• Published 31st Jul 2021
  • 3,280 Views, 141 Comments

The Pony Guard (Season 3) - MXCDarkHorse2020

The Lion and Pony Guard all seek to keep the peace between the two worlds together while they all now deal with the threat of Scar who's return is now threatening that very balance.

  • ...

Episode 22: Rise of Scar Part One

Episode 22:

The Rise of Scar Part One

In the Pride Lands, Celestia’s sun rises with its bright yellow light shining across the very kingdom. And today, is a special and serious day of importance for the Lion and Pony Guard on patrol because today marks the official beginning of the Pride Lands’ dry season where there is less food and water and it is really hot outside in the Savannah.


Therefore, the Guard has more responsibilities to tackle in order to keep the peace here. Once both Ono and recently crowned and transformed alicorn princess, Twilight Sparkle fly over to where the rest of the Guard are, they all head to get started on morning patrol once the latter gives the nod to Kion that they are ready to go.

Since Twilight now has wings, she has decided to fly overhead on patrol alongside Ono, Rainbow, and Fluttershy in keeping an eye on things on the horizon and is so far doing a great and serious job while on the aerial lookout even though she has just recently earned them.

After running and flying by a family of gazelles drinking water out of their pond. They moved to guide a herd of exhausted zebras to where there is shade and water around. With Ono’s keen guidance along with Rainbow’s urging them to move it along, and Twilight and Fluttershy using their wings to help shield the zebras from the hot sun, they were all able to get there with no further incident.

Once that was done, Rainbow was quick to assist Fuli in guiding the animals away from the nearby rockslide, while Fluttershy was quick to scoop up the bunnies that were about to get squashed by a dead tree Beshte lifted with his back before it could hit the ground. Along with that Twilight was quick to flare her magic and assist Kion in getting Janja to back off from another one of his illegal hunts before they all pressed forward with patrol together.

Next up, were a group of hippos stuck in the drying mud to which both the strongest members of the Guard, Beshte and Applejack were quick to help them out of the thick of the mess. Followed by Kion and Fluttershy clearing an opening for the hyraxes to get out of a hole they got stuck in before blocking off the herd of antelope from running into the crocodile float preparing for hibernation in the their sleeping cave for the duration of the dry season guided by both Bunga and Pinkie leading them inside.

During this a pair of skinks, one a smart-looking female red colored one along with a dim-witted yellow male one with his blue tongue sticking out observe this unnoticed before they both slithered away seeing that this is to their liking.

Along the way, Ushari once again finds himself nearly getting run over by the Lion and Pony Guard members running by before Bunga accidentally ran into him. Fluttershy having kindness and compassion for the snake quickly flew over and untangled him along with giving him another apology before quickly regrouping with her friends in helping assist the drained family of hyraxes on over to the watering hole where Kiara and her friends are.

While the Guard is on patrol, Zazu flies over to Pride Rock to give Simba, Nala, and the alicorn sisters the good news of their successful patrol in the Pride Lands. At the same time Rafiki has been making new painting in the Lair of the Guard with Zecora’s assistance before they both headed when the mandrill listens to what the Great Kings of the Past ask of them.

By the time the bright blue sky is shining across the kingdom, Twilight lands by Kion’s side as they both oversee their success so far.

“Lion Guard…”

“Pony Guard…”

“Let’s go!”

The two leaders ushered their companions away to their next order of business. Freeing a giraffe that got her neck stuck in a tree which proved to be no problem thanks to both Fluttershy and Bunga breaking off the branches trapping her.

“Thanks, Lion Guard.” The female giraffe thanked before running off ahead.

Just then Twilight, Rainbow, and Ono come flying by with another emergency to report.

“Everyone! Everyone!”

“Ma Tembo and the elephants.”

“They're under attack!”

“Another emergency?” Kion groaned.

“Un-Bunga-lievable!” Bunga added in disbelief before hopping off of the tree.

“Well I’ll be willikers.” Applejack said in dismay. “That's the fifth one today.”

“And it's still morning!” Beshte added.

“And this is just the start of the dry season!” Kion further added.

“Huh, guess it's gonna be one of those days.” Fuli remarked with a grin.

“Yep.” Kyoga nodded. “Sure looks that way.”

“C'mon everybody, let's go!” Kion led the way on over to where the elephants are. “Till the Pride Lands and Equestria’s end...”

“Lion and Pony Guard defend!”

The elephant herd is currently running for the lives and causing a stampede nearby thanks to Janja and his crew chasing them around seeking to make meals out of them.

“You sure about this, Janja?” Nne questioned his boss.

“Sure I'm sure.” He confirmed. “Elephants are delicious this time a year! ‘Specially the little ones.” He added while eyeing Mtoto who is the most slowest and helpless elephant in the pack.

“Come here, elephant!”

“Yeah! We just wanna eat ya!”

Cheezi and Chungu said in the frightened child’s direction.

“Agh! Get away!” Mtoto screamed when they closed in on him.

Luckily for him, his mother came to his rescue by knocking them away with her trunk. “Don't let them frighten you! Keep the young ones in the center of the herd!” Ma Tembo ordered of him and some of the nearby elephants while they keep themselves out of harm’s way.

Just then, the Lion and Pony Guard arrive on the scene to see what is going on from the top of the nearby hill.

“Oh, what are the hyenas even thinking taking on elephants?” Fuli commented in dismay at their idiocy.

“I know, haven’t they ever been told they shouldn’t be picking off more than they can chew?” Rarity agreed.

“It sure is pretty darn foolish of them to be messing around with them.” Applejack shook her head in disgust.

“Like my dad always says. "Live long enough, and you'll see everything!"” Beshte said.

“Well, I've seen enough!” Kion stated before focusing his attention on the hyena clan down below with the skies behind him forming when the young lion prepares to use the Roar of the Elders.

“Yeah! Give'em the Roar, Kion! Send those hyenas flyin'!” Bunga cheered.

But Kion calmed himself down and instead had another idea. “No. It's way too crazy down there. If I use the Roar, I might hurt the elephants, too.” He reasoned before giving orders. “Bunga. You, Twilight, me, and Ono will chase the hyenas out of the herd. Fuli, Rainbow, Kyoga, Fluttershy, you four round'em up. Beshte? Applejack? Pinkie? You three send'em flying.

“You got it, Kion!

“Yes sir!”

“Can do!”

The three obliged before they all split up and carried out their tasks.

“Yaaaahhhh!” Bunga shouted upon leaping on Cheezi leaving him yelping and whimpering struggling to get him off since he is tugging his ears.

