• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 19,950 Views, 1,758 Comments

Equestrian Earth the MMORPG - Chaotic Note

Twilight has fun playing a virtual reality game with her friends, adventuring across an ancient Equestria, until she learns of players never waking up.

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*Chapter 11 Part 3: History will Haunt

A Chaotic Production presents...

The Adventuring Arc

:Rainbow Dash:

Chapter 11 Part 3

~ edited by ultra1437

Second Arc's Theme Song - Code Geass - Opening 1 (HQ)

“What was I thinking? I really screwed up bad back there!” Morning scolded herself as she walked down the main street.

Players in Trottingham looked pretty happy as they played the game. Some were wandering the streets seeing what sights the game offered, while others were hanging out in shops and taverns, crafting, marketing and spending their hard-earned money.

They were probably having a great time, but Morning Shower was presently having just the opposite. She never felt so low in her life; felt so trapped at the bottom of a pit. She felt as if she'd never pull herself back up from this mess. She had been looking forward to meeting her greatest idol, to be able to talk to her in person. Sure, she only knew about Rainbow Dash and her exploits for a couple years, but the prismatic daredevil had already earned a special place in her heart the moment Morning gazed upon her.

And with one swift, horrible mistake, she dashed all hopes of being possible friends with her hero. What a time to be living in.

“Where did my life go wrong?” Morning grumbled, remember the time when that motivational speaker came to Cloudsdale.

Despite it being a year ago, that memory felt only like yesterday.


Cumulonimbus Central Park: a frequent location for pegasi to visit for picnics, festivals, and concerts. It’s also known to be one of the few places where titan-cumulonimbus clouds, larger than life cumulonimbus clouds, naturally exist in the weather-controlled country of Equestria. Around Cloudsdale, there was talk about Iron Will and his upcoming assertiveness seminar. It was being hosted at the park, and there was always one topic that came up when the air-dwelling denizens talked about it. Where in Celestia’s sun was he going to stand? Clouds certainly couldn’t be condensed and compressed enough to hold up his obviously heavy weight, and it’s been known that Minotaur have strong magic resistance in their hides. So how?

The day of the seminar arrived, and a huge crowd had already come bustling around the park, filling it to overflowing.

As the pegasi gathered, they conversed. As a result, there was a veritable cloud of noise that distracted many a passerby into taking a look. Most of their conversations mentioned what they were expecting. Their words were not exactly hurtful or mean towards their would-be host, but they were wondering and questioning how and when the motivational speaker would arrive.

Morning was excited to see the man-bull for herself. She had never seen such a creature before. Only from reading books and travelling magazines that she had read from her dentist’s office. Now, she was here to witness one such individual. Dainty, her friend who had nothing better to do, decided to humor her and come along and see the show.

The mare tossed and turned her head around to see where the lumbering behemoth was supposed to enter from, causing her purple, curly mane to bounce gracefully in the air. “Okay, we’re here. I don’t see where this Iron Will character is, though. I thought you said he would be here,” Dainty grinned, obviously not believing that the minotaur would actually show up.

“Well I didn’t make any promises,” Morning huffed, looking around for him as well, “although I thought the poster said he would be here by now.”

“Well it is three past noon,” Dainty noted, watching the sun’s position in the sky, careful to not gaze directly at the star, lest she blinds herself. Her alabaster coat glistened under its rays like frosted crystals. “He’s running a little late, isn’t he?”

“I suppose,” Morning mumbled.

Where in Celestia’s beard could he be? Had she wasted her time for nothing? Maybe her afternoon would have been more productive with a nap, or maybe a trip to the mall? Hot Hooves was having a fandom sale today, and she had her eyes set on that amazing Doctor Whooves shirt, the one displaying many of the Doctor’s companions. Maybe if she flew right now, she could grab one before they were all taken.

“Morning? I’m hungry. Can we just go grab some food instead? I’m feeling like corn cobs right now,” Dainty pleaded to her friend, her stomach growling.

