• Published 26th Aug 2021
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A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 3: The Storm’s Snare - TheSuperTransformerFan

Grid Battleforce shuts down the Morph-X towers to lure the Storm King into a trap, while Devon and Rainbow Dash go through ranger history to figure out a way to save Mayor Daniels. Part 3 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Part 3: The Split Emitters

In the library-like room inside Grid Battleforce, Devon was on the computer talking with a legendary ranger ally from the domed city of Corinth...specifically, Dr. K, the lead scientist of the RPM rangers. He had tried in the past to contact her, and this time, she finally responded to his call, and so he left to go back to the base while the rangers dealt with Bulldozerdrone.

He was listening in on what the doctor had to say about his recent situation. Maybe, she could provide a solution?

“Over the course of months, humans and their anatomies had linked with robot structures with electronic impulses.” Dr. K explained to him.

“I’m sorry, Dr. K.” Devon apologized. “But, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“What I’m saying is...” Dr. K said regretfully. “...what happened to Ranger Black is very different to what happened to your father. I’m sorry, but none of my technology can help you.”

Devon was disappointed, as all his hard work might as well have been wiped out, and that they would really have to freeze the Storm King...and Mayor Daniels as well forever. He would have to accept that. “Please!” Devon pleaded. “He’s my dad! There must be something you can do!”

Dr. K had suddenly remembered an important thing, and what she would say next would actually turn out to be really useful for the red ranger. “A few years ago, I remembered something.” The doctor said. “A ranger named Zenowing was trapped in the body of the evil Doomwing. To separate him, his team developed devices called split emitters.”

Devon felt his spirits soar as what he heard just may be the solution to saving his father, without having to freeze him! “Hold on.” Devon said. “Split emitters?” The doctor nodded. “Tell me more!”

Back in the lab, Rainbow Dash was trying to recuperate in her bed, recovering from all the stress that happened with the battle with Bulldozertron earlier. She was trying to get water from the jug that Nate had put beside her bed, only to discover in shock, that the jug was empty.

She hit the button on her bed to send for help, but she saw that the remote had been unplugged. She was disappointed. That no one was around. Devon was talking a call with Dr. K, and Nate and the rest of the team had already left with the Ultra Cannon and Hyperfreeze arrow in hand. She had to call out for help.

“Excuse me, Nurse?” She called out, in hopes of being heard. “Could I have some water please?” No response. She had to try again. “Doctor’s orders!” She shouted. “I’m supposed to stay in bed, and drink plenty of fluids! I’m in bed! I’d like more fluids!” Still no response. She growled for a second, and then thought of a solution. It had to work!

“HELP!” Rainbow shouted in fear. “THERE’S A BEAR IN HERE! SAVE ME! BRING WATER WITH YOU WHEN YOU COME!!!” Still no answer. Everyone had already left when the rangers got ready to stop the Storm King. She crossed her arms furiously in the bed, and snarled.

“Typical. Just typical!” She grumbled. “Everypony in here is probably watching some soap opera!” Unknown to her, as she said that, the empty cup levitated away from her, and out of the lab. “I could perish from thirst like some prospector in the desert for all they care!” The cup levitated over to the sink in the bathroom. “They’ll come in all chirper-like and say, ‘how are we this morning’?” The cup filled with water. “Here have a pill. And, all they’ll find are my bleached bones!” The cup levitated back to the lab, and into Dash’s hoof.

“Thanks.” She said to the air, as if there was someone there. She drank the water up. “Then, they’ll cry ‘Oh no! Why didn’t we bring her water? We were selfish and dumb!’” Just then, she realized that she made water appear over to her, and did a spit take! “Whoa!” She said in astonishment, after witnessing what had just happened. “Did I...with the water...make and do?” She asked excitedly. “This is great! Wait till Nate hears about this!”

As soon as she drank the water again, Devon came in the room and Rainbow did another spit take. “Oh, hi Devon.” She said, smiling.

“Hey, Dash!” Devon said, patting her. “You feeling better?”

She nodded. “Much better!” She said happily. “Hey, could you tell the employees to hand me water? Wait, don’t do that. I just made the water appear with my mind!”

Devon was confused. “With your mind?” He asked.

“Yeah. Check this out!” She showed him the glass of water that had just shown up. Devon was taken aback by all this.

