• Published 26th Aug 2021
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A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 3: The Storm’s Snare - TheSuperTransformerFan

Grid Battleforce shuts down the Morph-X towers to lure the Storm King into a trap, while Devon and Rainbow Dash go through ranger history to figure out a way to save Mayor Daniels. Part 3 of the Rainbow DashXRed Ranger Arc.

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Part 4: The Dash, The Bad & The Split

At the lab inside Grid Battleforce, Ben and Betty had finished filling up the split Emitters with Morph-X. Devon and Dash’s plan to save Mayor Daniels would work without a hitch. It just had to!

Betty had just rolled the emitters over to the transporter cases and returned to them. “We just put the split Emitters in the transporter cases!” Betty said to them chipper.

“Not bad, huh?” Ben asked as well.

“Nice work, you two.” Devon said, ready for his plan to work.

“It’s the perfect plan!” Rainbow said boldly with Devon. “The Storm King won’t find it easy to slip by that!”

At that moment, a news bulletin came on the TV as they turned to see what was going on. It revealed the news headline, “Morph-X Tower Under Seige.

“We interrupt this program to bring you this important message!” Zoey’s mom, was reporting offscreen, showing footage of the rangers, and their allies being blasted by the Storm King’s tremendous force. “The Power Rangers, and a few of the Elements of Harmony are being attacked by the Storm King, and an unidentified Bulldozer-like robot.” She reported.

Devon, and the others were shocked upon seeing the Storm King and Bulldozertron, who somehow survived the rangers finishers, and that they were attacking their friends. “Bulldozertron?” Devon asked. “I thought we defeated him!”

“We thought so too.” Rainbow said, as they continued to watch on in horror.

“So far, this puts tower 5 of the Morph-X network in danger, and this may be the most unspeakable thing ever imagined.” Zoey’s mom continued to report. “We’ll have more information on all this as soon as it develops! And now, back to Jeopardy!, with Alex Trebek.”

Rainbow, Devon and Ben now knew what they had to do, as they had their games faces on. “They can’t do that to our pals!” the speedy Pegasus shouted furiously, pointing at the screen.

“Let’s go!” Devon said, as he and Ben nodded in agreement, and they left to go find their friends at Morph-X tower 5! They couldn’t be too late to save them. They had to get their in time.

At Tower 5, the rest of the rangers, and Ponies with Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger were keeping a close eye on watching the Storm King pass by. They had the Ultra Cannon ready with the Hyperfreeze arrow. Now, they had to wait for their target.

“Anything yet?” Fluttershy asked, worriedly.

“Negative.” Ravi answered, as he nodded. “Still no sign of the Storm King.”

“Oh, for the love of Celestia!” Applejack said as, she threw her hat down. “Isn’t he going to show up at all?!”

“Don’t worry, Applejack.” Steel said, bravely, as he got ready to get the arrow out. “We’ll be ready in just a sec.” he opened the container, while Nate carefully took the arrow, and loaded the Ultra Cannon.

“I sure hope you know what you’re doing, Nate.” Starlight warned him. “The Storm King isn’t one to capture so easily.”

“I do, Starlight.” Nate answered. “Trust me. Once he arrives, we’ll strike him without him knowing it.”

“Well, if this plan fails...” Vapor put in. “Devon, and Dash will be able to stomp him flat! No contest.”

“That’s good.” Pinkie said, upon seeing a figure materialize. “Because, look who just showed up!” She pointed to said figure, as the others took notice and saw the figure, and were further shocked at who it was. It was the Storm King, and Bulldozertron, both right on time for Nate to execute the Hyperfreeze arrow plan.

Zoey looked through the binoculars, and saw that their friend was right. “You were right, Pinkie!” Zoey said in silent excitement. “There he is!” The others looked, and saw him there, gingerly walking toward Tower 5. He was ready to get his daily dose of energy!

“Time to blow this popsicle stand!” Steel said, as they got ready. “He’s in the Target zone!”

Nate had finished loading the arrow in the cannon, and aimed it at the villain. “You’ve got this, Nate!” Rarity said to him, as Nate slowly raised him arm, and put his finger on the trigger.

