• Published 3rd May 2021
  • 1,903 Views, 94 Comments

The Adventures Begin - Dragon Shimmer

Sunset get banished into another world and start a journey to come back home (With some help)

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The past of the dragon (2)

----Inside Whitty's house----

"Yes, I finally completed the theory." Alex raises both ar in excitement. "After these years, I am finally making the theory of magic simpler,"

"Good to know, honey." Jane put the cup of tea on the table. "I hope this theory is the evolution of magic," Jane kiss his cheek, "I thought that you are crazy when you want to research the basics of magic,"

"Oh, I didn't explain why I concentrate on the basics of mana right?" Alex turns his head to Jane as Jane nods, "Sorry... I forgot to explain," He sips the tea, "The reason I research the basics of mana has two things. First, everything advanced is always starting from basic, and this previous basic is very complex to the one who wants to learn magic, so I have to make it easy as possible," Alex stands up and walk to the window to see outside, "Second thing is everything about magic and element in this world is from mana. I still study elements to see how we can make it easier to understand but the element of magic is more complex than I thought."

"I see... So that's why you focus on basic, right," Jane picks up the tea while Alex nods, "So... Will you continue to research?"

"Maybe I will -" Alex is going to say something but stops when he sees the king's soldier, "Shit... The king's army," Jane's eyes widen as Alex pulls the drawer to take out a can have some kind of a ring attached to it, "You come down the basement and open the tunnel immediately,"

A soldier of the kings comes to the door and knocks on the door. Jane quickly comes down to the basement while Alex quickly comes to the door and hides the can behind the back.

"Oh... sorry for being late." Alex opens the door as he tries to act surprised. "Oh sorry, what are you doing here sir. I do nothing wrong," Alex says with a smile.

"You are Alex, right?" says the masked soldier who wears a black camouflage and is carrying a rifle

"Yes, I am." Alex nods, "Please come in, you must be tired when you come here."

The soldier nods. "Oh right, I am quite tired now." The soldier waves his hand to let two other soldiers come into the house, then they sit down on the sofa, while Alex makes some tea. After a moment, Alex comes out and puts the cups of tea on the table.

"Here you go," Alex says.

"Thank you. Now sit down and we have something to discuss." The soldier commands Alex and she sits down, "So where is Jane, Dr. Alex? I thought you two are a couple,"

"My wife is currently outside right now. She will come back soon." Alex sips his tea. "So, what are you doing here? I quit researching biology stuff."

"I'm here to announce an important thing." The soldier flicks her head to command her soldiers to pull the curtain to make sure that no one can look inside. "The king has commanded us to bring you and your wife back alive." the soldier points the gun to Alex's head. "And I think that you should die because of your research," Alex stares at the soldier without looking away while his thumb is prepared to pull the ring out. The soldier put the gun down, "Looks like you're really tough right?"

"I don't have any regret in my life," Alex lies, " I rather die than come back to that place,"

"Don't lie to me," The soldier smirks, "The main reason that the king wants you back is you have created a new creature. But he didn't know what creature you had created."

"What do you want?"

The soldier turns on the headphone and points the gun on the roof. Alex is confused about this. The soldier shoots on the roof. Her teammate hears from this headphone and says, "What happens there? Report,"

The soldier shouts to her headphones, "We are taking heavy fire in Dr. Alex's house, he has a machine gun and I need resistance."

"Mark the position then hold them down. Make sure that they don't get away. "

Then the soldier shuts down the headphones and pulled them out. The other soldiers do it so. "So, you will be stuck here."

"What do you want from us? We will never come back to that lab," Alex pulls out the flash grenade.

"Hey, hey. we don't come here to threaten you. we just come here to rescue you,"

"Rescue me? By calling your team to come here?"

"Your house is full of bombs right?" The soldier points at the grenade on the bookshelf, "Bet that you set a trap here," Alex's eyes widen.

"How... How can you know that?" Alex asks but the soldier raises her hand to stop him from talking.

"Look. How about getting out of here? We can talk later." The soldier reloads her gun and destroys her headphone, then she throws away the medal, "Guy, destroy the headphone, we have done here." Other soldiers destroy the headphone and medal too.

"Fine, follow me." Alex leads the soldiers to his basement. "I think I can persuade my wife. Anyway, what's your name?"

"Captain Eula," Point at the soldiers he is leading, "And this is Sergeant Morgan and Corporal Axe. They follow me to take over the King," Alex is going to talk but Eula stops him. "Get out of here first then talk later."

Alex, Jane, and the Soldiers are meeting each other in the basement. Jane opens the tunnel to escape the house while the Soldiers are guarding the door.

