• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,280 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

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Episode 4: Babysitter Bunga

Episode 4:

Babysitter Bunga

On a nice morning in the Pride Lands, the jackals have decided to take a little field trip for some zebra hunting down below from the hill they were standing on.

“Ah... I love the smell of zebras in the morning.” Reirei chuckled upon eyeing their prey from afar. “Smells like breakfast.” She then turned back to the young ones ready to give them pointers on their first hunting lesson. “Dogo, Kijana, this is a perfect opportunity for you to try out what we've been practicing.”

“You mean, luring the little one away from the herd.”

“'Cause they're young and easy to trick.”

Both jackal pups eagerly replied.

“That's right.” Their mother nodded. “Chase 'em, charm 'em...”

“And then, chomp 'em.” Goigoi added to which his wife cackled upon that statement.

“Yes. We'll scare the herd. You two find yourselves a little one. Let's go.”

She lead the jackals out to carry out this plan just when the Lion and Pony Guard arrive nearby on their patrol. And some of the members managed to get a good whiff of their scent and presence.

“Smell that, Fuli, Kyoga.” Kion asked the cheetah and lioness after catching their scent.


“And it doesn't smell good.”

Both Kyoga and Fuli replied with the former having a very good idea of whose scent that is.

“Don't look at me, I'm back here.” Bunga innocently defended.

“Okay, okay.” Pinkie confessed thinking she did it with raised hooves. “I ate egg and cheese bean breakfast burritos this morning.” She cried to which Applejack and Fluttershy side-stepped away from her.

“It's not you two, Bunga, Pinkie. It's jackals.” Fuli corrected them.

“Which means we’ll be having a breakfast with Reirei.” Kyoga added ready for a fight. “And I don’t mean we’re actually eating with them.” She quickly added to Pinkie before she could even think of proposing a breakfast party with them.



Kion and Twilight instructed them to fly up and find them

“We'll see what I can see.” Ono vowed before they both flew up to find them from the skies. “Hmm. Hapana. It's jackals, all right.”

“And they're attacking the zebras.” Rainbow added just when the adults slowly approach their prey.

“Then, we need to move.” Twilight voiced with what must be done before Kion began their battle creed.

“Till the Pride Lands and Equestria’s end...”

“Lion and Pony Guard defend!”

Reirei and her pack lead the charge against the herd to which alarmed the zebras into of course panicking and running away. And their plan is working in regards to separating the little one from the rest of the pack and that someone is Muhumi’s boy Hamu.

“Panic and run, Hamu! Panic and run!” His mother urgently told him.

“I am panicking. But you're running too fast.” Her son panted in his best efforts to keep up.

“See that little one, kiddies? You know what to do!” Reirei told her kids.

“Yes, Mom!”

“We sure do!“

The two declared before moving forward with the latter getting ahead.

“Hey! Wait up! Wait for me!” Dogo called out to his sibling while trying his hardest to follow after him to which both Ono and Rainbow spotted overhead.

“Oh, no. The jackals have separated Hamu from the rest of the herd!” Ono alerted everyone.

“Hamu? Those stinkin' Jackals!” Bunga exclaimed in disgust with their tactic.

“That’s coward’s work right there.” Rainbow voiced with little surprise they would plan that.

“Rainbow, you Bunga and Ono, go help Hamu!” Twilight instructed of them.

“Got it!”


“Zuka Zama!”

The three nodded and saluted in response before heading out to save the child.

“Fuli, Beshte, girls...” Kion turned to the rest of the team. “Let's go help the rest of the zebras.”

Both Dogo and Kijuna both chase after Hamu with the latter turning into the tall grass for a more stealth approach into hunting him leaving Dogo to try to keep up and turn up the charm on him.

“Hey! Wait up! Wait for me!”

“You? You're a jackal!” Hamu refused to do so.

“Yeah, but... I'm a friendly jackal! I just wanna play!” Dogo tried to insist which had the young zebra seemingly buying it.

“You do?”

“Yeah! Come on! We can play... tag!”

This was enough to get the zebra to stop in his tracks after buying his stalling efforts.

“I do like tag.”

Back where the rest of the herd is being chased Goigoi is attempting to close in on one of the zebras right in front of him.

“Oh, slow down so I can eat ya!” Goigoi complained in-between pants.

“Huwezi! Hyah!” Fuli shouted before looking down at the defeated jackal. “Now who's slowing down?” She smugly asked with Fluttershy joining her ready to perform The Stare on him with crossed arms.

“Uh... not the zebras.” Goigoi answered with a nervous smile before retreating.

At the same time both Applejack and Beshte have teamed up to take down the other jackals up front. With Beshte bowling them down and Applejack rounding them with her lasso they were able to stop them from getting a bite in. In addition, the one jackal that did manage to evade the Guard’s Strongest ended up being knocked back with party confetti to the face courtesy of Pinkie Pie.