“Get! Away! From the elephants!” Ono angrily emphasized while constantly flying around and pecking at Chungu.

“Hey! Watch where you're pointin' that beak!”

Once again Janja and Nne have caught up and closed in on Mtoto leaving the poor elephant at their mercy.

“Now we got ya!” Janja said while looking on their helpless little prey ready to pounce on him.

But suddenly, he is greeted to narrowly avoided a magical blast from Twilight’s magic who then swooped in and punched Janja and Nne in the faces with one hoof followed by Kion leaping in front of the knocked back duo.

“Janja!” He growled stopping the two dead in their tracks.

“Kion! Twilight! Uh, have ya both met Nne?” He asked trying to act friendly while introducing the backstabbing hyena to them. “Nne? Kion. Twilight. Talk amongst yourselves!”

Janja quickly turned and ran the other way leaving Nne alone with the leaders of the Guard. The alicorn responded with crossed arms and an unimpressed expression while the lion cub quickly released a dangerous growl to get him to back off before they teach him a lesson the hard way.

Nne was quickly intimidated into following suit before following after his leader. “Wait for me Janja!”

The hyenas having regrouped together quickly tried to flee only to be cut off by both Fuli and Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, no you don't!”

“You’re not getting away that easy!”

“Uh...C'mon, boys! This way!” Janja quickly led the retreat in another direction to escape from them.

But Kion still wasn’t about to them escape this time around. “Beshte! Applejack! Pinkie Pie! Now!

“Twende Kiboko!”


“Party’s over!”

The three shouted with body weight, strong back hooves, and a party cannon ready to send them away.

“Oh, no...” He muttered upon seeing what’s coming for them.

First comes Beshte plowing right into them, followed by Applejack bucking them back into the air when they came hurling in her direction into Pinkie’s cannon, who them lit the fuse on the device and sent them hurling straight into the Outlands.

“And don’t come back!” Pinkie angrily shouted in their direction off the top of her voice through a megaphone which had everyone covering their ears. Expect for Twilight who was prepared to have ear plugs in her ears before she did so. Once Pinkie was done with the megaphone, Twilight quickly took them off and looked on towards the direction of the Outlands Volcano looking very satisfied with how everything played out.

Ushari having the misfortune of nearly getting run over and trampled once again looked on with venomous hatred towards the Guard before slithering away from the scene.

“Guess we showed them!” Bunga proudly stated before he and the others turn back to the elephants to make sure they are all okay.

“Is everyone all right?” Kion asked the matriarch of the herd.

“Yes, thanks to you and the Guard.” She assured everyone.

“I still can't believe the hyenas would try to attack you elephants.” Fuli further expressed her exasperation that they would be that stupid enough to attempt something like that.

“I know. Even I’m not brash enough to try something like that.” Rainbow added while ignoring a brief teasing smile from the lioness looking at her direction.

“I expect there isn't much left for them to eat in the Outlands.” Ma Tembo deduced the reason for this.

“Maybe if they respected the Circle of Life they'd still have food to eat.” Kion firmly returned while slightly sympathetic for their plight.

“Perhaps.” Ma Tembo agreed before adding. “But the dry times are hard for everyone. Even us elephants.”

“It sure is.“ Fluttershy softly said.

“Have you found a new water source for your herd?” Ono asked the elephant leader.

“No. But this is my first time leading the search.” She answered. “Hearing the underground water is a bit more difficult than I expected. And attacks from hyenas don't help.”

“Not to mention the fact that Scar is still lurking around somewhere.” Pinkie rapidly added in a motor mouth fashion.

“We know.” Applejack agreed. “And there is no way of telling of what he’s up to now and what he is planning.”

“Well whatever it is, I’ll pound him and make him regret the day he crossed paths with us and scarring Twilight!” Rainbow angrily added while pounding her fists together.

“Just remember to make sure you’re eyeing the right face, okay.” Twilight dryly remarked to remind her that she too has Scar’s mark too.

“Uh, Right. Of course.” Rainbow somewhat sheepishly replied while still regretting the events that led up to that.

“Well now that they're gone, you're safe to keep looking.” Beshte happily told Ma Tembo that she has nothing to worry about.

“Yes, Ma Tembo! Keep looking!” Another elephant Zito also encouraged.

“Water, here we come!” The young elephant cheered along with the other elephants.

“Yes. Here we come.” Ma Tembo said with a tired voice feeling the burden of her responsibilities already before whispering to both Kion and Twilight with her trunk placed on the backs of their necks. “Caring for others during the dry season is a bigger responsibility than I was expecting.”

“I know exactly what you mean.” Kion returned understanding of her plight before she led her herd away to resume their search.

“Ono, Fluttershy…” He then said to them. “…keep an eye on the elephants in case the hyenas come back.”

“Of course.” Fluttershy meekly shuddered at the thought of the mean predators.

“Affirmative!” Ono saluted before he and Fluttershy flew off after them.

“We heading back to Canterlot?” Fuli asked Kion since they have no more emergencies on hand right now.

“I'll meet up with you there.” He assured before turning in the other direction. “I need to talk to someone first.”

While Kion moves to find a nice quiet private space so he can talk to his grandfather’s spirit, Twilight on the other hoof turned in the direction heading towards the portal to Equestria. “And I got some planning to do back in Canterlot.”

“Preparing for the upcoming Summer Sunset Celebration?” Rarity figured.

“Yep.” She nodded before spreading her wings out and flying on over there. “And I got to get over there right away.”

“Race you there!” Rainbow immediately flew after her with Fuli following after them. “You’re going to need your flying coach to tag along for the ride.”

“Along with an extra set of speedy paws to oversee your form from down below.” Fuli added to which Twilight slightly giggled at her speedy friends joking banter before they all headed on over there together.

“Ooh…” Rarity suddenly realized before racing after them along with the others. “…wait for us princess!”

Meanwhile back in the Outlands, Janja and his clan have all came to screaming crash landing back in front of the volcano. “Ugh! Man that party cannon from that pink pony sure makes being blasted by the Roar equally painful.”

“No kidding!” Chungu remarked.

“Yeah!” Cheezi agreed. “Scar is definitely not going to be happy when he hears about this.”

“Actually…” Said lion voiced before appearing while literally looking down on them. “…I am pleased with what you all have done because everything went exactly as planned.”


“I don’t get it?”

Both Cheezi and Chungu responded clearly confused to which Janja places a paw on his face at their idiocy.

“Well of course you both don’t and for future recommendation I suggest going after something more your size from now on.” Scar sarcastically quipped at them rather dryly.

“Because that’s part of Scar’s plan.” Janja irritably told them while forcing the two off of him before getting themselves up on their paws.