"Hey Alex, you should burn all of this research. I don't want any of them to fall into the King's hand." Eula says while she is guarding the door.

"Sure, just take those barrels from the corner or me," Alex points at the barrels lie in the corner of the basement, "Those are patrol, I can use it to burn this house."

"Okay, let me help you." Eula and her soldiers help them to lift the barrel, "Wait, where did you get those patrols? I thought it was on the list that only the army can use it."

"I buy it on the black market," Alex says in a serious tone, "You know this king is addicted to the military, right? That's why a lot of his subjects don't like him and many revolutions are still going on."

"That's why I hate this king. Many times he orders me to slaughter his own subjects because they don't follow his order." Eula opens the barrel. "But most of the soldiers follow that order like they are getting brainwashes. I don't get it, even if they are soldiers, don't they feel any disgust when shooting innocent people?"

" I see," Alex hears the footsteps closer to the house, "Quick, pour them," Eula kicks the barrel to make it lie on the floor, others her soldiers make it lie on the basement, "Go now."

"Not yet," Eula and her team point the gun at the door, "You two go first, I will see you later." Jane is going to talk but Eula cut her, "I will find away," Jane and Alex nod

Alex points at the button, "The button to lock down the door is there, good luck." Eula nods as Alex and Jane run away from their home.

Eula smirks, "What a worried man! " Eula takes out the mask and reveals her short yellow hair, and she hears the door being kicked out, "Engage."


Whitty and Aria are on the way to the house after treating Adel. They are running as fast as they can, after running a while. Aria feels exhausted, and she has to sit down to rest

"I don't remember that I put the circle far away from your house, sorry," Aria says between rest,

"I want to blame you right now but this is not the time." Whitty lift Aria to his back, make her face red as tomatoes, "Come on, we have to go faster,"

"Hey you don't need to-- " Aria gets cut off because Whitty increases his speed to the house. "Hope they still fine,"

----Back to the house-----

Eula shoots down one of the King's soldiers but there are so many going on. The King's soldier keeps rushing into the house and shoots at Eula and her team, making them have to take cover.

"There are too many, we can hold it anymore. We need to retreat," Morgan says as he trips an enemy soldier that rushes at them, then he takes out the knife and stabs the chest.

"I know, but we will leave while all of them are coming in." Eula shoots the enemy and kills one of them.

"I see... Oh hey, they all come in," Axe found it and Eula keeps shooting at them.

"Good, Morgan, throw them a flashbang. Axe, lock down the door, we will get out of here," Eula commands and rushes to the tunnels. Morgan throws the king's soldier flashbang, making them cover their eyes and ears, while Axe presses the button. After that, they go to the tunnel with Eula and get out of the house. The iron bars start closing the door to lockdown

When the iron bars nearly lock the door, Eula takes out the lighter and opens it, "Goodbye," She throws the lighter and makes the house on fire.

----Outside the house----

Whitty brings Aria to his house to make sure that his parents are fine. After a while, he finally comes to his house and he sees a soldier still out there.

"We are here," Whitty kneels down to make sure that the soldier does not spot him, "And we got a soldier guarding my house."

"Okay, I will help you if you gently put me down, please?" Aria asks and Whitty throw her down, "Hey, I said gentle, not like this,"

"Stop talking, more doing," Whitty is going to rush at the house but the house explodes, making him stoned. After a moment, he kneels down and his tears fall down, "No... Noooo." Aria just stared at him and said nothing. She doesn't know what to do now and stares at the burning house. She sees a giant metal robot coming this way and it shoots some rocket.

"Look out," Aria rushes at Whitty and pushes him with her. The rocket exploded at their previous spot. "Whitty, you have to move on and get him," She takes out her polearm, "I will hold him down."

The robot throws a punch at Aria, Aria dodges and slashes the arm but it is too tough, making her body shaking when it interacts with the robot's arm. The robot pulls out some rocket launcher from its back and starts shooting at Aria, Aria slashes one rocket then dodges aside others. Aria charges at the robot then jumps up and slams the polearm at the robot. It doesn't flinch. As the robot is going to attack her, a dark claw appears and slashes at the robot, making it fly back a bit but it doesn't have a scratch. The robot stands up straight and opens its head. After that, a man wearing a tropical shirt- and- trousers and a bush jacket appears, he sees Aria and claps his hand.

"Well, well, well. Is this Lady Aria of the Draco family? Never thought that I would meet you here." The man takes out a cigarette and starts smoking." Tell me what are you doing here and why are you attacking me? "

"Because you burn the house and kill the innocent family in there."

"Sorry, but I didn't burn it. They burn the house by themself. Why would I have to do that with that trash?" He puts the cigarette down and breath out some smoke, "Besides they were not in the house,"

"I see. But sorry I have to kill you, commander." Aria points the polearm at the man, "Because I hate that king a lot."