“Ready?” Twilight asked, as everyone nodded. She raised her arm, to wait for the right time. “Ready....NOW!” She lowered her arm down, quickly.

Nate nodded as he pulled the trigger, and fired the arrow toward the villains. The arrow would have hit them both, leaving them in the cold, but the Storm King noticed, and put his arm out, halting the arrow. He turned to the heroes, and snarled.

“Whoa!” Steel said, as he saw the villain use ‘the force.’

“No way!” Spike said in shock upon watching this.

“Oh, rangers!” The Storm King growled. “You really think this little stick is going to stop me!?” He redirected the arrow, and sent it back to the heroes.

“LOOK OUT!” Ravi shouted, as the arrow was launched at the ground, back to the good side.

“Take evasive action!” Starlight said in alarm, as they were jolted backwards, and they all landed on their backs. Their plan to freeze the Storm King failed.

Twilight got back up and was shocked at all this. “Was that supposed to happen?!” She asked in fright.

“Oh no!” Fluttershy said, as they all got back up, from the jolt.

“I don’t think it was to happen like that.” Sky Stinger.

“I don’t think so.” Cozy said, as she got back up. She turned to Nate. “You said this was a good hiding place, but there’s no overhead cover!” She told him.

“I honestly thought that was going to work!” Nate said, reassuringly.

Cozy gasped and stretched her arms to the heavens. “CRUD!!!” She screamed to the sky in rage.

“If I want your precious Morph-X, I will take it!” The Storm King bellowed as he and Bulldozertron started toward Tower 5. “You can’t stop me!”

“Wrong!” A voice said. The two villains turned to see Devon, Ben and Rainbow Dash running towards them, as two of them readied their Morphers. “ACTIVATE BEAST POWERS!” Devon and Ben shouted as they Morphed into the Red and Green rangers. The two rangers took their shots at the villains, which they tried to deflect the blasts.

Rainbow Dash streaked over to the other side of the villains, and grabbed the Storm King, throwing him to either side with all her might. “Stop...hurting...our...friends!” She shouted furiously as she spun him around on her hind legs. “...You big dumbhead!” She kicked him right over to Bulldozertron, as the two collided to the ground.

They both got up and were shocked, and angry to see them here. “You again?” Bulldozertron asked in shock.

Rainbow zoomed over to the others, and landed before them. “Are you guys okay?” She asked.

“Super duper, Dashie!” Pinkie said, as she gave the thumbs up to her. The others nodded as well.

“Yeah, we’re good now. Thanks to you.” Ravi said, as they nodded.

“Of course, we softened them up for you.” Nate finished, as he pointed to the villains, who were ready to fight them.

Rainbow was ready to fight them, as she put her game face on. “You guys hang back!” She said, putting her arms in a stop position at them. “This isn’t going to be pretty!” She turned toward the two villains, as she and the two rangers were ready to confront them.

“Step away from the Morph-X right now!” She shouted, pointing to the villains.

The Storm King snarled. “Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!” He said, aiming his staff of Sarcanas at them.

“Take it, rangers!” Bulldozertron said. “...if you can get by us, and our army of Tronics!” The tronics appeared right before the heroes, as Bulldozertron and the Storm King laughed evilly to them.

Rainbow gasped, and knew that it was time to take charge as she cracked her knuckles, and grunted, as she aimed her hooves at the villains. Bulldozertron and the Storm King both could feel themselves rising, as they were lifted off the ground, and were separated from each other as they were thrown off to the side, with Bulldozertron landing in a pile of empty containers, and the other in a pile of reeking garbage.

The others were shocked and amazed by Rainbow Dash’s new ability. But, Nate was the most surprised of all. In the last few times training, the telekinesis powers seemed only to hit her in the head. Now, she could use them to her full advantage thanks to her rage, and ambition to fight.

“Did you just see that?!” Steel asked to the others, who were just as shocked.

“Holy cow!” Cozy said in surprise.

“NO WAY!” Ravi and Zoey both said in shock as well.

“That was incredible!” Vapor said excitedly. “Nopony can do that!”

“That was riveting!” Sky said in amazement. “I thought only unicorns could do that!”

“Sweet Celestia!” Rarity cried out in surprise. “Are you all seeing what I'm seeing?”