“Exactly, Janja!” Scar nodded before turning to Janja's dimwitted companions. “Because the point of that was to distract the Lion and Pony Guard while buying myself time to plant the seeds for the next part of the plan.”

“There’s more?” Cheezi questioned.

“Yes.” He sinisterly responded while pulling up a magical image of Twilight Sparkle flying on over to the castle with her fast companions by her side. “And this will require the services of Equestria’s newly gifted princess to carry out the task. Such a wondrous occasion for her to become an alicorn just like both Princesses Celestia and Luna. Although when you look at her more closely, you’ll see that she is a lot more like me.” He added while seeing Twilight’s scar emit black smoke from her left eye with the flying alicorn unaffected when it happened. “And it’s only a matter of time now until we can re-take the Pride Lands and put an end to Simba’s reign.”

Scar then cancels the current visual of the current events going on around them before leading the hyena clan back on over into hiding while tossing them a zebra leg from behind his shoulder as a reward for doing their part to which the clan were all scrambling to get as many bites as they can out of it.

While Scar moves forward he looks back to a time when he was leading the Lion Guard and before he got his scar.

They had just successfully ran off the hyenas once more with a young Scar known as Askari back then looking pleased with the team’s success.

“Great work everyone!” He complimented his comrades.

“Thank you, Askari!” The Guard’s strongest replied sharing the same look of satisfaction like his leader.

“We never disappoint you!” The Guard’s Keenest of Sight returned a look of respect for the Guard’s Fiercest.

“Well of course you all don’t.” Askari chuckled. “And if you all did you’d all be flying backwards to your doom by the power of the Roar.”

“What?” The Guard’s bravest questioned rather startled like he was serious there.

Askari light-heartedly punched him on the shoulder to let him otherwise. “It’s a joke.” He said before adding in a rather deadpan manner. “I do that.”

The other Guard members laughed together upon getting the joke before the Guard’s Keenest of Sight spotted something afar in the Outlands.

“What is it?” Askari inquired.

“I’m spotting a rather strange looking lion on the horizon of those rocks.” The Guard’s Keenest of Sight directed his leader's attention to said strange lion with a scar over his right eye. “What should we do?”

“I’m going to go check it out.” Scar answered before moving forward towards the Outlands nearby the den to where the strange lion has been spotted.

“By yourself?” The Guards’ bravest asked hoping he is joking again with a forced chuckle in the face of his boss’s serious demeanor.

“Yes.” He responded with his expression not changing even when he turned his back to him.

“You’re not joking are you?” The brave lion figured since he is not cracking a smile this time.

“No.” He seriously spoke before turning forward. “Go ahead back to the Lair while I see what this strange lion is up too.”

“Okay.” The Guard’s Keenest of Sight reluctantly obliged to his orders. “Whatever you say.”

While the rest of the Guard heads back towards Pride Rock, a young Askari on the other paw makes his way towards the strange lion’s direction to see for himself to what he is up to and wherever if he should be treated with caution. And from the looks from the get go, he is definitely a lion he plans to keep an eye on. But even so, the Lion Guard's Fiercest plans to be ready to pull the stops on him should he threaten his family, expressing a silent look of confidence that he will prevail regardless of the outcome.

But what he himself doesn’t realize is that even with his cunning and intelligence, he wasn’t prepared for what happened the second he made his way forward towards the strange lion, because said lion would set forward a chain of reactions that led to tragedy, heartbreak, and growing darkness in one’s heart, with scars soon to follow.

Back in Canterlot, the Lion and Pony Guard have regrouped there and are all walking across the hallway where the stained glass portraits have been placed all across the windows across the hallway.

In addition to the recent glass portraits of the first royal wedding along with the attack on the Crystal Empire, there is now a new portrait of a peaceful and calm Twilight Sparkle floating in mid-air with a big purple star over her head and an appropriately fitting book at the bottom of the image. And needless to say, it is definitely a sight to behold.

“Poa!” Beshte voiced his amazement at the sight.

“You look amazing, darling.” Rarity complimented. “They've really captured your regality.”

“I suppose.” Twilight shrugged although Rarity feels she is being too humble about it.

“Oh, don't be so modest. It's everypony's dream to someday wear a crown and have their coronation ceremony preserved in stained glass for all to see.”

“I don't know if it's everypony's dream.” Rainbow responded with her arms crossed.

“Especially considering some weren’t destined to rule at first.” Kyoga added to back Rainbow up there.

“Most of my dreams are about frosting!” Pinkie randomly added to which Bunga really loved the very mention of it.

“Ohohohoho...yeah!” He said while drooling and dropping saliva on the hallway to which Fuli was quick to close him jaws to get him to stop.

“Ugh!” She groaned while shaking her tail having narrowly avoided touching spit. “Gross.”

“Anyways…” Fluttershy spoke up trying to move forward with the subject heading towards the exit. “…We'd better get going. We don't want to miss our train.”

“Fluttershy's right.” Applejack agreed upon remembering. “Don't know about y'all, but I've still got bushels to do to get ready. The official celebration may be here in Canterlot, but hoo-wee, has the Mayor put us in charge of one heck of a party back home.”

“Sure must be fun.” Twilight responded with a subdued smile.

Seeing this had the others feel they are leaving her further disheartened and alone like before.

“Aw, come on, Twilight, she didn’t mean it like that.” Beshte tried to assure her.

“Yeah.” Applejack was quick to clarify. “You get to be right there with the other Princesses when Celestia raises the sun.”

“And I'm honored. Really, I am. I’ll be fine.” She likewise was quick to reassure everyone while speaking her thoughts. “It's just that the Summer Sun Celebration is what first brought us all together. It just doesn't feel right not getting to spend such a special day with my Ponyville friends along with my Pride Land friends.”

“It doesn't feel right to us either, darling.” Rarity spoke up to assert that they aren’t pleased with this separation too. “If only the Mayor wasn't so desperate for our assistance, we'd most certainly stay here in Canterlot. And of course we do understand that your royal duties must come first.”

“It’ll be okay…” Fuli assured the alicorn while keeping up her confident demeanor true to form. “…It’s not like we won’t see each other anymore on patrol anymore.”

To back that statement up Applejack directed everyone’s attention to the portrait of them using the elements and the Roar together for the first time. “The Summer Sun Celebration may have brought us together, but it's something much bigger that'll always keep us connected. Exhibit A: The six of us are united by the Elements of Harmony. No amount of royal duties is gonna change that. Right, everypony? Everyone?” She asked everyone who all nodded and said yes in agreement.

