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Old Friends and New Enemies

When the guys got to Canterlot High the next day, they were rather surprised to see the girls waiting for them there for a moment before they realized why. Since they had seen them practically take down their tormentors almost flawlessly yesterday, it would make sense that they would feel comfortable around the kids that dared to stand up against the ones that figuratively owned the school. Of course, they weren't the only ones standing there. The rest of Cato and the guys' old friends were there too. Thresh, Ryan, Juliet, Noah, Katniss, Peeta.. the rest of the former group of 25 that met in fifth grade and were inseparable until the end of middle school were back together again. Of course, while that was going on, all of them heard the voice of a familiar malicious kid who had punched Cato in the face the day before.

"Heh, seems the losers actually have friends."

Cato and Cameron turned around and the angry, vicious stares emitting from the two siblings made the black haired punk back off and leave with the rest of his crew.

"I swear, that kid and that red and yellow haired bitch get on my nerves" Cameron sighed. "Who the hell are those two?"

Thresh responded almost immediately. "Robbie Valentino and Sunset Shimmer, aka a match made in hell. The King and Queen of Bullying. Robbie was, I believe, Wendy's ex-boyfriend who broke up with her and started bullying her after Sunset Shimmer came along and corrupted him after she broke up with Flash Sentry. They're not dating, a fact that I know to be true because both of them have actually stated they're not interested in dating the other and have proven with their actions that they only consider each other as buddies, which is a small comfort. But anyways, it's said that anyone that messes with them has their entire life ruined, so it's best to stay away from them, unless of course..." He stopped there, sighing.

"Of course what?" Lori asked Thresh.

"...you happen to be Cato, Cameron, Marvel, and Urchin" Thresh finished, as all of the aforementioned boys' friends turned to see them with dumb grins on their faces looking at each other.

"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Cato said to the other three, who nodded.

"No" said a worried Peeta.

"Let's go" said Cato, and the four of them jogged into Canterlot High.

"Hey guys, please no-" Peeta started, but the four teens were already moving. Turning back to the others, he groaned. "Ooooh, here we go again."

"Again?" asked Sasha. "What does he mean by-"

"Basically, whenever those four feel like doing something that probably involves danger, there's no stopping them and the rest of us get dragged along for the ride" said Noah, as he and the group from Panem High jogged after the four teens. The girls from Canterlot stood there for a moment, speechless, as they tried to comprehend the fact that their four saviors were willing to take on their tormentors and try to end them for good in order to make their lives' better. It gave them a rather warm feeling that up until now, only their families had been able to give them. Comfort. Comfort in the fact that they were willing to try and make a change. Practically none of their classmates before they came along ever had that in them. It really was a signal that their fortunes were changing, and that there really was hope that things at Canterlot High were going to change. Then they all looked at each other, blushed, and then followed after Cato, Cameron, and their friends.

It really didn't long for Cato, Cameron, Marvel, Urchin to notice that the bullies had been up to something when they walked in. Students were on their phones, giggling and laughing and talking about how stupid and weird someone was. Then, someone thrust a phone in the four boys' faces.

"Dudes, look at this Twilight Sparkle girl! Isn't she dumb as hell? Hahahaha" said the guy holding the phone.

Cato, Cameron, Urchin, and Marvel all studied the picture closely. As the guy went on laughing about how stupid this 'Twilight Sparkle' was, the four of them all realized something. This wasn't a picture of someone doing something dumb and hoping someone wouldn't notice. This was someone that was doing dumb things almost as if she wasn't used to how things worked on this planet. As if she was from another world entirely..

The four of them looked at each other with the same creeped out face and knew that they had realized what this actually was. Sunset was mad at this girl for some reason, and was trying to ruin her life. But why? None of them knew at the moment, but as they pushed past the kid and headed for their classes, what they did know is that they needed to find this Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle.. and fast.

"Urchin, you and I will look for Twilight Sparkle after classes. Marvel and Cameron, you two look for Flash Sentry" Cato spoke as the four of them went into their first class. The other three nodded, knowing that Cato telling them to split up after class meant that he had a plan, and he was already starting to put the plan into action.


After classes, the boys headed to their lockers before starting to look for their respective targets. Most of the girls and their own friends had already gone home for the day, meaning that the four were free to search. It didn't take long for Cato and Urchin to be drawn to two different scenes. For Cato, the sound of arguing led him outside to where he found Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and a pink haired and a rainbow haired girl arguing about something, and beyond them, was the girl called Twilight Sparkle. From the sounds of the argument, it seemed that each girl was angry about mean texts the other had sent them in the past, which confused Cato. When they were around him and Cameron, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack didn't seem angry at each other, which may have been due to reasons involving him and Cameron's attractiveness. Anyway, this simple observation made him completely doubt that they sent the texts to each other, then something Thresh had told him about Sunset Shimmer, specifically when she first appeared at the school, came up in the conversation. Cato didn't take long to put two and two and growl. Son of a bitch, that Shimmer somehow hacked their phones and sent them those messages just to ruin their friendship! But why? Either way, it didn't matter. At that point, Cato snapped and started ranting.

"Oh for fuck's sake, get a hold of yourself, girls! No one knows you better than yourself, jesus fucking christ. If the one you're accusing of sending you that message denies it and knows in their hearts that there was no way in hell they could have sent them that message, then they're not at fucking fault! News flash, people.. if the person you're accusing didn't do it, then there's obviously a third party involved, and that probably means whoever did this is most likely that bitch Sunset Shimmer! So, for god's sake, realize that it's not the other's fault for your friendship being destroyed, and apologize!"

It worked. The five girls stopped arguing and apologized to each other. As they did, Twilight walked over to the monstrous boy.

"You sure do have a way with words, Cato" she said. Cato just shrugged.

"I'm a Hadley, and my family has a talent of making things happen through our words" he replied.
Urchin, meanwhile, had something of a different sort happening. He stood up against the wall, overhearing a conversation between Sunset Shimmer and Adagio and Sonata and another girl who Adagio and Sonata called Aria. From what he could tell, Sunset was telling them to stay away from him, Cato, Cameron, Marvel, and the others lest she reveal what they truly were to the world. They cried and wailed and promised to stay away from them, causing Urchin to get angry. Soon, Sunset walked away smirking and Urchin made his move, walking over to the three, who backed away from him in fear for a second before they hugged him.

"There, there. I'm here. First though, what was Sunset Shimmer talking about?" he asked.

What he learned only confirmed what he, Cato, Marvel, and Cameron had suspected from the picture of Twilight. She was indeed from another world called Equestria, and was an alicorn princess. Adagio, Sonata, Aria were actually Sirens who were banished by a pony named Starswirl The Bearded over 5,000 years ago, and had through their experiences with other humans, now wanted to change. Unfortunately for them, Sunset Shimmer somehow learned of their secret and threatened to make the world hate them forever by exposing their secret unless they let themselves become punching bags for her and her bully friends. They had refused, only for Sunset to brutally beat them until they reluctantly accepted.

Urchin was fuming, really fuming. This changed everything. He had to find Cato, Cameron, and Marvel and tell them about these revelations. The stakes had gotten higher and the pieces were falling into place about what Sunset's bone to pick with Twilight was. The only question was, why?