• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 1,467 Views, 36 Comments

For My Sister... - TypewriterError

Sweetie Belle has a device attached to her head... and it's kidnapping her

  • ...

At the Boutique

In a room lit by moonlight and oil lamps, a green flash was soon assaulted by a blur of white and purple.

“What does she say?!” Rarity demanded, her mane flopping forwards into her eyes. Spike crawled out from under her hooves and ripped open the parchment.

“ 'Dear Spike, Please tell Rarity that Sweetie Belle has stopped walking...' ” Rarity dramatically gasped in relief, “ '...but, she cannot go back home tonight.' ”

“Why ever not? She couldn’t have strolled that far!” Rarity demanded. Spike ignored her while his eyes rolled over the words.

“ ‘Details aren’t specific but Rainbow Dash says that her life could be in danger if she tries to run away.’ ”

“Why would anypony want to harm her?”

“Uh...” Spike was scanning now, “Princess Celestia asks if you can think of anypony who might have a reason.”

“But I simply cannot! Sweetie Belle might have been Gabby Gums but...”

“Rarity... she means you.”


“Princess Celestia asks if there is anypony who might want to hurt you.”

“Oh, of course not! This must be some madpony! Where is she now?”

“She’s in a cottage north of here. Fluttershy was there but she left.”

“Why would Fluttershy ever leave her? My darling sister is the victim of a most... unusual kidnapping...”

“Just read it...” Spike sighed, holding the letter up for her to take. The letter was snapped from his claw as a pair of apple-red glasses floated to the white mare’s muzzle.

My Dear Spike,

Please tell Rarity that Sweetie Belle has stopped walking but she cannot go back home tonight. Details aren’t specific but Rainbow Dash says that her life could be in danger if she tries to run away.

Twilight told me about your encounter. I don’t think she meant what she said to you, Spike. I have reason to believe from your report, and the reports of Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, that she might be under the control of a device I have only heard rumors of. Fluttershy said that when she tucked Sweetie Belle into the bed at the cabin that words began appearing on one of the walls telling her that if she didn’t leave the device would detonate. She ran before asking any questions.

Spike, please ask Rarity to think of any enemies she might have or ponies who might want to hurt her for one deed or another. Above all: keep her in Carousel Boutique! I am sending my best ponies to help bring her sister back and I don’t want two ponies kidnapped in one day. Update me if whoever is doing this contacts you.


Princess Celestia

Detonate... the device would detonate. Her sister was not only being kidnapped but being used as... what exactly? A hostage? But for what ransom?

Nopony could be with the dear filly to comfort her...

She was in a cabin in the desert with some... device that could kill her. Rarity was supposed to stay home and wait calmly for somepony to contact her...

Sweetie Belle was alone. Yes, the Princess demanded but...

Rarity removed her glasses and placed them next to her sewing machine.

“So... do you know of anypony who might be doing this?” Spike asked.

"...ponies who might want to hurt her for one deed or another..."

“I’m not certain, Spike. This pony must be a lunatic.”

And how do you feel?

“What’s this device thing Princess Celestia is talking about?”

It is none of your business!

“I do not know, Spike dear.”

Oh I believe it is...

“Well, Princess Celestia is going to find her... right?”

My personal affairs are my own.

“I’m certain she will, Spike...” Rarity said as she sat on a chaise and looked out the French doors opened to the balcony. Nighttime had just made its scheduled appointment and crystal stars were beginning to fall onto the blue velvet of the night sky. Sweetie Belle was alone.

But, what if...

Spike sat next to Rarity on the chaise and wrapped his arms around her fetlock. A small smile tucked into her cheeks.

“Thank you, darling.” she said and gave a small peck on the top of his head.

“She’ll be alright...”

“Of course.”

No! This fitting is over! I’m so sorry I cannot accommodate you.

“Rarity... am I...”

“Spike, listen to me, Sweetie Belle was being forced to say those dreadful things. I’m certain she did not mean a word of it.”

“But... what if it’s true?”

“Spike... if we had never met you none of us would be the pony we are today.”

“You really mean that?”

So that’s it?

“Without a doubt, yes.” Rarity concluded. Spike gave her a wide smile and hugged her foreleg even tighter. Well, he was happy, at least. If only... if only it made a difference.

Rarity knew exactly who this kidnapper was. He was the only customer crazy enough to try a stunt like this. But why would he have gone so far as to... kidnap her sister? Sweetie Belle did not need to be involved... How did he know that Sweetie Belle would open the cabinet before she did?

As soon as the thought struck, her guilt passed a temor through her body. He had no way of knowing Sweetie Belle would open that cabinet where Rarity had found the ejector... Perhaps Sweetie Belle wasn’t supposed to be his target. Rarity had sent her to the cabinet...

“Spike...” she began and looked down to meet his eyes, “I’m so sorry...”

Aquamarine blue covered Spike before he could speak. He pushed with all his childlike might against the aura surrounding him, unwrapping his arms from her leg, closing his eyelids, forcing relaxation. Within a minute he was fast asleep and placed onto the chaise. Rarity pulled a thick blanket over the dragon to keep him warm and looked out the window again.

She would have to run... Celestia could stop her and would probably find her the moment she realized she had escaped... but Rarity was going to try to save her sister.