“Right, Pinkie Pie?” Applejack turned looking around for said mare standing alongside the honey badger.

“Little B?” Beshte called out to him when they didn’t respond to the sound of their voices.

Both Pinkie and Bunga were more absent-mindedly more focused on all of the icing and frosting they’ll be indulging in when the celebration comes by.

“Creamy, creamy frosting...”

“Oh, ho, ho, yeah!”

“You should take that as a yes.” Fuli quickly advised with a grimace at the duo being blissfully unaware of their surroundings before they all headed out towards the train station with Twilight following after them for one last goodbye before carrying out her new princess responsibilities.

Kion having remained silent throughout the conversation was because he honestly didn’t know what to say to comfort her since even though he is a prince, he never experienced what it is like to separated from his companions and loved ones due to royal obligations and felt like what he’ll say might only make her feel worse.

During the walk to the train station, Kion thought back to his conversation with his grandfather during his alone time.

“Kion. Something's troubling you.” Mufusa began upon appearing in the skies.

“Yes, Grandfather.” He replied before explaining. “The dry season has just started and the Guard's been busier than ever. It seems like everybody needs the Lion and Pony Guard's help. What did they do before we were here? Can't they take care of themselves?”

“Sometimes, there are some things that requires the Guard’s extra assistance.” He said in response.

“Yeah. I guess.” He reluctantly agreed with his point there.

“The Lion Guard has done a wonderful job protecting the Pride Lands during the wet season. But the dry season will bring even more challenges.”

“I know. There's less food and water, And the heat slows everyone down.”

“And you know what happens when animals are tired, hungry, and thirsty.”

“They don't always make the best decisions. The dry season's even got me feeling kinda snippy.”

“I know and it’s okay. Just remember to stay in control of yourself.” Mufusa gently reminded.

“I know. I'll be careful not to lose control of the Roar.” He nodded before expressing something else on his mind. “And to keep an eye out for whatever Scar has in mind for us.”

“Indeed.” He seriously said grimly at the mention of him. “You can never be too careful of whatever he has in store. He's not only very dangerous but sneaky to the point you never know what he is planning until he has you cornered.”

“Yeah.” He agreed while still visibly thinking back to the day Twilight got her scar from the day everyone learned of his return. “I just really hope Twilight is okay, I would hate to see anything bad happen to her.”

“As long as she has her friends by her side at every step of the way, she’ll be fine.” He assured once more.

“Of course. Thank you, Grandfather.” He said now feeling more comfortable with his wisdom before he disappeared upon seeing that his help is no longer needed.

Upon turning back towards the portal, he is unaware that a couple of bystanders, Ushari along with a young-looking mandrill have been secretly watching him converse with his grandfather.

Back to the present, Kion’s confidence is now feeling disappointed with himself that he didn’t speak up and say something to help his best friend feel better But nevertheless walked by her side back to the castle. There she is getting her preparations in order with the help of his trustworthy assistant Spike while his father Simba discusses royal business with the two sisters.

“Check, check, check, check, and... check!” Spike checked off every covered to do item so far. “Huh, whaddaya know? We're way ahead of schedule! I credit your extremely competent assistant.” He proudly stated.

“Impressive as always, Spike.” Kion complimented before turning to Twilight in mid-air while flapping her new wings thinking about something.

“So do I.” She happily agreed before joining him back on the ground.

Seeing that his mother-like figure is so deep in thought right now has him proposing an idea to the root of what he thinks it is. “The Celebration isn't until the day after tomorrow. We could still fit in a quick trip to Ponyville and the Pride Lands and be back in plenty of time to finish off these last few things before the main event!”

“That sounds doable to me.” Kion liked the idea but Twilight had different thoughts than what they thought.

“That would be nice, Spike…” Twilight expressed her appreciation to him before politely declining the idea. “…but I’m afraid I going to have to pass.”

“Why?” Kion asked.

“Because these are the first royal duties Princess Celestia has given me. I can't risk letting her down!” She reasoned.

“And I’m sure you won’t.” Kion tried to insist otherwise. “Because even with the few times she uh…hasn’t been happy with you…” He briefly struggled on his choice of words for a second there. “…but she always knows of how much you mean well to her.”

“Truer words have never been spoken.” The princess standing at the doorway agreed with every word he just said along with the lion king. “And I know that for sure.”

“Your highness's!” Spike said completely caught off-guard before he quickly bowed before her along Twilight much to Kion’s confusion.

“No need for that now, Spike.” She kindly insisted against the formalities to which the lion prince gets.

“Sorry.” Twilight apologized.

“No need to apologize.” Celestia returned with a giggle.

“Sorry!” She repeated to which Simba chuckled while stroking the young alicorn’s mane affectionately.

“It’s all right. There are times like now when the formalities aren’t necessary.” He told her before they walked inside the room together.

”And I must admit that it is wonderful to actually be looking forward to the Summer Sun Celebration.” Celestia then said looking very happy today.

“What do you mean?” Kion asked wondering why to which had the sun monarch’s smile fade when she turns to the nearby window.

There, everyone sees Princess Luna on another tower raising the moon with her magic. “For my subjects, it has always been a celebration of my defeat of Nightmare Moon. But for me...” She sighed sadly. “…It was just a terrible reminder that I'd had to banish my own sister.”

“Sorry I asked.” Kion quickly apologized while looking aside for asking that in the first place.

“It’s okay.” She gently assured taking no offense with her spirit now uplifted. “Because now it has become a wonderful reminder of her transformation back into Princess Luna, and our happy reunion. I am so pleased that you will be playing a role in the festivities.” She said to newly crowned alicorn while noting of what she thinks are her concerns at the moment. “I know it must have been difficult to see your friends return to Ponyville without you.”

“Maybe a little.” Twilight admitted trying not to sound too worked up about it with a frown.

“You may no longer be my student, Princess Twilight, but I hope you know along with Kion that I will always be here if you need me.” She gently referred to her with a warm smile while leaning in towards her face seeing the beautiful mare she knows deep down even with the mark on her face. “Just as I hope that you two will always be there when I need you.”

The princess brings the pony she shares a mother-daughter bond with for a warm nuzzle along with Kion just when Spike taps a claw on the smaller alicorn’s shoulder.

“I think this guy needs you?” Spike addressed her apologetically to the messenger pony with an envelope in his hoof.

“Uh, a message for Princess Twilight.”

“I wonder what it is.” Twilight figured what the message is while levitating it but keeping it a far distance from her.

“Why are you…?” Kion started when…

…A sudden burst of confetti blew out of the envelope thus answering the question he was about to ask. “…Oh. That’s why?”