“By Celestia’s mane!” Nate said, as he witnessed the attack Rainbow just pulled, and smiled in excitement. “Dash has done it!”

The tronics charged at the heroes, as they too did the same. Ben threw a few punches at a tronic, and kicked one down. He did the same with another, and this time, threw him to a nearby building wall.

Devon zoomed by a few Tronics as he swiftly slashed a few down, making them down and out.

Rainbow even performed a swirling corkscrew kick toward the Tronics, as they were violently thrown back to another building wall, and disintegrated.

Ben tackled another tronic, and threw his whole body on it as it was tackled. Devon slashed a few more, sending them to the ground. And, Rainbow Dash threw a few punches toward them, sending them down as well. So far, beating Tronics was easy as pie.

The Storm King and Bulldozertron reunited, and saw the tronic army defeated. “I saw that comic from a mile away!” He said, as he seethed.

Bulldozertron let out in inarticulate yell of rage. “Those rangers will PAY!” he said, angrily.

“Fine by me!” The Storm King said, as he roared and unleashed his staff, as Bulldozertron screamed in fright upon seeing him do that.

“Will you stop THAT?!” The robotron asked in rage to his boss, as they headed toward Tower 5.

The rangers and Rainbow has successfully stopped the army of Tronics as they hi-fived each other. “We did it!” The speedy Pegasus said in triumph.

“I couldn't have done it if it weren’t for you!” Devon said happily.

“Uh, guys?” Ben said, pointing to the Tower, and seeing the villains heading to it. “I'm not sure we did!”

“What?!” The speedy duo turned to see that the villains were getting away, and the Storm King was about to get his Morph-X dose!

NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!” Rainbow cried out in shock, as she saw the Morph-X about to be drained from the tower, and the heroes were too far away! “We totally messed up! The Storm King has won! It’s all over!” She was about to sob hysterically on the ground. “It’s too late! We’re never going to stop him!”

“Please don’t say that, Rainbow!” Devon said to her. “We can still stop them!”

“He’s right!” Ben said as he patted her on the shoulder, as she looked up. “Never is a long time!”

“Never is forever!” Bulldozertron said, as he jumped right in front of the heroes. “And, I’m going to make certain of that!”

Devon and Ben got into fighting positions. “That’s never stopped us before!” Ben said, bravely. “And, it won’t now!”

Bulldozertron clapped his arms together in glee. “Come, and meet your doom!” He bellowed.

“We need to go Beast-X Mode!” Rainbow said, worriedly.

Devon put his arm out to her, stopping her. “No.” He said. “Not Beast-X! Element-X!” He said, as he took out his key, which was indeed glowing in a rainbow aura.

“Devon!” Rainbow said, as she pointed to the key. “Your Morph-X key is glowing!”

“Yes, it is, Rainbow Dash!” Devon said, as he readied his Morpher. “And this time, no force in the universe can stop us. Let’s power up!” He plugged the key into his morpher. “Activate...Super Beast Powers! Hah!" He shouted, as the transformation started.

The transformation was the same for him, as the tornado enveloped him. But to Rainbow’s surprise, the tornado enveloped her too, as they were both caught in the crossfire of the transformation. The element of Loyalty was shown in place of Devon’s cheetah projection. Once the transformation finished, the helmet and visor materialized, as the tornado dissipated. However, Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. Instead, Devon’s new super form stood in its place. His suit, and helmet was coloured sky blue like Rainbow Dash’s coat, and his visor was now a multitude of colours like a rainbow. The suit and visor shined in the sun in its glory as it posed for all to see! Even Bulldozertron was shocked upon seeing this!

“ELEMENT-X LOYALTY FORM...READY!” Devon said bravely, ready to fight.

Devon’s visor flashed, as he heard another voice. “Hahahaha!” It said, gleefully. Devon knew that voice anywhere! “Rainbow?!” He asked in shock.

“That’s right!” Rainbow said within the visor. “We are as one now, Devon!”

“Well, that’s a new fusion transformation we’ve never experienced before!” Devon said in surprise.

“I’ll say!” Dash said within the visor. “Let’s stop that robotron!”