Back where Dogo has gotten the lone zebra to stop and talk his sibling moved to the other side of the tall grass ready to attack from behind

“Let's play surprise-tag! You stand still, and close your eyes...” Dogo offered before Ono quickly alerted the zebra.

“Hamu! Behind you!“

Rainbow Dash quickly scooped up the jackal about to sneak attack leaving Dogo’s lies exposed to the lone zebra.

“Lion and Pony Guard? No! Don't spoil the surprise!” Dogo protested.

“Sorry, kid. I’m afraid the only surprise that is happening right now is this…”


“Zuka Zama!” Bunga quickly tackled him before tumbling off of him

“What kind of game is this?” Hamu asked.

“It's the last game you'll ever play, zebra.” Dogo menacingly answered with a growl ready to advance on him.

“Oh, no, you don't!” Ono was quick to knock him down which further angered the little pup.

“I don't think you play tag with your teeth.” Hamu commented a little unsettled when he started baring his teeth.

“Jackals do.” Dogo snarled before advancing on him to which he backed away from.

“Kick him, Hamu! Kick him!” Bunga shouted while Rainbow restrained the other jackal pup in her hooves

Hamu did exactly that before performing a quick turn and kick. “Tag!“ Dogo yelped while sent flying into the tall grass right in Rainbow’s hooves. “You're it!

“Good guys, two. Jackals, nothing.” Bunga declared when Rainbow flies over to both Bunga and Ono with the two restrained pups at her mercy.

Back at the front of the pack, one of the zebras ended up tripped over a rock she didn’t see while looking back thus leaving her vulnerable at the jackal matriarch’s mercy. But just when she was vicously smiling at her cornered foe backed up against the rock when…

“Give it up, Reirei!” Kion called out to her from above the rock. “You're the last one standing!”

“I am?” Reirei questioned when she is suddenly blasted away by magic courtesy of both Twilight and Rarity with Kyoga following up by tackling and pinning her to the ground.

“Not anymore.” Kyoga answered with a confident smirk before Kion leaps over them in the herd’s defense.

“Where's Hamu? Hamu! Hamu!” Muhimu gasped while looking around for her boy.

“Right here, Mom!” He quickly informed her upon reuniting with her with Rainbow tossing the jackal pups back over to the jackal family. “Bunga saved me!”

“Nah, you saved yourself.” Bunga humbly reminded.

“Bunga told me to kick, and I did!”

“Did you hear that, Kion, Twilight? That little zebra attacked my son!” Reirei asked while trying to act like he harmed an innocent child.

“Don't worry, Reirei.” Kion assured with a serious expression clearly not buying it for one second. “You'll be safe from these "vicious zebras"…”

”... once you're back in the Outlands.” Twilight added just as seriously.

“No justice for jackals, I guess.” Reirei irritably sighed in disappointment.

“Not one ounce of sympathy.” Twilight replied unsympathetically. “Now get out here.”

“All right, kiddies. Let's go!” Reirei complied with their orders before spotting that her husband hasn’t moved an inch. “Goigoi!”

“Coming, hun! Whoa!” Goigoi returned before being levitated away and sent flying away by Twilight’s magic which intimidated the other jackals into running away before they end up getting the same treatment from the lavender-coated unicorn.

Needless to say, that sure was a first Twilight has literally kicked someone out of the Pride Lands with her magic rather than letting them run away on their own which was rather surprising to the others. But none of them bothered to comment on it since they have repeated the same mistake of crossing paths with them over and over again and felt it was best not to question her methods.

“Great job, everyone!” Kion congratulated everyone while Twilight blew the smoke off her horn with silent satisfaction written with a matching smile.

“Lion Guard, Pony Guard, wait!” Muhimi quickly called out to them not ready for them to leave just yet.

“Muhimu, what's wrong?” Kion asked.

“You can't just go. We've been attacked.” She said to them still feeling unsafe deep inside.

“But the jackals are gone now. You're fine.” Fuli pointed out with an assuring smile.

“No need to panic or run.” Ono added.

“Eeyup. No need to worry about them giving y’all anymore trouble.” Applejack also added with a friendly nudge on the zebra’s shoulder.

“Yes, I know, but I...I'm still sort of shaken up.” She explained why she feels she still needs their security.

“You just need to relax, Muhimu.” Beshte suggested. “Take some time for yourself.”

“Yes darling. Like a nice afternoon at the spa in Ponyville.” Rarity offered. “I’d be more than happy to take you there myself.”

“Well, I'd love to, but what would I do with Hamu?” The still slightly distressed mother zebra asked before seeing her boy frolicking and playing with Bunga. “Maybe Hamu can stay with Bunga. They really get along together.”

“Stay with me?” Bunga expressed surprise at that proposal.