“A letter from Ponyville, I presume?” Simba asked with a knowing grin.

“And I presume you know who that is from.” Kion asked his father.

He let out a laugh while taking a liking to the silly pink mare. “I have a pretty good idea.”

“Never mind.” Twilight quickly dismissed while teleporting the letter away. “It's not important. Now Spike, where were we?” She asked the little dragon.

“About to call it a night?” He hopefully asked.

“Going over the checklist one more time?” Kion predicted.

“Yes.” Twilight positively answered much to Spike’s disappointment but he figured she would say that.

“I knew you were gonna say that...” He sighed while the leader of the Lion Guard chuckled from knowing Twilight very well during the time they spent together.

“Come on Kion.” Simba urged his son to follow him out along with the princess. “It’s time to head back home.”

“Okay, dad.” Kion didn’t argue there after releasing a tired yawn before turning back to his best friend. “See you tomorrow, Twilight. Try not to stay up too late.”

“I will try my hardest.” Twilight responded to assert she can’t make it a promise. Not even a Pinkie Promise.

“I'll leave you to it.” The sun princess politely excused herself out of the room while heading out with both lions heading towards the exit of the castle while she goes in the opposite direction.

As soon as Princess Celestia turns down the hallways and around the nearby corridor to leave she is then suddenly startled by a sudden wisp of green magic catching her off-guard.

“Who’s there?! Show yourself!” She demanded like someone is lurking around and stalking her before suddenly meeting face to face with a familiar foe from the past.

“As you wish your majesty!” Scar complied with an evil teeth sporting grin before leaping up to attack and subdue the white alicorn princess who only managed a faint gasp before being quickly defeated.

Once she was taken down, he levitated him up with his magic before focusing his sights on the Princess of the Night, her sister Princess Luna who had just finished raising the moon and heard strange noises coming from the nearby staircase.

“Halt! Who goes there?!” She shouted in the stranger’s direction before being suddenly knocked backwards into the railing and knocked unconsciousness when she hit her head against the hard surface.

Just before the mare blacked out when she was struggling to try to get to her hooves she caught a glimpse of her attacker approaching her carrying to what she thinks is her sister.

“That’d be me.” Scar whispered to her before her vision went out and when he leaned in to levitate her as well.

Just outside of the castle grounds are both father and son discussing Ma Tembo’s difficult situation due to her struggles in trying to find the Pride Land’s water source for the dry season.

“I know it's frustrating, Kion.” Simba acknowledged his son’s concerns and wishes to help. “But leading the elephants is Ma Tembo's responsibility. There's not a whole lot we can do. Elephants are the ones with the ability to find water. Not lions.”

“I know. I just wish I could help.” Kion acknowledged as he expressed. “I know what it's like to be a new leader with new responsibilities. And so does Twilight now that she is a princess.”

His father smiled seeing the similarities between themselves. “Yes. That's something we both have in common. Something we all have in common now.”

Path of Honor

During the walk on over to the portal, the father and son both share a heartwarming and bonding walk together while admiring the scenery of the peaceful kingdoms and all of the subjects they have both came across.

During the walk over, they both think to a time when Kion was just taking his first steps in learning how to walk. Back then, he struggled at first but with his father’s silent encouragement he managed to gain the footing to be able to start walking with ease.

By the time, their song had finished the two had just arrived at Pride Rock.

“I guess life is full of responsibilities. And we all have our own to take care of.” Kion said while looking upon their kingdom.

“Yes. And I'm very proud of how much you've grown as the leader of the Lion Guard.” Simba shared to his son by his side. “You and Twilight.” He added.

“Thanks, Dad.” Kion thanked very pleased with his gentle praise.

While the two shared their father and son bond together, it was a scene not unseen by Scar secreting spying on them from the very top of Pride Rock who looked down on them with a bitter frown since it brings back memories to where he didn’t get the same luxury as his great-nephew.

Back then, Scar looked on similarly to when he sees his father praise his older brother Mufusa.

"Well done my son.” He said to the golden fur lion who is sporting a spitting image to his father aside from the color of his mane and eyes.

Askari was calm and cool about it, but the anger and jealousy was still visible on his narrowed expression. Even though Ahadi has made it clear that he loves both his children equally, he along with many of the Pride Lands are really looking up to Mufusa’s accomplishments when coming to other animals aid as much as his younger brother.

One time when Askari had just managed to keep the hyenas from over-hunting once more, Mufusa had just gotten back from managing to get the herd of zebras to come to a fair and reasonable agreement in regards to sharing their water supply during the dry season. The king of the Pride Lands was greatly pleased to the point that every animals was very grateful for his successful negotiations that Askari’s success of stopping another hyena hunt was completely ignored.

Granted, he doesn’t always expect praise near and far for coming to everyone’s rescue and was always humble about, but the most recent attack required the entire Guard to have to deal with while this was all going on and instead of being even acknowledged worthy of the two expected words “Good Job.” it was completely sidelined in favor what his older brother had done. And that left the black-maned lion’s scorned with bright fiery green eyes burning with heated jealousy and leaving him starting to think that he should be king instead of his older brother Mufusa.

Askari then turned away in silent anger from the very moment his efforts in protecting the Pride Lands are starting to be overlooked in favor of his brother’s growing success into becoming a strong and mighty king like their father.

In the present day, Scar quick turns away out of their sight before quickly disappearing in a flash.

Later in the night back in Canterlot, both Twilight and Spike were currently sleeping when the former then awakes sensing something is upon sensing that neither of the royal sisters are around and inside the castle. She moves towards her bedroom window to see the royal guards are running around looking for them. Seeing this means things are starting to get underway.

“Spike?” She gently motioned the baby dragon to wake up who was still muttering in his sleep.


“Spike!” She repeated louder to get him to wake him successfully this time around.

“Ungh... What time is it?” He asked.

“It's the middle of the night! But it could be morning. That's just it! I can't tell!” Twilight answered while directing his attention to the sky from their window.

Both the sun and the moon are both up at the same time. “Whoa. That is weird.”

Twilight was quick to lead his dragon companion out the door. “Come on, Spike, we have to find out what's going on.”

Outside of Canterlot, many ponies have taken notice of what is happening in the sky and are all trying to wonder what this is all about along with some of the Pride Landers along with Ono.

“Odd.” Ono remarked to himself. “Both the sun and the moon are up. How very unusual.” He then sees the commotion down below.

“What do you think it means?!” One of the lady ponies asked.

“I don’t know.” Laini responded while shuddering. “I hope it doesn’t mean something terrible is about to happen.”