Morning glanced at her friend with consideration, then towards the curious crowd. “Well… I suppose so. It looks like he isn’t coming. Let’s go to the mall.”

“Great! Let’s go get ourselves stuffed– ”

Before Dainty could finish what she was going to say, an announcer over the loud speakers around blared. In a loud tone the voice announced, “Ladies and gentlecolts! Thank you so much for your patience, for now it is time to bring you all the minotaur you’ve been waiting for! I-ron Will-l-l!”

Fireworks exploded wildly in the air like rocket confetti, splashing the sky with vibrant colors. Morning could have sworn the sky wasn’t blue in those few moments, The display was awe-inspiring enough to silence the crowd. The spectacular show did not end, however, as a grand rock-star stage, supported by blimp-sized balloons rose from the cloud-layer with a blue minotaur posing on stage. Along with his furry goat companions, he was showing off his impressive blue armor. Oh, wait a second, those were his were his muscles. His well-toned, delicious, polished muscles.

“Holy horse apples,” Dainty stated, summing up Morning’s thoughts quite well.

Adding in the fact that it stopped perfectly at this elevation, Morning couldn’t help but wonder how long it took to plan this event. It probably took weeks to determine the perfect amount of force needed to ascend. In retrospect, that all doesn’t really matter now. What mattered now is that there was a minotaur, a heavy guy, floating among the pegasi in the clouds.

“He-e-e-ello-o-o Cloudsdale! How are you all doing today?” Iron Will shouted out, demanding to know the crowd’s answer. Excited by the sudden show Iron Will put on, they cheered out exuberantly. However, the motivational speaker placed his hand next to his ears as if he was having a hard time hearing. “I’m sorry! That wasn’t loud enough. I asked, ‘How are you all doing today?’” The crowd went completely nuts this time, determined to show the minotaur their exhilaration. Iron Will nodded with satisfaction. “Now that’s more like it!”

The minotaur threw his fist up towards the skies, basking in the hyped up cries of excitement. The cheering crowd stomped on the clouds in favor for Iron Will, further charging the atmosphere with energy. Morning smiled as she looked around the entertained ponies. This Iron Will sure did know how to make a flashy entrance.

The minotaur nodded his head in approval and surveyed the energized audience. Calling out to the audience, he asked, “Okay, so I’m assuming you all are here today because you have trouble standing on equal footing among your peers, am I wrong?”

Morning could have sworn everypony around her, excepting for Dainty, shook their heads and confirmed Iron’s comment.

Morning, like many of the pegasi here, had a few problems in social conversations. Her issues tend for her to be her voice dropping in volume or being unable to stand against or with another. In layponies’ terms, she had the tendency to be shy.

“Well, if you all are need of help, then I shall be there for you!” Iron Will promised, sweeping an arm out toward the crowd. “I shall show you the ways of 'Being the Iron Wall,' or the 'Path of a Tall Tree!' I will teach you all how to be the powerful voice in the discussions among your fellow ponies! I shall tutor you all on how to not be a doormat.”

He then studied the audience once more with his beady, fierce eyes. “But first, I will need a volunteer… you! The light-blue pegasus in the back with a rainy cloud for a cutie mark!” At his words, he pointed to the crowd in Morning's direction.

Turning their heads, the audience searched for whom Iron Will was pointing at. Their eyes set gathered on Morning. Shying away behind her friend, Morning called out with a quiver in her voice, “M- me? Did you call?”

“Yes, you! Come up here!”

Morning let out a terrified shriek as she felt something pick her up. She quickly looked below her to see she was being lifted up by a pair of rams with their large, curly horns. They delivered the poor victim brave volunteer up to Iron Will on the stage in what felt like ten seconds flat.

“U- um… hi,” Morning greeted Iron Will, who looked quite menacing now that she was up close and personal with him.

