• Published 20th Jul 2021
  • 1,232 Views, 2 Comments

Equestria GODZILLA #1 - Shark

A strange and Unusual events happening all over a Equestria with strong earthquakes, sightings says they seen a large creature in the distance but rumor says there could be more than one.

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Chapter 5 Last Stand

After Twilight left the cave, Spike, Starlight and Trixie are about to tell the others about Twilight discovery but before they left, Trixie noticed a strange smell from the far ends of the cave.

“Hey! Do you Guys smell that?” Said Trixie. She looked at Starlight and Spike. They also notice the smell.

“What is that smell and why haven’t we smell it before?” Said Starlight in confusion.

“Probably because twilight flew and the wind picked up the smell.” Said Trixie looking at Starlight both trying to figure out what smell it is.

Spike called starlight and Trixie, spike found a unusual tunnel almost covered by collapse rocks.

“What ever it is the smell is coming from that tunnel, but I can’t see anything it’s to dark and the rocks are blocking the path.” Said Spike, more and more the smell is driving Spike crazy like you wonder what’s is inside a locked box.

Starlight move Spike away for she can use her magic to move the rocks away. After clearing the path. The smell was now stronger like a breeze.

They went inside the tunnel to find where that strange smell was coming from. It didn’t took long to find it.

It was a room full of strange flowers, flowers that no one I’ve ever seen before. Spike walked closer to the flowers and smell it and was surprise but the flower smells similar if you can combine a rose with a pumpkin flower.

Starlight brighten the tunnel to discovered cave painting. Trixie went closer to see the cave paintings more clear, this also got spike attention.

They were all amazed to see ancient wall paintings but the difference to these paintings, they’re mostly focusing on the monsters.

Spike, Starlight and Trixie we’re Filled with excitement seeing something that is far older than the founding of a Equestria.

They were seeing different types of creatures, Giants that can fly, Giants that can swim in the ocean, giants who can dig.

But what shocked them the most was the one in the center. The creature looked identical to Godzilla but all the monsters were all around him, like the creatures are bowing to Godzilla.

Everyone looked at each other and come to the realization that Godzilla species are the Apex predator of the monster species like a king.

Spike turn his head notice another painting that looks different than the others, it does focus the monster but this one has two. Starlight and Trixie both turned where Spike was looking, they went closer to the painting.

They were horrified to see all the species of Godzillas, The painting didn’t have much details but it was very clear what its trying to show you.

The monster towering and killing all the Godzilla species was the Muto except this one was very different.

This Muto was Standing on his hind legs. it’s back filled with spikes and it’s arms two were small but the other two were ginormous much thicker and wider than its other arms and legs, The eyes were bright red.

The painting right next to that one shows the aftermath. The Muto died after the battle, Before death came to the Muto, it laid its eggs on the dead body of Godzilla.

Everyone took a step back they were all shocked to discover, Now they know that, that skeleton is Godzilla species.

Trixie broke the silence.
“It makes more sense why Godzilla hates the Mutos.”

“Yeah.” Said Starlight.

Spike looked around and realize something, all the painting shows the species of the monsters but not the Muto.

“Wait. Why isn’t there is no painting of the Muto species like the others, all they have about the Mutos is this.”

Spike points at the painting. Starlight and Trixie both looked at each other and realizing what Spike is talking about.

They both try to look around to find more paintings of the Muto but all there is, is just the one they saw.

Starlight looked at the painting trying to think why only painted one Muto, then she got it, Starlight told Spike and Trixie of her theory about why they only have one painting of this creature.

“It’s like an ant colony, The queen is the one that is responsible of the colony and they’re only showing this one, if that’s the queen and the queen died that means the female is the new queen and it’s going to lay eggs.”

Everyone paused and were shocked but they know, they have to hurry and alert everyone and they need to get to Canterlot to Warn twilight about this.

They both ran out of the cave and seen The other was waiting for them. Applejacks stop them.

“Wo wo whats the hurry.”

Rarity looked around noticing that Twilight isn’t there.

“Where is Twilight dear.”

Spike told them she’s at Canterlot. Before one of them talked, they heard a loud roar from the distance they all turned around to see the male Muto flying around the Canterlot.

