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The Play That Saved The Dance/ Their Brutal Kind Hearted Saviors 2

Everyone stops and looks at Cato as the demonized Robbie thrashes in his arm-lock and the Demon that is Sunset Shimmer stares in a bit of shock. They all wondered what in the hell Cato is thinking, but it’s only clear to a certain few what he’s trying to do. He was basically playing chicken and fake out with a demon Sunset Shimmer. And in the midst of all this, no one notices Flash hurrying over towards Twilight and her friends.

“You heard me, Shimmer. Now, go on. Shoot me. And we both go down and you win.”

Cato knew what he was doing. All he was doing was buying Flash time to get Twilight and her friends to defeat Sunset. He just had to keep up the charade until they succeeded in doing that. He really tried not to think about if he was going to die doing this or not. He really didn’t want to think about that.

“Go on. I’m just.. dead anyway. I mean, I always was, right? But I guess I.. didn’t know that till now.”

Even to those that knew what Cato was doing, it was still heart breaking to hear his words. Even Cato himself felt a little heartbreak at what he was saying. But, he had no choice. He had to keep going or risk losing everything. And there was no way in hell he was going to let the latter happen on his watch. He had to do this. He had to succeed, for better or worse. The whole world was resting squarely on his shoulders and he knew it. He had to do it, for he had no choice at all in this matter. Life or death, victory hung in the balance.

“How’s that? Is that what you want?! Huh?! Huh.. No.. Na Na Na. ….I can still do this.”

He could tell from what he was seeing that even though Sunset had a fire ball ready to go, a part of her was still hesitating about incinerating Robbie, a weakness that Cato hoped to continue to exploit. How long that would last though, was anybody’s guess.

“Oh, I can still do this. Just one more kill. Aside from being academically perfect, it’s the only thing I know how to do. Bringing pride to my family and to my school.”

The hesitation, however, was now failing as Sunset regained her dark desires. She started to wind up, preparing to throw the fire ball at them. Cato prepared himself for what might be his last moments in the realm of the living.

“But I guess at this point.. not that it matters now.”

To his fortune, though, his number wasn’t up yet. As she was about to release it from her hand, she was hit from below and behind by combined waves of magic, causing the fireball to disappear and for Sunset to howl out in agony. Cato smiled and released Robbie who was transforming back into his human self at that moment, for he knew what that meant.

Flash, you magnificent bastard. You came through just in time.

Sunset saw Cato's smile and him releasing Robbie and knew what that meant. She gasped in horror after realizing what Cato had done.

"You.. You faked me out?!" she screamed, causing Cato to smirk.

"Yep, and you totally fell for it!" he shouted back, no remorse and all pride in his voice.

Robbie's hypnosis ends and he looks around and notices what is happening, and breaks down crying in joy. Cameron, Urchin, and Marvel stop fighting their demonized opponents and watched as they transformed into their human forms, looking at each other and breathing a sigh of relief while grinning. It was over, finally it was over. They had won and succeeded in stopping Sunset’s plans. As they were doing that, Adagio and her sisters’ amulets stop emitting dark energy and then morphed their shape until they were now heart amulets. When they snapped out of their trance and saw this, they hugged each other and cried happily, knowing that they were freed from Sunset’s curse. Then as if by complete coincidence, the girls all ran towards the boy they were interested in.





Each of the Careers found themselves caught in a pile of hugs from the respective girls interested in them, and practically everyone around them, aside from Twilight and Sunset, were amazed at the scene playing out in front of them. Then, they all formed a circle around the four boys, who all collectively gulped.

"That.." started Glimmer, only to be interrupted by Applejack.

"..was collectively the most stupidest stunt you four could have ever pulled, and it still worked! You had us all scared half to death. We all though we were going to lose you. Do you all have a death wish or something?!" she screamed, catching all four Careers off guard. It took a while before Cato answered.

"I mean, in the heat of the moment, it was probably the only option I had. I mean, how else was I supposed to-" Cato starts, but gets cut off by Clove walking up to him, pulling his head down and kissing him square on the lips. The other girls squealed and the guys just went slack jawed. Clove pulls away and smiles.

