• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,256 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

  • ...

Episode 14: The Traveling Baboon Show

Episode 14:

The Traveling Baboon Show

“Sure is nice and quiet around the Pride Lands today.” Beshte commented on their surrounding while on patrol together.

“No kidding.” Applejack agreed while glancing over to the side to see Bunga pulling up a rock to find bugs to snack on.

“You won't hear me complainin'!” Bunga added while munching on the bugs he found.

“Me neither.” Pinkie happily added munching on chocolate she usually carries around in her mane which disgusted Fuli and Rarity with the latter slightly gagging at the sight.

“No, but we will hear you chewing and remember the memory of downing chocolate milk!” Fuli commented while Rarity looked aside to the opposite from Bunga to avoid throwing up once more.

Just then they see a sable antelope approach some of the animals nearby who immediately rush off ahead.

“What's going on over there?” Kion curiously wondered.

“Do you think something's wrong?” Ono asked.

“I don't know. If there was, you'd think they'd come to us.” Kion replied before spotting the elephant leader running off ahead. “Ma Tembo? What's going on? Why are you running?”

“Sorry, Kion. Don't mean to be rude, but there's no time to talk.” Ma Tembo responded in a hurry before rushing off ahead.

“Whoa! That was one big elephant but they're in one big hurry.” Bunga commented to which Pinkie snickered at the mention of big repeated.

“Let’s just hope it’s not a big problem.” Pinkie laughed with Twilight glaring at her to stop it before turning to Ono and Rainbow.

“Ono? Rainbow? Both of you fly up and see if you can see why.” Twilight asked of then.

“On it!”

They both nodded before flying up to investigate from the skies.

“Is something chasing them?” Beshte asked.

“Negative! But they're not the only ones running!” Ono reported while spotting the many animals running off in the same direction together.

“Giraffes, antelopes, zebras, you name it all heading on over to the big tree ahead.” Rainbow added.

“Well, if they're not running from something...” Fuli began.

“Then I reckon they must be running to something!” Applejack finished in conclusion.

“Let's find out what! Come on!” Kion stated before leading everyone on over there.

“I was so worried I'd miss it!” Ma Tembo said to the others gathered at the big tree.

“Me, too!” Thurston added when the Guard arrived. “I was in a panic, let me tell you!”

“Like panicking and running as always?” Kyoga muttered to which had Twilight and Fuli snickering for a moment before trying to understand what is going on that everyone is so excited about.

“I don't get it. What's the big deal? It's just a tree.” She asked while looking upwards.

“Maybe it's time for the sausage fruit to fall!” Bunga suggested while eying said fruit. “You ever tasted these things?” He asked the others before kissing his claws. “Delicious!” Suddenly one of the sausage fruits fell and bumped off of his head. “I like 'em better on my inside than my outside.”

Pinkie Pie immediately rushed over to toss it up into the air and into her mouth before consuming it. “Hmm…” She tasted the fruit. “…not bad…could be sweeter.” She then pulled out a bag of sugar and dumped into her mouth along with a bottle of soda. “…Aah. That’s better.” She said after slurping down the sugar and soda.

The others just winced very disturbed by this sight before Behste moves forward to ask one of the rhino’s in the crowd. “Hey, Mbeya!”

“Oh, hi, Beshte.”

“So...What's going on here?” Beshte asked.

“I heard that you gotta see these baboons.” He answered before looking around to see they aren’t around. “Uh, do you see 'em?”

Fuli never one who likes baboons groaned upon hearing them. “Ugh! Baboons! What have they done now?”

“Only one way to find out.” Twilight answered while turning to the rainbow-maned pony. “Rainbow, check out!”

“On it.” She saluted before flying ahead.

“Ono, you too.” Kion added.

“Affirmative!” Ono nodded before following suit and flying near the branches. “Hmm. I don't see any...AAAHHH!”

He ducked when a baboon nearly landed on him before landing on the cheetah’s back instead.

“Hey! Get off!” She complained.

Suddenly, another baboon emerges from the tree in a downwards leap.



Both Rainbow and Ono exclaimed when it landed on Fuli’s back while supporting his weight onto the first baboon’s palms.

“I said get off, not invite a friend!” Fuli irritably repeated.

“You heard the cheetah! Leave her alone!” Bunga backed her up while acting like he is rolling up his non-existent sleeves up.

The two baboons immediately get off of her back with the second baboon leaping up to the nearest tree branch before catching the first one in his arms who performed a backflip after his partner did a little swing backwards.

“Whoa! Look at 'em go!”

“All right, not bad.”

Both Bunga and even Kyoga complimented them when they continued to perform this maneuver while swinging from branch to branch.