Everyone immediately ran to the train station to see everyone in a panic. There is no way the train will take anyone to Canterlot.

At Canterlot Twilight is seeing everyone getting on the train to escape. The soldiers brought the bomb project Adam.

Twilight got chills to see that object in front of her. The Princesses are about to leave but Twilight didn’t move. A soldier started moving her towards the exit.

Then suddenly the male Muto dive bombers on the castle braking the castle, the impact of the hit push twilight and the soldiers back towards the hall where the bomb is at, everyone shouted Twilight hoping she can hear them.

The Muto slams his arm on the castle Breaking it into two. The princess teleports everyone out of the castle to the train station.

She noticed twilight is still in the castle.
Celestia spread her wings and flew towards the castle to rescue twilight but before she did she was hit by the female Muto, launching her back at the train station.

“SISTER!!” Luna cried out.

The female Muto was in front of everyone blocking anyone Who gets closer. Soldiers started taking everyone in the train.

Celestia was unconscious, her head was bleeding from the impact, Luna was holding her completely shock, the soldiers brought Luna and Celestia in the train, while shining is arguing with the soldiers telling them that his little sister is still in the castle but everything went so fast.

The male Muto keeps destroying the castle causing it to collapse, The soldier told twilight to take cover, she listens to him. While the castle started to collapse twilight hears the Muto roaring loudly, when she sees the ground from the window she close her waiting for the impact and, everything went black.

The Mutos roared louder while the train leaves Canterlot. Everyone at Ponyville saw everything that happened. Twilight friends we’re hoping that Twilight made it to the train.

When the train made it to Ponyville, the soldiers were the first ones leave the train, they were running asking everyone we need a doctor now.

Everyone looked inside the train to see Princess Luna hold Princess Celestia, everyone notice that Celestia head was bleeding, everyone were horrified to see her like this. The soldiers took Celestia to the medical tents, Princess Luna immediately followed them and wasn’t talking her eyes were focusing on her older sister.

Spike sees shining Armor arguing with soldiers. Everyone went to talk to shining and Cadence.

“Shining, Cadence!” said spike we ran towards them.

“Spike!” Said Cadence

Starlight and the others looks around and notice that Twilight not here.

“Where’s Twilight?” Said Starlight

Shining and Cadence were sad,
“She’s back at the castle.”

Everyone were shock from the news but shining disagreed.

“Twilight is still alive and trap there, all we need to do is go back and rescue her.”

A soldier joined in the Conversation.
“Captain I’m sorry to disappoint you but due to your injuries you can’t do that, but you can send a rescue team.”

Shining was not looking at the soldier but he was listening, he nod his and said alright, after that they took him to the medical tents.

Everyone don’t know what to do now. Back at Canterlot, the Female Muto was laying her eggs where the castle used to stand. The male Muto was keep an eye on its surroundings, when the female Muto finish laying she stop moving her skin harden, her whole body became a cocoon, she is changing, from the distance starlight was looking at the this her telescope.

Her theory was right, she ran and told everyone about the female, the female is changing, she’s not protecting it, if they sneak inside that find Twilight.

But the real problem is the male, the male is guarding the area, they need to lure it away.

Shining Armor walked in the room
“That’s a great idea.”

Rainbow Dash joins the Conversation immediately.
“There is no way I’m doing that again, and not only that, the male is a fast flyer, I have no idea how it can do that, but your soldiers won’t be fast enough.”

Applejack argues
“Ah then what are we supposed we do, we can’t use magic they eat that, project Adam is in there but it’s not triggered, ah I feel useless what are we suppose to do!”

Rarity response
“Applejack make a good point, what are we suppose to do, just wait here for something to happen, NO!”

Pinkie pie and Fluttershy both agreed to the argument.

“Yeah, I don’t want to deal with those monsters but I don’t want Twilight getting hurt even move!” Said Rainbow Dash

Everyone stopped when they heard a familiar voice, everyone turned there head to see Princess Celestia. Her head was bandaged up. When she entered in the room everyone have a little fear.

“I know all of you want to do something to help Twilight but we’re stuck in a position where Magic is useless and fly would work but if The male Muto is fast by Rainbow Dash said we must find another way.”

Princess Luna enter the room and joins the Conversation.
“Sister, I got an idea that can help Twilight.”