“Stay with Bunga? That sounds great!” Hamu expressed excitement at the idea.

“What do you think, Bunga?” Kion turned to him to make sure he is all right with it. “You okay keeping an eye on Hamu for a little while?”

“Sure, why not?” He nodded to which sparked eager excitement in the young one’s heart.


“Oh, thank you.” Muhumi thanked them before heading out with Rarity. “I can relax now knowing that my little one is with someone so responsible.”

“Hamu! You wanna dive off Hakuna Matata Falls?” Bunga offered before rushing off ahead.

“Yeah.” He responded before following after him.

“Oh, oh, wait for me!” Pinkie called out after them before joining them.

“Did she say, "responsible"?” Fuli jokingly asked if she heard her right knowing the honey badger and the pink party pony’s personalities.

“Well, at least as far as Pinkie is concerned she sure is responsible enough to take care of a baby unicorn and a baby earth pony on her own.” Kion returned that he has faith in his honey badger friend. “So I think he’ll do great along with Pinkie.”

“That’s true.” Twilight agreed without hesitation. “They do know how to work together.”

With that said and done the rest of the Guard heads back to the Lair of the Guard back at Pride Rock. But when they got back a thought popped up in the Lion Guard’s Keenest of Sight‘s mind.

“Uh, Kion, I was wondering...” He began to Kion.

“What is it Ono?”

“Well, I'm a bit concerned about Bunga and Pinkie being away.”

“Ono, it's fine.” Kion reassured. “Bunga and Pinkie will do great with Hamu.”

“I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about us.” Ono clarified. “We do depend on Bunga and Pinkie.”

“For funny smells, bad jokes?” Fuli jokingly questioned.

“With cherry soda, festive parts, and smiles.” Kyoga added in similar manner to which Twilight smirked upon hearing.

“Fuli, Kyoga, you both know Bunga is the bravest along with Pinkie.” Beshte told them.

“And they are the best climber and bouncer.” Ono added. “What if we need to rescue someone from a tree or some other high place, while they're gone?”

“You're right, Ono. We should practice what we do.” Kion agreed with his concerns before leading the team away for some much needed training. “Come on. See that rock up there?” He gestured to said item on the ledge although some of the ponies dismiss it as an easy feat. “Let's pretend it's a trapped animal. Who wants to try to get it down?”

“Kion, you know cheetahs don't climb.” Fuli argued when the Lion Guard leader turned to her to try it out.

“Give it a try.” Kion insisted.

Figh sighed before doing so with a ready and prepared running start.


She was able to climb up to the near top but couldn’t quite hang on to the edge before her grip gave way and had her plummeting back down to the ground.

“You're right, cheetahs can't climb.” Ono commented with an amused smirk.

“I didn't say that. I said we don't climb.” Fuli corrected while pulling herself on her paws.

“And now we know why.” He remarked to which he and Beshte shared a laugh over until Fuli glared at them to shut up.

While they watch this, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash shake their heads while finding the entertainment in the difficultly they are having with this little exercise.

“Yes, well, I can't climb either. But I can fly to the rescue.” Ono moved to fly up to the ledge. “Hello, little animal in danger. Allow me to help you out.” He tried to lift the rock but lacked the strength to do so before slipping and flying backwards hard into the ground.

“Ono, you okay?” Kion asked before he and the others rushed over to him.

“Mmm. Affirmative.” He weakly nodded.

“Hey, I bet I could pick up that rock.” Beshte then thought before moving towards the ledge. “Twende Kiboko!”

“Wait, Beshte!” Kion tried to warn his friend albeit too late.

He ended slipping of the steep slope and wound up crashing into Ono by accident.

“Oh no.” Rainbow quietly remarked while stuffing her hooves into her mouth to resist being heard laughing while Applejack and the others winced in sympathy for them and Twilight rolls her eyes in amusement.

“Okay. Maybe that's enough climbing practice for now.” Kion then suggested.

“Good!” Ono agreed while Beshte apologetically looking down at his squished friend.

“Besides…” Twilight added with a whistle to get their attention so they can see her and Applejack performing the climb no problem without magic with Rainbow Dash effortlessly flying over and picking up the rock with one hoof and flexing her muscles. “…we already have your climbing crew for the job.”

“Great.” Ono again remarked feeling embarrassed with their performance while Fluttershy gently separates him and Beshte before making sure the egret is okay and free of injuries.

At Hakuna Matata Falls, one of the young giraffes there is running around on her own which wasn’t taking an liking to the leader of the giraffe’s Twiga.

“Juhudi! Stop running! Juhudi, don't splash in the mud! Juhudi, look out for that hyrax!”

She tried to tell her to no avail since the giggling youngster is still running around full of energy and ended up getting muddy and nearly bumping into a hyrax as a result.