“I just hope it doesn’t mean we’re in great danger.” Muhungus who had Muhunga by his side greatly worried.

“I just hope it doesn’t mean I have to stay awake.” Thurston complained.

“Seriously?” Bupu deadpanned. “Aren’t there more important things in life other than thinking about yourself?”

“Yes there is.” The clueless zebra replied.

“Urgh!” Bupu groaned. “Sometimes I wonder why I even bother talking to you.”

Just then Twilight arrived on the scene along with Ono spotting her.

“Princess Twilight will know!” One of the ponies quickly spotted her come outside and it didn’t take less than a second for everyone nearby to start crowding around her hoping for answers to why this is happening.

“What is going on?”

“Why is this happening?”

“What should we do?”

Bupu, Lanini, and Thurston all asked just when two royal guards arrive on the scene.

“Your Highness, you must come with us.” One the guards addressed her before leading her, Spike, and Ono inside.

Once they were all inside Ono was the first to ask the question. “What in the name of Canterlot is going on here?”

“It's Princess Luna and Princess Celestia.” The first guard addressed the three.

“They're gone!” The second guard added.

Spike and Ono gasped while Twilight could only muster a surprised look on her face.

“Hapana!” The latter exclaimed.

“But I don't understand! Where are they?” Twilight asked still trying to sound shocked at what she is hearing.

“We don't know.” The first guard answered empty-hoofed. “It seems that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have simply... vanished.”



Both Spike and Ono were left both shocked to the point of fainting.

“This is why we have come to you.” The first guard explained their presence before bowing to her along with the other guard.

Immediately, Twilight took charge of the situation. “I want you to continue the search for Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. We have to find them before ponies start to panic. There must be some clue that can tell us what's happened to them. If you find something, anything, let me know immediately.” The guards immediately saluted and ran out to carry out her orders before she turned to the egret. “Ono, fly back to the Pride Lands and get King Simba and the Lion Guard over here right away.”

“Affirmative!“ Ono also saluted before immediately flying off.

“Way to take charge, Twilight.” Spike commended her upon reawakening.

Although it didn’t last long when another guard immediately barged inside. “Your highness! News from Ponyville! The Everfree Forest appears to be... well... invading!” He reported to which had Spike fainting once more.

“We’re on our way over there! Join the other guards in search for the other princesses.” Twilight said to the guard who immediately saluted and carried out her orders.

“Of course, your majesty.”

Once the guard had left, Twilight secretly smiled to herself seeing that everything is on the way to being resolved.

In Ponyville, at the home to all critters in Ponyville are all of the friends and family to Fluttershy all holed up inside her cottage greatly shaken with fear in their hearts.

“Excuse me... Oh, pardon me...” The yellow Pegasus said to every critter she comes across without stepping on anyone’s tail. “Are you all right?” She asked the squirrel she picked up curling her tail together before jumping inside her long pink mane. “My goodness, what is it that has caused you all such distress?” Harry the Bear released a terrified grunt while gesturing towards the door with his eyes covered to warn her that what scared them is why. “Whatever it is, I'm sure it's nothing you need to really worry about.” She then tried to assure everyone before opening the door…

…only to suddenly screamed at the sight of overgrowing black thorned vines emerging from the ground. With her eyes widen in complete horror she immediately retreats back inside. “Oh, no, you were right. You should be worried! Very, very worried!”

This vine problem that has been suddenly emerging at her cottage isn’t the only place to where it’s popping up because it is also popping up at Sweet Apple Acres too and it didn’t take too long for the whole Apple Family to try to make an effort stop it.

“Come on, y'all! Put your backs into it!” Applejack barked while she tried to chew them all along with the others.

But none of them could remove the overgrowing plant infestation. Not even the strongest pony who finds himself completely and swiftly outsmarted by them.

“Eeyup. Nope.” He grunts every time he thinks he’s got the weed but every time he doesn’t.

“Dagnabbit.” Applejack cursed while straining from her futile efforts. “We ain't never seen this kind of trouble with weeds before.” She then looks at the plants up close. “Now that I think about it, I've never seen these kinds of weeds at all! Have y'all?” She turned and asked her brother.

“Nope.” He answered while getting bumped in the rump by another vine.

“Where the heck are these things comin' from?” She wondered while noticing that these plants are sticking to just the ground. “And what in tarnation is goin' on with the sky?!”

Said blue thorns are appearing in black colored clouds from above.

”Oh, no, you don't!” The town’s weather pony cried trying to assert her hoof on the matter. “This is Ponyville territory, and we aren't due for rain until after the Summer Sun Celebration. You Everfree clouds need to just head on back to where you belong!”

She quickly charged at the cloud to make it dissipate only fly right into it before dropping down towards the ground like she flew into one of Pinkie’s bubblegum trampolines.

“Whoa!” She yelped and then saw that these are clearly these are tough clouds before regaining her ground and flying back up to try it again. “Gonna make me do this the hard way, huh?”

The cloud not only did so, but brought four more clouds over to assault her with lightning bolts until she flew off burnt in defeat.

At Carousel Bouitque, Rarity so far aware of what was going on outside yet, has opened the curtains from one of her windows with her magic.

She hummed to herself until she got a look at the sky. “Hmm. Something strange about the sky.” She shrugged before turning away to help herself to a cup of tea. But the magic the vines are produced had slipped inside and onto her horn causing her tea pot to perform tricks on her. “What in the name of calming chamomile is going on?!” She exclaimed when the tea pot poured hot liquids on one of her sunhat.

Once it was drenched the runaway teapot flew straight towards her pet cat to do the same. “Opalescence, darling, I'm so sorry!” She quickly apologized. “I promise I am not doing this on purpose!” She licked her hoof and canceled the aura surrounding her magic to which canceled out the chaotic magic thus the tea pot falls down to the floor while breaking and spilling tea on the carpet. ”It wasn't me, I swear!” She quickly said to Opal who still gave her the stink-eye for what happened before turning and walking away with her head up high.

Good things there were more important things than spilled tea and a broken tea pot to worry about at the time.

“Ooh, Sweetie Belle!” She grimaced before calling her little sister’s name thinking she is behind this. “If this is some sort of prank you and your little Crusader friends are pulling, I find very little humor in it!”

Said filly was floating around upside down by the same chaotic magic into the same room as her. “Rarity, you have to help me! I think something's wrong with my horn!”

Said scene was observed by Scar just outside and unnoticed. “Correct, little filly.” He whispered in her direction before disappearing.

Back in the Canterlot Castle, Simba and the Lion Guard have all arrived on the scene and are meeting with Twilight thanks to Ono quickly relaying the information to them.

