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Cato I - Messing Around

“Hey Assholes, We’re Panzer Grenadiers, Not Panzers!”

That was what came out of my mouth during this particular moment for this particular recording session for YouTube with me, Urchin, Flash, and Micro Chip playing Company Of Heroes where at this moment, my teammate who happens to be Urchin is literally sending infantry without anti-tank weapons at one of Flash’s 17-pounder Shermans like a dumbass.

“Wait no.. Ah shit..”

Urchin realized it too late and could only helplessly watch as the infantry squad is mowed down by machine gun fire. “Dang it..”

I meanwhile was too busy having fun channeling Micro Chip’s and Flash’s assaults on my area into a town bordered by a ridge on the far side with climbable slopes with a river running around the town right in front of my positions as the ridge and river curved around the town on both flanks. Right now, I was reducing the town to rubble as infantry units were pounded to bits by mortars and machine gun fire from bunkers at the base of the ridge, as well as Grenadier Squads and Snipers in short sections of sandbagged positions. Meanwhile, the use of Nebelwerfers and rocket mounted halftracks made short work of any mortar groups that tried to support the embattled infantry. As for the enemy tanks, multiple tanks, anti-tank guns, Stugs, and 88mm guns were shredding the tanks and other vehicles as well as some infantry to pieces, supported by armored cars and motorcycles and Flak Panzers. Altogether, I was giving both of them a nearly impossible time assaulting my position.

"Dear lord, that volume of fire emitting from Cato's line is like a volcano. The camera is shaking so much from the explosions.." Micro Chip muttered.

As if that wasn't enough, I was dropping rocket barrages every now and then while receiving support from Stormtroopers, Stuh 42 assault guns, and Tiger Tanks that Urchin positioned within my defenses.

"Dude, you're seriously just making this look like a worst version of Omaha Beach, man. Just ease it up with the freaking buzzsaw of death, Cato" Flash sighed.

"Nope. I'm having way too much fun with this" I replied. I wasn't kidding. I really was having too much fun grinding up forces to dust under absurd weight of fire. Absolute fun all around, like Joker laughing insanely type fun. It was just pure fun for me, not so much for the two on the receiving end of it though.

“Cato.. dude. I’m literally burning through my manpower funds right now. Fall Back Already” Flash said.

“I don’t care. This is the United Bank Of.. Money” I replied, with a particular emphasis on the last word that caused my friends to burst out laughing.

“Oh my god, Cato, dear lord.. ha ha.. that was just good..” Urchin laughed.

Inside my brain, I could only think to myself four words as the match went on.

This is the life.

When we walked into school tomorrow, it seemed like it would be a normal day. Standing by the door, waiting for me and Urchin, were Applejack and Adagio. Then, my eyes shifted to the left to look at Urchin, and I was stunned. There waiting on the side of the stairs, talking to each other, were 22 familiar faces. “Clove? Jason? Everyone? Is that you?” I called out.

I saw the brunette spin around, and there she was. Clove.
Which meant the others were here, too.

“Cato? Urchin?”