• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 914 Views, 150 Comments

Costume Catastrophe - PrincessEnchanteDream

Canterlot is about to receive a change in style... whether or not the residents want it.

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Spitfire and Soarin'

The wind whistled past Spitfire’s ears as she ran, kicking the ball away from her teammates.

Fleetfoot groaned as she missed the ball by inches.

Spitfire grinned triumphantly, and with one strong kick, she sent the ball sailing over their heads and right into the goal post.

"SCOREEEE!!!" yelled Thunderlane, who was the goalie.

The Wonderbolts' team all gave each other high-fives to celebrate a game well done.

"Bolts, listen up," commanded Spitfire, blowing on her whistle. "Short break for five minutes and then I want to see individual practice sessions from all of you. Am I clear?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

Fleetfoot and the other girls headed over to the locker room, while Soarin' and Thunderlane made their way over to the other side of the field.

Spitfire stayed behind for one last round.

Just as she was about the kick the ball, a blue and golden blob came out of nowhere and whizzed past her.

She stared at it, then shrugged and went back to her game. She didn't notice it making a U-turn and gently bumping into her.

Spitfire's foot then went for the ball, but due to a sudden and inexplicable change in her gravity she missed it, flew through the air, and landed on her back in the mud with a splat. "Oww!"

The ball rolled casually away and eventually came to a stop in a crevice as Spitfire got back to her feet. "I don't normally have this issue," she said. "Haven't missed a shot like that in years. Is my kit playing up?"

She glanced down to her feet to see if her boots were playing up, and her eyes widened in confusion. Where her usual blue boots should have been, a pair of golden heels sat instead. "What the heck?" she asked.

The heavy duty socks she usually wore to protect her legs from chafing were gone as well, leaving most of her legs exposed. She glanced about herself to see most of her friends had also gotten into similar difficulty, leaving her as not the only one. Although her concern for her team mates was great, she also needed to see to her own predicament, and so tried to wobble off the playing fields as best she could. She'd worn heels in the past, yes. But not ones this stupidly tall!

There was also some strange glare in her eyes that she couldn't get rid of, for some reason. A golden light...

It didn't take her very long to establish the source of said golden light. As she looked down, she saw her normally blue and yellow shorts had turned gold and were glowing intensely. Skidding to a stop to try and avoid anybody seeing her, she looked on in shock as the legs suddenly flowed into each other, merging and joining together to create a single piece down there. The undersides of the legs had also opened up, putting Spitfire in a mini skirt in effect. This was a problem. She hated wearing skirts.

To her even further shock, her shirt, which much like all other Wonderbolts garb was blue with yellow trim, soon turned gold itself. Her left hand shoulder began to unravel, the fabric pulling apart and dropping down her front and back, exposing her arms in the process The neckline plummeted, revealing rather more of her upper chest than Spitfire was comfortable with. Curiously, though, the right hand shoulder fabric stayed in place, presumably to hold the garment up. The sleeve was still removed, though.

The upper part of the shirt, or what had formally been her shirt, suddenly ruffled up all around the sides and front, although the side with the strap on it remained in place. The rest of the lost fabric suddenly reappeared at the bottom of the shirt, which merged into the skirt, producing a dress. A stupidly tight dress which made moving very hard.

Spitfire's waist was suddenly sucked in by an unknown force, and a metal band appearing around her waist made her shiver as a metal contraption burst out from underneath the skirt and grew to the floor, quickly followed by several extra layers of skirts flowing down it to the floor and completely covering her legs and feet.

"Oh no."

The outer skirt, still looking stupidly short, would soon join them as it slid down her legs, flowing to the bottom and covering all the other skirts over.

There was a bright flash, and with a sudden pop the skirts all started to inflate, pushed outwards by the metal hoop. The fabric didn't seem to be stretching and straining in any way, instead physically growing more and more skirt as it pushed outwards. The ground was increasingly swallowed up by the expanding dome, which covered so much ground that it seemed as though it were a mile wide.

The frame inside creaked and groaned as the metal continued to expand, the skirt maintaining a perfect dome shape as it grew. This went on for several minutes, until at last the skirt began to slow down and stop.

And stop they did. The inner layers, at least. The outer layer kept going a bit longer, producing a distinct lumpy texture on it, which looked a bit strange.