“Simba! Kion! Lion Guard! Thank you all for meeting with me on such short notice.” She greeted them now wearing her element-connected tiara. “I assume Ono told you of what’s going on?”

“Yes, he did.” Simba answered. “And whatever is going on around here is not good.”

“It’s not.” Twilight seriously stated.

“It sure is a weird time for both the sun and moon to be up.” Bunga commented

“How in Equestria did this happen?” Kion asked trying to make sense of the sky.

“That’s the part I’m still trying to find out.” Twilight quickly answered. “And we have no time to waste. Both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia could be in great danger.”

“And from the looks of it, it looks like Scar is setting his plan to takeover in motion and has already started by capturing them.” Kion deduced.

“All the more reason to find and rescue them.” Simba added with a resolute tone. “Go on head to Ponyville! Get the Elements together!” He ordered of the Guard. “I’ll catch up with you shortly once I calm everyone down.” Kion and Twilight nodded before leading the group on over there.

Once the Guard got outside, Twilight flew up in the sky at full speed with Spike in tow. “I’ll meet you all there!”

While Twilight and Spike flew on over there, the Lion Guard took the train on over there.

During the ride of there, Bunga was the first to notice the overgrowing vine infestation. “Whoa! What are those?” He pointed to the black vines with blue thorns on them.

“Hevi Kabisa!” Kion exclaimed upon noticing along with the others. “I don’t know! Ono?”

“Hapana?! I wish I knew!” Ono stated with nothing before flying out and examining the Everfree Forest nearby. “It looks like giant plants with sharp thorns are growing right out from the Everfree Forest! YAAH!”

One of them busted a hole through the windows sending their train ride split in half and off the tracks from the impact.

Kyoga acting quick created a force field from her paws around them and leaps forward with the Guard in tow away from the runaway train.

“Hang on!” She shouted while bringing everyone to safety while their ride crashes into the forest which disintegrated the vines into ashes.

With their ride destroyed, the Lion Guard has no choice but to make it to Ponyville on foot. “Let’s go!” Kion urged the group before leading the team on over there prepared to use his precise Roar of the Elders when needed.

It proved useful when the vines have attempted to try to attack and restrain them along the way. But most of the Guard was able to swiftly dodge and evade the vines from every angle.




Fuli, Bunga, Ono all shouted while narrowly avoiding getting ensnared by them.

But Beshte wasn’t so lucky, along with Bunga when he ended up tripping over a rock he didn’t see!”

“Aah!” Beshte screamed in pain just when a distracted Ono ended up getting knocked down to the ground by the impact of the crash landing


“Kion! Help!” Bunga cried to which Kion growled at the sight of his friends being in danger.

“ENOUGH!” He shouted before unleashing a very powerful roar to send all of the vines away and off of their roots flying far back into the Everfree Forest.

Once Kion calmed himself down having nearly lost control of the Roar there he turned to his recovering friends. “Are you both okay?”

“I’m okay.”

“Me too.”

Both confirmed while Beshte manages to get back on all four legs, thankfully, not a single scratch on him from the impact.

By then everyone was able to group together at the library where Twilight and the girls are already doing research for possible answers where Rarity is the first to express her relief that the Lion Guard were able to make out alive. “Oh, thank goodness!”

“We were beginning to worry about you.” Fluttershy added in worried relief.

“We’re fine. Thanks for asking.” Kion assured everyone.

“I dunno if you've noticed…” Pinkie then addressed. “…but the Everfree Forest is just a teeny-tiny bit out of control.” She said while rolling her eyes around in a jumbled manner before her tail started twitching once more before ducking.

When she did Rarity along with Ono were knocked aside by one of the vines bursting through the window unexpectedly.

“Affirmative.” Ono repeated before dropping his head to the ground again.

“Guess it turned out you were missin' something here in Ponyville after all.” Applejack told them while quickly shutting the window.

“Apparently.” Kyoga remarked before helping both Rarity and Ono up.

Both were okay after shaking their heads with the white unicorn turning to Twilight hoping she has answers on how to fix this. “But perhaps you already know what's causing all of this calamity. Has Princess Celestia sent you to dispel it posthaste?”

“Not exactly.” She replied trying to find the right words to describe it. “You see, Princess Celestia is, well... she and Princess Luna are both...”

Spike unable to hold it in while Twilight drags it out then blurts. “They're missing!”

Hearing this had the girls gasping in horror while Spike covers his mouth since he didn’t mean to say it like that.

“And from the looks of it…” Kion added. “…it looks like Scar is behind this in his plan to take over Equestria.”

“Which means…” Twilight pressed forward while retrieving the other elements from the nearby glass case and placed them around the Mane Five’s necks along with Kyoga’s amulet. “We’re going to need the Elements of Harmony and all of the magic we can get in order to stop him.”

“Oh, yeah, just like old times.” Rainbow cheered with her hooves pumped up ready for act while Fluttershy and Rarity look on confidently ready to face the evil lion.

“A-boo-yah!” Pinkie also cheered while sharing a hoof bump with Twilight.

“About time if you ask me.” Bunga cracked his knuckles ready for action.

“I told ya we'd always be connected by the Elements.” Applejack gently cemented her previous words to her alicorn friend with a heartwarming hoof on her shoulder to which Twilight just smiled in response.

Twilight would then think to herself thinking more and more about their surroundings. “Hmm...Half day, half night... strange weather patterns... out of control plants.” She said while thinking of something else that could have caused this. “I think I'm starting to get a pretty good idea of who we're really up against.”

“Who?” Kion asked in confusion.

“Yeah! Who else could it be in on it other than Scar?” Bunga asked in agreement.

“Someone who is capable of performing chaotic magic.” Twilight answered with a more focused expression before leading everyone outside.

“Discord, of course.” Kion realized upon seeing the slightly chaotic magic around them before following her lead.

Once they got to the middle of town, everyone all formed a big group circle when Twilight works her magic from her crown to activate the Elements. When the Elements activated, Kyoga activated her magic with Kion using the power of the Roar in the center of the circle towards the Element’s magic. When the magic cleared up, Discord appeared while treating himself to a bath.

“Winter Wrap Up, Winter Wrap-ooh!” He sang to himself before seeing the Lion and Pony Guard surrounding me. “Now, Twilight…” He playfully began with a laugh while quickly covering himself with a towel. ”…you know Princess Celestia said that you were to give me a heads up before you summon me with that little spell she gave you. In case you haven't noticed, I was in the middle of a particularly invigorating shower.” He then said before teleporting the towel away and shaking his rear end in front of the alicorn.