“Yeah, they're pretty impressive.”

“Your darn tootin they are.”

“Pretty cool if you ask me.”

Kion, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all joined in with their positive feedback.

Ono and Twilight however didn’t quite see it completely great.

“Hmmm, maybe. But they need to watch where they're going.” Ono commented finding them rather annoying truthfully.

“And they need watch their boundaries.” Twilight added.

Once the pair were done swinging around the branches they perched themselves on one of them for a standing ovation from the crowds.

“Who are these guys?” Kion curiously wondered.

“I'm confused. Are they attacking us or what?” Fuli also asked with her curiosity stirred too.

“Not likely, darling, seeing that they are just putting on a show.” Rarity answered from her observations with Bunga quickly hushing them. “Although some could afford to have some manners.” She frowned at the honey badger for being impolite.

“Shh!” He hushed her once more. “Here comes another one.”

The third baboon of the performing trio slides on down to the ground from one of the vines hanging on the tree branch to greet everyone. “Hello, everybody! You've just met the Magnificent Mwevi and Mwizi! My name's Uroho, and we are The Traveling Baboon Show!” He introduced himself and his friends when the latter two leap to join by his side with the crowd applauding and cheering for them. “I'm so glad you could be here! Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule of eating, sleeping and standing around! Or, if you're a zebra, panicking and running!” He added while running in place to which everyone else found admittedly funny.

“Oh! It's funny because it's true!” Thurston laughed at his own joke.

“At least when we’re not dealing with a crisis that doesn’t involve calming you all down once in a while.” Kyoga quietly remarked Twilight who nodded in agreement.

“Just don't try to horn in on the act, okay, buddy?” The baboon’s leader added to Mbeya to which the crowd also found funny.

“I won't!” The rhino replied with a chuckle to which Twilight rolled her eyes at the pun.

“Beg your pardon, ma'am, but I think you forgot to unpack your trunk!” The head baboon said while pulling a vine out of Ma Tembo’s trunk who was visibly shocked to see this. “You think that was amazing? Oh, no, you ain't seen nothin' yet!” He added before singing a little performance.

The Traveling Baboon Show

During which Bunga and Pinkie both danced around to the beat with most of the other animals when seeing them perform more neat tricks which including forcing Ono to serve as a catching stick for the sliced sausage fruit landing on his beak to which did not please the egret. But they weren’t done when they whisked him away once more covering his disappearance with a wave of two big tree leaves.

Ono feeling his annoyance further increased with their antics he flew up to a higher tree branch to be able get a faraway distance from their act…

…until somehow he finds himself on the ground emerging from one of the gourd shell’s down on the ground where Bunga and Pinkie are standing and laughing when playing the game.

They also danced around Fuli and Twilight who both were unimpressed with their antics while making an antelope disappear with a hyrax reappearing using big green leaves along with having a flower appear in the palm of their hands. But they along with the rest of the Guard were amazed when they head the lead baboon disappear in a flash when the sausage fruits were swung right in front of him by his companions.

Beshte, Rainbow, Applejack danced around to the tune along with Bunga and Pinkie. While Fluttershy and Rarity smiled at their performance, Twilight and Kyoga weren’t very thrilled along with Fuli and Ono. Especially when they pulled the cheetah and egret into an embrace against their will. Kion was neutral about it although he was not sure whether this is good entertainment but found nothing to have reason to be against them and didn’t say anything.

When their song routine ended, everyone applauded them for their performance.



Both Ma Tembo and Thurston praised them.

“Well, That's our show, folks! Thank you for coming out!” Uroho told everyone who then turned to leave and head away from the tree leaving the Guard by themselves to discuss their thoughts of the show.

“These guys are great!”

“They’re funny!”

Both Bunga and Pinkie were the first to comment rather enthusiastically.

“I know!” Kion agreed.

“It sure was something.” Applejack admitted.

“Mmm, they're okay for baboons, I guess.” Fuli shrugged.

Bunga was quick to respond to that. “You kidding? They're so funny!”

“Yes, they're hysterical. Ha, ha.” Ono replied in a deadpan and stoic tone.

“At least you got to be a part of the act, Ono.” Beshte commented to try to make light of it.

“I’m sure they weren’t being mean about it.” Fluttershy attempted to assure him with a comforting pat from her wing.

Bunga liked the act so much he wanted to be a part of it. “Yeah! Wonder if they need a honey badger for their act. "Bunga and the Baboons!"”

“Oh, oh…” Pinkie eagerly leaped and bounced. “…or “Pinkie, Bunga, and the Baboons!””

Needless to say neither Twilight nor Fuli were impressed.