However, he had a confident smile on his face. He must have gotten at least a few dozen compliments from a lot of mares with those firm stomach plates of his. They looked as if they can withstand the godlike weight of a thousand snowy mountains.

“So little missy, what's your name?”

“M- Morning Shower,” she squeaked, feeling her confidence fading.

“Well, Morning. I’m guessing that you have a natural case of shyness. Perhaps you have a few friends who talk over you?” Iron Will presumed, walking around her like a detective. She nodded her head slowly, confirming his deductions. “And I suppose you came here to change all that?” he continued in a loud, booming voice.

“W- well, I guess you can say that I’m a little curious, and… a little desperate.”

Dainty’s ears twitched slightly at those last words. Her slight grin turned to a sad frown as she absorbed Morning's statement. Desperate? What did Morning mean by that? Dainty made a motion towards her friend, as if she was going to grab her back close to her, but her hoof couldn’t reach far enough. She considered stepping up there, but that would just attract attention towards her, which would extremely awkward in this situation. Finding herself with no other suitable options, she stayed here she was, watching her friend about to confess something.

“Desperate? What do you mean, lil’ missy?” Iron asked, with piqued interest this time.

“Well… there’s this stallion that’s been bothering me… ”

The watchful crowd mumbled among themselves again. This time they shared questioning whispers. Most of them had no idea what she meant, but those who had seen her around the city before knew what was up; in fact, they all shared a neighborhood with her Like their neighborhood, they shared her burden and troubles. Nevertheless, they kept quiet, not wanting to say anything about it, lest things should go bad.

“Stallion? Is this individual hitting on you or something?”

“N- no. He wasn’t flirting with me or anything. Its rather the opposite… ”

Kneeling down, Iron Will lowered himself as much as possible, without having lay down and asked, “So, is this stallion hurting you?”

“… Yes. And a few others as well.”

“I see. Well, I’m not too sure how I can help you directly with your problem, but I can teach how to stand up for yourself. Are you willing to learn?”

Morning was hesitant to speak her mind, but deep down, the resistance to her fear was rising to take control of her decision. It was as if Iron Will had lit a spark inside her heart, and set it aflame. Looking into the strong minotaur’s eyes – which had concern in them – she nodded.

Iron Will stood up proudly as he spoke, “Great! Now let’s start with the first exercise. Billy here will be acting as a bully from high school… “


It had been a few days since Iron Will's seminar in Cloudsdale. Resting in her quant cloud home, Morning was taking a sip of her coffee. For some odd reason, she felt a little more confident getting up from her bed. She guessed that it was probably Iron Will's help. After the free lesson he gave her at the seminar, she decided to pay for another day of private lessons. He guided her through many drills, such as standing up to bullies or practicing her assertive voice. It took a lot of strength out of her, but she felt her will growing stronger with each passing moment under Iron Will's tutelage. After that, Iron Will felt that his work in Cloudsdale was done for awhile, packed his things up, and left for the next town.

With her mug in one hoof, she paced towards a window that showed her the view in front of her house. Outside her house, a peaceful neighborhood bathed in sunlight. Some of her neighbors' foals were frolicking and jumping around in the cloud puffs like it was snow, holding a miniature battle with cloud weaponry. Their parents were out on their porches, watching their children contentedly. Some of them even participated in the foals’ combat match, laughing and chuckling all the way with the little ones.

It was a rare and beautiful sight to behold for Morning as she – and all the other pegasi in the area – knew there was something sinister controlling their neighborhood’s fate. But they weren't due to come for another week or so. So far, Morning and her neighbors outlook for the day looked bright. There was no need for any trouble.

That was what Morning thought, until she saw a flock of grey clouds floating over their homes.

A sudden chill ran down her spine from the sudden temperature drop. This wasn’t any sort of exaggeration as Morning could actually see her hot breath coming out as she exhaled. For any other ponies, this would seemingly seem an extremely strange phenomenon. Grey clouds don’t appear out of nowhere, for no reason. For Morning’s neighborhood, it was a familiar omen, meaning something dastardly coming through their streets.