"Good luck with my full metal robot." The man closes the robot head and starts controlling it.

The robot's arm starts forming some kind of canon and shoots at Aria. Aria forms a dark shield and defends against it while the robot keeps shooting repeatedly. Aria starts to change the shield into a wheel with spikes around, then she steps aside to dodge the shot and throw it at the robot. The robot just stands there and takes the wheel. Despite the wheel rubbing the robot, it just stands there until the wheel disappears, then it starts shooting rockets at Aria. Aria tries to dodge the rockets but it is too much, the rocket explodes near her, making her fly backward and slam into a tree. Aria coughs some blood after this.

"Give up yet?' The man who controls the robot inside says as Aria tries to stand up, "Don't worry, I will send you a coffin to your house," The robot raises the fist and tries to kill Aria but an explosion appears at the robot's back, making its turn around. The robot sees a black coat figure holding a "Fireball". "Ah, another kill for me,"

"Let's see what you got," Whitty stares at the robot and throws the fireball at it. The robot just stands there and takes the fireball.

"You know, my robot is invincible when I create it full of silver and copper." The robot throws a punch at Whitty, he jumps back to dodge. Whitty smirks at the controller and he creates a lighting sword, then he rushes at the robot and slashes it. The robot does not flinch, "You think -" the controller is going to say something but he gets electrocuted, "Aaaaaa..." The controller breathes heavily inside and doesn't know what is going on. "How... how can it be?"

Whitty points his lighting sword at the robot, "sitting in the silver and copper like that doesn't make you immune with lighting," Whitty rushes at the robot and stabs the sword at the robot. The robot gets electrocuted until it explodes. He stares back at the explosion and turns his head away to see Aria,

"You ok?" Whitty helps Aria up, "I hope you don't injure much. Thanks for saving me."

"That's ok. That is friendship, you know?" Aria leans into Whitty's back as he carries her, "Now you have to carry me because I'm injured."

"Fine... but where can I find my parents?" Whitty starts walking out of the forest, "And I don't have any place to go, maybe I will be a beggar sometime."

"You can live at my house." Aria smiles as Whitty puts her down and goes away. "Hey, what is that action? Come back here."

------- Five years later -------

At night in Valiant city, the capital of Hella city, there is a large white villa near the big castle. In front of the house, there are two flags on two sides of the gate. The flag has the eagle with one sword and one gun at both claws. Inside the house, there are two siblings who are arguing with each other.

"I don't care what you are doing out there. But you have to marry the son of Ironclad," A gray hair man is shouting to Aria, " You will be happy with someone like that in the house,"

"Nonsense, Johnny. I don't love him and he doesn't love me. How can we live with each other like that?" Aria turns her face away from her brother, Johnny is going to say something but Aria raises her hand to stop him, "Look, I know you worry about me but this is not a solution,"

"But... you get hated by our other brothers and our parents. How can you be happy with a life like that?"

"Then I will get out of the house. Don't worry." Aria is going to step out of the room but her long dress is stomped on by Johnny. "Hey."

"Can I ask something?" Johnny points at the white dragon standing on the pedestal, "Where did you get that statue? I see that is a good statue though," Aria tiptoes to see what Johnny is pointing to and sees Whitty is disguised as a statue, she facepalms.

"I bought that statue to decorate my room."Aria lies, "You know, when I went to the statue shop, I bought this statue, it was very detailed so I bought this one." Aria rubs her fingers together, "Eh, and that the last statue because the one who makes this is retired."

"I see," Johnny comes near Whitty to want to see closer, "You know, I see this statue feels so realistic. It's like it is alive though." He goes around Whitty, "The scale, the horn, the eyes. It feels so realistic. Same that the artist is retired. If he can still work, I would like to hire him to make me a statue like this one."

"Sorry, this is his last work." Aria rubs her head, "I am lucky that I got this statue though."

"I see." Johnny goes to the door and opens it, "Anyway, think about the marriage. Tell me if you change your mind, see ya," Johnny goes out of the room and closes the door.

Aria sighs of relief while Whitty is going to go out by the window but he got pinned when Aria puts her feet on his tail.

"Where do you think you are going?" Aria says in a threatening tone, make Whitty freeze in place. Aria grabs his neck and lifts Whitty up, making him gulp, "I said that you must not let anyone see you."

"Okay okay, I get it. Can you put me down?" Whitty struggles to get out the grips of the angry woman, "I should listen to you. Please put me down, your hand is stronger than I thought," Aria puts Whitty down and he takes a deep breath after that.