Everyone turns their head to Princess Luna ready to hear her plan.

“If we can’t use magic or flight, then we will sneak inside without attracting the Muto.”

“Luna that’s a great idea!”
Celestia was happy that there is away to solve this problem but Pinkie pie joins the Conversation.

“Wait but the only way to get to Canterlot is by train, using the train will make loud noises, and not only that if they stop the train miles away from the city, the Muto would notice the moving steam.”

Everyone were shocked to her pinkie pie idea about the plan, even the Princesses were shock, and what makes this even more surprising, is the fact she makes a good point.

“Then we walk to Canterlot.” Said Shining Armor in full determination.

But Princess Cadence puts her hoove in front of Shining.

“Shining i know you want to help Twilight, but due to your injuries you can’t walk that far.”

Shining was not happy to hear that but he looked at his leg and has to accept that he can’t do anything right now.

“Alright, but we need to do this now before the female wakes up.”

Shining calls his soldiers to ready up to sneak to Canterlot to rescue Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“Wait everyone, you need to hear thing, it’s important.” Said Starlight getting everyone attention.

“What is it Starlight.” Said Applejack

Spike and Trixie walk towards Starlight both knowing what’s she’s going to say.

“Back at the cave we found a tunnel where it leads to a tunnel filled of cave paintings, and it shows paints of the Godzilla and the Muto, not only that there were other monsters, but one shocked us the most, there used to be a queen Muto much bigger then the others.”

Everyone were focusing and listening what Starlight is saying.

“The queen Muto killed one of Godzilla parents that’s why there’s a skeleton in the cave, after the fight the queen was badly injured that it died but it left it’s eggs alive, and now I think the female Muto is changing in to the queen.”

Pinkie pie interrupts after starlight was finish.

Shining Armor yelled at his soldiers to get ready immediately.

Everyone was scared to hear the news, all they can do is pray.

Five soldiers were getting ready for there mission. Shining spoke out loud.

“Alright listen up, where your going got to be the most dangerous mission you have ever been. All of you are going to rescue Princess Twilight Sparkle she is trapped. This Muto are nothing what we sees, they eat magic so using your magic is useless, flying is a terrible mistake, I have been alerted that the male Muto can fly fast so be careful, Princess Cadence will teleport to closer the city but not close where the Muto can smell or hear it, alright.”

Shining finished talking to the soldiers and now full ready to be teleported.

Princess Cadence use her magic to teleport the five soldiers close to Canterlot.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watched everything happening. Luna looked at her sister wondering what wrong.

“Is something bothering you dear sister?”

Celestia looked at her sister and answered.

“If everything goes well then Godzilla is our only option, I’m just glad Godzilla is not attacking us.”

“Yes but for how long dear sister.”

Everything was black and foggy, Twilight woke up with pain on her wing, she removed the rubble off of her, before she stand up, she turned her head to find Project Adam next to her.

Twilight notice something underneath the bomb like something was crash by the Weight of the bomb, then it hit her she notice that the soldier isn’t around, she looked back down and realized it was the soldier.

More that Twilight saw more she notice the body parts, the soldier was crushed like you slam on a tomato, The blood we spread out everywhere, limbs, body parts and organs scattered around the area, twilight notice some of the blood was on her coat, she shocked, frozen in fear, this was the first time she saw a dead body and the first time seeing a what’s left of the body, there’s no body, all there is was a chunky, dirty, bloody puddle.

Twilight started breathing uncontrollably, she want to scream but she can’t, all she can do is freeze.

Twilight remember the breathing techniques that her brother taught her. It did calm her down, she saw an opening, maybe it’s a away out of here.

She stand up and fell down, not only her wing is broken but her leg is also injured, she was trying to lift herself up, she doesn’t want to be trapped here, so sho is going try as hard as she can.

Every time she walks she can feel her broken bones grinding each other, it was painful but she made it the opening.

She was horrified, she’s sees the giant room filled with the Muto eggs, there were massive, Twilight is fully aware if this creature hatch then life of Equestria will die.

“There got to be away to stop this eggs but how?”

Twilight was thinking hard she know magic won’t work it just feed them and make them hatch faster.

She stop, she turns her head to see bomb.

“Oh sweet Celestia.”