“You got it!” Devon said, as the fusioned ranger took off for the robotron!

“I’ll help you take care of him!” Ben said, as he hit his transporter. “Transport...Ultra Blaster!” He shouted, as the The Beast-X Ultra Blaster appeared before him. “BEAST-X ULTRA BLAST!” He fired a barrage of rapid fire blasts at him.

Bulldozertron was hit repeatedly by the blasts, that he couldn’t deflect them all with his hands. He was eventually hit in the inside by said blaster. “Ow!” He said in pain, as he was ricocheted back a few feet.

“Aquatic punch!” Ben shouted, as he threw a punch at him, also emitting a water blast from his fist, rusting him, and sending him back a few more feet.

“Ahh!” Bulldozertron said as he felt a little frozen from the Green Ranger’s attacks. He then turned to see the fusioned red ranger running up toward him. “What the—?” He asked in shock, as it zoomed around him, and conjured up a tornado, powerful enough to throw him off the ground, and back down hard.

“Take that, Bulldozertron!” Devon said as he zoomed by him, and posed triumphantly.

“How did you do that?!” Bulldozertron asked angrily as he marched up to them. “Doesn’t matter! There’s two of us!”

“But you’re solo bots!” Devon said bravely. “I’m a team! Right, Rainbow?”

“You got it, Devon!” Rainbow said within his visor.

He zoomed past the robotron again, hitting him even harder than before. “This is amazing!” Devon said, as he threw a few speedy punches at the robotron, overwhelming him. “I’ve never ran like that before!” His cheetah speed was combined with Rainbow Dash’s, amplifying it by 20 times. His attacks and stats were on par with his Beast-X mode. Almost, even stronger than it!

“Just watch!” Dash said within the visor, smugly.

“I can’t avoid watching. I’m here, remember?” Devon asked, reassuring her.

“Then prepare to be mega amazed....dddddd?” Rainbow said within the visor, as Bulldozertron knocked the ranger down.

“Game’s over!” The robotron gloated, as he fell down. “You lose!”

Meanwhile, the others, who were watching, saw Bulldozertron head for tower 5 with the Storm King in tow. “Ravi!” Twilight said in alarm. “Bulldozertron is escaping!”

“Don’t worry, Twilight!” Ravi said, as he started to get up and fight. “I’ll blow that guy up as dust!”

“STOP!” Vapor Trail shouted, stopping him. “Rainbow Dash is in that thing!” She pointed the cyan ranger suit, that was fighting the robotron.

“We gotta find a way to help Devon get to that robotron!” Applejack said worriedly. “But, how?”

“We got her into this mess!” Sky Stinger said, as he got his wings ready! “So, let’s get her out of it!” He took off to help the rangers. “Hop on, Spike!”

“I’m right behind ya!” Spike said, he hopped on his back to join the fight.

“Right, Sky!” Vapor said, as she took off too. “And, I’ll go with you!”

The three speed demons zoomed toward Bulldozertron, who was not suspecting the fliers coming right towards them.

“I’ll assist you, Vapor Trail!” Ben said, as he readied his Ultra Blaster again. He got a clear shot at the robotron, and pulled the trigger.

The aim was true, as Bulldozertron was blasted from behind, and landed on his butt. “Hey, no fair!” He shouted. At that moment, Vapor, Sky, and Spike zoomed by him with Sky ramming into his gut, sending him down, and Spike jumping off and singeing it with his fire breath!

“You’re in hot water now, robotron!” Spike said boldly as they landed safely.

“Prepare to fire!” Ben said, as he aimed his blaster again at it. Vapor trail used her wing power to create a gust of wind, sending the robotron down to the ground again.

“FIRE!” Ben shouted, as he and Spike fired at the robotron. Their combined attacks overwhelmed him greatly.

“I gotta get out of here before they do a number on me!” Bulldozertron said in horror, as he got up and went to tower 5.

The fusioned ranger too notice, and growled. “Oh, you really frost me!” Dash and Devon said in fury as Devon used Dash’s telekinetic powers to send a barrel of Morph-X above the villains. They took notice as they tried to get to it, only for it to be lifted to the top of the tower. They groaned as they ran up the entire tower.

