• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 19,954 Views, 1,758 Comments

Equestrian Earth the MMORPG - Chaotic Note

Twilight has fun playing a virtual reality game with her friends, adventuring across an ancient Equestria, until she learns of players never waking up.

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*Chapter 07: Tricky Problems

A Chaotic Production presents...

The Adventuring Arc

Chapter 7

~ edited by ultra1437

Second Arc's Theme Song: Color - Code Geass OP1

No more than ten minutes later, a squad of players had already formed around the entry way to the dark tunnel. Some had lab coats, while others had hard hats. They were all checking out the entrance with blue-light scanners or simply taking out its cobblestone bricks, for physical examination. They immediately made way for Twilight as she carried the tired Dash out the stony passageway. Some nodded to her in sympathy, other ponies just ignored the duo and carried on with their work. However, there was one pony that caught Twilight’s attention.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight cried out in surprise. “What are you doing here?”

Her mentor smiled warmly at her most faithful student before speaking, “I heard troubling news that a certain lavender unicorn was in trouble, so I came to help out. However,” She turned to regard their new arrivals, as Sentinel and Spike appeared out from the dark halls. “It seems that you were in good hooves.”

“It’s a pleasure of mine to help my friends, Princess Celestia,” Sentinel pleasantly added. “Friends are, after all, life’s most gifted treasures.”

He swept the dust off his laptop before opening it again. The LCD screen brightened his face up as he scrolled through the passageway’s data being monitored. His emotions getting more troubled with each passing line of information.

“Besides, as a Code Warrior, it is my job to find out these annoying bugs and buggers,” he admitted, a serious look on his face. “This hallway is no different matter.”

"Code Warrior?" Twilight asked.

"We're a division that was created as soon as the game was fully finished. Our job is to fix glitches and ban hackers. Because of the way VR programming works, we have to do it inside the game itself. Get right to the core of the problem. It's a lot easier than looking through the mess of code these games have."

He snapped the laptop closed and carefully stowed it away into his saddlebag. He then took out a single note and quickly wrote a message on the sheet of papyrus. He handed the note card to one of the lab coat ponies and turned his attention back to Twilight.

“It seems that you guys have stumbled upon hacker territory,” he shook his head in disapproval of its existence. “Honestly, I don’t know what would motivate a pony to make a hidden room, but at least this will help us track down the guy. You’ve helped a lot by pursuing that mysterious pony.” His face suddenly turned into curiosity, “By the way, you never told me what the guy looked like. Anything you can tell us?”

Twilight pondered for a moment as she searched her memories. “Well, if I remember correctly, I think that he was a pegasus.”

“Go on.”

“His coat is pale yellow, has red eyes, and has a scar on his right eye,” Twilight summarized.

As she listed her descriptions, a flash of emotions passed on Sentinel’s face. It quickly disappeared though, just as fast as it had appeared. Twilight wouldn’t say it out loud, but she could have sworn the look he gave would have been at home on the guilty. She had seen that face too many times to count, when she caught Spike hoarding a few items from the town. He still had that problem ever since he started maturing.

“Thanks.” Sentinel went over to whisper something to a gryphon when another stallion came over to Twilight.

He had a look of annoyance and a gruff muzzle to complete his disproval. The Earth Pony was muscular in stature and was dressed down in military uniform. It reminded of her brother’s own uniform that he would wear at formal military meetings and parties.

“Sorry,” the brusque stallion barked officially. “But we can’t let any players witness our investigations. You’ll have to leave the vicinity immediately.”

“Oh come on Roast,” Sentinel half-complained, half-whined. He looked over his shoulder with an irritated look. “There’s no need for any harsh judgment. They just had a bad day.”

“I wouldn’t care if they came out of the belly of a dragon,” Roast disagreed whole-heartedly. “Our work is confidential to the eyes of the players. Code Warriors are not supposed to be known either! Not until later! Why did you think I had all the ponies escorted out of the library?” he shot a condescending glare at the unicorn.

“Well so-o-orry Mr. Roast,” Sentinel rolled his eyes sarcastically. “Sorry if I’ve made your job harder.”

To Twilight, the two stallions didn’t seem to be the best of friends. Both of them stared each other down, for what seemed to be hours on end. It continued on until Roast finally scoffed and walked away, to check on the tunnel. Sentinel continued to glare at the hulking stallion, until he was gone from his sight. He gave an apologetic smile to the mares.

“Sorry that he gave you a hard time,” he apologized quickly. “He is, err, very dutiful in his work. And he’s right about one thing, Code Warriors aren’t exactly supposed to be world-wide news. The higher-ups think that we would receive negative feedback if the players know that there are people like us that can dramatically alter the game. They might think we're hackers, too OP, or something.”