The soldiers were getting closer to the city, there we’re moving quietly through the collapse buildings. They see the male Muto watching the area menacingly, the soldiers were getting closer to the castle but immediately stop when the male Muto started moving, they started hiding through the Rubble.

They were wondering why did the male Muto started moving, one the soldiers looked down at a puddle. The water started moving and than a thud, the soldiers turned around. From the far distance of the Horizon Godzilla arrived, his roar Echoed. Everyone heard it.

Godzilla started walking faster towards the Mutos. Everyone in Ponyville saw Godzilla walking towards Canterlot.

“GO GET THEM BIG G!!” Said Rainbow Dash as she chanted.

The male Muto flew off and charge towards Godzilla with such force that you can feel the impact.

Twilight use her magic to levitate the bomb closer to the eggs, she realize that the bomb was damage and won’t explode, so Twilight has to repair the bomb.

The Muto flew around landing on Godzilla back, biting his gills, Godzilla grabbed the Muto wings pulling it down on the ground and stepped on the Muto legs Breaking it.
The male Muto scream in pain and slammed it’s arms one Godzilla head, the Muto was beating Godzilla’s head nonstop, Godzilla launch on the Muto biting on the Muto shoulder.

The Muto tries to fly away but Godzilla is not letting go, the Muto slams it claw on gills forcing him to let go.

Twilight broke apart the bomb, to repair but she never seen anything like this before she started panicking, but she’s not giving up.

The male Muto started using his claws but Godzilla was not intimidated by the claw. Godzilla charged at the Muto. The creature flew up dodging Godzilla strikes. It crawled on Godzilla back, started stabbing Godzilla, he roar in pain, Godzilla moved violently trying to get the Muto off of him.

The Muto was holding on Godzilla like a tick, then the Muto stabbed Godzilla on the gills, this made Godzilla angry, he grabbed the Muto claw trying to pull him out of his back.

It was painful but Godzilla Threw the Muto down on the ground, when Muto stand up Godzilla started using his claws swiping and hitting the Muto, push the Muto back.

The Muto try to fly away but Godzilla keeps grabbing the legs slamming the Muto back down.

Twilight found away to make to set the bomb to explode that it won’t destroy Canterlot, she can feel the Earth moving by the two titans fighting each other outside she must hurry.

Godzilla slammed the Muto down on the ground, the Muto is struggling to get up before finish off the Muto, everyone heard a load crack. The female Muto is finish changing it burst out of the cocoon, the female Muto looks different every different.

Starlight saw the Muto in fear oh on Muto prime she changed.

The Muto prime roared at Godzilla, Godzilla is getting more angry. Spike, Starlight and Trixie knows that this isn’t just a fight, this is personal for Godzilla.

Muto prime ran at Godzilla pushing him and slamming it’s huge arms at Godzilla getting him to lose his balance.

The male Muto got up started to fly, Godzilla was trying to get up but the Muto prime keeps hitting him every time he gets up, the male Muto flew back to Canterlot guarding the eggs the soldiers were irritated they were almost close to the castle.

Muto prime is now hitting Godzilla nonstop over and Over and over. Everyone was horrified to see Godzilla getting closer to death, Twilight stop and saw what the Muto is doing to Godzilla. She he basically trying to repair the bomb as fast as she can.

Muto Prime stop hitting Godzilla, Godzilla was not moving Godzilla was filled with cuts bruises and blood pouring out, the Muto turned away walk back to Canterlot until Godzilla use his tail to trip the Muto.

Godzilla got up and changed at the Muto well it’s on the ground, Godzilla attacked the creature breaking its arm and leg, the male Muto flew off trying to attack Godzilla, but slam the male Muto while it was charging at him.

Twilight finally finished the bomb and starting it, she heard a ticking noise like a clock. Twilight ran out of the nest. The male Muto flew up circling around Godzilla, when Twilight made it outside the bomb went off the force of the explosion push Twilight 20 feet away, she landed hard, the Muto prime notice the explosion and it walked back to Canterlot.

The Muto looked inside the nest and saw the eggs burned and destroyed. The Muto is is angry. Twilight Tried to move quietly until a rubble fell down next to her, the Muto heard the noise and saw Twilight, she was terrified. The Muto was looking at her with angry eyes.