Spitfire felt very stupid indeed. She looked down into the skirt, and realized the outer layer was so shiny she could see her face in it. "I hope nobody can see me like this." She stepped forward... and almost immediately tripped. She flew over, landing on the ground with a thud. As she did, there was a loud tearing noise as something got caught on something else.

Spitfire soon pushed herself back up, and looked down to see what had caused the noise. Much of the outer skirt had torn off, leaving a trail of golden fabric and exposed inner skirts. "Maybe that's how I get this off!"

She was wrong. The ruined portions of the skirt glowed, and soon grew longer, the damaged sections regrowing in a matter of seconds. Before long, the skirt was fully repaired, and if you hadn't witnessed the prior incident you would be forgiven for concluding it had never been damaged.

This left Spitfire even more disheartened. "So I can't get this thing off and any damage it takes is magically repaired. Fate, I hate you sometimes."

"Hey, boss! What's going on?"

Spitfire heard the voice of Soarin', her second in command, approaching. She turned as best she could to see both him and her fellow players running towards her, all of them wearing a combination of heavy evening gowns and formal attire.

She facepalmed. "This is getting silly."

"AAAHHH!!" Soarin' yelled, as he ran away from the ball of light chasing him.

What on earth was happening?

A few minutes earlier, he and Thunderlane had been practicing goals and everything seemed perfectly fine.

Then, he stopped for a break while Thunderlane went to practice shots with Misty Fly.

The next thing he knew, a scream had rung out in the air, and weird blue and gold sparks were flying in the air.

And, now one such ball was right at his heels!

Soarin' was a veteran sportsman, and a longtime student of Canterlot High School who believed that anything could plausibly be believed if the evidence to support said belief existed. Unlike a lot of his more skeptical classmates, he accepted the possibility that magic could exist, considering all the craziness that happened in his home town on a regular basis, ranging from magic crowns and weird amulets creating demonettes (not 'she demons', as that is not a word), green mists, and possibly strange trees and living plants entombing students on mountain tops. Safe to say, he was well versed in the weirdness department.

He would have been fully equipped to face these supernatural threats, but sadly today was not one of those days. As he sprinted across the field, trying to get away from the magic sparks, he rolled into a tree with a bang and was shaken when a blob hit him, sending him the other way and landing him next to a wall. "Ouch, that's gonna sting."

He sat up, processing the circumstances going on, when he suddenly noticed a golden sheen near him, soon joined by a duller, darker colour to offset the bright light and help him see properly. He glanced down to see what had caused the light. Possibly the most garish jacket he had ever seen in his life. It was gold with black trim in all sorts of different places to offset the intensity of the colour.

His blue sports shirt soon joined in the fun, gaining a collar at the top and then buttons down it, the shirt splitting open in the process, which looked very weird indeed. It then turned white, and the buttons all did themselves up. Including the top one with the folded down collar, which made breathing an interesting logistical exercise as it was far too small for him.

His shorts then joined in the changing game, turning black, gaining a belt and belt loops around the top, and then growing longer over his knees and down to his ankles. The belt was also quite tight, and Soarin' tried to loosen it, but his hands were deflected away by an electrical discharge.

"Patience..." hissed a voice.

"Oh great," Soarin' thought. "I'll be stuck like this for a while..."

His beloved boots soon morphed into a pair of black shoes with no laces or indeed any formality at all, giving them the look of a pair of loafers. Soarin' was aghast. He was no opponent of wearing posh stuff (and he had to admit Spitfire looked great in the Wonderbolt flightsuit worn for extreme sports), but this looked like something a fourth rate pop star would wear.

And a Fourth Rate Pop Star was a thing that Soarin' did not want to be. As he glanced about, trying to ascertain if anybody else was around or indeed affected by this, he suddenly saw the team captain, Spitfire, tripping and damaging a very big and very fancy dress she was wearing. Only Soarin' knew that she hadn't been wearing anything like that seconds ago.

"Ah, so it must be magic!" he said, and began to head for her position.

"Hey boss! What's going on?"

Spitfire turned towards him, in a golden dress so bright that he had to shield his eyes from the intensity of it.

Upon seeing the rest of her teammates also dressed in formal evening dresses, Spitfire facepalmed.

"This is getting silly."

"I'd like to disagree, boss," piped in Surprise as she ruffled around in volumes of white skirts. "THIS IS SO FUN!"

Her fellow players had differing opinions though.