"Cato.. me, Applejack, and Lori all want to say that we all care about you.. and when you were doing the thing that saved us all, it made us realize something.. it made us realize that the person we wanted to go to the Fall Formal with was just standing in front of us this whole time. It was.. you" Clove says, then turns to Lori, who sighs and nods.

"Look, Cato, me and my sisters, we are terribly sorry for abusing our only brother and breaking you and Cameron's trust. It hasn't been all that hard on me, but it's been especially hard on Lynn Jr, Leni, Luan, and Luna because they're all in love with Cameron" she says, causing gasps and squeals to echo throughout the group, which now had all of the Career's other friends gathered around. Lori turns and looks at Cameron, and smiles. "Honestly, I don't know how that boy managed to literally steal the hearts of four of my younger sisters and get on good terms with my brother at the same time without having to go through the madness of the Loud House, but I will admit, your adopted younger brother is something, Cato."

Cameron smiles and turns red in the face and looks away embarrassed, and Cato just chuckles, before Sam speaks up.

"Marvel.." she says. "Honestly, what happened with the others.. it was the same way with me, Sasha, Glimmer, and Finch. Seeing you fighting off those demons, it made us realize that we wanted you because we all fell for you. You're one of a kind."

Marvel gets a stupid grin on his face, causing the other three to start laughing. It only stops as Rue continues the round of confessions.

"I know this is starting to sound cliche" she says. "But, I think me, Adagio, and Carol saw the same thing in you, Urchin. That you were the one we wanted the most because we fell in love with you."

Cameron now interrupts and basically pre-empts the other girls. "Wait so that means.. Wendy, Mina, Sonata, Amber, Marina, Juliet, Lacey, Rarity, and Fluttershy.. they all want me too?!"

All the aforementioned girls' heads nod and blush, causing Cameron to become speechless. He just couldn’t believe it.

"Sometimes, I will never understand my luck. Like, I will truly never understand how my luck is just absurd” he says, as the cops show up to take Snips, Robbie’s goons, and Snails away.

“So, what do you say, boys? We’re all eager to share~” Clove says seductively, and the other girls just blush. Cato is just nodding his head, Urchin has a stupid grin on his face, and Marvel is so deep in thought that Cameron has to elbow him in the ribs again and make the decision for him.

“What are you waiting for? The pros and cons?! Your answer should obviously be yes, nitwit!” Cameron says to Marvel, who groans in pain. This causes the others to laugh at poor Marvel, who only gets sympathy from the girls interested in him.

“Note to self, never bring up the topic of multiple relationships around Cameron in the future” Marvel mutters while laying on his back on the ground, clutching his ribs.

Then, Robbie comes up to Wendy.

"Like, I'm sorry for being here. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for bullying you. Sunset made me choose between becoming her lackey and her making your life a living hell. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was only trying to save you from her wrath" he says, crying. Wendy hugs him in return.

"Thanks. Nice to see the Robbie I know is still in there" she says. Robbie smiles.

"Oh, and I think you do pair well with Cameron" he says before walking off, causing Wendy to blush. Just then, Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna walk up.

"Nice work, you four. Now you did say you had a band" Luna says, a smirk on her face. It takes Cameron and Cato 5 seconds to put two and two and then, the two of them grin stupidly like they had won the lottery. Then, Marvel gets it 4 seconds later and blurts what the former two had figured out out loud.

"Wait, don't tell me.. you're asking us to perform for the Fall Formal?!" he shouts, and Luna nods her head, causing the whole group of teens to burst into celebration.

"Well, Cameron, guess we got to make a run home for the instruments.." Cato says, heading towards the Suburdan.

"Yep" Cameron says, following his older brother to the car and heading to get the instruments, as everyone watched the two bloodied Careers walk away. Inside his brain, however, he was still processing the unbelievable night he was having.

Saved the world, got multiple girlfriends now, and I get to perform in front of them! Awesome!