Before the Muto was about to attack Twilight, she notice a blue light, her and Muto both turn to see the strange blue light, it started from the bottom and started to go higher, the blue light revealed to be Godzilla dorsal plates, Godzilla step forward and release his atomic breath at the Muto, everyone saw it. They never seen another creature so that beside a dragon.

Godzilla kept firing the atomic breath that burn the Muto skin. The male Muto grab Godzilla neck trying to move him away. Godzilla grab the male Muto and throw him, the male Muto was circling back to Godzilla, this Godzilla want to Muto to hit him, before the Muto hit him, swing his tail hit the Muto and landing hard on a mountain, Godzilla came closer to the male Muto and slamming his foot on the Mutos head killing it.

Soldiers found Twilight and started taking her back to Ponyville but the Muto is not done with her yet, Muto slammed its arms blocking the path to escape, the Muto use it small arms to move the soldiers away from Twilight, the Muto did knocked away a few soldiers, two of the soldiers went in front of twilight protecting her, they both scared what the Muto was about to do. The Muto raised his head and it stopped, Godzilla was biting the Muto on the shoulder pulling the Muto away, the Muto try to fight back but Godzilla bit the Muto arm really hard that Godzilla torn the arm off.

The Muto was in pain but still fighting, Godzilla grab Muto before hitting him, Godzilla grabbed the Muto mouth forcing it to open, Godzilla had the Muto mouth open and Godzilla shoot his atomic breath inside the Muto mouth killing it and ripping the head off. Godzilla roared in victory.

Everyone start cheering. The three Princesses were relieved that it’s over.
Starlight looked at Godzilla.

“You did it big guy, did it.”

Twilight was glad it’s over, she saw Godzilla falling down. Everyone was shocked, twilight also fall down, all she hears is The Muffling of the two soldiers talking. She close her eyes and everything went black.

Twilight slowly open her eyes to find herself in a hospital bed, her leg and wings we’re in a cast, suddenly the door opened by everyone running to hug her.

““Twilight never do that again dear.” Said Rarity.

“Yeah you scared us.” Said Applejack

“That got to be the most bravest thing I ever saw twilight.” Said Rainbow Dash

“You were extremely lucky.” Said pinkie pie

“Please don’t hurt yourself.” Said Fluttershy

Twilight was happy to see her friends again, she also see her brother, the three Princesses and Spike, Starlight and Trixie, she got out of the bed and hugged everyone.

Twilight realize.

“What happened to Godzilla?”

“Hey that’s the first time your using Godzilla.” Said Pinkie pie interrupting twilight.

Shining Armor walked to telling her he’s still on the ground, twilight grabbed the crutches and started walking outside, she realized she was still at Canterlot, Shining explained when the Mutos were defeated, everyone went back to cancel lot to repair the damage.

Twilight saw Godzilla still on the ground, it was morning, seeing Godzilla what he look like at day time,

The ground started moving everyone looked back at Godzilla, he’s waking up, he stand up and walked.

“Where’s he going?” Said Trixie

Pinkie pie replied
“Maybe to the ocean.”

Everyone looked at Pinkie pie questioning everything what she say.

Godzilla walked off.
Princess Celestia and Princess Luna looked at each other and nodded.

“Twilight we have something to telling you.”said Princess Celestia

“And it’s very important.”
Said Princess Luna

The two Princesses took everyone back to the room to tell them something. Princess Cadence is not sure what there going to said.

The two Princesses told twilight there are more monsters hide in Equestria and we must find new information in case these monsters attacked again.

The two Princesses decided to tell twilight that her and her friends to do research and find this monsters.

Twilight was excited re-discovering these creatures have been lost through time.

The two Princesses looked at each other,

“Twilight, me and Luna know of an island filled with new creatures miles away from Equestria main land.”

“And the island is the shape of a skull.”

“Me and Luna knows there is another monster like Godzilla but we thought, we should let them be.”

“But know we are full aware of what they can do.”

“We want you and your friends to do research about the island, it looks like the age of monsters has begun.

“Wait, you said there another monster similar for Godzilla?” Said Twilight

“Yes, Godzilla isn’t the only Apex predator.”


The story continues in Equestria Skull Island.

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