"Fine, I forgive you this time but next time if you get someone sees you," Aria stomps at Whitty's belly, make him yelp, " You know the result,"

"Geez, you are stronger than I thought," Whitty pulls out Aria's leg, "Hope that you have a boyfriend if you are strong like that."

"Thanks to you, Whitty. I don't get strong like this if I haven't met you before."

Whitty rolls his eyes, feels kinda regretful when he starts training with Aria, "Okay, I will go out tonight, you come?"

"Of course I will come, it will be boring when I stay at this house." Aria opens her wardrobe and takes out her polearm, "Never come out without this,"

"Okay, let's go," The duo jumps out the window and goes around the city.

After two hours of going around the city by hopping on the roof, the duo sitting high tower has a bell in it to see the city. Whitty sighs as he remembers his parents. He lies down on the floor and looks at the night sky.

"Miss your parents? I'm sure they will be fine," Aria gives Whitty an apple, "Just sit up and see this beautiful city,"

"Sorry, but I don't want to see the beautiful shell," Whitty eats the apple, "The beautiful shell but ugly inside, what else we don't understand? I rather watch this beautiful sky than that shell,"

"You know me, I really hate this city so much. The king focuses on developing this city but forgets other towns." Aria sits down next to Whitty, "That is why many people from other towns try to take over the king because he is not a king." Aria leans into Whitty, "to get out the heavy tax, heavy labor. Some want to make this country better for the people."

"How did you know it?" Whitty pushes Aria away, "We already know the King is a tyrant, but we don't know if the rebel is good or not."

"I have already talked to them with the honor of my family. But you're right, some of them just want to take over the king to continue this kind of ruling but some of them want to free people from suffering." Aria leans against Whitty's wings.

"I see," Whitty turns his head to Aria, "and can you stop using my wing as your pillow?"

"No can't do." Aria leans more against Whitty's wing, "Your wing is too soft for lying,"

"Really?" Whitty stares at Aria, "I wish I can lean my own wing,"

"Meh, You can't because this wing stick to your back," Aria take out the popcorn and eat it, "yep, lean against a soft pillow while stargazing is the best to do right now,"

Whitty rolls his eyes, "Fine, you got me," Whitty takes some popcorn from Aria and eats, "But should we come back now? It's midnight now."

"Sure," Aria stands up, "We will- " but she gets cut off when she hears someone is going up here, Aria looks at Whitty and they nod, they come closer to the door. Whitty casts a fireball while Aria is ready for her polearm, " Ready... 1...2...3," Whitty opens the door, and they charge. As they charge, they take down a man wearing a cloak. "Okay... we got him. Now let's see who is him," Aria pulls out the cloak and reveals a familiar black-haired man. Whitty steps back for a surprise.

"Dad?" Whitty steps closer to the man, "Is that you?"

" Whitty?" Alex looks up and sees his dragon, "It's you, It really you," Alex and Whitty hug together, making Aria turn her head away. "Oh, and who is that?" Alex points at the girl.

"My name is Aria," Aria steps closer to Alex and shakes their hand, "Nice to meet you."

"Anyway, where have you been Dad? I'm looking for you everywhere," Whitty hugs him tighter.

"Sorry for making you wait so long," Alex pats the dragon head, " I live in the Xan market."

"Xan market? That is... the black market." Aria pulls out the map of the country.

"Yeah... and I'm here scouting the city." Alex rubs his head. "But got caught by my son," He pats his son's head. " But anyway, you seem like a noble. Are you in a family or something?"

"Honestly, I want to get out of that family if I have a chance," Aria goes out and sees the city, "And I have a question in my mind,"

"What is it? Is that about your life?" Whitty stretches out his wings. "But you already said this to me before,"

"Well, should I make a revolution against this country?" Aria sits down as Whitty and Alex's eyes widen, "To see many suffering out there. Some of them are dead because of starving, killing, and other stuff. I just don't want to make them suffer anymore."

"But if you make a revolution, people will die too." Alex counters as Aria looks back at him.

"If we don't do it right now, people out there will suffer in the future. The suffering is prolonged from generation to generation until now, someone has to stop this thing." Aria shouted at Alex, "But who will lead this? I don't know."

"Look, you can come with us to Xan market there." Alex stands up and pats Aria's shoulder, "You come or not, your decision"

"Of course, I will come." Aria looks back at her house, and takes out her family's medal, "I don't want to influence this family anymore," she throws away the medal and turns her head back to them, "Let's go."

Aria's determination makes Alex and Whitty smile. After that, the trio takes a trip to Xan market. For Aria, the answer to her question may be in there.

Author's Note:

Sorry but I have to split more. I don't know how many parts of this history now. :raritycry: