• Published 17th Aug 2021
  • 914 Views, 150 Comments

Costume Catastrophe - PrincessEnchanteDream

Canterlot is about to receive a change in style... whether or not the residents want it.

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Celestia and Luna

Celestia whistled merrily to herself as she finished the last of her chores and sat down on her couch. A perfect weekend to relax. And what's better than to do some gardening to relax? Nothing else, that's what!

Celestia loved her greenhouse. Filled with a generous amount of plants and exotic flowers, it was truly a picture of great beauty. She was so lost in tending to her plants that she didn't notice when a scream rang out in the air.

Or, maybe she did and just brushed it aside, thinking it to be nothing out of the ordinary. After all, they dealt with magic-crazed villains from a horse world on a daily basis. Yeah, nothing new there really.

Her first awareness of the situation, so caught up was she in her gardening, was a bright flash coming from somewhere near her position. She quickly covered her eyes to shield them from the light and any unwanted radiation, fearing that the worst had come to the worst and a second Cherneighbyl had happened just down the road..

She looked up out of her greenhouse and through the glass to see strange particles floating through the air, all of them glowing intensely and leaving blue and golden trails streaking through the sky. "Well, this is strange," Celestia said.

Suddenly, there was a voice. "Is everything OK in there?"

Celestia quickly glanced about to see if any of her plants were talking, as had happened the last time strange energies had been around. "I'm fine, thank you! But thanks for checking, Luna!"

"I shall put some tea on if you would like," Luna replied.

"That would be nice. Thank you!"

As Luna made her way indoors, Celestia decided to check the news on her phone, reaching down to the pocket on her jacket to take it out.

Only her pocket was no longer there. Her phone had landed on the floor, as the garment it had been in was currently in the process of sinking into her shirt.

"Oh my," was Celestia's decidedly muted reaction to what was happening. She bent down anyway to pick the phone up and take a closer look at what was going on nearby, only to have no signal. "Bother!"

Her golden jacket had almost completely faded into her shirt by this point, sinking in like it was melting. It was at once fascinating and confusing to watch. Celestia could only conclude that Equestrian Magic was at it again, but she had never seen it do this before.

The first thing she noticed was the sleeves of her shirt growing longer, presumably from all the fabric absorbed from her jacket. The sleeves flowed down her arms, curved round the bits where her elbows were, continued down her forearm, and then reached her wrists, where after pointing out slightly, they stopped growing. Golden trim formed on the pointed part.

The purple line running across her shirt began to lighten, until it had faded from view completely. What happened next surprised Celestia. The neckline and shoulders of the shirt began to shrink down, sliding down her front, past her neck, and dropping further and further still. The sleeves dropped down to partway below her shoulder, before suddenly puffing outwards to the sides and gaining a similar pointed element to the ends of her sleeves with golden lining and trim. The next stage was the middle of her shirt dropping down past her collarbone, down her chest, and stopping when it reached the front of her breasts, leaving some of her cleavage exposed to see.

"Not my immediate choice of clothing," Celestia noted, as golden lines flowed up and down the sides of her now thoroughly transformed shirt, and along the top of the bodice. A golden necklace with a purple gem set into it appeared around her neck whilst a golden tiara, also with a purple gem, appeared on her head.

"Principal!" called a voice from outside. Celestia looked over and saw Rainbow Dash outside, calling to her.

"Hello Rainbow Dash, what can I do for you?" Celestia asked, momentarily forgetting the sheer absurdity of what was happening to her.

"You may want to leave the greenhouse whilst you still can! You may get a big dress!"

Celestia wasted no time in exiting the greenhouse. And she made it just in time. As she was walking to the door, her shirt suddenly merged into her pants. As she opened the door, the button holding them in place were it not for her shirt vanished, and the zip faded into them as well (the pants, not the button), which left Celestia with a very strange looking garment indeed.

She made her way out of the door and locked it behind her, dropping the key into her pocket. Or rather she would have had the pocket still been there, for both of them had suddenly sewn themselves up, the interior of the pocket merging into her existing clothing. "This is getting rather awkward."

She was shortly clear of the door, with plenty of space, when the legs began to merge together. The divide between them closed up, and spread down towards her feet. The legs then seemingly melted into each other like cheese melting on a hot slice of toast, and before long Celestia had a dress with an ankle length skirt.

"Well, this doesn't seem too bad. A tiny bit low cut for my taste, but nothing too bad."

Unfortunately, Celestia just had to tempt fate. With those words, the skirt began to grow again. It flowed down and over her feet, rendering her unable to see her feet (Celestia already had heels on, so she suspected those would not get affected if this was going the way she thought it was).

The skirt turned white in a similar manner to the purple band that had once existed on her shirt turned bodice, and a golden set of places with a purple gem clasp appeared around her waist. Golden lines flowed down the front of her skirt as some of it folded back slightly to reveal some other layers. Celestia felt something flow down her legs, followed by something cold and metallic atop that. The rustling that followed suggested some fabric layers atop that as well.

Then, with a bright flash, the skirt started to grow. It expanded across the ground and grass at an increasingly rapid rate, the fabric flowing out of the dress and allowing it to gain a wider and wider span. It stretched across the ground, an endless expanding dome that pushed onwards.

Celestia's face had changed from one of concern to partial delight. "It looks like a flower in bloom!"

As she noted this, more lining and fabric was added to the skirt, allowing it to expand ever more quickly. It grew relentlessly, sweeping across the ground with a loud rustling that made it clear to all who witnessed it what was happening.

Celestia was almost disappointed when it began to slow down. I say almost, as she was fully aware of the growing weight on her hips as the dress expanded. It slowed, spluttered forward a few more inches, and then stopped completely.

The Principal of Canterlot High School looked over her new clothes in a mixture of confusion and wonder. "Well, this was not what I was anticipating would happen today. But that's not really an issue. This may just be my inner child speaking, but I feel like a princess."

Rainbow Dash sniggered at that.

"Is something funny?"

Rainbow Dash spoke up quickly. "According to Twilight, your counterpart in Equestria is also a princess, so this may be-"

"Somewhat apt?" Celestia said, starting to step forward. Her skirt swayed as she walked, gently rocking back and forth with her motion. She then stopped, momentum nearly keeping her moving. "It is a bit impractical, and somewhat heavy."

"This seems to be happening to everybody," Rainbow Dash explained. "People's clothes are being changed by Equestrian magic, and Starlight can't go back to ask Twilight for help as her dress can't fit through the statue. I was wondering if you had any way of contacting her?"

"I'm afraid not," Celestia replied. "As far as I know, the only one who can is Sunset Shimmer."

Rainbow Dash sighed. "And none of us can get to her as she's up in the hills, and none of us can drive there for obvious reasons."

Suddenly, the pair heard a cry of surprise from inside the house. Celestia picked up her skirts and rushed to the door. "Luna!" She then got stuck. She looked back. "Rainbow Dash, I am aware this is most undignified, but could you give me a push?"

Luna hummed as she turned on the gas and put on the kettle for tea. After doing so, she turned towards the living room, for some peace and quiet.

True to her nature, she preferred to keep the blinds shut and use less light as much as possible.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, meditating in the peaceful environment. That is, until she was interrupted by a bright flash of light.

Luna was confused at the sudden burst of light. She liked to keep the lights off as much as possible during the day, and the sun had been very intense so she had closed the curtains, leaving the house in a beautiful shade of darkness that left her in a state of peaceful contemplation.

Only for this to have been interrupted by this blast of light. The intense light had messed up her vision, so she waited to try and let it clear.

Although she could barely see, she could hear what sounded like a strange hissing noise, like somebody was pumping a tire full of air. She tried to figure out who could be using a bicycle pump at this point in the day. Celestia, maybe?