The parents, heeded the grim signs, harshly whispered to their foals to come back in their houses for safety and protection. The foals, not ones to argue with their older guardians, quickly ran towards them for warmth and reassurance, for they too knew the dangers of staying outside during these times. Morning knew, that if it came down to a conflict, not even their front doors would be able protect them.

With no time to spare, Morning set her coffee down on a nearby table before quickly rushing to close the curtains on all of her windows, negating any chance of being spotted from the outside. She double checked to see if they were locked, as well as her doors. Thankfully, they were already secured.

Coming back to the window she was at before, she peeked out the curtain's gap, looking outside to see what was up. Within seconds her suspicions were confirmed: Master Wind’s gang was back.

The lead stallion of the mafia group was smug as usual. His white teeth looking confident and bright. But underneath that pearly-white smile of his laid a nasty interior of dishonesty and ruthlessness. His yellow coat had the same hue as a bit, and his evergreen mane waved in the wind like grass would. His red eyes were predatory: sharp, and venomous; they were the same as they always were, even from the moment Morning first made eye contact with him.

She couldn’t count how many times she had wondered about the number of people Master Wind had stared down, with those poisonous eyes of his. A tough, buff stallion would cower before his menacing glare. Just one glance would be enough to let bystanders know he was trouble, and not somepony you messed with. If they didn’t pay any notion to his eyes, a quick look at his cutie mark, an image of a coiled snake, would make them shy away.

Morning tightened her grip on the curtain, making herself as invisible as she could be to the devious gang without losing sight of them. She clenched her teeth together as she looked upon the diabolical pack, feeling like her head was blowing steam out from her ears. Why were they here? They weren’t due for a few days! Maybe they were just coming a bit early for a surprise visit to catch all of them off guard? Whatever plan they had, it wouldn’t be very pretty.

Outside, one of his henchmen, dressed in a black suit with a pair of glasses upon his muzzle, kept his hoof on the short iron club in his holster as he studied the houses, “So boss, where do we start?”

“Stay in line, Sneaks. We’re not here to collect. We’re just here to remind our kind friends who their gracious host is,” Master Wind smiled, his voice sweet as bitter melons slathered in honey. “After all, they should be grateful for our services. Keeping their… nice homes safe from filthy, low-life thugs. Underneath its pure, fluffy clouds, Cloudsdale is really dangerous, don’t you think?”

“Of course, sir. You’re right as always, sir,” Sneaks tersely replied.

Master Wind slightly nodded towards his crony, before turning his attention back to the houses. He adjusted the diamond encrusted, gold bowtie around his neck before announcing, “Well I think we’ve overstayed our welcome. Time to check back at the coop.” He and his followers spread their wings apart, ready to take flight. That is, until Wind's ears perked at the sound of a melodious voice.

“Hmm? Hold on now for just a moment boys,” he ordered, his voice holding a tone of amused curiosity. “Do you hear that?”

Caught by his sudden interest, Morning started to search out the voice's source. Deep inside her heart, however, there was a bubble of horror beginning to well up inside her, threatening to burst. It was the tune to a song that she listened to often, from one specific individual for most of her life. One that she knew would follow her to the grave, and would gladly love it to.

She knew who was singing.

“No. It can’t be. Dainty,” Morning whispered to herself, trying to deny the possibility of her friend visiting today.

But she was.

Right there, walking down the cloudy sidewalk was her best friend, wearing her best pearl necklace: the one that she received from her late aunt. She looked very merry as she trotted down the street, as if she was surrounded by a field of her favorite lilies. Despite the light-hearted and sweet scene, Morning could see nothing but a foreboding, dark cloud hanging overhead. She couldn’t tell if it that thought was more literal or figurative at the moment, as the skies above were gloomy and frowning.

