• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 1,232 Views, 2 Comments

Equestria GODZILLA #1 - Shark

A strange and Unusual events happening all over a Equestria with strong earthquakes, sightings says they seen a large creature in the distance but rumor says there could be more than one.

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Chapter 2 The Reveal

It was not a lie when the creature got out of the ground and roared, the second monster roared as well but even louder. The size of the Muto was wide open it was next to Ponyville and it was big enough that you can see it all the way in Canterlot. 2 hours later after the Muto revealed itself, Twilight and her friends went back to Ponyville and sit down in the center of the town, still shocked and have no words. When the creature got all the ground it caused another earthquake more buildings have collapse, Twilight heard two guards talking to each other The condition, 56 were injured 10 were found dead. Twilight can’t get the image out of her head seen a creature that huge causing an earthquake, she didn’t believe in myth but now she does. Spike ran up to twilight in shock.

“Twilight there you are I got a letter from Princess Celestia, it’s urgent.”

Twilight picked up the letter and read it her friends looked at her wondering what the princess will say. Twilight face revealed at all showing a complete fear and worried.

“What does it say twilight.”
Said Applejack

Twilight looked to her friends in shocked and fear.

“Twilight what does the letter said?”
Said Rainbow Dash

Twilight looked worried she went closer to her friends and whispered what the letter said.

“The letter says they never seen anything like this before, Ponyville isn’t the only one that saw the creature, princess Celestia and Princess Luna they saw it all the way from Canterlot and at the very end of the letter princess Celestia mentioned she saw the creature flying before disappearing. She wants us in Canterlot immediately she also mentions princess Cadence and Shining armor will be there also.”

When twilight and her friends were on the way to the train station they saw more royal guards arriving to Ponyville for the situation. When twilight and her friends were on the train on their way to cancel it twice I still can’t get the image out of my head still questioning about the monster but she can’t stop thinking about the mysterious mountain like creature although it was far away in the clouds cause it to have heart of time to see she can tell the body structure looks kind of similar to the skeleton in the cave. Twilight friends looked at her and concern they know that look what twilight is doing she’s thinking she zoned out.

“Ah Twilight you’re doing the face again dear.” Said Rarity

“But now it looks scary.” Fluttershy response

Rainbow Dash answered
“She’s not listening she’s really in the zone right now.”

“Last time I have seen her like this since she’s trying to figure out my pinkie sense.”

“Yeah.” Applejack response

Applejack walk to twilight and checked her a little bit. She move her hooves in front of twilight face until she got to her attention back.

“Ah Did I zone out again.”

Twilight look to her friends in embarrassment. The others agreed that she did zoned out, after that Rainbow Dash asked what was she thinking. Twilight revealed that the mysterious creature could be related to the skeleton.

“Well we all saw the mysterious mountain creature it does have some similarities to the skeleton.”

Everyone looked at each other and looked at twilight.

“Say twilight how big was that skeleton.”

Twilight scratch her chin trying to remember The size.

“Well it does have a few broken ribs some are missing but comparing it to that creature it could be around I don’t know maybe around 360 feet tall.”

“How can something that big can disappear easily.” Rainbow Dash yelled

“Not only that the other creature cause a louder roar.” Said Rarity

Twilight look to her friends and slowly realize something about the earthquake.

“Girls I think I know how the creature caused the earthquake.” Said Twilight

Everyone looked at twilight waiting for her answer

“You see that creature was mostly digging and crawling under ground maybe the vibration the movement while It was digging causes the ground to shake making it like earthquake.”

Everyone was relieved that twilight found the answer but verity was not satisfied

“Darling I understand the creature was between Ponyville and Canterlot but Princess Celestia mention the Crystal Empire suffer the same earthquake to be honest I doubt the creatures movement reach that far.” Said Rarity

Twilight stop to think what Rarity said, while the others trying to have some guesses. Fluttershy and pinkie pie both Think the creature could have tunnels under the Crystal Empire, but applejack, rarity and Rainbow Dash think it could be the mysterious mountain creature. Twilight stopped thinking and looked to her friends. Even though their guesses does make a good point the real question is are these creatures are a threat to a Equestria or threat to each other.