“Seriously?” The cheetah dully asked while raising an eyebrow.

“I'm gonna go talk to 'em!”

“Yeah, me too!”

With that they both quickly rushed over to find them.

“They are.” Twilight answered in reply to the cheetah’s remark with the same expression.

Kion seeing that they are friendly decides to treat them as friends. “Since they're visitors in the Pride Lands, I think it's my duty to say hello. Don't you?” He suggested to the others.

“I think that’s a splendid idea, Kion.” Rarity liked the suggestion.

“Poa! Good idea, Kion!” Beshte also agreed.

“Twilight?” Kion turned to the unicorn who didn’t seem very interested in the idea.

“Sure.” She immediately smiled. “Let’s.”

“If you say so.” Ono relented with a sigh.

“Hopefully this won’t take long.” Kyoga whispered to the egret before the others move to greet them.

“That was un-Bunga-lievable!”

“Yeah, that was Pinkie-reffic.”

Both Bunga and Pinkie complimented.

“Glad you enjoyed that show!” Uroho kindly returned to them.

“Enjoyed it? I'll never look at sausage fruit the same way again!” Bunga kept going with praise before offering. “You know, I know a honey badger who would be perfect for your act.”

“Along with a comedic party pony to help throw a welcome traveling entertainer’s party!” Pinkie cheerfully added with confetti and balloons bursting out into the air and around the tree.

“I'm sorry, but we don't have any openings right now.” Uroho politely declined while brushing off the confetti that landed on his fur.

“Aww.” Pinkie frowned feeling slightly disappointed.

“Oh, well. Your loss.” Bunga accepted his decision before walking off with Pinkie immediately smiling once more.

“Oh, well.” She happily said before bouncing away.

“Welcome to the Pride Lands.” The Lion Guard leader greeted. “I'm Kion, I really enjoyed the show. You should come to Pride Rock and perform for my mom and dad!”

“Oh, along with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Pinkie immediately rushed over and added.

“The whole royal family! Yeah, that's right. I know 'em. No biggie.” Bunga added proudly while leaning on Kion’s shoulder.

“Oh, you're, you're the son of the king?” Uroho inquired.

“He sure is!” Beshte confirmed. “And he's the leader of the Lion Guard! That's us.”

“And this here is the leader of the Pony Guard and Princess Celestia’s protégé, Twilight.” Pinkie added while wrapping her left hoof around the lavender mare’s neck and shoulder who humbly smiled to the trio.

“Pleased to meet you all.” She said to them.

“Uhh, really?” Uroho nervously replied before quickly wanting to excuse himself from their presence. “It's interesting, uh...Now if you'll excuse us, we need to rest up for this next show.”

“That’s fair.” Twilight accepted it without question. “Besides, we have to finish our patrol, anyway. See you!”

“Yeah! Bye-bye! See you!” He quickly returned before he and his friends quickly retreated up the tree.

“Hmm, odd…” Twilight thought to herself before shrugging to head back out on patrol. “Oh, well.”

“Come on, everybody. Let's go.” Kion ushered everyone away from the tree.

“Finally!” Ono voiced very pleased to be able to finally get away from them.

“I still think "Bunga and the Baboons" has a good ring to it.” Bunga voiced his thoughts before following after the Guard.

“Or Bunga and Pinkie and the Baboons or Pinkie and Bunga and the Baboons.” Pinkie suggested while hopping alongside Bunga. “Or…”

Suddenly Kyoga quickly placed her front paws over their mouths to keep them from rambling once more. “Please don’t.”

“Mmm-hmm.” They nodded before letting go over their lips before allowing them to continue patrolling with them.

“Anybody know how he made those other two baboons disappear?” Beshte wondered.

“I probably have a few good ideas how.” Twilight answered from experience in dealing with Trixie. “Although said magician I’ve faced before wasn’t exactly friendly before finally turning over a new leaf.” She recalled.

“Right. Trixie.” Ono nodded while thinking the same way about the baboons they just met.

“Well they sure seemed charming.” Rarity voiced her thoughts. “And at least they weren’t as bad as Trixie.”

“Yeah, sure…” Twilight just said with nothing else to say about it.

“Well if you ask me, it was pretty amazing.” Kion commented positively.

Just then they heard one of the Pride Landers voice from the skies.

“Lion Guard! Pony Guard! Help!”

“Sounds like Ma Tembo!” Kion recognized before leading the others on over to the sound of her voice. “Come on! Till the Pride Lands and Equestria’s end...”

“Lion and Pony Guard Defend!”

The Guard quickly made their way over to where the animals from the baboon’s show are gathered in front of a tree that was completely bare with nothing on the branches.

