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Urchin I - Story Of The Friendship Games

I couldn’t believe it. Fate had somehow brought the 24 of us back together. But just as that moment, we heard a scream. A scream that was familiar to both me and Cato. Applejack.

Turning around, we both raced off to where she was, our friends hot on our tail. When we got to where she was, Adagio was trying to comfort her and pointed to a sign on the wall.

“Friendship Games?” I asked, looking at that. “That’s an odd name for a competition.”

“Probably should be called Dragged Through The Dirt Games If you asked me” said a voice to the left of us. There was Flash standing there.

“Hey Flash, mind explaining to me and Urchin and our friends from our Panem City Days what this is all about?”

"The Friendship Games is a competition that we and Crystal Prep have every few years. Even though these games are supposed to be about Friendship, that couldn't be anywhere close to the truth. In effect, the games are in essence the ritual of us getting our butts handed to us by our fierce rival Crystal Prep and we get pranked by them in the aftermath. Basically, it's the bullying Sunset Shimmer used to hand out 5 times over. Applejack.. well, let's just say she ended up on the receiving end of it a lot. It got so bad that then when Sunset Shimmer came along, it didn't take long before she turned into the quiet, scared girl that you brought her out of, Cato."

Then, there's the sound of a fist punching a locker in anger, and I don't have to turn around to know what's likely the cause of that. Cato is now obviously pissed off. Applejack runs into his arms and cries into his chest. We all look at the two of them. Cato's thinking, really hard.

"Are you seriously thinking about taking on Crystal Prep, Cato? I'm in" says Marvel.

"Same here" Noah joins in.

"We're with you, buddy" I say.

One by one, the rest of the gang joins in. Applejack looks at them, and through the tears, she smiles.

"Cato.. if anyone can take down Crystal Prep, it's gonna be you.." she says. "Don't let me down.."

"We're not" says Katniss. "Because if there's anything the twenty four of us are never going to do in our life span, it's letting someone down.."

"She's right" says Peeta. "They want to curbstomp, we'll just curbstomp them."

"So what's the plan, Cato?" asks Clove.

"I don't know yet.." he says. "But one thing's for sure, Crystal Prep isn't going to find things easy this year."