It wasn’t easy to do, as Bulldozertron was bulky to climb up, and the Storm King, even though he seemed lean appeared to be out of shape. Eventually, they got to the top, and he caught the barrel. “Bingo!” He said, as they started to slowly walk down.

“Why did the Red ranger and Rainbow Dash give up so easily?” The robotron asked, confused.

“Those two are buffoons.” The Storm King simply answered. “They probably forgot they were supposed to catch us.”

Unknown to them, the ranger was watching, and chuckled. “That’s what you think!” Rainbow said within the visor. The fusioned ranger got into a running pose (similar to the Black Ranger, or Red Ranger’s Beast-X Mode), and channeled its energy and got ready to execute the finisher. “We need more power! Crank up the speed, Devon!”

The ranger went through a cyan/rainbow energy cylinder and became blinding light version of itself, as it zoomed to the villains, even faster than before. “SONIC RANGERBOOM!” Devon, and Dash both shouted at the same time, as it ran with its super amplified speed towards them, creating a rainbow energy-like streak as it ran by.

The villains took notice at the ranger running towards them, and screamed as they started to turn heel, and run. But the ranger was faster than ever, as it whizzed and hit them on the spot. A sonic boom appeared from behind it, as a rainbow aura bloomed.

The Storm King landed on the ground, unconscious. But, Bulldozertron landed in one piece as it got back up. “Uh oh!” He shouted, as he saw the ranger jump up, and perform a kick as it zoomed down at him, super fast. The Ranger’s finisher quickly punctured the robotron, easily like a hot knife through butter as it went right through him!

He tumbled down on the ground, and was shorting out quickly. “I feel like the floor of a movie theatre!” He said in agony as he fell to the ground, and exploded as he was now no more.

The ranger landed and turned to face him, and gave the thumbs up sign. “Take that, Bulldozertron!” Dash said within the visor.

“Yeah!” Devon said in agreement. “You just got blasted by a Sonic Rainboom performed by a red ranger!”

Ben, Spike, Vapor and Sky ran up to him excitedly that he was able to defeat the robotron. “That was amazing!” Vapor said happily.

“I can’t believe you did that!” Spike said as well, as he gave the ranger a hi-five.

“Bullseye!” Ben said, as he did a hi-five too.

“Now, that put the crease in his pants!” Sky said in victory as they joined him.

“Nothing beats ranger, and equestrian power!” Devon said, as he posed triumphantly. It looked like it was over, right?

Wrong! Because the Storm King got up, and was furious that his lackey was destroyed. “You may have defeated Bulldozertron!” He said, pointing his staff at him, angrily. “But, that Morph-X is mine!” He started to walk toward the rangers, and the tower in a threatening way.

The others got into a fighting pose, while Devon took the Beast-X King Blaster, and aimed it at him. “That’s where you’re wrong!” Rainbow said within the visor angrily.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Devon and Rainbow both said, their voices synchronized. “Not with my father inside you!”

“You want that Morph-X?” Ben asked, as he aimed the Ultra Blaster at him, as well. “Then, you’re gonna have to go through us!”

The Storm King quickly took the initiative, and morphed back into his alter ego, Mayor Daniels, as he coughed. The ranger aimed his blaster at him. The heroes were shocked, at this, but still kept their weapons at the ready.

“Devon...” the Mayor started. “Let the Storm King pass. He needs the Morph-X to live.”

“Yeah, right!” Sky shouted. “We’re not falling for your tricks, Storm King! We know your little game!”

“Listen to me!” The mayor pleaded. “If you stop him from getting it, you’ll destroy him, and me.”

Everyone’s eyes widened. They didn’t think this out throughly. Devon, and Dash demorphed back into their civilian and pony forms, as he said this. “That’s pretty bad.” Rainbow said, quietly. “We didn’t think this through.”

“Please, Mayor!” Vapor pleaded. “There must be another way!”

“That’s not your dad talking!” Fluttershy said, as she got back up.

“Don’t listen to him, Devon!” Spike shouted. They turned to look at them, pleading.

“Devon...” His father said again, as they turned to him again. “Please son. I saved you once.” He slowly walked toward them. “Now, it’s your turn to save me.”