“What is it, Ma Tembo? What's wrong?”

“What happened here?”

Both the Guard leaders inquired.

“Just this morning that tree had plenty of flowers and leaves!” Ma Tembo answered.

“Yeah! And there was lots of grass all around. Now it's all gone.” Mbeya added.

“Excuse me! I believe I was about to say something very important!” Thurston trotted forward feeling more important than the rhino himself.

“Sorry.” He apologized.

“Okay.” Twilight allowed with a flat expression knowing him. “What else do you have to say that’s important?”

“There was scads and scads of grass! Everywhere! And now it's all gone!” He answered with Twilight’s expression showing no change because she expected that.

“Okay. Thank you, even though Mbeya had just informed us of that.” She said although she along with Kyoga were rather annoyed by what he had just said. “Anything else?”

“Nope, that’s it.” He replied to which Kion and Fuli glance at each other for the zebra’s needlessly reiterating what the rhino had just reported.

Bunga investigated under a rock and saw that there is nothing under it. “Whoa! So are all the bugs!”

“Someone came and took it all!” Ma Tembo deduced.

“You know what that means?” Thurston asked.

“What?” Fuli inquired if he knows.

“I don't know. I'm asking you!” He returned to which had Fuli rather annoyed.

“It means there's a food thief in the Pride Lands!” Twilight answered.

“Exactly.” Ma Tembo seriously nodded.

“Hevi kabisa!” Kion stated in shock.

“Eh, what's the big deal?” Bunga asked not finding the problem. “There's plenty of food to go around!”

“And if worst comes to worst, they can just get more food from Ponyville.” Pinkie added cheerfully although they weren’t quite thrilled about the idea of leaving the Pride Lands.

“It's almost the dry season, Bunga.” Ono reminded. “A lot of animals have to eat extra now to survive when less stuff is growing.”

“And I’m sure the Pride Landers here won’t want to just leave their homes against their will.” Applejack added.

“Like my dad always says, "It's not fair to take more than your share!"” Beshte commented.

“It's more than not fair, Beshte!” Kion seriously chimed in. “It goes against the Circle of Life.” He added before turning to the elephant matriarch to reassure her. “Don't worry, Ma Tembo. The Lion and Pony Guard will figure out who did this and make sure it doesn't happen again!”

“Thank you, Kion, Twilight.” She said to them before turning to the others. “Come, everyone. Let's find another place to eat.“

Once everyone headed out, both Twilight and Kion turned to Rainbow and Ono for a little investigating from the skies.

“Ono, Rainbow, fly up and get a closer look at that acacia tree!”

“See if there are any clues up there.”

They both asked of them.

“Will do!”


They nodded before investigating the top of the tree.

“Even the highest flowers and leaves are gone!” Ono reported.

“From the looks of it, It must've been somebody really tall!” Rainbow added in analysis.

“A giraffe! I knew it!” Bunga immediately deduced.

“But the food thief flipped over that rock to get at the bugs.” Fuli pointed out. “Could a giraffe do that?”

“Nope.” Applejack shook her head. “They have pretty long necks that are pretty sensitive if one them bones broke.”

“Mmm-hmmm.” Rarity quickly spoke up. “Best not to try to think about that.”

“An elephant could, maybe, with his trunk.” Kion brought up.

“An elephant! I knew it!” Bunga repeated.

“Well, an elephant could use his trunk to grab flowers and leaves from the tree…” Ono acknowledged but pointed out. “…But elephants don't eat bugs.”

“Check this out, guys!” Beshte ushered the group to examine his discovery on the ground.

“Somebody ate this grass clear down to the ground!” Fluttershy added.

“A zebra! I knew it!” Bunga repeated for the third time in a row.

“I beg your pardon!” Thurston who just happened to be around questioned rather offended.

“Bunga…” Kion said to his friend with a shake of his head. “…a zebra couldn't reach the high leaves and flowers.”

“Plus, some zebras are afraid of...” Ono said just when the zebra eats the last patch of grass before finding a caterpillar was hiding in that patch.

“Panic and run! Panic and run!” He exclaimed before running away.

“Bugs.” Ono added flatly.

“What a joke.” Kyoga muttered with a shake of her head.

“Thanks, buddy!” Bunga thanked before picking it up and plopping it into his mouth to which Rainbow quickly flew over to Fluttershy to spare her from seeing that.

“Okay, so what does this all mean?” Kion asked Twilight.

“Well, the thief has to be somebody who'll eat just about anything.” She said while putting the pieces together.

“Like Bunga! He'll eat anything!” Beshte said while turning to the honey badger.

“Don’t forget Pinkie Pie.” Applejack added. “She too can eat anything too.”