“Wow!” Devon said in amazement. “I guess Nate’s telekinesis lessons really are paying off.”

“They sure are!” Rainbow agreed. “Ravi, and the others have left with the Hyperfreeze arrow, and the ultra cannon.” She shook her head. “I’m still not sure the idea will work, though. He might be cunning than we all thought. Unless, you found another way?”

Devon nodded. “Yeah. He might be.” He said to her. “And, yes I did. Nate’s got old ranger tech inside his vault. Right?”

Dash nodded. “Yeah. Nate told me he uses it a a base for developing the Beast Morphers tech.” She answered.

“I’m looking for something called Split Emitters.” Devon explained.

“Split emitters....” Dash thought out loud. She then realized something that was told about those devices. “Yeah. I think they’re in there...somewhere. What do they do?”

“Dr. K thinks that they might be able to split my dad from the Storm King.” Devon explained thoroughly.

“Really?” Dash asked, as if her spirits were soaring.

“That might be the case.” Devon answered, as a ginormous grin spread across his friend’s face.

“Well don’t just stand there buddy,” She said. “Let’s get those suckers out there, and—!” She then realized why Devon was getting the split emitters. “You miss your dad, don’t you?” She asked sympathetically.

“Yeah, I do.” Devon said, his head drooping down.

“Understandable.” Dash said, patting his back. “If my dad was gone, I’d be sad too.”

Devon looked up, as if a brick had hit him. “Really?” He asked.

“Yeah. Y’know, my parents were kind of embarrassing. They way they cheer me on for every single little thing!” She told him. “It wasn’t till Scootaloo told me that they actually did that so they could drive me to succeed.”

Devon was surprised that he was learning this from his friend, that he never knew how special her parents were too. “I guess you don't realize how much tension you hold in your flank.” She continued. “Yeah, I know my friends like hanging out with me, and I like fighting with you guys, but sometimes I can be a little over the top with my crazy antics.”

Devon started to snicker a little bit. “Trust me, I know what it’s like to be over in my head a little bit.” He commented. “I bet that’s what it felt like for you.

“Trust me...” Rainbow Answered. “You have NO idea!”

“You might be a hoofful sometimes, and that’s true.” Devon said, in light of the situation. “...but you’re also the most loyal friend in Equestria, and Earth.” He even patted her. “You even have been a good ally!”

Rainbow blushed, as she scoffed. “Come on!” She joked.

“No, really!” Devon reminded her. “Think of all the times you helped us defeat Evox and Grogar’s forces!” Rainbow started to ponder all this, as more memories were sparked.

Rainbow, Fluttershy and Zoey were still going at it with WeatherTron as he hurled some storm clouds right to them! “Time for someone to rain on their parade!” He said evilly.

Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were on to him, as they went out the robotron’s vision! “What?!” He asked. “Where did they go?.”

”Right here, Sucker!” Rainbow Dash announced, as she and Fluttershy kicked the robotron in the back, knocking him down!

The tronics were about to head for the Rangers when suddenly, a cyan hoof knocked some out.

“Gotcha!” The voice said as a cyan rainbow maned Pegasus came and dashed around the tronics, knocking them down.

Devon recognized who the pony was. “Rainbow Dash!” He said in surprise.

“Who, me?” She asked. “Your knight in shining armor?” She punched out a few more tronics. “Let’s get those creeps!”

They had Grubber tied up to a lamppost a few minutes later, and secured him there. Cozy noticed a remote-like device and room it out of his belt. She examined it. “You want to clue us in on what this is?” She asked him.

”It’s the star tracker that I use to contact Robo-Roxy about where each of the Andalusian stars are.” He told them.

“Do you have any more of those...stars?” Applejack asked him.

”No.” Grubber said. “But Princess Twilight and her subordinates do! They have the first five!”

”And, where is Twilight now?” Devon asked him.

”I’ll never talk!” Grubber said, nodding his head as he tried to break free from his prison.

”You’d better!” Rainbow said, as she flew up to him, readying her fists to punch him. “...or else I’m gonna get sarcastic!”

Grubber didn’t want to be punched as he felt his face sweat. He was ready to spill the beans. “Okay! Okay!” He fessed up. “She’s in the throne room at Canterlot Castle! She and the Princesses are about to find the location of the final star!” He took in a deep breath of relief as she moved her fists away from him.