“No, Dainty. Run. Run away,” Morning mumbled, her voice threatening to crack. “Don’t come any closer, Dainty.”

She wanted to run out there to stop her. To yell for Dainty to escape before it was too late, but Master Wind already had that crazed smile on his face. It looked as if he had won a million bits in the lottery. To run out there would do nothing, for she knew he had already placed a target over her friend’s face. With a quick clap of his forehooves, his underlings had moved to surround Dainty in a dome-like formation. Dainty, who didn’t notice them until it was too late, uttered a small gasp. Her eyes quivered in horror.

“W- what is the meaning of this?” Dainty proclaimed, trying to look brave. “I- I don’t want any trouble from you fine stallions.” The stallions didn’t answer, keeping their stone-steady eyes on her. Dainty felt awkward and violated as the numerous pairs of eyes inspected her curvy form, her emotions being mixed in a batch of anger and fear. “P- please leave me alone. Whatever you guys what, I’ll gladly pay it! Just please don’t lay a hoof on me!”

“Oh! I’m terribly sorry for the rude welcome, but my boys couldn’t help but rush to the front door to say hi,” Master Wind explained, finally drawing Dainty’s attention to him.

“W- who are you?” Dainty backed away from the stallion, but quickly found out she was still trapped.

“Do not fret, young mare. I just have a friendly proposition to give you,” Wind offered, a draconequus-like grin. “Give me that pretty necklace of yours, and I’ll let you live.”

“W- what? No! I’m not giving you my necklace!” Dainty shouted, her gaze turning furious.

“Tch. Don’t play like you made the rules of this game. I only want your pretty little accessory.”

“My aunt dove the depths of the most dangerous coral reefs to find these pearls! I’m not going to just give them up to a low life,” Dainty hissed at him venomously.

She attempted to push past Master Wind, tolerating enough of his poisonous attitude. However, she found herself roughly restrained by his henchmen as grabbed each of her forelegs. Dainty shrieked as soon as they grabbed her, crying out for help. However, none of the ponies inside their houses dared to come out. As for Morning, she stood still, distressed. She was unable to believe what transpired before her eyes. She wanted to move her hooves, to run out and push them away from her friend, but her body was frozen in fear.

‘Come on, Morning! Dainty's in trouble! You've got to move!’ Morning thought, but she even had trouble breathing. ‘Why can’t I move? I’m not that afraid of him… am I?’

Outside, still struggling against her muscular bonds, Dainty stared down her horrible captors' leader. She furiously exclaimed, “You won’t get away with this, whoever you are! Mayor Cloudpuff and the guards will lock you away for good!”

Dainty smirked a little in confidence that the local law enforcement must be arriving soon as somepony in the neighborhood must have seen her in trouble. Where are they, anyway? Shouldn’t they be trying to help as well?! As questions swam around in her mind, her confident smile was wiped away, as Master Wind laughed.

“Oh I’m afraid they won’t be arriving anytime soon. You see, I have the mayor and the guards’ commissioner in my pocket. I know more about them than anypony ever will, including all of their deepest, darkest secrets,” Master Wind reached out for her necklace, fondling it a little.

“Blackmail,” Dainty hissed. “There is no depth you'll go to 'win,' is there?”

“No, and I prefer to call it ‘cash info.’ How do you think my boys get paid?”

“Then why are you here? There’s no reason for you to be lurking your slimy wings around this neighborhood,” Dainty glared, trying to keep his hooves away with her teeth, but the brutes just kept her from reaching him.

“Because it’s fun to keep tabs on everypony in this city? After all, what use is power when you can’t show it off?” Master Wind took one last look at the shiny clam orbs, then looked up at her eyes, unafraid of the pure ferocity inside them. “You know, I think I’ve been looking at the wrong pearls. Their beauty was just added to by their wearer.”