Seeing there was no use to trying to talk to her, she gives up and moves to get a drink from the nearby pool of water.

She moved in between moved a female adult rhino and Muhimu to do so before noticing something different about the zebra next to her.

“You look relaxed, Muhimu. Where's your boy?” She questioned her.

“Bunga and Pinkie are watching Hamu, so I can have some me time and some much needed pampering thanks to Rarity.” She answered. “And let me tell you, that girl sure knows of how to help with that.”

“Indeed, darling, indeed.” Rarity commented while wearing her spa robe.

“Bunga the honey badger, Pinkie Pie the party pony, from the Lion and Pony Guard?” Twiga blinked in surprise before hearing Juhudi screaming because she is currently playing with a porcupine. “Juhudi!! I told you not to play with the porcupine!” She chastised her on deaf ears before sighing. “Think they'd take Juhudi, too?” She hoped out loud just when the three arrive.

“Probably.” Rarity commented not seeing why not. “And if they do I’d be more than happy to take you to the spa too.”

“That would be lovely.” Twiga said very intrigued with the idea before spotting the two babysitters with Hamu at the top of the waterfall.

“This time, use your front hooves to break through the water.” Bunga instructed Hamu.

“Got it.” He nodded before they all moved to leap into the water.

“Zuka Zama!”


The three share a laugh over their successful jump when Twiga clears her throat to get their attention.

“Bunga, Pinkie, would you mind watching our kids, too?” She asked of them.

“Ooh, can you Bunga? Can you?” Hamu eagerly asked of them.

“Hmm, I don't know.” Bunga voiced with consideration at the thought. “More kids, bigger splashes, more noise.”

“Aw come on Bunga.” Pinkie tried to encourage him otherwise. “Don’t forget you got the Cake twins best babysitter around.”

“I understand if it's too much trouble.” Twiga replied seeing that Bunga is still neutral about it.

“You kidding? It sounds great!” Bunga immediately agreed before inviting them to join them. “Come on, kids, jump in!”


“Well, it looks like you two just earned yourselves a nice afternoon of relaxation with me.” Rarity told them before leading the way back to Ponyville.

While the kids get acquainted with their babysitters the parents all head on over to the portal with Rarity leading the way.

“Okay, well, we'll be back before sunset.” Twiga told them while leaving.



The two returned while waving them off.

“Now what, Bunga, Pinkie?”

“Yeah, is there anything else to do?”

Both Hamu and Juhudi asked of them.

“You kidding? Hakuna Matata Falls is filled with fun stuff to do.” Pinkie cheerifuly told them.

“As long as you know how to... Teke, Ruka, and Teleza.” Bunga added in agreement while holding up a nearby fruit with his claws.

“Teke, Ruka, and Teleza?” The giraffe asked trying to understand what he meant by that.

“Yeah, Teke, kick!” Bunga demonstrated by kicking the fruit up into the air which gave the kids an idea of how the first part works.





“Right back at you, Bunga! Teke!”

The kids all shouted while kicking the fruit towards each other and back in Bunga’s arms.

“Good job, everybody!” Bunga complimented while Pinkie looks on impressed. “Now, come on. Ruka, jump!”

He led the way where he leaps over a nearby log up ahead.

“Ruka!” All of the kids repeated while repeating Bunga’s leap although the young rhino had a little trouble on the jump when he landing on the log instead.

Pinkie quickly nudged him across before effortlessly leaping over both him and the log.

“That was great.” Bunga complimented them before heading towards the downhill slope ahead back into the water. “Now, Teleza! Slide!”

“Teleza! Yay!” The kids cheered when they do so.

“See, if you can kick, jump, and slide, you can do anything! I'll show ya!” Bunga told them before he and Pinkie sing and dance to the tune to demonstrate of what they need to do going forward.

Teke, Ruka, Teleza!

Elsewhere back in the Outlands, the young jackal pups are now practicing their hunting skills by chasing after their prey. Only problem is that they have only their elders to work with since no one else is their size. Luckily, Goigoi was kind enough (or rather clueless enough) to volunteer. But it all works out and the kids were able to pin him down when he ended up crashing into a boulder he didn’t see until too late.

“How'd we do, Mom?” Dogo asked.

“Real good, kids. Good enough that I think it's time to go back to the Pride Lands.” Reieri commended them.

“But what about the Lion and Pony Guard?” Kijana asked and pointed out they’ll be there to stop them again.

“Leave that to me.” The matriarch remained undeterred before leading the pack away and back over towards the Pride Lands border. “I'll come up with a plan to keep them out of our way.”

“Is it over?” Goigoi asked immediately regretting playing the dummy of the training exercise unaware that he is dragging behind until now. “Uh, next time, can I be the big one and someone else be the little one?”