“That’s okay,” Twilight assured him sympathetically, holding a hoof to her chest. “We needed to leave anyway. Rainbow Dash needs a little rest, and I don’t think a library full of busy staff players would be the proper place for her.”

Twilight waved goodbye to her mentor and the Code Warrior before making her way towards the exit. As her tail disappeared in the forest of books, along with Spike’s and Pinkie Pie’s, Sentinel shot a look of worry at Celestia. She in turn nodded, frowning seriously.

“Do you think they should know what we're really dealing with?”

Celestia pondered this for a moment before replying, “No. It is best that some secrets are best kept hidden. Even from my beloved student. If she know what we were facing, she would insist upon helping us. Just let her relax and enjoy the game.”


Rainbow Dash downed another mug of cider, as the bartender hoofed her one. The Sweet Fruit was always a great hangout for the girls, after a long day of adventure. However, Twilight made sure to stay away from the 'hard' drinks. So this time, she had a cup of non-alcoholic cider. Rainbow Dash, in the meantime, was looking pretty recovered from her 9th mug. By all math and scientific equations, a normal pony should of collapsed at the 7th, but the prismatic mare still managed to hold on to her wits.

“Thanks for the drink, Quick Drink,” Rainbow Dash thanked the bartender.

The colt just nodded in her direction and went back to tending the other customers.

“So Twilight, what did you need from me at the library in the first place?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Originally we were going to go to Trottingham, but a couple of someponies made it late to the game,” Twilight replied, an annoyed edge in her tone. “I had to stay behind so I wouldn’t get separated from you girls.”

“But the rides are infinite,” Rainbow Dash objected. “Aren’t there always another ride?”

“The servers were overloaded today,” Twilight explained. “The last one was about two hours ago.”

“Oh.” Rainbow Dash sheepishly ran a hoof through her colorful mane. “I’m that late, huh?”

Twilight grumbled in agreement, “Anyway, the reason I called the both of you was that I needed an extra hoof on gathering info about this diamond key.” She opened her inventory and levitated the glimmering key out of its hold. She made sure to hide it from sight, so its glaring sparkle wouldn’t attract undue attention.

“I couldn’t make a hoof or tail out of this thing,” she explained, disappointment evident in her voice. “So, I went to the library, searching for anything about crystal chests and their keys,” she sighed in frustration. “I didn’t find anything in its tomes.” She then cocked an eyebrow and shot curious look at the pegasus, “You never really did tell us why you were busy. What could be more important than research?”

“I was working on a new skill!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed excitedly.

She unsheathed her multi-hued sword, and admired it for a moment. She twisted it around; making the light bounce off the flat side of the blade. The spot where the light bounced to then glowed and another cyan mare suddenly appeared with a grin. Twilight mouth dropped open in surprise, and then closed in recollection of the fight, when Rainbow Dash struck down the wolf.

“Wow! That’s so cool!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, bouncing on her hooves for a few seconds. “I mean I could do that too in real life, but I don’t do it often because it would attract too much attention. I have this magic mirror in the Cakes’ basement, it’s how I create my copies, but like I said, I don’t use it much. But I don’t think it has that awesome lightshow that you sword has, and that is pretty cool!”

“You bet!” Rainbow Dash boasted, trying to ignore the weird first half of Pinkie’s speech. “This skill is pretty cool right? I mean, having two Rainbow Dashes is pretty amazing.” She sheathed her sword and the decoy dissipated. “I’ll admit it. If it weren’t for my new skill we all would have been that wolf’s next meal.”

“Wow,” Spike stated, his voice full of admiration. “That is pretty cool! What’s it called?”

Spectrum Slash.”

The four chatted for a while. The majority of their topics were about the process of how Rainbow Dash acquired the skill. Apparently, a lot of paperwork had to be done with the Schools of Learning. She explained how there was a school for all sorts of classes, and the Scouts' Academy, where was she applied for the custom skill. Dash had to talk it up with the school’s administration, which apparently was run by a faction in the game’s staff. The after the paperwork was filled out, it was only a matter of training for a time, until she got the skill down. It cost her a few hooful of bits, but it was well worth it in the end.

The group of friends decided that they could use a bit a fresh air, however works in a virtual world, so they walked towards the grassy Cloud Park for a little relaxation. As they neared the central water fountain, they could hear a chorus of fanfare and drum rolls from the crowd surrounding it. A colorful stage could be seen rising above the sea of players, coupled with a few fireworks being set off. The rockets filled the air with vibrant colors, causing the crowds to cheer in ecstasy. A mare’s voice could be heard booming over the thrilled crowd.