Dainty stopped struggling for a moment, looking slightly confused, and then realized what he had meant. “O-o-o-oh no. I am not some mare you think you can pick up easily. You’re disgusting, and definitely not my kind of pony.”

Master Wind ignored her insults, and just continued to inspect her. “Hmm… well you could use a little polish. I suppose you’ll be a whole lot more valuable... once I’m through with you.”

“… No. You’re not going take me! You’re not going take me!” Dainty yelled out loudly, as she flailed about, her rear hooves tried to kick the horrible villains away , but the thugs just restrained them as well.

“Don't worry. Once I’ve trained you enough, you’ll beg me to bend you over,” he sneered. Spreading his wings once more, he commanded to his subordinates, “Let’s go, stallions. We’re burning daylight here.”

“No! No!” Dainty cried out in agony. “Somepony save me!”

“Oh shut up. Who is going to save you? Everypony here is afraid of me!” Master Wind boasted. “Who, out of all these cowards, hiding in their ‘safe’ homes, will step up and try to play hero?”

“I will!”

Master Wind whirled around towards the newcomer, looking absolutely caught off guard for once in his life. He quickly then replaced his shocked expression with an irritated one. “Who dares to interfere?”

“Me! Morning Shower!” she shouted out with pride. “I’m not going to let you cart off another innocent mare, and especially not my best friend!”

“Another mare?” Dainty cried out as she struggled to free herself. “How many has he kidnapped?!”

“Far, far too many,” Morning answered morosely, defiantly staring at the yellow villain.

Master Wind stared down at her for a couple passing moments, and then laughed out as if he was looking at a silly puppy. “And how are you going to stop me? You’re just one mare! There’s nothing you can do about it,” he declared, clapping his hooves. “Gentlecolts. Seize her. I think I shall have two new mares for tonight.”

“Yes boss,” one of them chanted, immediately diving for Morning.

Morning, as brave as she could be, stood her ground before the menacing thugs, not flinching in the slightest. A bright bonfire was lit inside her body as she barreled forward into what seemed to be the brawl of her life.

Determined to avoid getting captured, she dove and leapt over their grabby hooves, making sure to give them a kick in the head every now and then to impede their progress. She even delivered a few jabs into their sweet, precious spots, which was bound to make any male wince in sympathy if he were to witness such a painful attack. If there was one thing she was glad about the private lessons Iron Will gave, it was that he taught her some pretty sweet moves. Like a monkey, she danced around the brutes, making them look like a bunch of fools as they clumsily tried to go after her.

As his irritation grew immensely, Master Wind shouted out disappointedly, “What are you buffoons doing?! Seize her already!”

Morning laughed with joy as he fumed. She never thought Iron Will’s physical workout would actually get her this far! It was the only reason why she was still free! With her nimble legs and fleeting wings swimming through the air like a hawk, she felt like she could take on the world!

But as she was at the height of her prowess, she felt a sharp jab to the back of her head. Her skull rung with pain, and her whole entire world spun as her body crashed into the clouds. As she met the soft ground, she cried out in pain. Despite the workout, she was simply taken out in just one direct hit. It felt as if somepony took a baseball bat to her skull, which was pretty unpleasant to say at the least.

Her ears rung pretty badly too, as she could barely hear what anypony else was saying. Morning heard Master Wind mutter something to his subordinates, but she couldn’t really make out his words clearly. All she could listen to was the sound of a dull whistle.

Hmph. Well, I think it wasn’t very necessary for me to step in, but somepony needed to stop making you lot look like complete idiots,” he frowned, glaring at Morning with disapproval. “I think I shall give her a special lesson tonight. Anyway, we’ve delayed our leave long enough. Tally ho, my young chums.

As he stepped out of Morning’s dizzy vision, she felt her tired body roughly being hauled onto somepony’s back. She could feel her spine curving at an uncomfortable angle.

You monster! You beast! Brutal bastard! You can keep me, but leave Morning alone!” Dainty screeched out.