Meanwhile, in the Ponyville Spa, all of the mothers are all relaxing in their lounge chairs alongside Rarity, all wearing robes and cucumber covering’s over their eyes and being tended to by the kind staff at the place.

“Ooh. I don't think I've ever been this relaxed in my life.” Twiga voiced in satisfaction while getting a back massage.

“And that’s the idea darling.” Rarity told her while sitting back in the hot tub. “A nice relaxing day with nothing to worry about and to instead just sit back and release all of that tension you’re feeling.”

“Mm-hmm.” Muhimu agreed while taking off her cucumber covers. “Oh, have you tried their grass offerings?” She gestured Twiga to the small plates of green grass for them to snack on while they sit back and relax.

“No.” Twiga replied. “Is it good?”

“Amazing! Try it.” Muhimu encouraged to do so to which she does.

“Mmm. You're right. So good.” She enjoyed what refreshments the Equestrian world had to offer such as the cheese, cracker, and fruit palette along with the vegetable smoothies that captured their taste buds. “Almost as good as Acacia.”

“And there’s more where that came from.” Rarity pointed out just when some of their caretakers clear their finished palettes before getting ready to replace them while the others still tend to them.

“So…” Muhimu spoke up with a question for Rarity. “You come here often?”

“Oh yes.” She answered. “Sometimes on my own and other times with my friends when we’re not on patrol.”

“All of them.” Twiga asked wondering if they are any of them that actually hate them.

“All expect for Rainbow Dash….” Rarity answered. “…at least not she wants to admit it. Last time she was here she ended up cowering when one of the kind darlings tried to give her a pedicure.”

Everyone couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought.

“Wow! And she’s one of the most bold and brave members of the Guard.” Twiga chuckled. “I’m sure glad I didn’t ask her to watch over my kid, otherwise she might toss her aside without even thinking about it.”

“Now, now, Twiga.” Rarity spoke up in her defense. “Rainbow may be a bit reckless and hot-headed at times but she would never do that even if it is someone else’s child.”

“True. I know she wouldn’t.” The giraffe shook her head to let her know she was just kidding. “And even though Bunga and Pinkie Pie can be very silly at times they sure seem to know how to babysit.”

“Amazingly enough.” Muhimu said. “And to think the honey badger was someone I referred to as a mongoose not too long ago. And now I trust him to watch over my son, Hamu.”

“Who would have guessed?” Twiga replied with a shrug just when one of the pony massages her back. “Ooh. Ooh. That’s better.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, darling.” Rarity said while getting out of the hot tub and put on her towel so she can dry herself off. "And believe me I understand what it's like having family getting on your nerves at times."

"How so?" Twiga inquired. "You a mother too?

"No, but I am an older sister of a filly Sweetie Belle." She answered while drying off the last of the water on her marshmallow colored coat of fur so it is sparkling like her diamond cutie mark. "And she sure is an energetic little hoofful at times."

"Doesn't that drive you crazy?" Twiga asked.

"Yes, but even with our ups and downs we still always make time for each care and are there when we need each other." Rarity explained. "Even when she accidentally causes you trouble at times."

"Like what?" Muhimu curiously asked.

"Oh, not much, other attempting to cook breakfast badly, shrinking one of my sweaters, borrowing fabric for her friend's capes, borrowing fabric for her friend's comedy show, along with borrowing some of my gems for her arts and crafts projects." She further went on while the other mother's were all amazed and stunned with how much trouble she has gotten herself into. "Yeah, she's racked up quite a list there."

"Quite." Twiga giggled. "More like a lot considering with what you said you had to put up with."

"How did you even manage all of that?" Muhimu asked.

"It wasn't easy that's for sure." Rarity replied. "I just try my hardest to be patient and understanding with her and remind myself not to blow up at her in the heat of the moment. Otherwise I'll lose the unconditional love with my sister. And yes that has happened once." She added to which they all took in to great consideration going forward finding her advice very valuable and worthwhile.

"Wow! That's very impressive." Muhimu complimented. "Even though you don't have a child yet you sure know a thing or two abut parenting yourself.

“You’d be surprised of what hidden depths others have on the inside. The more time you take to get to know someone more, the more interesting discoveries you could across.”

“And my time with Bunga sure taught me that. Ooh.” Muhimu said while having the tension from her hooves released. “And to not judge someone by their appearance right away. Aw, that’s nice.”

“Took the words right out of my mouth.” Rarity responded before moving ahead to pay for everyone’s spa treatment with the gems from her purse. “Because it never hurts to be generous to someone for once.”

“You sure make it easy.” Muhimu noted while eyeing her preparing to pay for their spa treatment with a thankful smile.

“Well, what can I say.” Rarity thought nothing of it while handing the gems to the pony at the front office. “Generosity is in my nature. It’s my element."