“Come one and all! Witness in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie wows you with her magical prowess!”

“Oh no,” Rainbow Dash facehoofed in annoyance. “That can’t be Her. Can it?”

“That’s Trixie!” Pinkie Pie cheerfully squeaked as the bright azure mare emerged from the smoke on stage.

The mare had the same wizard hat Twilight saw when she performed, but she was also gowned in a spectacular lavender robe, adorned with stars and crescent moons. She still had the same, smug look on her as she landed on stage.

“Why are you so happy?” Rainbow Dash asked Pinkie with an irritated edge.

“Well, she may not be as good as Twilight,” Pinkie Pie explained. “But she knows how to put on a good show!”

“If she wasn’t a complete bucker all the time,” Rainbow Dash objected petulantly.

“Come on girls,” Twilight chided. “Let’s just see how she’s been doing.”

Trixie was really getting the crowd to eat out of her hoof. They awed at each magic trick Trixie conjured up. Compared to the last performance Twilight saw in real life, the tricks the boastful mare pulled off were amazing. Instead of the ‘rabbit out of the hat’ and ‘sawing a pony in half’, she manipulated with a lot of fire elements. She painted the cloudy skies with a rough sketch of dragons and phoenixes. She animated scenes of great battles long past, and set them ablaze with her flames. If Twilight didn’t know any better, she would have thought that Trixie was a goddess of fire.

The show came to a spectacular end, as Trixie amazed the crowd with an actual phoenix, bursting out of an egg of fire. The ‘birth’ of the legendary bird had drawn lines of beautiful shaded patterns over the skies. It caused the heavens to glow wondrously with a vivid, orange hue. It reminded Twilight of the hearth fire in Celestia’s bedroom, as she would study underneath her teacher's wings.

The crowd slowly dispersed as Trixie started packing up. Twilight could see a couple of bulky warriors were helping her bundle up her wooden stage. One was heavily armored, with a night pattern crossing over the armor's plates. The armor itself, really only covered his back, leaving his cutie mark, coat, and mane exposed. His furry, chestnut brown coat went well with his cutie mark. Three dark patches surrounded his main insignia: two crossed, silver swords. Twilight can tell that the stallion was obviously a hard-worn veteran of battle.

The other warrior was a dark burgundy gryphon. His eyes glowed with purple, as the areas around his eyes were shaded with the color. His eyes were the same color as well. Snow white feathers adorned the top of his head, but the most prominent feature was the warrior's lower half. His silver plate-mail armor revealed enough, for Twilight to observe that the gryphon had the back paws and tail of a great silver wolf. That bit made her shiver with a bit of tension. A Cynogryphon. A very rare breed of gryphon, half dog and half avian.

As the group of friends neared with each step, Twilight started to bead with sweat. The last time Trixie left Ponyville, it was on good terms. She still couldn’t help but feel that she still wasn’t satisfied. Did Trixie still harbor a grudge towards her? What if she retaliated with one of those fire spells? Her thoughts were quickly answered, as Trixie noticed them. Her small smile suddenly turned into a sly smile. Her dark violet eyes took on an intense edge. The two warriors sensed trouble, and placed their guards toward Twilight. Twilight guessed she could start with a polite greeting.

“H-hey Trixie,” she stammered slightly. “How has life been treating you?”

Trixie harrumphed with a cold tone. “The Great and Powerful Trixie is doing just fine. What are you doing here?”

Why is Trixie still cold towards me?, Twilight thought. She remembered Trixie departing from Ponyville with a bright attitude.

“Nothing that concerns you!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

She quickly made an angry dash for the showmare, only to be stopped by Twilight’s telekinesis magic skill. Her tail was pulled back to the ground as Twilight tried to avoid any unnecessary violence. Trixie’s guards drew their weapons, but Trixie waved them away. Twilight could feel something was up. She could sense adrenaline emitting from the magician, because it looked like she was trying very hard to burn her to a crisp.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie can still see that you’re still trying to tame your friends,” Trixie scoffed offhandedly. “Especially that one. You should put a leash on that wild pegasus.”

“WHY YOU LITTL-.“ Rainbow Dash’s insult was cut off as Twilight covered her mouth with a hoof.

“Calm yourself, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight told her. She turned towards Trixie. “Why are you acting like this toward us? I thought we were friends!”

Rainbow Dash seemed to be trying very hard to get out of the librarian’s tight grip. Trixie was enjoying the sight of the unicorn actively restraining the furious pegasus.

“That doesn’t seem to be the case, with Rainbow Dash trying to attack me just a bit ago,” Trixie pointed out. “You’re very lucky that I held my associates back, or they would be tearing you into pieces.”