”See? Nothing beats cutting wit!” Rainbow said, smugly.

Rainbow smiled, as all those memories were sparked, and she knew all the times she helped the rangers fight off those evil forces. “I guess I do...remember all those times. No, wait. I KNOW I remember those times when we took on Evox, Grogar, and the Storm King!” She answered. “Those were some pretty epic moments.”

“It's pretty hard not to have a loyal friend like that.” Devon added in agreement. “I mean...you, and your friends did have had some pretty great times together.”

Rainbow Smiled. “Devon, if only you knew!” She smirked.

“It’s really nice to get along so well, especially if it’s a friend you know and trust.” Devon said, smiling.

“It sure was.” Rainbow agreed. “There was a time you and your dad didn’t see eye to eye. Remember when he got you that job at the car wash?”

“And, remember when I told your dad off when he scolded you that one time, we were trying to find the mega transporters?” Rainbow asked. “I wanted to hide the fact you were a ranger at the time, when Blaze attacked the city.”

”Devon!” A voice said. The others all jumped and turned to see who it was. It was Mayor Adam Daniels, Devon’s father, and he wasn’t too happy upon seeing his son.

Devon was shocked to see his dad there, but quickly changed his emotion. “Oh...uh, Hey dad.” He said as he walked up to him.

The others were shocked that Devon’s dad was here. Rainbow turned to Applejack. “His dad’s the mayor?” She asked her.

”Looks like it.” Applejack said, getting a good look at how he was well dressed and that his advisor was with him.

”Don’t ‘Hey, Dad’ me.” Mayor Daniels said as he walked straight up to him son. “You didn’t answer any of my calls or texts. I am deeply, deeply disappointed in you.” He said calm, but serious.

Rainbow Dash was totally shocked now, that his own dad was disappointed in him even though he SHOULD be proud of him for being a hero! “Wait...what?!” She asked in shock. “Why is he so disappointed in him? Shouldn’t he be proud of him for all the hard work he’s doing?”

”You dodged behind a billboard, your out till all hours, you don’t have a job, and you come back like you have been fighting.” Mayor Daniels said strictly to his son.

Well, THAT was the last straw for Rainbow Dash! She was NOT going to stand by, and let him get chewed out by his old man! She HAD to speak up! “I can’t believe this!” She growled in anger. “I’m not just letting Devon get chewed out by his father! I’ve got to do something!”

“But ya heard the Commander.” Applejack whispered back.

”Since when I have left Devon hanging when he needs me, even if she didn't realize it?" Rainbow pointed out.

”Rainbow, don’t let your emotions cloud ya, Sugarcube.” Applejack tried to reassure her. “I know you don’t like this, but...”

”Who CARES about keeping this a secret or NOT?!” Rainbow said, anger rising in her. “THAT’S IT! I’m telling his dad off whether HE likes it or not!” And she flew up pretty fast before her friend could lasso her.

”Rainbow, Wait!” Applejack tried to warn her, but it was no use. She landed RIGHT in front of Mayor who was already disappointed with his son as it is. He may have been disappointed, but he was about to get chewed out big time by one of Devon’s friends...a rainbow maned Pegasus wonderbolt!

”Hey, you!” He heard a voice shout. “Yeah, you in the suit!” He looked down, and saw a rainbow managed Pegasus who was not very happy with how he was treating his son. He rubbed his eyes, and she was still there. Sure enough, she was not his imagination.

“How dare you treat your own son like that!” Rainbow spat out angrily. “Especially since he’s doing all he can to protect the Earth and everyone on it!”

Mayor Daniels was shocked that he was getting chewed out by a Pegasus pony. “But, he hasn’t been answering my calls...” he started to say calmly.

“...BECAUSE, he’s already GOT a job!” Rainbow finished furiously. “In case you didn’t know...” Rainbow pointed to Devon. “Your son, Devon has already got a job working for the CIA!”

Devon was shocked upon hearing this. Even his dad was shocked as he asked him. “Is this true? He asked calmly. “You’re working for the CIA government agency?”

Devon lied. “Yeah.” He said. “I am.” His dad actually bought the excuse, making him further shocked.

