• Published 20th Jul 2021
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Equestria GODZILLA #1 - Shark

A strange and Unusual events happening all over a Equestria with strong earthquakes, sightings says they seen a large creature in the distance but rumor says there could be more than one.

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Chapter 1 The Earthquake

Twilight was sleeping on her bed but not for long, an earthquake appeared out of nowhere knocking her out of bed in instant she got up and ran downstairs as fast as she can and calling Spike in a panic.


“I don’t know twilight what’s going on.” Said Spike.

When the earthquake ended Twilight and Spike ran out of the castle to see everypony outside there house, Twilight looked around to see nothing no Rogue dragons, no stampede, no changeling attack and no big villain. Twilight was relieved.

“Ow it stop, I guess there’s nothing then?”

Spike look at twilight and concern

“Twilight I don’t think and earthquake is nothing.” Said the little dragon.

Twilight looked back at Spike she stop and realize he’s right.

“But… but that’s impossible it can’t be an earthquake Ponyville is nowhere near any tectonic plates, The only tectonic plate in Equestria is between the Yaket Range and the Bug Bear Territory and there miles away from here. There must be an explanation to this.”

Twilight flew up in the air to see The surroundings around ponyvilla, all she sees half of ponyville in ruins, twilight looked at the Valley and notice a big dust cloud at first she thought it was Rainbow dash but she squinted her eyes and noticed something big going under ground.

“If it’s a big animal maybe fluttershy knows what to do but yet again it could be something bad?”

Twilight was concern while she looks down at ponyville.

“If that thing is the one that caused the earthquake it must be big real big.”

Twilight flew back down next to spike, as she was about to walk she was stop by the crowd of ponyvilla. They ask her what’s happening, is everyone safe, twilight calms down the people in ponyvilla after that twilight went to find her friends luckily for her Pinkie pie and Rarity were waiting for her.

“Hello girls!” Twilight was interrupted by a worried Rarity.


Twilight got scared

“What’s wrong did something happen!” Said Twilight

Rarity response, “I was in my beauty sleep then suddenly the earth started shaking I got scared so I grab sweetybell and I ran out!”

Twilight was relieved to hear her friend is all right.

“Twilight I also have a problem too.” Said Pinkie pie shaking in fear.

Before twilight respond pinkie pie I was already explaining

“Ok so you know I wake up early in the morning to get everything ready then suddenly my Pinkie Sense kicked in, I jumped out of the window to feel the ground to shake like a trampoline.” Said Pinkie pie.

Twilight looked at her friends in relieved but she’s got worried about the others, after that they decided to get everyone to make sure there ok. When twilight and her friends were walking through ponyvilla they notice some buildings have collapse. Twilight stop and looked around on the rubble, she knows how dangerous earthquakes are but to see and felt it even knowing this isn’t a real earthquake, it felt real. Twilight isn’t paying attention her mind is still focusing on the destruction she read books and seen pictures and heard stories about the aftermath of the earthquake. Twilight snap out of it when she heard applejack calling for help.

“Can anypony help us we found someone buried underneath the rubble!”

Twilight ran to applejack and use her magic to levitate the rubble while applejack pulls and carried anyone who are hurt or injured. After the ponies are out of the rubble, twilight sees more doctors arriving help the ponies who are seriously injured, she sees pinkie trying to keep everypony calm and she sees Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and applejack finding more people who are still trap, she sees Rarity using ripped clothing to help people who are bleeding. I never seen anything like this.

“Twilight we need to send a letter to Princess Celestia.” Said the little dragon.

Twilight snap out of it and looked at spike and agreed.

“Dear princess Celestia we have an emergency here in Ponyville apparently an earthquake happen unexpectedly causing half of Ponyville to collapse, me and my friends and everyone else are helping the others who are still trapped underneath and trying to heal the injured. I’m not sure if this is a natural disaster, we need more help and if this is just Ponyville something strange is happening from your faithful student twilight sparkle.”

Spike send the letter and when twilight was about to run to help the others Princess Celestia’s letter have arrived. Spike start reading the letter.

“My most faithful student i’m afraid the Ponyville isn’t the only one that suffered a strange earthquake Canterlot has been strict as well and I’m have been alerted that not only Ponyville and Cantelot have suffered an earthquake but also the Crystal Empire. Me and Luna are helping everyone in the destruction I hope you find the explanation what caused the earthquake to happen but for now everyone is busy forgive me.”

Twilight and everyone who were listening were all shocked somepony Thought the end is coming but everyone knows there got to be an explanation to this madness. Twilight went to ask her friends to help her she think she know what happens. The main 6 went off to the valley where the dust cloud used to be.

“Ah twilight you sure you saw something? It could just be your imagination?”
Said Rainbow dash in concern.

“I know what I saw and whatever it is, it is huge.” Said Twilight.

Applejack response
“It could be a big dragon?”

“Impossible although dragons can grow large it has to be bigger than a dragon to causes earthquake and plus or miles away from the closest tectonic plates.” Twilight finished explaining.

“Could it be another villain or another ancient evil waiting to be waken?” Said Rainbow.

“I hope not.” Said Twilight.

When they finish they arrived to where twilight saw the strange thing but this was a lot bigger then they think. There was a large cave that wasn’t there before.

“Um was…. was there a cave here because it wasn’t there before.” Said Pinkie pie in worried.

“No there wasn’t a cave here before.”
Said Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash also response
“Girls why the cave is as wide as Twilight castle.”

Everyone was shocked but Twilight was horrified in her mind she knows what to do for any situation but this was something else she never seen or read any book about this. What ever this thing was it was far bigger than they ever thought. Twilight decided to go inside but her friends protested.