The cynogyphon nodded his head in agreement, but the stallion seemed very uneasy with the possibilty of fighting Twilight and her friends. The tension drew taught in the air, as the two unicorns stared each other down. Twilight was trying very hard to look sincere and calm, while Trixie was giving her nothing, except a cold wasteland of hate and envy. Twilight gulped as the showmare stomped her hoof on one of the stage's wooden planks. The two warriors suddenly got into battle stances, the stallion looking very shocked and sorry for what has to come.

“Sorry, but it looks like that would be the case,” Trixie apologized with no real concern in her voice.

The air around Twilight grew warmer, before the bookworm realized the worst had come to pass. She let go of Rainbow Dash and concentrated on a safe spot to teleport to. She quickly teleported, appearing a few meters away from the circle of fire. Pinkie Pie was high up in the air along with Rainbow Dash, while Spike stayed behind, unharmed by the flames licking his purple scales. Spike shot a few blasts of Dragon’s Breath, while Pinkie Pie brought out a large lollipop. Rainbow Dash was already embedded in combat with the stallion and the cynogryphon, weaving through their attacks with fake copies of herself. Twilight could feel the heat surrounding her again. This time, she made sure to teleport inside the pool of the water fountain.

She could feel the coolness of the water, as it washed over her mane. It wasn’t much, but it should provide some protection against Trixie’s burning fire. She pounced on the staged and faced towards Trixie. The showmare saw the coat of water dripping down Twilight and scoffed at the appearance.

“It looks like the heroine is willing to get wet to avoid The Great and Powerful Trixie’s wrath,” she insulted Twilight. “Be that way then.”

Trixie lowered her horn towards Twilight. The unicorn could see the particles in the air gathering around the magician’s horn, giving it a vivid glow. She was charging up a Magic Missile. Twilight lowered her head to charge up a Magic Missile of her own. She was almost charged up enough to unleash the blast when a booming voice made its presence known in the air.

ENOUGH OF THIS VIOLENCE!” the voice boomed.

A light wave blinded Twilight, to the extent she could only see whiteness. As her vision cleared up, she realized her magic was canceled, as well as Trixie’s. That didn’t surprise her as much as the two princesses between the both of them. The ponies around the vicinity bowed as their rulers settled themselves. Twilight realized with horror, that her mentor had probably been watching her actions. She got down to the wooden floor and closed her eyes in fear of disappointing Princess Celestia.

“Rise, Twilight Sparkle,” a voice spoke softly, yet sternly.

Twilight looked up to see the disappointed look on her mentor’s face. She winced at the stern face she had to see. It was not a good sight to see in your life, as your beloved teacher stared down at you in disapproval, especially since she was the co-ruler of Equestria. Princess Luna was equally looking severe as she gave Trixie the same stare.

“What do you have to say, my student?” they both questioned the mares respectively.

Twilight’s eyes grew large in surprise. Trixie was a student under Princess Luna? How could she have not known that before? The troubling silence grew until Princess Luna spoke.

“We’ll speak of your actions later in the morning,” Luna softly, but sternly spoke. “For now, I would like you to get some rest. You have a big day ahead of you.”

Trixie gave Princess Luna a look of sad understanding, and got up from her kneeling position. She glanced at Twilight and shot her a look.

Another time.

Trixie brightly digitized as she logged off from the game. Her two companions looked at each other before logging off as well. Twilight looked at her friends, to see them looking worried as well. She turned back to Princess Celestia to see what she had to say.

“Why did you fight with her?” Celestia asked Twilight, looking on with concern. “Player killing outside of PvP matches is illegal in the game. It promotes unhealthy hatred, and spawn-camping at the Re-Spawn Houses.”

“I’m sorry Princess Celestia,” Twilight apologized profusely. “I tried to reason with her but-“

“No buts, my faithful student. I know it’s not your fault, but you could have tried to not retaliate against Trixie.” Celestia shot an irritated look at Luna.

The Princess of the Night sheepishly shrugged as she added, “We apologize for our student’s behavior. We’ll try to sort it out with her tomorrow.”

Princess Celestia nodded before turning back to her student. “It will be morning soon. You should wake up, you have a big day ahead of you.”

The princess rubbed her head against Twilight’s neck with comfort, showing no hard feelings were had. The two goddesses then digitized, as they logged off. Twilight looked up at the sky where Celestia had gone. She then turned to her friends as she walked off the stage. She looked at the troubled mares and her assistant, and tried to give them a warm smile.

“See you girls in the morning,” Twilight murmured softly.

The girls nodded slowly before Twilight brought up the quit screen and logged off for the night.