I’m afraid that is not a choice you can demand,” Master Wind hissed, clearly annoyed by how much time they were wasting by staying and talking. “You two are under my leash now, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Um. Sir? There seems to be somebody else coming down the street.

Oh, what now? I would very much like to go home no- Is that a minotaur?

Morning struggled to stay awake, to keep conscious. But as the darkness swirled around her vision, all she could hear was the sound of more conflict arising in the background. Her sleepy mind then took over, and all she saw was black.


Alarm clocks. Morning, despite her name, really hated alarm clocks or anything that woke her up with constant noise. When a constant beeping greeted her ear drums, her mind unenthusiastically woke up with a grumble. Her muscles barely responded as she tried to swing her forehooves around to shut the damned beeping off, and it only made her a bit angry. Giving up, she decided to just open her heavy eyelids.

“Look who’s awake! Rise and shine, Morning.”

“Wha? Who’s there?” Morning called out, rubbing the sleep grits out of her eyes.

The voice sounded extremely familiar to her, but she couldn’t quite put her hoof on it.

“Just me. Iron Will.”

“Iron Will?” she yelped out in surprise, her eyes suddenly wide awake. However, she soon received a shush from the minotaur.

“Shh! There are others resting here, you know,” Iron Will shushed her, his finger over his lips.

Taking a look around the room where she was apparently placed in, she recognized it as one of Cloudsdale's Cloud Hospital's rooms. She had been here a couple times when Dainty got sick with a severe case of pneumonia. She remembered some good times spent here as she would come up with silly and inventive ways to cheer her best friend up. While it wasn’t the best of times, they managed to have some fun in those grey moments.

“O- oh. Sorry,” Morning apologized softly, lowering her voice. “But what are you doing here? I thought you left already.”

Glancing away, Iron Will began to rub the back of his neck. “Well I did, but I couldn’t help but come back to see what was up. When you told me a stallion was bothering you, it really got my horns in a twist. I’ll admit that even after the Iron Mood course, I was still worried that it wouldn’t really work out in your favor. So I decided to come back and see who was bothering you. As it turns out, it was much worse than what you told me.”

“Y- yeah. Sorry I didn’t tell you everything.”

“It’s alright. I’m just glad I was able to step in.”

“Well, thank you for saving me, Iron. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you,” Morning nodded with gratitude, smiling at her hero. She then looked around and asked, “Say, where is Dainty? Is she alright?”

And just like that, the mood in the room turned frigid. Iron Will looked at Morning as if she was some sort of ghost, then looked down with a deep, sad grimace on his face. He broke eye contact with her, like one side of a bridge in a terrible earthquake falling.

“W- what’s wrong, Iron?” Morning asked, her heart suddenly filled with concern. In the back of her mind, something cold and malicious whispered to her, but she ignored it. It, however, only kept whispering louder in response. Apprehension appeared in her voice as she asked, “Dainty is fine, right? I mean you must have scared away those brutes! They don’t have her anymore, do they? Please tell me!”

Iron Will stayed silent for what seemed like the longest couple minutes of her life. A breath could barely be heard among the two as Morning’s heart monitor drowned out any additional sound. Any other sound, except for the one of her thumping heartbeat. She felt like an ice cube was forcefully pushed down her throat, leaving it a cold and dreadful numbness. Morning wanted it to stop. She wanted the room to be filled with light again. But when Iron Will opened his mouth, she knew her hope was going to die.

“Morning… Iron Will can do many things, but there are just some things that are out of Iron Will’s control. I’m terribly sorry I couldn’t save her in time.”


Morning wiped away the tears strewing down her cheeks, but the painful memory just wouldn’t stop forcing her eyes to flow salty rivers out of her. Master Wind, known for being slightly insane, had brought out a lethal weapon that originated from the gryphons: a jeweled, golden flintlock. With a shout, the pegasus shot at the minotaur, but missed terribly. He ended up shooting Dainty, hitting her right in one of her lungs.