Elsewhere back in the Pride Lands, the Lion and Pony Guard is out on patrol minus three members looking out for any trouble up in the trees and so far they haven’t had any signs of trouble worth climbing up much Fuli, Beshte, and Ono’s relief.

At the same time, Reirei has taken the pack out on over to Hakuna Matata Falls for their next hunting trip attempt while sending Goigoi out to draw the Guard away to keep them away from where Bunga and Pinkie Pie are watching over the kids. And needless to say he is left lost in terms of thinking of a plan when he suddenly and accidentally stepped on his own tail.

“You hear that?” Kion asked everyone upon hearing his scream of pain.

“Sounded like a jackal to me.” Beshte responded while turning to the voice’s direction.

“Goigoi if I’m not mistaken.” Kyoga added.

“Definitely is a jackal.” Rainbow reported while catching a glimpse of Goigoi from the sky.

“And it came from back there.” Fuli turned to the voice’s direction coming to the same conclusion of where it came from.

“Till the Pride Lands' and Equestria’s end…” Kion began with the other’s finishing.

“Lion Guard and Pony Guard, defend!”

The Guard headed out towards Goigoi’s direction before he quickly ran off seeing that he managed to succeed in getting their attention.

Back at Hakuna Matata Falls, Bunga is teaching the kids how to play Ruka which consists of him balancing on a rock when one of the kids leaps over and lands on the opposite side to launch him back over where the others kids are watching.

“Ruka Zuka Zama.” Bunga told Juhundi who leaped over and landed on the opposite end of the rock where Bunga flies back onto dry land with the others.

“Me next, my turn.” Juhundi called out for one of the other kids to hop on and launch her.

“Okay. Get ready.” Hamu volunteered to go next. “Ruka!”

“Now you’re getting it!” Pinkie complimented them when Juhundi flies back over to where they are standing.

All while unaware that Reirei and the others are watching from the nearby bushes.

“Too perfect.” She commented.

“What about Bunga and Pinkie Pie?” Kijana asked.

“You young'uns just leave him to me.” Reirei answered. “You all hungry?” She asked everyone who all nodded. “Me too. And it looks like there's plenty of young ones to go around.”

“We're gonna save some for Dad. Right, Mom?” Dogo asked.

“Sure we are, sugar. Sure we are.” Reirei assured his son rather insincerely.

Elsewhere, the Guard has closed in on Goigoi fleeing from them while barking.

“Goigoi, what are you doing?” Ono asked seeing that he is just running ahead aimlessly.

“Ono! Rainbow! I'm...” He stammered to come up with a answer. “I'm a chasing antelope! It's gonna take the whole Lion and Pony Guard to stop me!”

“From running ahead like a dum-dum?” Rainbow asked while the idiotic jackal runs ahead like he’s got them fooled even though she finds it rather annoying along with Ono.

“Wait till Reirei hears about...” Goigoi said to himself before suddenly falling into a hole he didn’t see while he was distracted yet again. “Whooooaaa!”

“Ono, Rainbow, what did you see?” Twilight asked of them.

“Well, it's Goigoi.” Ono answered.

“Who's he chasing?”

“Is it an antelope?”

Both Beshte and Applejack asked.

“But the thing about that is he isn't.” Rainbow answered before they went over to where the jackal is headfirst stuck in a hole.

“Help!” He cried with his voice muffled from where he’s speaking from. “Howdy, Kion. Twilight. Fancy meeting you here.”

“What are you up to, Goigoi?” Kion demanded.

“Oh, you know, just chasing antelope.” Goigoi answered through an obvious lie.

“No antelope. I checked.” Ono responded with a blank unimpressed expression.

“Really?” Goigoi asked actually thinking he was. “Huh. Sure fooled me.”

“That part, I believe.”

“Me too.”

Both Fuli and Kyoga said to both Ono and Twilight who both nodded in response.

“Don't worry. We'll get you out of there.” Beshte assured before he and Applejack move over to free him from his predicament.

“You mean it? You'll lend me a paw or a wing or something?”

“Of course. But…” Kyoga answered with a devious smile. “…there’s a catch to this deal.”


“You didn’t think you’d get out with no strings attached did you?” Twilight asked before pressing the answer to the question they want out of him with the amused and devious smirk. “Well in this case, you’re not getting off so easy. Not until you tell us where Reirei and the rest of your family are.”

“Oh. I don't know if I could do that. I'd be in big trouble.” The distressed jackal nervously attempted to talk his way out of it.

“You're upside down in a hole, surrounded by the Lion and Pony Guard.” Fuli pointed out. “How could things get worse?”

“Reirei could get mad at me.”

“That would be worse.” Beshte didn’t object to that.

“No kidding.” Applejack nodded knowing full well what that’s like.

“You guys gotta help me.” Goigoi pleaded. “I'm getting kind of dizzy.”

“Just give it up, Goigoi.” Kion asserted.

