen at its spot. Matt quickly returns to the team and sighs.

"I think it's over," Matt concludes.

"Yeah, I don't think so-" Natalie tries to say but is cut off by laser shot, making the team sent flying backwards.

The Guardian steps out of the smoke, nearly destroyed, electric sparks over its body. The team tries to get up, the machine rushes to Sunset but Sunset teleports away. She gets up and rushes at it with a flaming staff. When she gets close to Guardian, a magic circle appears on her chest and Sunset feels very hurt at her heart. She holds her chest by her front hoof and tries to ignore the pain. The Guardian is now in front of Sunset, it lifts one leg and tries to slam her down but Matt blocks it and tries to resist it, Lance supports by shooting its leg with Natalie using " Fireball".

Suddenly, the Guardian's back explodes and it jerks back. The trio is surprised as the Guardian suddenly explodes and they look at Sunset. Sunset's dragon eyes are glowing and a magic circle appeared on her front hoof. A moment later, a large magic circle appeared behind Sunset. A large ice dragon appears from the magic circle and it breathes ice at the Guardian, then rushes at it. The Guardian gets frozen by the breath and then gets shattered into pieces by the slash of the dragon. The dragon disappears after the attack and Sunset faints after casting that spell. The other looks at Sunset and sighs for relief.

"Why did the robot suddenly explode? I don't see any spell cast by Natalie or Sunset." Matt confuses

"I don't know either, but what I see is Sunset teleporting to the Guardian's back and doing something up there. Maybe that's why it exploded. We should ask Sunset when she awakens," Lance suggests as Matt nods.

The trio picks her up, goes back to the camp to recover for herself and themselves. Now the Guardian is gone, the way to Volcano Peak is cleared and nothing can stand in their way.

Inside Sunset's body

Sunset wakes up, finds that she is inside that hall again. She grunts as the chains keep her still and she's gonna meet that annoying dragon again. Speaking of the dragon, she doesn't see him anywhere so she decides to wait and sigh.

"Look like you're really tired, don't you?" A voice speaks behind her.

"I'm glad that I'm not a corpse outside there," Sunset replies.

"Sure, just keep complaining and no one helps you," Whitty puts a small table and two cups of tea in front of Sunset. "Mind explaining?"

"Yeah, when I rush into the Guardian. I feel something hurt in my heart..... Then, I feel something strong flowing into my body and cast a spell that destroys the Guardian." Sunset explains.

"I see, I should give you an apology then,"

"How so?" Sunset confused.

"Well .. let me explain

An hour ago

"Dammit, I thought her body could adapt to my magic," Whitty thinks as he tries to figure out what was wrong. The dragon uses his magic to analyze Sunset's body, then he finds out what happens. The mana stop flowing and they go together into Sunset's heart, the dragon's eyes widen and panicked

"What the.. that gonna make her mana system overcharged and can kill her by mana explosion, I have to stop this thing," the dragon uses a claw then press it into the heart and cut the overcharged. He sees his mana flowing fast into her body and then her body shining and stopping. Whitty wipes his claw over his head and sighs in relief.

"Wow. That was more dangerous than I thought. I hope she can contain the pain" He sits down and thinking something else and waits for Sunset to come back here.

"Yeah, that's all happening you think- " Whitty heard the chain breaking with a strong killing sense. Looking back at Sunset, her face is very angry at the dragon. She summons the wooden staff as he backs away from her out of fear.

"Why... YOU?" Sunset steps closer to him with a fire aura staff.

"Hey...uh don't be angry like that, it's just an accident," He pleases but has to dodge her "Wyvern Slash" which makes him gulp.

"Oh, really? How about I go to attack you until you are down then confirm that "this is just an accident?" Sunset says as she casts an ice ball at him. The ice ball changes into an ice dragon midway. Whitty dodges at it

"This gonna be a long day," Whitty thinks as he runs away from Sunset and makes her chase him.

Outside Sunset's body

The trio puts Sunset on the floor and starts healing each other. They are waiting for Sunset to wake up to continue the journey. Now they are taking care of her while cooking food for eating. By the time they are done, they put Sunset in the middle, sit together around her and start eating.