Kion evidently was having none of it before pushing it out of her face. “E-nough! Release Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, and stop the Everfree Forest from invading!” He demanded of the slightly taken aback draconequus.

“Why…” He feigned announce with a chuckle while briefly appearing as one of the vines wrapping itself around the alicorn. “…whatever are you talking about?”

“Don't you play dumb with us, Discord! We know you're the one behind all of this!” Applejack quickly confronted with an accusing hoof in his direction.

“And that you hired some help to do his dirty work!” Kion added furiously.

Discord slinked away in response before teleporting to one of the nearby houses and started taking pictures. “Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love what you've done with the place, but I couldn't possibly take responsibility. I'm reformed, don't you remember?” He added in reminder while kindly nudging at the two members of the Guard who greatly encouraged it.

Rainbow like many others weren’t in the moment of buying it by flying right into his face. “Yeah, right! This has got your cloven hoofprints all over it!”

“Admit it!” Ono demanded doing the same.

“I'll have you know that I have only one cloven hoof.” Discord irritably corrected before smirking while using said hoof to get them both a good kick in the rumps. “Such accusations. And here I thought we were friends.” He added with buttoned up eyes and a slightly hurt tone.

“Drop the act, buster! We're onto you!”

“Yeah! Confess your role to Scar already!”

Both Pinkie and Bunga seriously stated to them.

“Ladies, guys…” Discord still gently asserted while pinching the two of them on the lips. “I'm innocent. Would I lie to you?”

“Yes!” Everyone sans Fluttershy and Beshte all answered without second thought.

“Um, maybe?”

“I mean you do still have a tendency to pull some pretty mean tricks on us.”

Both Fluttershy and Beshte honestly voiced their thoughts.

“Well then, it seems we've reached an impasse.” Discord returned still asserting his stance. “I'm telling the truth, but you think I'm lying. What do friends like us do in a situation like this, Princess Twilight?” He then turned to the alicorn looking on stoically when he moves to place an arm around her body and stretched her cheeks. “Congrats, by the way, on the promotion. You totally deserve it.”

“Thanks…” Twilight replied without any change in emotion. “…and I believe you.”

“You do?” Everyone else minus Fluttershy, Beshte, and Kyoga all questioned in surprise while Discord asks looking pleased.

“Well, finally! Somepony willing to give me the benefit of the doubt.” Discord said. “The rest of you could learn a lot about friendship from my dear friends Shutterfly, Beshte, and Twilight here.”

“Um, it's Fluttershy.” Fluttershy quietly pointed out.

“Oh, right, whatever.” Discord quickly dismissed it.

“If you're not the one responsible, then help us figure out who is!” Kion demanded.

“I suppose I could, but after all the hoof pointing and besmirching of my good name, I just don't know if I'm up to it.” Discord refused while pretending to be hurt before nonchalantly knitting the black thorny vines much to the young prince’s growling frustration. “Why don't you ask your zebra friend if she knows anything?” He then suggested.

Speak of the zebra just happens to be carrying a cart full belongings in tow with Twilight the first to spot her very pleased to see her again along with the others. “Zecora!”

Upon seeing that she is struggling, the Guard quickly helps her unload before she hurts herself. Twilight and Kyoga used their magic to untie her from the wagon, while Pinkie and Beshte quickly scoot her wagon away, while Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash carefully lift her large overfilled bag off of her shoulders and onto the ground.

“From my home, I have had to flee! The forest has grown too wild, even for me!” She explained to everyone.

“Any idea why all this is happenin'?” Applejack asked before having to snatch back her hat when one of the vines tried to take it off of her head.

“And where the princesses are being held?” Fuli added.

“I'm afraid it is a mystery to me as well…” Zecora apologetically replied. “…but I may have something that, if combined with a spell...” She added before turning to her luggage and pulled out a big glass vial containing a purple liquid in it. “I do not dare to use it myself, the results would be tragic. It only responds to Alicorn magic.” She said while turning to the scarred princess. “Princess Twilight, you can turn the potion from purple to white. After a sip, you may see why the sky is day and night.”

Twilight without hesitation gave good concentration and focused her dark magic to turn the potion’s color from purple to white.



Both Pinkie and Bunga expressed in awe with the latter considering of actually drinking it until the alicorn princess quickly levitated it away from him and took a good drink from it.

“Hmm.” Twilight said while licking her lips

“How do you feel?” Kion asked.

“Well….” She started before her wings suddenly spread out while her eyes suddenly flashed and glowed pure white leaving the Guard startled by what had just happened.

Next thing Twilight herself knows she finds herself in a throne room of a different castle.

“Not... another step!” Luna angrily stated with her wings spread out while emerging from behind the blue throne that matches her color scheme. “Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your precious light? There can only be one princess in Equestria! And that princess... will be me!” She further shouted with her rising anger before slamming her hooves onto the ground creating a small crack and hole in the ceiling.

She then used her magic to levitate the moon right in front of the sun creating a solar eclipse which created black wisps of winds and dark magic to circle and engulf her. The magic surrounding her got intense when she is covered in a red-orange sphere of magic before she reemerged having undergone a powerful transformation. One that had her appearing with black-colored fur, having sharp fangs in her teeth, and decked in blue armor, boots, and a helmet. The same mare that the Lion and Pony Guard defeated… Nightmare Moon.

Twilight intently watches the scene unfold before her very eyes while everyone else in the present all watch on with worried anticipation wondering what their alicorn friend is seeing…

…Something that Scar is secretly watch from one of the nearby house rooftops unnoticed with a sinister expression feeling it is time for the alicorn to know the truth about what happened both for Luna when she became Nightmare Moon. Not only that, the truth of how Scar himself became the villain he is today…

Author's Note:

In the beginning of this special, we have the beginning of the dry season where the Guard's challenges in keeping peace in the Pride Lands proves more difficult with less food and water along with extra heat which causes unrest among the Pride Landers along with stirred tension between one and another.

In the process, this has created some worries and self-doubt within the Leader of the Lion Guard at the same time, Twilight is getting accustomed to her recently acquired title and transformation into an alicorn princess as this story overlaps with the show's Season 4 premiere.

Meanwhile, Scar has now enacted his grand plan to take over Equestria, and he has managed to successfully capture both Princesses Celestia and Luna in the process and is ready to move on to the next part of it, which requires the Guard to make a venturous trip into the Everfree Forest. The very forest that brought them all together.

Also, we are now starting to get another glimpse into Scar's backstory a little more of how he became to be the villain he is today to which we will see how it all unfolded in this next and upcoming part while Twilight comes to witness a flashback of how Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon over one thousand years ago...