The train has a right to Canterlot twilight and her friends look at the window canceled also suffer the same Way as Ponyville the main six looked around seeing ponies gathered up when the medical team we’re helping them. It looks like Ponyville except in Ponyville there was not that much tall buildings But in Canterlot almost all the tall buildings have collapsed it reminds twilight of princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s old castle in the everfree forest. When the main six got out of the train the rail guards were there waiting for them they took them to the princess castle. The main six some more royal guards helping out everyone from the situation. When the main six entered the main hall they saw princess Celestia staring at the window princess Luna Tapping her hooves by her being nervous, Princess Cadence Ran and hug twilight in relief.

“Twilight your Ok.”

Twilight hugged her back but looked around and realized her brother isn’t there

“Cadence where’s Shining Armor?”

Princess cadence looked at twilight and told her.
“He has to stay at the Crystal Empire, apparently it just got worse over there right now.”

“Is he okay.” Said Twilight

“He’s fine he just has to help out a lot.” Said Cadence.

Princess Luna walked up to twilight
“Twilight mysterious creature has appeared right after the earthquake happened, do you have any answers to this madness.”

Twilight and her friends looked at each other and look back and princess cadence princess Luna and princess Celestia they have theories about this.

“We think so.” Said Twilight.

The three princesses listen to twilights explanation she explains that this isn’t a natural earthquake because The closest tectonic plates is miles away and the creature was the one that caused the earthquake but still have no idea how It managed to cause the earthquake in the Crystal Empire the others also explain their thoughts and theories about the creature. The three princesses were surprised and shocked surprised about the skeleton and the mysterious mountain creature.

Princess Celestia stand up and looked at twilight.

“Do you think this creature could be dangerous.” said Princess Celestia

The main six both not really sure but The main five both agreed that Fluttershy has a better opportunity of stopping these creatures. Fluttershy stopped, her eyes widen while looking at everyone.

“Wait you want me to stop the giant creature.” Said Fluttershy.

“Yes Fluttershy since you know more about animals than anyone else and all you need to do is just do your stair.” Said Twilight

The three princesses were confused

“Oh yeah your right.” Applejack response.

“Fluttershy you can do that no pony have ever did, taking down a giant monster.” Said Twilight

Fluttershy looked at everyone in complete fear what are the three princesses or both question what’s happening.

“Twilight what do you mean by Fluttershy can do her stare.” Said Princess Celestia

“I’m sorry princess, you see Fluttershy has a death stare and it scares a lot of creatures even dragon.” Said Twilight

“Really now.”
This peak Princess Luna’s interest

“So these creatures can be tame. Fluttershy what is your plan.” Said Princess Cadence.

Everyone looked at Fluttershy in excitement

“But but but I don’t know it could work.” Said Fluttershy.

“Wait wha!”
Rainbow Dash respond

Fluttershy explained

“Yes I know my stare can stop a full grown dragon but I’m not really sure It could stop the creature like Twilight says it’s huge it’s basically like A bear looking at an ant.”

Everyone was a little bit disappointed but all of them agreed that Fluttershy could be right.

“Then what should we do now.”

“I think I have a plan.” Twilight response

“Me and my friends will go to the Crystal Empire to find these tunnels if this theory is correct then this creature is traveling underground.”

“Twilight what if there’s no tunnels it could be the mysterious creature or something else.” Said Princess Celestia

“I know but the real question is why they’re showing up now. We don’t know much about the Muto.”

Everyone stop and look at twilight In confusion

Princess Celestia was confuse
“Mu... Muto?”

“Well yes you see we don’t know the name of this creature so I gave it a name the Muto.”

Applejack look at twilight in curiosity

“Twilight where did you get that name.”

Twilight response
“Muto stands for Mysterious Unexplained Tatterdemalion Oscure.”