"I can't believe that she fainted so long, it makes me start worrying about her right now," Matt says

"We are. But I still don't know why that robot exploded. I looked around but no one was there," Natalie is confused.

"Yeah, we are all curious about her right? Remember when we planned to fight that robot? She convinces me to give her that C4 and show her how to plant it even if I said that explosions can't be used in combat." Lance recalls

"What if... She plants that on that robot's back?" Matt says.

"If she does that, the bomb will drop out of its back. Besides if it was not dropped out of its back, the "Hyper Beam" that shot will denote it. I don't see that bomb still exists after that shoot." Lance rejected

"Make sense. But we should wait until she awakes to explain," Natalie suggested as the team nods for agreement.

Meanwhile in Sunset's body

"Come back here you scaly ass, I got a lot of nerds to say," Sunset yells as she is chasing a white dragon.

"No way. I won't let you kill me again." Whitty retorts as he ducks to dodge Sunset's "Wyvern Slash". He runs like no tomorrow from the angry mare until he meets a dead end. "Ah, shit," He turns around and faces Sunset in fear.

"You nearly killed me that time, you know? I don't know why you do that to me," Sunset complains

"I'm sorry, okay. I don't know you are in a massive battle." Whitty apologizes to her

"Fine. But next time don't do that in the important moment," Sunset warns as she smashes the staff to Whitty's head, makes him rub his head by claw, and cried in pain. "We should sit together though to think about how to control your magic."

"Okay, trust me to this," he followed Sunset

They go to the main hall and sit together. Sunset starts to ask.

"Okay first thing I wanna ask. Why are you here? I thought your soul would be gone into the next world," Sunset asked.

"Maybe yes. But I just spent half of my soul into the next world." Whitty answers, making Sunset feel interested.

"I see. So you're gonna be here until you fulfill your will right?"

"Yes. I promise myself that if someone defeats me, he or she will receive all of my power. No matter which winner is good or bad," the dragon explains.

"Fine. You really make a gamble for your power. But....." She signs " I lost control of your power when you hurt me. Now I feel scared too."

"I see. Just don't be scared, okay? I will be hĂȘ for you," Whitty said as he hugs Sunset.

"Thanks, I need that," Sunset smiles but starts feeling weird when the dragon hugs her too long ." eh... Can you release me, please? I'm quite uncomfortable here."

"No. Sorry but I love hugging you too much," Whitty answered, making Sunset struggle. Finally, she gives up because the hug is too strong. "Don't resist, I won't do anything to you."

"Fine. See you again next time," Sunset closes her eyes to wake up

Sunset opens her eyes and starts getting up. The trio greets her and hugs her. They give her some soup after that.

"Ahhh~ feel good again," Sunset cheers.

"Good to know. May I ask you something?" Lance asks, making her notice.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Where is C4? I need to get it back through," Lance lies

"Oh... That. Sorry about that but I planted it on the Guardian's back," Sunset answers to make the trio surprised "What?"

"H..how can you plant it when it is simply easy to drop it back. And how does it not explode when Lance shoots "Hyper beam"?" Matt asked.

"Well... Before the battle I used two spells... one is a trap spell called "Sticky" and one is a timing shield spell. Besides you told me how much time it will explode after planting so I am more confident about the "Timing shield" spell. I thought I could enchant it better than that." Sunset's explanation makes the trio even more surprised.

"Wha-what? You use those simple spells?" Natalie asks while amazed at how Sunset uses the spell.

"Yeah. You said magic is very powerful whenever it is used in the right situation right? I just did it even if I don't know how long it will explode though." Sunset said.

"I....see," Natalie replies in a jealous tone.

"But anyway, what I'm curious about is how advanced your ancestors were? These things may be the same as your level of technology?" Sunset asks.

"Wait, you say that sentence makes me curious too. I mean that robot we fought before can be the same as us. Maybe I should stay here more". Lance says

"Well, sorry but you can't stay here Lance, and enough saying. We got a volcano to go there" Matt says as the others nod to the agreement.

The team now starts to set off for the camp. Once they finish, they immediately head to Volcano Peak to slay the demon that messed them up.