“Well…maybe expect for the muffins you baked…” Pinkie lightly corrected with criticism to which Applejack looked aside awkwardly at the memory. “… but other than that’s so very true.”

“You got that right!” Bunga agreed before suddenly realizing. “But...But it wasn't me!”

“Or me!” Pinkie quickly said defensively. “I wouldn’t even dream of doing anything like that!”

Kion chuckled in amusement before calming them down. “We know that, Bunga and Pinkie. You were with us the whole time on patrol.

“Hey!” Twilight immediately thought of something. “What if this isn't just one animal?”

“What do you mean?” Fuli wondered.

“What if it's a group of animals who like to eat different things, all working together?” Kion then said after realizing what she is thinking.

“A group of different animals working together? That sounds weird.” Bunga commented without second thought.

“Uh, hello?” Ono blankly responded.

“The Lion Guard.” Applejack added in the same tone to remind him.

“Hi.” He waved completely missing the point.

“Rather rude.” Rarity quietly commented just when some cheering is heard from the distance. “What was that?” She wondered out loud.



Both leaders turned to them to check it out.

“On it!”

They both nodded before flying up to see what the commotion is all about.




“What is it?”

“Just another baboon show.” Ono reported rather annoyed once more.

“Oh, oh…” Pinkie excitedly bounced up along with Bunga. “Can we go Can we? Can we?”

“Come on please?” Bunga pleaded.

Kion shook his head before saying to his friend along with Beshte who seemed just as interested to want to go too. “I'd like to, but we need to figure out who took all the food.”

“Yeah. I guess you're right.” Beshte agreed that he has a point.

But Bunga wasn’t about ready to give up there. “Sounds like a lot of animals over there! Maybe the thieves are there, too. We ought to check it out!” He suggested.

“Hmm. Well...” Kion thought while Twilight was more deep in thought when Ono spoke up in protest.

“Don't listen to him. He just wants to see the show again!”

“So? Don't you?” Bunga asked encouragingly.

“No, thanks!” He firmly refused.

“He's still upset about the fruit on his head.” He whispered to Beshte and Pinkie with the latter giggling.

“I am not!” Ono remarked defensively.

“Actually…” Twilight spoke up thinking of something. “…I think Bunga actually has a point.”

“Yes! I have a point!” Bunga cheered before being glared at the unicorn warning him not to push it.

“Maybe we should check out the audience.” Kion agreed with what Twilight is thinking along with the others.

“Uh, I guess we could see if anyone looks suspicious.” Fluttershy quietly said.

“Yeah, like maybe they have grass on their face or bugs in their teeth!” Bunga further suggested.

“So we can go?” Beshte eagerly asked Kion and Twilight.


“I don't see why not.”

They both replied with the three quickly running off ahead and laughing in the show’s direction.

“I guess we'd better follow them.” Kion said before leading the way with the others that stayed with them before turning to the distant egret. “See you there, Ono.”

“If it's okay with you, I'd rather patrol from the air.” Ono quickly requested.

“You sure?”

“Trust me. I've seen enough baboons for one day.” He firmly replied with an expression that says that he is done with them.

“Don’t blame you, partner.”

“We understand, darling.”

Both Applejack and Rarity understood his reasons.

“Suit yourself.” Kion accepted his decision. “You know where to find us if you see anything.”

While the Guard raced off ahead in the show’s direction, Twilight and Kyoga nodding in agreement slinked back before reaching the audience before splitting apart to investigate the show from behind the scenes with Rainbow and Ono following after them after seeing what they are doing.

“Where's Bunga and Pinkie Pie?” Kion asked after catching up with Beshte already in the crowd.

“Up there, making their dreams come true!” Beshte pointed to the former giving one of the baboons a boost while he jugging some baobab fruit with the latter balancing herself on a unicycle.

The Lion Guard and Pony Guard watching the show actually found the act pretty amusing and entertaining. Even Fuli giggled at their act together.

“Wow, look at them go.” Fluttershy commented with a smile.

“Once again they are both amazing together.” Rarity voiced in agreement.

When the act was over, Pinkie leaped downwards off of the tree still riding her unicycle with Bunga and the baboon both leaping off just when the pink mare juggles the fruit off of her hooves and into their arms.

“Thank you! Thank you so much!” Bunga bowed to the cheering group of Pride Landers.

“All right. And thank you both for volunteering!” Uroho appearing alongside him commended them for a job well done with his partners.

“You kidding? Our pleasure!” Bunga happily replied.

“We do this for a living.” Pinkie added while bouncing up and down in place. “So what're we gonna do next?”