“Don’t do it!” Cozy shouted to them.

“Devon! Dash! No!” Starlight shouted.

“Devon, come on!” Zoey called out.

“No!” Applejack shouted. “Please don’t listen to him, Sugarcube!” But Devon lowered the blaster, and stepped aside for him to pass. The others were shocked at this, but decided to step aside too. The mayor nodded, and slowly walked past them. It looked like it was over for them.

“What?!” Rainbow shouted at him angrily. “You’re just going to let him get away like that?! Have you any idea what—?!”

“Dash, wait!” Devon whispered in her ear the plan he had set for him. Her ears perked, and she smiled a devious grin.

“Ooh, sneaky!” She said, remembering what they had set out for him. She nodded.

At that moment, Devon got a call on his wristcom, and answered it. “Devon! Rainbow Dash! They’re ready!” Betty contacted them.

The speedy heroes nodded, and shouted “TRANSPORT!” To which all 4 of the split Emitters arrived on either side of the Mayor, like a cube.

“What’s going on?” He asked, not expecting this.

“I think you’re about to find out!” Vapor said, smugly as she took the remote, and hit the button, making the emitters go off!

“NO!” The mayor shouted, as four beams crossed and zapped him, enveloping him in their energy. Devon, Rainbow, Sky, Vapor, Spike and Ben braced their eyes from the light of the emitters.

Ravi, Zoey, Steel, Nate, Applejack, Starlight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, & Cozy all braced their eyes for impact from the light as well. “Brace yourselves, everypony!” Twilight shouted, as they covered their eyes.

Either way, the two alter egos screamed as they were slowly being split apart from each other. They separated more and more until a big explosion gave way. The Storm King fell on one side, groaning in pain, while Mayor Daniels himself was on the other side of the emitters, tumbling on the ground. The plan had worked! The Storm King and the Mayor were successfully separated from each other!

They uncovered their eyes, and rushed to him, and helped him up. “Dad!” Devon said with relief, and worry as they helped him.

“Mayor Daniels!” Rainbow shouted as she helped him up too. “Are you okay?”

“Much better.” He said, as he was now up. “Thanks to all of you.” He hugged his son, and Rainbow and they embraced this moment.

“Hugging! Hugging now!” Vapor said, pulling them all in for a group hug, as both speedy heroes, along with their Wonderbolt allies teared up with joy. Devon was happy to have his father back.

Meanwhile, the Storm King growled furiously as he struggled to get back up. “Ai-yi-yi!” Grubber said as he rushed over to him to help him up. “Boss, are you hurt?” He asked him. “Let me help you up!”

The Storm King snarled as he saw him. “Get off me!” He shouted, swatting him away! “I need Morph-X!”

“We’ll find another way!” Grubber said, as they teleported away from the heroes.

Vapor took notice of them, and pointed to them. “Don’t let Grubber and the Storm King are get away!” She shouted.

Rainbow saw, and got angry as she dashed to them. “Hey! Come back! I’m not through with you!” She said, as she tried to get to them.

The heroes took notice as Rainbow flew over to them, but they were gone. “Oh, they got away!” She shouted angrily. “AGAIN!” She started to stretch her wings again. “I ought to press them into jerk cider!”

“No. Let them go, Rainbow Dash.” Sky said, as she stopped.

“What?! Why?!” She asked, upset.

“He’s right.” Vapor told her. “He who runs away will be back to fight another day.”

Rainbow looked like she wanted to go into a fit, but realized she was right. “You’re right.” She said, her anger subsiding. “But, I’ve got a feeling he’ll be back.” As she said that, the rest of the heroes ran over to their friends, happy that Devon and Dash’s plan worked.

"Thank you so much for saving the Mayor, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said excitedly. “Just how did you ever pull this off?"

“Long story, egghead.” Rainbow said. “But Devon and I used the split Emitters from Tyler’s team to split the Storm King from him.”

“Using those split Emitters was a brave thing you did, Rainbow!” Starlight congratulated her.

“You were so amazing" Fluttershy squealed out, as she hugged her friends, and the others did the same.