“That’s right!” The wonderbolt continued to chew him out. “Devon’s got a highly important job that’s highly classified, he doesn’t want you butting in his business, thinking he’s always running off because it’s an important project that’s not just video games!” Devon’s dad started to turn pale and shocked as he was being told off and that he didn’t know that he had a job. Rainbow sure didn’t have to tell him the he was a Power Ranger!

”His job matters more than just a pep talk from you and he would like to focus on his important business. He’s not a little kid anymore!” She flew up and got right in his face. “So, DON’T RUIN IT!” She shouted, making the mayor stepped back, feeling both frightened and surprised that he was hearing all this. He felt a little regret saying that he was disappointed in his own son.

“I’m sorry.” He confessed. “I didn’t know he had a job. I’ll just go leave you alone.” He said as he ran back the other direction.

”Yeah!” Rainbow Dash flew up and was proud that her plan to chew her friend’s dad out had worked. “Run away, you coward!” She was already about to give herself a pat on the back for a job well done!

“But, your dad later found out that your were a ranger!” Rainbow continued. “...and he went to save you from the cyber Dimension!”

Mayor Daniels saw the whole thing unfold and was shocked to see that his son was the red power ranger. “Devon’s a ranger?” He asked in surprise.

Rainbow Dash, who was fighting with the others, took notice upon seeing Devon demorph and gasped in absolute horror! “OH NO!” Rainbow shouted as she broke away from the fight to go help her friend.

”Rainbow, Wait!” The Rest of the pony team shouted, but the wonderbolt ignored them as she dashed for her friend!

“And the last transporter is activated!” Blaze said triumphantly as he turned it on! The final phase was complete! “This tower belongs to Evox!” He shouted boldly.

The others noticed and were shocked as they saw the transporters activate. “NO!” They all shouted as the transporters beamed the Morph-X tower.

Blaze laughed evilly as he went to his captured target. “Finally!” He announced. “The tower is ours!”

Mayor Daniels ran from the tree where he was hiding and tried to scramble to save his son. “Devon!” He shouted.

“DEVON!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she tried to race to her friend and save him from the avatar! But try as they might, they got there too late! Blaze was gone and he took not only Devon, but the entire Morph-X tower with him as well!

Mayor Daniels was extremely shocked that his son was taken. The others were in total shock and panic that their friend was captured a second time!

“NO! Devon!” The others shouted in complete shock that the red ranger was taken.

Rainbow Dash saw that her friend was gone as she slowly hovered down on her knees. She was mortified. Completely mortified that her own friend was captured. “No.” She said softly, pretty sad that Devon was gone. “No. No!” Her emotions rose up upon seeing that her friend was taken to the cyber dimension. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!“ she shouted at the sky. Then. She buried her face in her hooves and sobbed loudly for everyone to hear. “Why? Why?!” She sobbed.

Mayor Daniels came over to comfort her. He patted her on the back gently. “I’m really sorry about your friend.” He said kindly.

Devon was captured in the Cyber Dimension and was tied up like an X. It looked like all was lost, until someone threw a brick on the ground, getting the Tronics attention! Mayor Daniels then snuck behind, and hit them with a lead pipe from behind!

Devon was shocked that his dad was here to save him. “Dad?!” He asked in surprise.

The mayor shushed him as he used a key to unlock the chains holding him. “I’m getting you outta here, son.” He said as he unlocked the last chain, freeing Devon. “I got you. Let’s go!” They both left, before the Tronic got back up and noticed that their prisoner would be missing!

”Son, I’m so proud of you.” Mayor Daniels said. “I always admired the red ranger. So, in a way, I was proud of you all along.”

Devon smiled at his dad for the first time in such a long time before the previous time. “Thanks, Dad.” He said.

“Sounds like when parents get upset with their kids...” Rainbow said, wiping the tears from her eyes. “...it doesn’t change how much they love them! Just like how he still loves you!” She put her hoof on his shoulder, for empathy.

“And, it’s not just my dad whom I’ve had some memories with!” Devon added. “You, and Cruise were also there for me too!”

Rainbow’s ears perked, and she realized Cruise was an important part of his life too. “Of course!” She said in excitement. “Why didn’t I see this sooner? No wonder Cruise also helped you in battle too! You and cruise were also like a fighting powerhouse out there!” She nudged him.