Uroho liked their eager attitude to want join in more on the act, but really wanted to stand back and watch now. “What you're going to do is join your friends in the audience.”

“Oh. Okay.” Bunga accepted no problem this time around before he and Pinkie move to do so.

“Mwevi! Mwizi!” The group both chanted wanting to see them perform more.

“The Magnificent Mwevi and Mwizi will return after a well-deserved rest!” Uroho assured them. “But in the meantime... How about a little magic?” He then offered while having butterflies pop out from his hands which sparked the crowd’s interest.


Meanwhile, Rainbow and Ono investigate along with Twilight and Kyoga from the trees nearby in search for any suspicious activity going on while the others are distracted. Just then they hear the sound of baboons in the nearby tree to which both girls split opposite sides of the tree to investigate with Ono flying in examine the top of the tree.

“Those baboons must be picking on another poor unsuspecting bird!”Ono grumbled before seeing a sight that confirms what’s been going on. “Hapana! You're the food thief!”

“Just as we thought.” Both Twilight and Kyoga thought to themselves upon hearing Ono’s voice before they all circled the tree to further catch them in the act.

“Hey! Baboons! Come out! I caught you fair and square!” Rainbow then shouted to them while lurking to find them buried in the deep tree branches. “Where'd you go?”

She then caught sight of them hiding in one of the tree branches before they quickly leaped out of the trees to escape her…

…but instead find themselves magically detained by the aura of Twilight’s magic.

“Think you're getting away, huh?” Twilight sternly reprimanded them. “Just wait till I tell Kion! Ono!”

“Affirmative.” Ono nodded before flying back over the crowd to report it to him.

“Kion, Kion! I solved the mystery!” Ono said to him after flying down to the ground.

“You did?” Fuli asked amazed that he did it on his own.

“Well? Who is it?” Applejack inquired.

“Who's the thieving scoundrel?” Rarity also asked just when Uroho spots Ono telling the Guard about his discovery along with seeing that his companions have not regrouped back with him.

“Well, it's...” Ono tried to speak until being interrupted by him juggling him around against his will. “Whoa!”

“Go, Ono, go!”

“Aww! He's so lucky!”


Bunga, Beshte, and Pinkie all cheered.

“It's them! It's them!” Ono stated while breaking free from the baboon’s grasp. “The baboons are the food thieves! They're also very annoying.”

“No! That can't be right!” Bunga voiced in disbelief.

“Yeah, surely there must be some kind of mistake.” Pinkie added.

“Think about it.” Ono further explained. “Baboons eat just about anything. They can climb trees and flip over rocks.”

“Hate to admit it, but there’s no denying that there’s the truth.” The orange earth pony spoke up after putting the pieces together in his mind with a hoof on her chin.

Even the kindest of the Pony Guard can’t deny that’s the truth.

“Sorry Bunga, but it doesn't look good for the baboons.”

“It sure doesn’t.” Twilight said in reply before everyone turned to her holding the two baboons in her magic to which the other animals gasping. “Because the proof is in their claws.” She gestured to the red-handed accomplices with the stolen food in their hands.

“No, no! You've got us all wrong!” Uroho tried to insist it is all a misunderstanding before being suddenly levitated by Kyoga.

“With what?” She demanded his excuse for trying to justify his actions. “With how you’ve been setting these circus acts up to distract everyone while you steal from under everyone’s noses. No chance, the jig is up and we caught your buddies doing it during the magic act!”

The animals further gasped while Bunga and Pinkie still can’t believe it.

“It can't be true!”

“Say it ain’t so.”

They desperately pleaded but to no avail. The truth is pretty clear to them.

“Oh, come on, Pinkie, Bunga. Who are you going to believe, your friends Ono, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Kyoga or a couple of baboons?” Fuli asked not fooled by the baboon’s attempts to sport puppy eyes to feign innocence.

“Well, where's all the food? Even I couldn't have eaten it all this fast!”

“Me neither.” Pinkie added.

“Only one way to find out.” Kion replied before turning to both Applejack and Beshte. "Applejack, Beshte, buck and shake that tree.”

“Will do!”

“You got it, Kion!”

Both the Guard’s Strongest moved to do so.

“Twende Kiboko!”

With one strong kick and one strong shake, all of the incriminating evidence linking the baboons to the true source of all of the mysteriously disappearing food fell to the ground. Needless to say, the animals were left at a loss for words with the truth clear to everyone now.

“I feel so betrayed.” Bunga voiced feeling very distraught.

“Me too.” Pinkie whimpered while turning to the baboons. “How could you?”

“Sorry, but I’m not sorry.” Uroho returned with an unapologetic shrug. “Baboon’s gotta eat too.”