“Whoa, thanks guys.” She said, as she calmly broke the hug after a few seconds. “I really appreciate it! I’d also like to tell you how I used my new powers against Bulldozertron!”

“I don’t think words can explain how you did that!” Nate said, smiling excitedly. “And from what I saw, it looks like your telekinetic powers only work when you get really angry.”

“Then, I’ll only use them when I’m really angry!” Dash said, putting her brave game face on.

“That’s what I just said!” Nate said, gritting his teeth and getting angry again, as he tapped her on the head. “Can you hear, or is there a goblin in your head eating my words?!”

Rainbow rubbed her temples. “I don’t think there’s a goblin in there.” She said, confused to him.

Back at the base, everyone was happy that the Mayor was successfully separated from the Storm King and about Devon and Dash’s victory. Nate and Twilight were checking on the Morph-X towers, as they were filling up again, and the network was going back to normal. “The last tower is filling with Morph-X.” Nate said. “We did find traces of the Storm King’s residue, but the system is clear now.”

Twilight, and Starlight looked at each other, and nodded as they walked up to the mayor. “Mayor Daniels...” Starlight began. “If it’s not too much trouble, we’d like to ask you something.”

“Fire away!” He said, smiling.

“Do you remember anything about what happened before the Storm King took over?” Twilight asked. “What he did, or what he’s planning to do in the future?”

He tried to recall what had happened. Finally, he remembered the last thing that did happen. “My last clear memory was when we just escaped from the Cyber Dimension from Evox. There was an explosion, and then, there was something wrong with my hands.”

Cozy contacted the Commander. “Commander!” She shouted. “Beam us up!” And like that, all three Megazords with their occupants were teleported out there safely before they could be taken with the explosion.

Evox was not so lucky as he lost the battle with the Power Rangers and Elements of Harmony and was caught in the crossfire of the explosion as well! “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” He shouted as he blew up along with his dimension, as he, his world and Blaze were no more!

Back at Grid Battleforce, everyone is safe but Mayor Daniels notices his hand was glowing in a shade of metallic blue.

“After that, it was all a blur.” He continued. “Until the moment you all saved me.”

“Actually, our plan was a failure.” Nate told him, as he walked up to him. “The only reason you’re standing here right now, is because of Devon and Rainbow Dash.”

“You two never gave up saving Devon’s dad.” Cozy added as well.

Devon, and Rainbow both smiled at the compliment. “Well, you and Dash did save me from the Cyber Dimension.” He said to them.

“And, I tried to help you!” Rainbow said, as she gave him a playful tap on the shoulder, as her friend giggled. “So, now we’re all even.”

Mayor Daniels smiled, as he put his hand on his son’s shoulder. “Let’s just hope neither of us has to save the other...ever again.” He hugged them both as they chuckled.

After he broke the hug, he smiled at the others as well. “So far, the Morph-X tower network has been reenergizing.” He said to them. “Rest assured that they are safe once again, and that the Power Rangers and Elements of Harmony will make sure it stays that way.”

“We’re all just glad we managed to help Devon and Rainbow separate them from each other, AND we defended the towers!” Vapor Trail said in excitement while Sky nodded in agreement.

“And, if they hadn’t come up with that plan, today would have been a lot different.” Sky added, smiling at them as well.

“Hah! Yeah, it did work!” Rainbow said, as she smiled happily. “In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Commander came and gave us a pat on the back for a job well done!”

Just then, they heard a voice that made both speedy heroes jump. “Devon! Dash!” The voice said. “Get out here NOW!”

Rainbow’s heart sunk, as she and Devon turned to see Commander Shaw, glaring at them. And judging by the looks of it, she didn’t look too happy. They slowly walked over to her, nervous and a little regretful. Nope, definitely not a happy Commander.

“You wanted to see us, Commander?” Rainbow asked, as she gulped nervously and her head was hung low.

“Yes, I did.” She said, blithely, and angry at them. “You two disobeyed a direct order! You put the mayor ahead of the entire city!” The others were shocked upon seeing Ravi’s own mother scold them, when they should be congratulated for saving the mayor, and the towers. Ravi was extremely surprised upon seeing her say things like that to them.

“If Coral Harbor is destroyed because The Storm King has those Mega Transporters...” she scolded them.

