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The Truth Comes Out

At Applejack’s place, there was some awkwardness in the air since the Loud Sisters and the four guys in the room really weren’t on good terms with each other since yesterday. Either way, both had heard about Twilight’s moment and decided that this was their moment to find out and confirm the truth once and for all. Whatever happened, the truth would come out and the 4 boys would decide where to take it from there.

Needless to say, everyone was surprised when Pinkie Pie basically blurted it all out. Any doubt about it was dispelled a few seconds later when Spike spoke as well.

“Talking Dogs and Magical Girls..” said Marvel. “Hah..”

This caused Cameron to elbow him in the ribs, causing Marvel to clutch them in pain.

“Ow.. what was that for?” asked Marvel. Cameron didn’t respond.

Twilight went on to explain that if she didn’t get the crown back before midnight, she would be stuck in their world for thirty moons. What she meant by that last part, Cato didn’t stop to listen for he was already literally dragging Marvel, Cameron, and Urchin out the door.

“Alright, here’s the plan” he said, once they were outside. “We’re going to clean up that gym and make sure Fall Formal happens tonight. Understood?”

The other three saluted. “Sir Yes Sir!” they all said.

“At ease” said Cato.

“Hey, uhm Cato..” Urchin said. “Does that mean I gotta drive Flash home and back?”


“Oh okay” said Urchin, as the four, along with Flash who had walked out after hearing his name, went to their vehicles.

Little did anyone guess that at that moment, Sunset was hypnotizing Robbie to do her bidding as punishment for telling Cato his secret. She was giggling gleefully, for she was plotting her play for the crown that night.