Upon hearing the news, Morning grew more depressed and angrier every single day. She would feel the burning rage inside her again, when something ticked her off, and she would waste and direct all of her emotions on the poor being who did so. Most of the time, she held no ill intentions toward anypony. Those that garnered her ire would never bother her again; they were usually at the bars where Morning would spend her days, drowning her sorrows at the bottom of the glass.

Being supportive as he always was, Iron Will helped her control the flaming anger inside her, by teaching Morning the importance of exercise. Every day, she would take fleeting flights around the city of Cloudsdale, improving her flying skills.

One of the managers of the weather factory saw her moves, and asked her if she wanted a job. Morning immediately seized the opportunity for a higher paying job. Technically, she was still living off the money her parents gave her until she got a job, so it wasn’t like she had a better choice. As the days passed, she found a new role model: Rainbow Dash.

Hearing of her adventures and heroic deeds, Morning strived to be just like her. Finding ways to help others was hard, considering that the mayor had finally taking stronger actions towards crime, but volunteering at her local charities was an okay path. She really had hoped to meet Rainbow Dash one day, but Morning never thought her anger issues would've bothered her again.

Resigning to the fact that Rainbow probably didn’t want to talk to her again, Morning dug her diary out of her satchel. It was amazing how she was able to document her thoughts onto a virtual book in-game. She didn’t think the guys who made this game would even consider using an in-game book like this, but having a diary was possible. In fact, she actually decided to copy her real life diary entries into this one.

Speaking out loud to record her thoughts into the virtual book, she started, “Dear diary, today was both terrific and terrifying at the same time. Honestly, I never thought the day I would meet Rainbow Dash would come, but it did! She was just as cool as everypony said she is! She's better looking than the posters of her I have! But… I messed up big time.

“My anger got the best of me, and she saw a some of my ugly side. I really thought I wouldn’t go that far overboard, but I guess the fanmare inside of me is stronger than I thought… heh. I guess I’ve been playing too much of this video game. Maybe I should starting getting into the habit of exercising again. Heck, I can see my muscles getting thinner as I speak.

“But… that won’t change the fact that Rainbow Dash isn’t too happy with me right now. I should make things right. I will make things right with her. I don’t want to leave a possible friendship on such a sour note... ”

Morning, lying on her belly, pondered whether if she placed down enough of her thoughts for the day. Maybe if she really does mend things with Rainbow, she could add some good news to her book of personal thoughts. Slightly rejuvenated with willful hope, she stood up from her spot and stretched her legs.

As she was about to stow away her diary, however, a somewhat shy voice startled her.

“E- excuse me, b- but I couldn’t help overhearing you mentioning Rainbow Dash. Do you know her?”

“H- huh? Yeah,” Morning replied, craning her head around to see who was talking to her. As she did, she couldn’t help but think that he sounded familiar. “Why ask me?”

“Because –” Morning felt a sudden, blunt jab to the back of her head, prompting her to collapse to the dirt. “– I have score to settle with you two bitches,” the unknown voice growled as it took on a menacing tone.

Morning griped loudly like a wounded dog, as she felt her hooves being hogtied, the rope not being very gentle with her legs. Her vision was getting blurrier by the second, but Morning curved her neck to see who the mugger was. To her horror, she realized why his voice was memorable to her, for she saw the stallion’s gold-yellow coat, tree-green mane, and red-snakelike eyes.

“Hello sweetie,” Master Wind whispered harshly, his tongue slimy with venom. “Did you miss me?”

Author's Note:

Hope you guys like this chapter. ^_^
Btw... if you guys are wondering how Iron Will was able to fend off Master Wind without falling through the clouds, I'll just say he was standing in a flying platform that was being driven by his two goat companions. Pretty cool Pinkie Pie-like inventions and all that.

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