After the meeting everyone both agreed the twilight and the friends will go to the Crystal Empire to investigate this and before they’re about to leave the room the earth started moving again everyone ran to the open window to see what’s happening to reveal another Muto coming out of the ground but this time miles away from Ponyville in Canterlot.

“I thought you say that creature was already flying.” Said Princess Luna

“We thought so too.” Said pinkie

The creature stand up on its full height. Twilight immediately notice how different this creature is to the other it doesn’t have Wings and it’s a lot bigger than the other she thinks it could be around 91.44 meters tall or 300 feet tall much bigger than the first one. When the creature was out of the ground it started running to the direction of the Crystal Empire.

“Why is that creature is in a hurry.” Said Rarity

Cadence realize that the same direction to the Crystal Empire


Everyone got worried and scared Princess Celestia use her magic to teleport everyone to the Crystal Empire as fast as she can. When they arrived in the Center of the Crystal Empire. Princess cadence immediately took flight trying to find shine armor and her daughter everyone else told pull the royal guards to get everyone out of the city immediately. 15 minutes have passed and it was the royal guards are trying to get everyone out of the city as fast as I can but there are still people in the city, Cadence finally found shining armor and luckily shining is holding their daughter. Cadence was relieved. Celestia and Luna will be using the Magic to pick up rubble to find any more people were trapped underneath as fast as they can twilight and her friends are also doing the exact same thing.

The trains are ready to take the people out of the Crystal Empire but before people entered in the train they heard a loud roar. The entire city went quiet everyone turned around on the valley and they saw it the giant Muto everyone start to panic, the princess use her magic to create a force field around the kingdom block in the Muto. The Muto was looking at the force field sniffing it like it’s expecting it, The Muto use its full body to crack and open the The force field, cadence was complete shocked.


Princess Celestia and Princess Luna came to princess cadence to help. Both of them use their Magic to create an even stronger force field, this time the Muto look at the force field again and grew irritated the creatures slammed on the Barrier there were some cracks but it didn’t break but the Muto was not giving up. The Muto stand up on its highest height and dropped its full weight on the barrier breaking it instantly.

“How is that possible no creature could we stand our power.” Said Princess Luna

Twilight looked at the Muto it was trying to inhale the shattered magic and it looks like it’s coming down the creature but when the magic shards are gone the creature looked back up on the Crystal Empire and growled in frustration.

Princess Celestia got frustrated and angry as well.

Princess Celestia flew up in the air charging her magic into one deadly beam.

Twilight look back of the creature noticing the creature was licking its beak. Twilight immediately realize the creature wants to get hit, she doesn’t want to admit it but she realize it’s true the creature is searching for food, it feeds on Magic. Twilight shouted as loud as she can but princess already fired the beam, it struck the creature in the center. Celestia’s using all of her magic to try to take this creature down or banish it to somewhere. Everyone including the princess we’re all shocked, the creature was still standing it barely even flinch. The Muto walked forward to princess Celestia she stop shooting the beam, she is horrified to see the creature not even damage or not even banished to somewhere. She stands still in complete frozen in fear the creature was about to hit her until Princess Luna grabbed her in time before the creature hit her. Everyone was in complete panic the creature was destroying the buildings like it was searching for something. Everyone started noticing that the nearby mountains started an avalanche except the rocks were giant, they fall down and got everyone even the Muto attention. Everyone felt a big thump in the ground like something big is walking.






Everyone looked up at the mountain starting to realize the mountain started moving, The main six knows what it is.

“Twilight, is that what I think it is?”

Twilight is still looking at the mountain and started seeing something climbing over the mountain and it took a massive step revealing the full body of the creature

Twilight response
“Oh my God…”


Godzilla stand up full height, it was bigger than the Muto. Godzilla took a loud roar than got the Muto to flinch. Godzilla charge to the Muto fighting it.

This gave the people an opportunity to escape everyone went inside the train and the train went off taking everyone from the Crystal Empire to a safe location. When Twilight turned around looking at Godzilla fighting the Muto, she knows this is bigger than equestria itself.