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Clove I/Cato V/Applejack I - The Confession And The Choice

Author's Note:

As for why Clove is kissing Cato…
My friends, welcome to a Hunger Games ship fans like to call Clato. Clato is good, though honestly, I can see Cato with Applejack as well.

Everyone else stops dead in their tracks, shocked by the sight of Clove kissing Cato. Even Applejack was stunned. Clove pulls away from Cato and speaks up for all to hear.

“As much as I ship Cato and Jackie, I do have to admit that I had feelings for him ever since I met him. After he left, I thought I would never see him again, so I pushed them aside. But when we came here, and I saw you again, those feelings came back, only way more stronger than before. It was when you saved me from being devoured, Cato, that I realized that I, like Jackie, was also in love with you. And as much as I want to keep you for myself, I can’t because I’ll feel guilty for breaking Jackie’s heart. So..”

She trails off, mustering up the courage to say what she is about to say.

“Mind if we both be yours, Cato Hadley?”

Cato looked at Jackie, then at Clove, then back at Jackie. Logic was telling him to choose one, but he couldn’t bring himself to break his best friend or his girlfriend’s hearts by choosing one over the other. In the end, he took a deep breath. Fuck logic.

“Clove, Jackie, the only word I can say here is.. yes.”

All three of them hugged each other, both girls kissing Cato’s cheeks. He couldn’t believe it himself. It was like he was on top of the world.

But the joy and happiness of every one around them didn’t last long, as everyone heard a loud ahem from one person. The person that had made Cato’s blood boil for the past few hours.

“So.. can we expect that Crystal Prep has won the games to the other side’s cheating?” Cinch asked, causing Cato to jerk away from the two girls and storm towards Cinch, only to be held back by the combined efforts of Peeta, Thresh, Marvel, and Ryan.

“Hey! Let me go!” Cato roared.

“Dude! Calm yourself right now! At this level of anger, you’re probably going to snap the woman’s neck if you get your hands on her!” Marvel replied.

Cato calmed down eventually, steaming in anger at Cinch’s smug face. But it was broken seconds later by the sound of another voice.

“I have to say, I’m disappointed in this.”