• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 1,467 Views, 36 Comments

For My Sister... - TypewriterError

Sweetie Belle has a device attached to her head... and it's kidnapping her

  • ...

Silent Exchange

What was that smell? It was beautiful. Arms cradled Sweetie Belle close and she felt a hum caress her.

“Rarity?” Sweetie Belle asked, tiredly. Was more warm mash being made?

“Just sleep, Darling. We’ll be home soon.” the voice assured her. Sweetie Belle curled up against the pony holding her and fell asleep easily.

In the next room over, Rarity bristled.

“That does not excuse you! Sweetie Belle could have died and now she’ll be scarred for life...”

“It’s your own fault and you know it.”

“What I choose to do is my concern alone. Your vendetta need not involve me!”

“Yes, it should!” he screamed, slamming his hooves onto a sturdy oak desk.

“Oh so my path in life should be your decision? I thought you were against that sort of thing.”

“So now you take my advice? Just to turn it back on me?”

“My sister is in the next room with a bomb inside of her! Do you expect me to be willing to help you when you’ve put her life at such risk?”

“I was hoping it would be you coming here with a bomb inside your skull.”

“Is that how you tricked Bon Bon into helping you?”

“She needed a job and I needed her skills...”

“So you could spy over my sister while she did your voice work... How much did it cost to convince her?”

“Mares are willing to do almost anything with their loved one at risk.” Rarity scoffed.

“So you claim to fight corruption and yet you display it casually!”

“At least I don’t mutilate and suppress...”

“You’re just as bad as the monster you claim to fight!” Hoof collided with cheek and Rarity collapsed, holding her face in her hooves.

“Don’t you dare call me that! Call me that again and I’ll detonate your sister’s head!” Rarity broke down, curled into a fetal position. The stallion crossed to her and stood over her sobbing form.

“Please, don’t hit me again...” she choked.

“I need someone to fight with me...”

“I just don’t want Sweetie Belle to die...” Rarity sobbed hysterically.

“Agree to help me, and Bon Bon will take Sweetie Belle back home.”

“The device...” Rarity choked.

“I’ll place it in the ear of a more willing pony.”

“...But...it’s treason...”

“No... Treason is exactly what I’m fighting against. You know that.” Rarity coughed harshly from crying. The pegasus groaned deeply and lowered his head to speak more gently to her.

“Rarity, I don’t want to kill your sister. I never intended for her to become attached to the device. But...I’m desperate... I need somepony else to help me... at least have a chance at the life I could have had... I just need somepony who is going through what I’m going through...”

“I just want Sweetie Belle to be safe...” Rarity gasped out before starting a new wave of uncontrolled tears.

“Rarity...you have no idea how much help I need. FInding you...you know what’s wrong and you can help me so much... I can give you back something you’ve lost...” he said and rubbed between her shoulderblades with his muzzle. She felt his own tears dripping onto her coat. Rarity continued to cry. The pegasus laid next to her and pulled her close with his wing, crying as well.

Sweetie Belle was all that mattered. She had been put through so much and might never recover... what scars would remain in her mind? What physical anguish would she go through recovering from what she was put through? Would she and Spike ever be friendly again after what she had said? How could she possibly help the pony who did this to her? This was absolutely cruel. How could he justify what he was doing? How could he truly believe he was doing what was right and necessary?

What would be best for Sweetie?

She would never see her again if she said yes. If she said yes Celestia would have to consider her a traitor. If she said yes Bon Bon might be in even more danger. She might never see her friends again. But, with all that, there was a chance that Sweetie Belle could be all right. Rarity was so exhausted physically and emotionally. She stood up and walked away from the pegasus and turned to face away from him.

“I’ll do it.” she said before a tired sniff, “Please, just let her get back home safely. I’ll take the device in my ear. Just please, let her and Bon Bon go...” she begged, hanging her head.

The pegasus walked from the room and closed the door. Rarity was too tired to cry.

But she still heard Bon Bon scream, before something garbled the sound...as if the other mare was choking on liquid.