“But you will be!” Twilight sternly stated while glaring at him in the eyes which had him sweating in fear of her from the fiery look in her eyes. “Since it is now crystal clear on what we must now do to animals who don’t respect the Circle of Life.”

"Banishment." Rainbow stated seriously just when Twilight worked her magic around her aura and teleported them out of the Pride Lands and just inside the Outlands.

Ono flew over to the direction of where the unicorn’s magic teleported them to. “Well, the baboons are gone for sure. They're in the Outlands.” He reported to the Guard.

“At least they’re out of the Pride Lands.” Kion felt pleased with this. “Not our problem anymore and great work the four of you.” He added while turning Ono, Twilight, Rainbow and Kyoga who all nodded in response.

“Good riddance to those ruffians.”

“Ugh. Baboons.

Both Rarity and Fuli expressed their disgust towards them.

“Yeah. Baboons.”

“How could they.”

Both Bunga and Pinkie said with the former equally disgusted with the latter sadden and betrayed by their deception.

“Don’t worry sugarcube.” Applejack assured the saddened mare. “They’re out of our lives now.”

“I know.” She acknowledged. “I just wish I could have thrown them a big party and be able to get in more in on the act.” She said before bursting her party cannon once more with confetti and balloons shooting up into the sky. “It would have been so much fun.”

“I know.” Bunga sighed. “Too bad those baboonies turned out to be thieves! Still, you gotta admit, they were funny!” He added with a laugh.

“Were they really?” Ono inputted.

“Well, it was pretty funny when they juggled you like a sausage fruit.” Beshte admitted.

Applejack chuckled too. “So very true.”

“Funny? That was hilarious!” Pinkie giggled. “Now I can't even remember why I was mad at them!” She then said blissfully.

“Oh, well, maybe because they were stealing food and treating us like fools!” Fuli quickly reminded her while still agitated by their trickery.

She continued giggling before the memory flowed back in her mind. “Oh, right.”

“Yeah.” Kion laughed though Ono scoffed from just hearing about them.

“I've heard enough about those baboons!” He stated before flying ahead to check up on him.

“Don't worry about it, Ono. It's not like we'll ever see them again!” Kion assured his egret companion who still scanned the Outlands for them.

“What?” He wondered out loud with the sight of them being pursued by the hyenas. “Kion, I think you spoke too soon.” He immediately alerted the lion cub. “Guess who I just saw Janja chasing across the Outlands.”

“Wait, wait! Don't tell me! Was it a fish? No, probably not a fish.”

“Oh, oh, I know.” Pinkie hopped up wanting to guess. “It’s those three baboon acrobats!”

“What?” Ono questioned rather baffled that her guess was spot. “How did you…?”

“Just a hunch.” Pinkie shrugged with a big smiling grin.

“Serves 'em right. Baboons...” Fuli showed no sympathy for their plight.

“Aw, come on, Fuli.” Fluttershy spoke up trying to encourage her to show some empathy for them. “I know they made a lot of bad choices but that doesn’t mean we have to.”

“But the Outlands isn’t our territory, Fluttershy.” Kion stated to reason with her.

“Exactly!” Fuli agreed.

“They had this coming.” Kyoga added not wanting to budge an inch in their direction.

But Ono letting his conscience take over spoke him. “I can't believe I'm saying this, but... They wouldn't be in the Outlands if it weren't for us. We're the ones who decided to banish them from the Pride Lands.”

Twilight sighed in annoyance knowing how right he is. “Yeah. You’re right, Ono. And since I was the one who teleported them there, I better go save them.”

“Are you sure don’t want backup?” Kion asked.

“I’m sure. I teleported them there so it's only fair I alone handle this.” Twilight stated while turning to both Ono and Rainbow. “You both just keep watch from the skies.”

She then immediately teleported away from the border and into the Outlands leaving the group wondering why she wanted to take them on her own but didn’t follow after her nor questioned her decision. After all, the one time they did, it got Kion in trouble with her and Simba and he ended up feeling what Twilight went through the day she got her scar.

The hyenas have chased the baboons around trying to catch them, but they proved to be very acrobatic to the point they were able to evade and dodge their attacks at every corner…

…But they didn’t have any luck when they tried to duck away from them when their escape tunnel turned out to be a dead end cave leaving them at their mercy.

“Thanks for makin' this so easy!” Janja taunted them with a victorious cackle. “Check it out, boys! A baboon buffet!”

The trio of helpless baboons whimpered for their lives when Janja and two allies prepare to finish them off…

…until Twilight magically teleported right behind them. “Stop right there, Janja!”

“Twilight?” He exclaimed in surprise to see her when he turned his back to her.