Luna wandered over to a light, but seemed to be having a harder time than usual getting there, as if something was constraining her movement. She wasn't wearing anything of the sort, so this had her concerned. She finally made it to the light switch and switched it on.

She gasped when she saw what was causing the problem. Her pants seemed to be filling with air. Whereas they were normally form fitting, they were bulged, and expanding in size as she looked on. This was what seemed to be producing the hissing sound. "What in the world is going on?"

As they continued to be stretched and inflated, they began to creak, indicating they were reaching their limits. With a sudden pop, a seam went. Then another. Then another.

In a series of sudden and loud pops and bangs, the seams on her pants tore open from top to bottom, fabric ripping and splitting as something tore them to oblivion. Luna could see something blue underneath them, but had little time to react as the blue object suddenly exploded outwards, flinging the ruins of her previous clothes across the room.

Fabric poured out into the room like a tidal wave, expanding rapidly into a giant dome. Skirts and extra layers formed underneath as a metal frame popped into existence, sitting on Luna's hips. The skirt popped out into a dome shape, with sections slowly bulging outwards further than some others to produce a ridged look.

"What sorcery is this?" Luna exclaimed, suddenly shocked to be in a massive skirt that took up a considerable portion of the room.

The collar of her shirt sank down her body and morphed into a light blue, flat band of fabric that looped round her neck gently. Her shirt tore itself open around her breasts, leaving parts of the top exposed whilst keeping a modest form. Her sleeves inflated until they were the size of small beach balls, and turned a light blue. The same color as the skirt, to be precise.

As her shirt latched onto the skirt and formed a dress, the bodice, as it was now, turned a very dark blue as the light blue fabric loops were held in place by a dark blue disk with a symbol of the moon on it. Luna gritted her teeth as her waist was suddenly sucked in by a corset, which proved to be extremely uncomfortable as she disliked wearing such constraining things.

Finally, a small blue crown materialised on her head. Luna, panting from not only the confusion but also having to breath harder thanks to her constrained waist, looked on in a mixture of confusion and concern. "I simply do not understand. What causes one's clothes to suddenly become like a ballgown? I must look ridiculous!"

Suddenly, she heard rustling outside a window. She went over to it and opened it, seeing a girl with pink skin standing there. Also wearing a massive dress.

"Oh, hello!" the girl replied. "I'm Starlight Glimmer. Rainbow Dash said I was to look for Vice Principal Luna. I presume you are her?"

"Yes," Luna replied, "although I must more closely resemble a princess right now with all this ridiculous finery on. Tell me, how are you attired such as you are?"

"Strange magic is changing everybody's clothes," Starlight replied. "I, for one, kinda like it!"

"Alas, some of us do not," Luna replied. "This will take some getting used to. But I wonder why these things? Such voluminous skirts do not easily lend themselves to daily living."

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie appeared. "HI! Everybody's wearing these things because the two authors of this story really like poofy dresses and it makes for some really fun writing and description!"

"Ahhh!" Luna cried. "How did you get in here?"

"If she's like the Pinkie I know, it's best not to question it," Starlight sighed.

The door suddenly opened, and Celestia appeared- and got wedged in the door. "Rainbow Dash, I am aware this is most undignified, but could you give me a push?"

"Coming right up!" Rainbow Dash shoved Celestia through, and the Principal popped through, her skirt popping back into shape moments later.

"Greetings, dear sister," Celestia said, in a mock formal tone, and curtsying as she did so. "Pray tell, how goes the realm today?"

Luna rolled her eyes. "Sister, you are enjoying this FAR too much. I know you loved dressing up as princesses as a child, but the practicalities of these clothes, or lack thereof, are making things very difficult. I cannot fit through doorways, for example."

"Should we discuss the matter and come up with a plan to get everybody into one place?" Celestia asked.

"Of course," Luna said. She then turned to Pinkie, but Pinkie had vanished. "How strange. Starlight, you had better come inside too. It is rather difficult conducting an entire series of negotiations through a window."