Devon chucked. “True, Cruise was also a good part of my life as well.” He said, as he thought of another memory. “Oh! Remember that one time that Fury-powered robotron almost had me, Ravi and Zoey on the ropes? That was before I got the fury cells.”

“If he hadn’t surprised him, we wouldn’t have come up with a way to beat him.” Devon said.

Rainbow smiled. “And, what about that time when you guys activated Beast-X Mode?” She asked. “I bet that was awesome for you too, huh?”

“It sure was!” Devon said, smiling. “In fact meeting Cruise, you and your friends and the others...that was all amazing!”

Dash nodded. “It sure was. Come on, Devon!” She said, calmly. “Let’s find those split emitters...whatever it takes!” His friend nodded as they went to the vault, and that was when Ben and Betty came by the lab.

They exchanged looks and got an idea. “Ben! Betty!” Rainbow called out to them.

They both came into the room. “Hey, guys.” Ben said.

“If you’re free, Dash and I could really use a hand.” Devon said excitedly and urgently.

Ben stammered at first, but Betty chipped in. “Absolutely!” She said, as they nodded and went over to the ranger vault.

“We need to find something called ‘split emitters’.” Devon told them, as he opened the door.

“Split emitters?” Betty asked confused.

“Well, I’ve never heard of them.” Ben said. “What do they look like?”

“Unfortunately, no idea.” Rainbow said, as she and Devon scoped out the area for any sign of them.

“Cool!” Ben said in awe, upon seeing the legendary ranger tech inside the vault. “Look at all this old ranger stuff!”

“That ‘old ranger stuff’ might just save my dad.” Devon said hopefully, as they nodded and searched the room. Ben and Betty were surprised upon seeing the legendary ranger tech, that they decided to check them out.

“Whoa!” Ben said in amazement upon seeing a blue Dino-like blaster. “That’s a Thundermax Blaster! How did it get in here?”

Betty saw a few gold phone Morphers, and was surprised. “Wow!” She said silently but surprised. “That’s a mystic Morpher! Quite a collection!”

Rainbow hovered over to them, and gasped at what she saw. “Ohmygosh!” She said, as she picked up a phone like morpher. “Sweet! An RPM cell shift morpher!” She picked up, and looked at it, before putting it back.

Betty saw two crates that were labeled ‘Split Emitters!’ Bingo! “Split Emitters!” Betty said in triumph.

“Devon, we found them!” Dash shouted a little too loud. Nevertheless, Devon rushed over to them, and saw they they’re were the ones.

“That’s it!” Devon said, excitedly. “Come on!” They went out of the ranger vault, and into the lab.

They set the crates down, and got ready to unload them. “Each split Emitter produced one beam of energy.” Devon told them. “The theory is that when 4 beams cross, they can separate my dad from the Storm King.”

“That’s good!” Dash said in excitement.

“But, they’re probably dead.” Devon finished.

Rainbow did not like the sound of this, as her heart sank. “That’s bad.” She said, disappointed. “So, how are we going to use them now?”

“That’s where this comes in!” Devon got out a beaker of Morph-X. “I want you to charge all the split Emitters with this Morph-X.” He told Ben and Betty. Dash smiled as she saw this.

Ben and Betty took the beaker, unsure of all this. “And then what?” Ben asked.

“Listen closely!” Dash said, as she flew to Devon’s side. “Devon and I will tell you exactly what to do!” The twins were unsure of all this, but they were ready. And, this would be one sneak attack the Storm King didn’t have scheduled!

Author's Note:

And, that’s it for this chapter! Devon, Ben, Betty and Dash have found the Split emitters! Now, it’s time to out their plan into motion! But, not if Nate and his team have got there first! Will Devon, Rainbow, and Ben get there in time? Find out when the Element-X Loyalty form returns, and the Storm King is split.

Flashback(s) Used in This Chapter:
Parental Glideance
Newbie Dash
28 Pranks Later
Rainbow Falls
Friendship Is Magic Pt. 2
The Summer Sun Stakeout (Fanfic)
Target: Mane Six (Fanfic)
A Dashed Shade Of Red: Pt. 2 - Close Encounters Of The Cosmic Kind (Fanfic)
Princess Twilight Sparkle Pt. 1
Taking Care Of Business
Sound And Fury
Crusin’ For A Brusin’