• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 906 Views, 150 Comments

Costume Catastrophe - PrincessEnchanteDream

Canterlot is about to receive a change in style... whether or not the residents want it.

  • ...

Lyra and Bon-Bon

Lyra was practicing her lyre when a blue-green blob came out of nowhere and hit her. She, unfortunately did not see it, as her eyes were closed in concentration.

Lyra looked up from her steps. She was certain something had hit her, but on the other hand she may have imagined it. Rather like she had imagined those portals with ponies inside them back at the Friendship Games. She brushed it off at first, and got up to go back indoors.

Her arms felt a bit warmer than usual. This was funny, as the sun didn't seem to be particularly strong today. She glanced to one side to try and figure out what was causing it, only to notice she suddenly had sleeves. Not only that, they were progressively getting longer, eventually flowing down to her wrists, and expanding in width until they trailed downwards by at least several inches.

Her shirt then lost its elaborate and fancy patterning, alongside the pockets, and turned brown, although her neckline rose a bit and became square, as opposed to its normal curved shape. Embroidered white and red fabric formed into place around the neckline and along the edges of the sleeves.

"Well, this is interesting." Lyra was curiously blasé about the entire thing, but kept on watching nonetheless as her shirt, changed as it was, merged into her shorts.

The result looked very strange indeed. The rather fluffy material on her shorts flattened down as the legs merged together. Her socks then unravelled from around her feet, and the remaining fabric moved up her legs to combine with her shorts, or rather skirt. She then noted that the entire assembly turned brown as the socks widened and joined together, forming an even longer skirt. Her boots, on the other hand, turned into a pair of heels, shrinking down and morphing until they did not resemble their former state at all.

The skirt, which was now roughly the same width as her, then grew downwards to the ground and began to pool at the bottom, albeit not very much at all to allow her to still be able to walk.

Lyra sat down as the process had apparently finished, her clothes a rather off shade of brown, as a light brown belt with an elaborate metal buckle appeared around her waist to complete the process and help to hold the dress together. "Well, that was disappointing. I was hoping to get something a bit more elaborate."

She glanced to the side to see her lyre had somehow become a full harp at her side. However, the principle of playing the much larger instrument remained the same, and she began to play an old melody that she knew well, and that she knew had a high probability of attracting somebody she knew and cared for very well.

And sure enough, she was there. Lyra smiled as a large crowd assembled to hear her play, and amongst them was Bon Bon, dressed not dissimilarly to her.

On the other hand...

Bon Bon, as her name implied, was an expert at the handling and processing of sweets, whenever she was not doing work on the side for SMILE. Sometimes the two jobs coincided, which was handy for a secret agent. And best bit of all, her girlfriend had no clue of her double life.

However, a recent incident had been made known to her, and as a result she needed to go undercover. For this end, she would be travelling in disguise, or disgeese as her handler kept calling it (she assumed he was French, based on his atrocious English and his inability to pronounce words correctly).

She was most surprised when a spark crashed into her inside her house, but otherwise showed relatively little concern. "Perhaps this is a new disguise delivery system!" she said. "To replace the old machine method!"

What followed not long after would initially seem to confirm her suspicions. The bow around her waist, which doubled as a belt, unwound itself from around her waist, and then faded into the fabric, causing it to briefly bulk up before fading away into it. Not to worry. There was always a way to reverse the disguises when needed.

She was, however, a little surprised when the blue and yellow lines from the skirt of her dress vanished, fading to white, before the yellow lines that formed part of the shoulders faded too. Following this, the collar shrank into the blouse, which looked very odd indeed.

Blue colours ran up the sides and part of the front of the dress, and over her shoulders, and down the other side all the way to the bottom.

"Well, this is a bit of a strange disguise," Bon Bon said to herself. She had often had to wear weird things as an agent, though. Once she had to go and spy disguised as a pineapple. Don't ask, it's a very long story.

The sleeves of her blouse began to grow longer, sliding down her arms and over her elbows, across her forearms, and then stopping at her wrists. The section around her elbow turned white, and then shrank back slightly.

Her skirt then began to grow, flowing over her knees and down to her feet, before expanding in width and taking up more room to the sides as it gained fabric in several places. Her chest and waist fabric also loosened, giving her a bit more space to breath, before a series of blue ribbon fabric was tied up in front to help secure the chest in place.

Bon Bon blinked in surprise. "I'm not sure this is the disguise."

Suddenly, the idiot policeman from earlier entered. "Good moaning."

"Good moaning," Bon Bon replied.

"I was just possing by the deer, and I thought I would drip in woth the disgeese," said the policeman. "But I soo that you already have the disgeese, so that resilves that win. I shall goo and take fourty wonks, before I inspoct the droons."

He left the box there, and Bon Bon blinked. "How can his English be so bad?"

Bon Bon saw there was an oboe like thing in the box, and took it out before proceeding outside. "Maybe I'm supposed to be a bard?"

She then walked down the street, and to her astonishment, saw a crowd had gathered around Lyra, who was playing a harp!

The assembled crowd clapped when Lyra finished her impromptu concert. Bon-Bon made her way through the throng of people, coming to stand in front of her best friend.

"Why Lyra, I wasn't aware you could play the harp," she said slyly.

Lyra grinned back at her. "The more you know. Besides, you're one to talk, Miss-I-came-from-the-medieval-ages."

Bon-Bon tapped her chin in thought. "Come to think of it, everyone nearby is dressed pretty similar to us. Rather strange, don't you think?"

"Let's go find out then!"