• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 1,467 Views, 36 Comments

For My Sister... - TypewriterError

Sweetie Belle has a device attached to her head... and it's kidnapping her

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Sweetie Belle Walks

White eyelids covered irises the color of new grass for a moment under a tense brow dampening with sweat.

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

Small dots of dark brown appeared in the dusty road beneath her as she sniffed back her sobs. Her hooves had walked for a long time.

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

Her mane was in desperate need of brushing. She could feel how messy it was. Of course she couldn’t stop to look or fix it.

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

She must have walked for miles already. She didn’t recognize any of this bare, dry road winding among hills and bushes lacking their leaves. She had left Ponyville behind that morning and now the sun was quickening it’s progress towards the horizon to her left. If only Spike had kept following her...

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

Was Rarity looking for her now? Had Spike been able to find help? Had he taken the words she was forced to say seriously? How much longer would she be walking? Why was he doing this to her?

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

She had only seen the device on her head once. It had launched itself at her when she opened the closet door for some ribbon. She saw it after she stumbled backwards and fell into a mirror, thankfully not breaking it. A device, about the size of her horn, lodged deep into her ear canal, speaking to her. She saw it blinking before it camouflaged to match her coat. Her hooves were so tired...

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

She could feel the road beneath her cutting her delicate hooves. She didn’t have to see the blood flowing to know it was there. Was the voice ever going to let her stop? It had given her a small break for lunch but had urged her to keep walking. Those same words over and over, matched to her panting.

Spike must have gone to Rarity. Sweetie Belle would never had said such things to him normally...

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

Somehow walking with her eyes closed helped. It blocked at least a little of the smouldering sun from her mind. Would Spike ever forgive her? He seemed so hurt when she was forced to... she never would have used those words towards him or anypony. Rarity would probably be searching for her. Would the voice ever allow Sweetie Belle to sleep? Closing her eyes helped but it wouldn’t be enough. How long could her legs keep moving to the cadence of the voice in her ear?

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

Her hoof caught short and her muzzle dove into the scorched path. The panic in her veins deafened her. She had tried to stop before and call for help. The voice had gotten angry and cursed at her despite her tears. She obeyed ever since then. She couldn’t let him hurt her big sister. Why was he doing this? Where was Spike? Shouldn’t somepony have caught up to her by now?

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

Sweetie Belle scrambled to her feet again and cantered forward. The sun was precariously perched on the distant ridge of some mountain range. Where was she? Where was this voice leading her? What was going to happen to her? Had nopony cared? Wasn’t anypony going to come rescue her? Where was Spike? Where was Rarity? So many questions hurt her head but she couldn’t stop.

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

She saw the road was clear for awhile in front of her and closed her eyes again. The dust was clinging to her sweaty coat now. Hopefully when she could finally stop she could take a shower. What a sight she would be to Rarity. She would certainly fuss.

She had to be looking for her... she was her older sister. She had taken care of her and loved her even though they had fought so many times. She would be so worried and hug her despite her bleeding hooves, sweat and damaged hair. She would take her little sister back to her rightful room and tuck her into bed, letting her sleep while her friends caught the stallion who was doing this.

Just keep walking... Just keep walking... Just keep walking...

The sun was sinking fast now. The first breeze chilled her damp body and shook her to her core. Would she just keep walking until she collapsed? She hadn’t eaten anything since the disgusting meal of dandelions and oats for lunch. She hadn’t even been given an apple to polish everything off. Her stomach had been grumbling and groaning for what must be miles.But she didn’t want to try stopping again. He had told her the second use of the strange device in her ear.

Sweetie Belle, there will be an empty cabin coming up on your left. Go into it for now and stay there until I say otherwise.

A stop! Even if for a few minutes it would be a stop! And a cabin too! Would it have food? A shower? A warm bed for her to crawl into and sleep in?

Just keep walking, Sweetie Belle... Just keep walking... Just keep walking, Sweetie Belle...

As he said the cabin came up on her left over the crest of a hill. One stunted tree stood outside of it. It was the size of the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ club house.

Go inside. You can rest for tonight Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie entered to see piles of new sawdust and glanced at a table of food next to a pile of cushions, pillows and a blanket. She plopped down on top of the beautifully soft cushions with her stomach still empty.

Sleep well.

Before she slept, the door creaked open and she felt the brush of a wing as somepony pulled the blanket over her.

“I’m here, Sweetie Belle. You’ll be alright.” a voice whispered as white eyelids closed over green irises and a small kiss was placed on the filly’s temple.