“Stop right there super cube there’s no way your going alone.”

Applejack broke the silence, she walks down to twilight but the other are little scared. Rainbow dash took a deep breath and fly down to twilight and applejack.

“Girls I know we been through a lot and this is very different and I’m know Its going to be dirty but it hurts me more if my friends gets hurt, I’m coming too.” Said Rarity

“Yeah another epic adventure let’s do it!” Said Pinkie pie

Everyone is ready to go inside the cave but Fluttershy was scared. She was shaking in fear.

“Im sorry girls but this too scary for me.”

Everyone looked at Fluttershy they know this could be dangerous but Fluttershy is the only one who knows about animals.

“but Fluttershy what if it’s animal.”
Said Twilight

Fluttershy response
“I took care many animal and can tell what kind it is by looking at there home but this is not a dragon or any animal I have ever seen.”

“Then what can you tell by the cave?”
Said Twilight

Fluttershy looks around the cave and was surprises.

“This cave is not natural it was made by a really big animal.”
Said Fluttershy

Fluttershy got closer to the ridges she looked at it and discover something shocking.

“I think I know what made this tunnel.”
Said Fluttershy

Everyone was happy that Fluttershy solved it but they all notice the fear in Fluttershy face while she looking down at the tunnels.

“Say Fluttershy your all right.” Rainbow dash ask

Fluttershy walked down to the girl and told them what made this cave.

“Everyone I know there’s gonna be hard to believe but after looking at the cave this will scare you, this cave isn’t made by nature, it was made by giant bug you see there’s some bugs that dig tunnels on trees and on the ground, whatever this is, it’s a bug and it’s big enough that it’s crawling underground and I believe that’s what the earthquake happened.” Fluttershy finish explaining.

Everyone was shock and scared to hear the Discovery. Rarity do you got the goosebumps Rainbow Dash wings are still up ready in case she flies off as fast as she can, everyone was scared but Twilight still looked down on the cave fully determined to fix this problem, twilight took a deep breath.

“Ok girls it may be a giant bug but we still need to lure it away. If it causes an earthquake while crawling on the ground then Equestria will have problems, I think the creature is still down there.” Said Twilight

Twilight looked at her friends they looked scared, worried and nervous but they still want to help twilight, so they all agree to go inside the cave even Fluttershy want to come, she doesn’t want to be alone.

The main 6 travel down to cave and we’re surprised how massive the cave is.

“Wow I still can’t believe this bug made something so massive.” Said Applejack amazed by the cave.

“I hope the bug is not slimy.” Said Rarity chills in her spine.

“Im hoping this giant bug looks awesome.” Said Rainbow Dash

“Maybe it got lonely and that’s why it got closer to ponyville.” Said Pinkie pie

“Or maybe it searches for food which I doubt it want to eat ponies.” Said applejack

Twilight made a small chuckle surprised of her friends are no longer scared but instead wondering what the bug looked like or how it acts, but still twilight can’t get the image out of her head of how many ponies were injured, she doesn’t wanna know who died. When everyone made it to the end of the tunnel there was other cave except this time it’s huge but everyone will not paying attention how massive the cave is, there paying attention to the Ginormous skeleton.

“I’m not gonna lie, is that a dinosaur.”
Said Rainbow Dash in surprise.

The main 6 walked do the massive fossil still shocked to see something this massive but it did got Rainbow Dash and Applejack worried.

“Fluttershy you said a bug made this tunnels right.” Said Rainbow Dash

“Yes, well it digs like one why.” Said Fluttershy

Applejack response nervously
“Fluttershy something tells me that, that bug was eating this thing.”

Rarity joins the Conversation
“Applejack does make a good point dear we don’t know what this creature is or how old is thing?”

Twilight interrupts

“Older, this, this is Older but that’s impossible.”

“Twilight are you?”

“Don’t worry pinkie twilight is exaggerating again.” Said Rainbow Dash

Twilight looked back to her friends in complete shock.

“Girls I look closely into the skeleton and discovered something I still hardly believe. The skeleton of this creature could be older than princess Celestia and Princess Luna or it could be older than the founding of Equestria itself or even older than that.”
Said Twilight

Pinkie pie was concerned
“Twilight did you drink too much coffee again.”

Twilight continued
“No I’m not, listen when bones decay They normally turn to dust but this creature is a fossil it is perfectly preserved it’s not turning to dust it’s barely even have any mold or damage and it’s not even attached to any rocks but that’s impossible this got to be The biggest discovery in equestrian history. This is…”

A loud roar interrupted twilight. Her and her friends covered her ears and turned around to see the giant creature crawling out of the tunnels trying to stand up and digging The ceiling to reach the surface. While it was digging it cause another earthquake. The Muto burst out of the ground and now it is free from the ground. Twilight and her friends teleported out of the ground back to the surface. While the creature was there a its stand on it full height, it was ginormous it could be around 60.96 meters tall or about 200 feet tall. What makes this even worse the creature has wings and started to hover off the ground.

Rainbow Dash shouted

Before the creature was about to take off another roar can be heard. Twilight and her friends even the Muto turn to look where the noise came from. The Mountain started moving it was another creature The body looks similar to the skeleton in the cave. The large creature roar even louder and Muto flew up into the sky and disappeared. Twilight and her friends look back where the giant creature was but it also disappeared. Everyone was shocked and have no words.

Pinkie pie look at twilight
“So Twilight what does this mean?”

Twilight stand up still shocked and now worried.

“I don’t know but something tells me this is just the beginning?”