“Fine. Fine.” He relented before confessing. “They're at Hakuna Matata Falls.”

“Hevi kabisa!”

“That’s where Bunga and Pinkie Pie are watching over the kids!” Applejack realized what their target is.

“We've gotta help Bunga, Pinkie, and Hamu!” Kion declared before leading everyone on over there.

“What about me?” Goigoi protested while still stuck. “You gotta just... Huh?” Next thing he knows he is hoisting up by Beshte effortlessly who along with Fluttershy stick by to make sure he is okay before regrouping with the others. “Uh. Thanks. If Reirei asks, you didn't hear it from me.”

“Of course.” Fluttershy nodded before she and Beshte race after the others.

Back at Hakuna Matata Falls, Bunga and Pinkie were preparing to perform a triple somersault just when Reirei and her pack arrive on the scene.

“Sorry to spoil your fun, but we've been waiting a really long time to eat and we just can't wait anymore.” Reirei sinisterly said to them ready for hunting with both babysitters immediately leaping in their defense.

“Get out of here, Reirei.”

“One more step and you'll regret it.”

Both Bunga and Pinkie warned ready to attack them should they try to harm them.

“Oh, really?” The matriarch of the pack scoffed while the others wasted no time in rounding the little ones up. “You two think you can defend all these little morsels by yourself?”

“Better believe it sister.” Pinkie retorted. “You don’t want to mess with me when I’m angry.”

“And I'm the bravest in the Pride Lands.” Bunga added. “So back off from the little ones.”

The two immediately leaped in the kids defense ready for a fight when Reirei snarls and tackles Bunga to the ground with Pinkie sending a confetti blast from her cannon right at the jackal to send her back and away.

“Get outta here, kids. Run!” Bunga shouted to them since he and Pinkie both have to take down Reirei together leaving the kids vulnerable to the other jackals ready to sink their teeth into them.

“Bunga? Pinkie? They're all around us!” Hamu called for help

“Teke, kids. Teke!” Bunga reminded them while he and Pinkie work to pin Reirei to the ground.

Getting what he is telling them they all took defensive stances ready to apply their teachings together.


By applying that maneuver, they were each able to able to kick away all of the jackals that attempted to attack them.

“Yes!” Pinkie smiled while Bunga leaps off of Reirei liking what he is seeing.

“Now, run.” Bunga urged them before being quickly saved by Pinkie who quickly tackled Reirei when she tried to pounce on him.

“You heard Bunga. Scatter!” Hamu quickly led the others away.

“You can't get away from us that easy.” Dogo called after them. “We've been practicing.”

“They have, you know.” Reirei agreed while trying to force both Bunga and Pinkie Pie until submission. “Your little ones don't stand a chance.”

“Don't count on it, Reirei.” Bunga defiantly warned not to get too overconfident before turning to the giraffe and serval retreating to the nearby bush. “Juhudi. Teke, Teke.”

Both immediately kick the bush which released pollen onto the two jackals pursuing them which blinded their eyesight just when they were approaching them.

“I can't see.”

“Me, neither.”

The two complained unable to look to where they are going.

“We're right here, come and get us.” Juhudi calmly called out to them while she and the serval both sidestep away just when they approach them. The two ended up dropping into the water as a result.

“Whoo-hoo! Yes!!”

“Way to go, kids!”

Both Bunga and Pinkie cheered for them being quickly pinned down by Reirei.

“You think that's enough to stop my young'uns?” Reirei growled still certain they’ll lose. “They've trained for this!”

“Not too well, I guess.” Bunga confidently returned before Pinkie slipped herself and Bunga away from the jackal’s grasp which had her falling face-first into the ground before they turned to see one jackal pursing a little monkey. “Little monkey! Teleza!”

“Got it. Teleza!” He complied before sliding down the nearby slope while the jackal pursing him ended up crashing head first into the rock in front of him instead and collapsed after knocking himself out.

The little monkey then blew a raspberry at the defeated jackal before running off.

“Great job.” Bunga complimented while pinched on Reirei’s nose while Pinkie put her in a headlock like she is innocently hugging her before the former noticed that Hamu is trying out swim Dogo. “Hamu!”

“It's okay. I know what I'm doing.” He assured before smiling off ahead

“Almost got ya.” Dogo smirked upon closing in on the zebra approaching the nearby slanted rock from earlier.

“Ruka!” Hamu called out to the young rhino from above the rock.

“Ruka.” He returned before leaping down on the rock to send Dogo flying away into the nearby bushes.

“And that's how we do it in Hakuna Matata Falls!” Hamu returned just when both of their babysitters have Reirei completely restrained.

“That's it, Reirei. Our kids beat your jackals.“ Bunga told her.

“What?! But that's impossible!” Reirei returned rather baffled. “They're just little kids!”

“Brave little kids.” Bunga corrected.