“Step away from the baboons!” She firmly ordered with a glare that striked fear into their hearts especially with the scar on her face.

“Hey, hey, they started it! I caught 'em stealing from me!” Janja stammered.

“And for that they deserve to get eaten?” Twilight inquired with a raised eyebrow not backing down.

“Makes sense to me.” Chungu cluelessly and bluntly answered.

“Then bring it on!” Twilight challenged them to which the trio immediately gave their all with a group charge.

Of course, the brawl didn’t even last more than ten seconds when she simply charges her magic from her horn before charging forward and blasting them away with her magic sky-high across the Outlands.

When the hyenas all crashed down onto the ground, Twilight immediately teleported over the horizon to oversee the defeated trio. Both Janja and Twilight share serious looks at each other with the former eyeing the latter’s scar before nodding and ushering his buddies to flee.

Both Rainbow and Ono watching from the skies both fly back over to the border to report to Kion of Twilight’s success before the unicorn met up with the traveling performers after the hyena’s wisely retreated.

“I can't believe you came all this way to save us.” Uroho voiced feeling very grateful and remorseful at the same time for the Pony Guard leader’s noble act even after everything they have done. “Now we feel bad. What can we do to pay you back?”

“I’ve got an idea.” Twilight proposed with a warm smile.

Said proposal to make it up to everyone in the Pride Lands is them providing a show along with giving back the food they have collected through their string of thievery. On top of that with Pinkie Pie's help their next show was turned into a little fesitival with the option of baked goods for the animals to enjoy to which the baboons helped themselves too when Pinkie generously offered them some.

“Step right up, folks! Plenty of food to go around!” Uhoro told them as they all line up one by one to receive their fair share.


“Great idea, Twi.”

Both Beshte and Applejack complimented.

“Thanks, Beshte, Applejack.” Twilight kindly returned. “Beats seeing them become hyena food.”

“No question about that.” Pinkie happily added with a hug for her friend for doing so to which Twilight allowed her to do so.

“Something for every taste!” Uhoro then said to Ma Tembo before handing her a baobab fruit. “There's also entertainment! Just think of it as dinner and a show!”

“Thank you. Very gracious of you.” Ma Tembo gratefully thanked him for his generosity.

“And very generous.” Rarity complimented him very pleased with the sight since it is true to her element and she would greatly encourage that.

“Why thank you, Miss Rarity.” He returned before turning back to the others in line seeking food to eat.

Seeing that these baboons truly have a heart deep down he turns back to his friends to make his point. “See, Fuli? These baboons aren't so bad after all!” He told the cheetah he thought was standing beside her until he saw that she wasn’t there. “Fuli?”

“I think she agrees with you, Bunga!” Kion smiled while directing his attention to the cheetah giggling when they perform their acrobatic flips over her as part of their dinner show routine.

“Go, Fuli!”


“Way to flip out, baboons!”

Beshte, Bunga, and Pinkie all cheered for her when the pink mare suddenly felt the need to add when the former two turn to her in confusion thinking she meant flip out in anger. “You know I mean…” She nervously giggled before moving in to join in on the act.

“Join in, Pinkie!” Uhoro encouraged. “The more the merrier!”

And that just leaves one question on the leader of the Lion Guard’s mind for the Guard’s Keenest of Sight. “What about you, Ono? Changed your mind about the baboons?”

Before he could answer, the leader of the group called out to him. “Ono, heads up!”


Next thing, he knows he finds his favorite insect tossed into his mouth.

“I suppose they're okay.” He admitted before he finds himself pulled into another one of their acts that involves two baboons tossing him into the other’s hands against his will but he accepted it this time.

“Go, Fuli!”

“Go, Ono!”

“Go, Pinkie Pie!”

Bunga, Kion, and Rainbow Dash cheered for them while they watch the egret take his turn in being part of their act.

“Hapana!” Ono exclaimed while continuing to be tossed around by the baboons.

"Aww, they really like you Ono." Fluttershy giggled.

With the show a true success, the Lion and Pony Guard along with the Pride Landers all continue to watch the traveling trio perform with some of the Lion and Pony Guard members all while they all cheer for them.

Author's Note:

In this episode, a group of travelers and performers have come to the Pride Lands seeking to provide entertainment, and food in secret for the price of the show.

Of course there's little I need to say here other than what happens true to form with the sole exception of their rescue being a solo mission with the leader of the Pony Guard making quick work of the hyenas before seeing to it they leave. And thanks to that, the baboon trio get to work a deal for the show to continue.

Next up is "The Apple Family Reunion." where the Apple Family gets together for their annual reunion and Kion gets to see what Applejack's whole family is like.