“It’ll be all on us.” Devon said, as he looked at the Commander sadly.

“We know, and we’re sorry.” Rainbow apologized as well, hanging her head down, and giving her puppy eyes. “We should’ve told you about our plan in the first place.”

The Commander looked down for a second, and put her hand on Devon’s shoulder. “I’m sorry too.” She said. “About the Mayor.”

The Mayor was shocked upon seeing this, and decided to step in. “Don’t be.” He said, coming to their defence. “Devon and Rainbow saved the Tower Network, and quite possibly the world! You should be thanking them!”

He pointed to her, seriously to show that he meant business. “And how dare you scold my son, after what he did to save me!!” He scolded her. “Honestly, the commander of Battleforce, yelling at two superheroes...You oughta be ashamed of yourself!”

Commander Shaw was shocked, as she was told off by Devon’s own dad, the one who he and Dash saved. She felt tears welling up, as she bowed her head down. “I...I'm sorry, mayor...” she said depressed, as she walked out of the room. Devon, and Rainbow both looked at each other with excitement, seeing the Commander get yelled at by the mayor.

“ALRIGHT!” Devon and Dash’s shouted in excitement as they both gave a hi-five. “YEAH!” They noticed the Mayor giving them a glance. Dash gulped, as he held out her hoof. “Hi-five?” He kept giving them the look. “Not much of a hi-five guy?”

He smiled, as he gave them both a hi-five. “I’m just messing with you all.” He chucked. “It seems I really owe you two.”

Rainbow smiled, knowing that their plan went off without a hitch. “All’s well that ends well, right Devon?” She asked, as he nodded.

“Yeah.” Devon simply answered, smiling.

“Hey, what happened to the Split Emitters?” Zoey asked, pointing at the empty crates behind them. Dash’s eyes widened in shock, as she saw them. And, they could only wonder where they could possibly be.

In the training room, Ben and Betty were putting each of the Split Emitters around the tux, which was frozen in a block of ice. “And, two more emitters on this side.” Betty said, as they finished setting them down.

General Burke came in as they set them down. “Those things better work!” He said seriously. “That’s my favourite tuxedo.”

The Burke twins got out of the way of the Split Emitters, and hit the button, as the Emitters roared to life. However, General Burke was enveloped in the energy of the Emitters as he was now in his Tuxedo, and also in the block of ice as well!

They were both shocked upon seeing this. “Dad!” They said, as they rushed over to him,

“Hurry! Try it again!” Ben said, as Betty hit the button.

The others rushed in the room, and were shocked to see the twins break their father out of the ice. “BEN, NO!” Rainbow shouted in alarm. But, it was too late as they were enveloped in their energy. Now, the General was in Ben’s clothes, Betty was in his Tux, and Ben was in the General’s outfit and in the block of ice.

They were further shocked. “Get your brother outta here!” He said, shocked, and worried.

Dash went over to them. “Give me that!” She said, snatching the remote, and tossing it to Devon. “Devon, Catch!”

Devon caught the remote. “Thanks!” He said, as they both got out of the way, and hit the button, enveloping the entire Burke family in its energy. Now, Ben was out of the block of ice (which was now empty), but he still had his dad’s outfit on!

He looked at it, and was surprised. “Huh?” He asked. The others were surprised too. “Have I been promoted?” He asked in sheer surprise.

Everyone smiled, and laughed together upon seeing this funny wardrobe mix-up, and Ben’s comment. Rainbow Dash shook her head, and smiled as they all had a good laugh. It looked like a happy ending for the team, and they felt like it couldn’t get better than this. Mission successfully accomplished!

Author's Note:

And, that’s it for the huge climax of the third part of the arc. What a perfect day for the Power Rangers, and the Elements of Harmony as they saved the Mayor, and the entire Morph-X tower network from being taken by the Storm King! Also, Ben and Betty had a few mishaps with the Split Emitters, but they still worked, even after all this time. The story doesn’t end here, however! Devon, and Rainbow Dash still have a moment to celebrate their victory. Find out what happens in the epilogue coming up!

Flashback(s) Used in This Chapter:
Target: Mane Six (Fanfic)