“Yeah. Brave like Bunga and me.” Pinkie added.

“Ready, kids?” Bunga asked them right behind him and Pinkie ready to finish the job.

“Zuka Zama!” They all shouted with the whole jackal pack bracing for impact upon being plowed down to the ground just when the Lion and Pony Guard arrive on the scene.

“Bunga, Pinkie, Hamu, are you all right?” Kion urgently asked of them.

“Oh, hey guys.” Bunga casually greeted.

“How’s it going?” Pinkie added like it is another bouncy filled day for her.

“They look fine to me.” Ono commented upon the observation that they along with the kids were able to fend for themselves while Fuli could not believe what she is seeing.

“But there's a lot more kids here, than just Hamu. What happened?” She asked in disbelief.

“I guess, word spread about what an un-Bunga-lievable babysitter I am along Pinkie Pie.” Bunag proudly declared. “We make an Un-Bunga-veilable team together!”

“Kion, Twilight, look what these horrible little animals did to me and my babies.” Reirei attempted the innocent act again to no avail while being pinned down to the ground by the young rhino sitting on her.



Both Fuli and Kyoga liked what they were seeing.

“You have to save us.” She pleaded.

“I think we can help you, Reirei.” Twilight replied before addressing them rather seriously with a glaring look that could kill someone alone. “As long as you promise not to come after anymore Pride Lands kids again.”

“Fine.” She complied with her orders. “Come along, kids. I don't care to stay where we're not welcome.”

“Good, 'cause we don't want you here.” Hamu remarked ready to for another round of fighting which intimidated the family

“Can we go, Mom?” Kijanau pleaded.

“Now, please?” Dogo also asked just as intimidated.

“Yes. Run, kids. Run.” Reirei urged them and the others to flee before being quickly hoisted up into the air by Twilight’s magic.

“Here, let me help you all with that.” She offered before with an eager smile while conjuring up an aura shaped boot to literally kick them out of the Pride Lands and into the Outlands.

While the jackals yelped upon being ejected out of the Pride Lands, Twilight shook her head in dismay with how low and pathetic they have become since they first met them.

“That is just disappointing.” Kyoga remarked. “From skilled bad guys of nearly tricking everyone until they were found out to pathetic incompetent bad guys who just got their butts handed to them by a group of kids.”

“So sad.” Twilight agreed finding it rather disappointing too. “The jackals had a group of easy targets right in front of them and they still couldn’t take them down alone.”

“I know.” Kyoga nodded before they turned back to the victorious group in front of them.

“You and the kids did a great job, Bunga.” Kion complimented him while turning to the pink earth pony. “You too Pinkie!”

“Nothing to it.”

“Babysitting is like a piece of cake.”

Both humbly thought nothing of their success just when the kid’s parents along with Rarity reunite with them.

“Here they are, all our little ones.” Twiga said very pleased to see her young one again. “How was your day, dear?”

“It was great!”

“You should've seen these guys.” Bunga added in agreement. “They fought off a whole pack of hungry jackals.”

“Jackals?” The mothers all gasped in shock hearing this.

“Yeah!” Pinkie confirmed before rambling her motor mouth off. “They were all growling and threatening all of us before pursing them while we were taking down Reirei and the kids were all kicking, jumping, and sliding all over them!”

“It was easy!” Hamu added to back that claim up. “We did Teke Ruka and Teleza!”

“Just like Bunga taught us!” Juhudi also added.

“You taught our kids to defend themselves?” Muhimu turned to Bunga rather impressed with what she is hearing.

“Yeah, of course.” Bunga honestly answered.

“You're the best babysitter, ever!” Muhimu praised.

“Seriously?” Fuli whispered to others still not believing what she is hearing.

“Better believe it because that’s what she said.” Kyoga told her as they all watch while the kids all get together with both Bunga and Pinkie for one final cuddle.

“What can I say? I knew it all along.”

“Me too!”

Both babysitters claimed confidently and that’s something no one will ever forget. Both Bunga and Pinkie may be silly but they are not someone you want to underestimate because they will make sure they teach you that by the end of the day and that’s what the whole jackal family ended up learning the hard way.

Author's Note:

In this episode it is Bunga's turn to take the spotlight who along with Pinkie Pie watch after some Pride Lander parent's kids.

One would think knowing Bunga that he wouldn't be cut out for the job, but after seeing him how he managed the young bundles of joy along with Pinkie by his side (who likewise learned her lesson in babysitting back in Baby Cakes), he proved to be a natural babysitter. And it proven crucial in fending themselves against Reirei and her jackals ready to make a quick meal out of them with this simple advice.

Teke, Ruka, Teleza.

Next up is "One Bad Apple." where the Cutie Mark Crusaders greet Apple Bloom's cousin who is appearing not what they expected her to be during her visit from Manehattan.