• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 19,950 Views, 1,758 Comments

Equestrian Earth the MMORPG - Chaotic Note

Twilight has fun playing a virtual reality game with her friends, adventuring across an ancient Equestria, until she learns of players never waking up.

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**Intermission 01: Recording 10812

Author's Note:

Hello and welcome to the first Intermission chapter! These are the chapters that are on the sidelines of the main story. They may contain minor or major spoilers to the story, or may provide indepth world building. Who knows? All you need to know is that these intermission chapters were written purely for fun, and that you may proceed with caution. I'll be sure to tag Intermissions chapters in the Author Notes whether they contain spoilers or not. Hope you like it.

~ edited by TLSpark and Reddened Chaos

[Contains]: Minor Spoilers, Background Story Information, and Plot Elements Prior to the Main Story.

Playback Recording

Digital Dreamscapers' Studio

October 08, XXXX

2:58 PM

The recording started out with the camera swaying its lens back and forth around the room. The room it was surveying was filled with electronic servers and computers that served the purpose to run the world of Equestrian Earth. Most of the monitors ran their screensavers while the servers hummed with magical and electric energy. In the center of the room was a large cylinder column with wires and tubes connected to each and every monitor and computer. The column was colored snow white with red maroon for its rims. Written around the top rim of it was the word ‘Goddess’. Surrounding the pillar were several pods with opened glass covers that were connected to the center object as well. Unlike the continuous hum of its companions, this particular server was singing a melody with its harmonious voice. In the far right, a door sliding open could be heard and three sets of hooves entered the room; two colts and one mare. The mare had a coat of orange and curly orange mane locks that draped down from her hair. Her cutie mark was a smiley jack o’ lantern. One colt was the color of beige and had a red mane with one blue stripe lining towards the left of his eye. The other colt had a yellowish tan color with a black colored mane that had no specific hair style. The only distinctive look on him was a scar that ran down on his right eye. It made him look kinda cool and handsome. The center server stopped singing and greeted the new comers.

“Hello there! It’s good to see you again,” it chirped.

“Hey Goddess, what’s up?” the red mane colt replied. “We have our first beta tester coming in today. I’ve told you about this guy right?”

“Yes of course. It’s good to finally meet you!”

“It’s nice to meet you too,” the scarred colt responded. “I’m really excited for this.”

“I am too!” The orange mare walked towards one of the open pods. “But I do have to ask: You do know what you’re getting into? This is dangerous.”

“Of course. I’m the first beta tester and you guys don’t know what will happen if the game starts. That’s why I’m here right?”

“You don’t have to do this you know,” the other colt concurred with the mare. “I know we promised the guy who wins first place in the contest that he slash she will be the first one to play the game, but we’re still weeks behind the release date. We won’t know what will happen to you.”

“Do not worry about the boy, Sentinel,” the Goddess assured. “I’m perfectly capable of protecting him from any danger he might face.”

Sentinel gave the server and the colt a concerned look. He sighed in resignation, knowing he can’t talk the two out of this, especially the Goddess. She’d been looking forward to this as much as any other pony who wanted to win the chance to play the game before anypony else.

“Alright then. Pumpkin Fest, set him up,” he said.

Pumpkin gave him an uneasy look, but complied with his orders. She started tinkering with some of the controls inside the pod and gave the leather seat inside a hard pat to let the colt know it’s ready to go. He stepped inside the pod and made himself comfortable as much as possible. She gently lowered a visor that connected to the top of the seat and set it over his eyes. She lowered the glass cover over the colt and closed the pod, which gave off the sound of an air hissing. Sentinel walked over to the control panel of the Goddess and adjusted the settings of the colt’s destination.

“Okay, we’re going to be sending you to one of our many beta towns. How does Old Ponyville sound?” Sentinel asked.

“Couldn't have been any better choice,” the colt muffled through the glass.

He rested his hoof over the initiate lever. “Okay, you ready? I’m about to send you in.”

“Go for it.”

Sentinel pulled down the switch and held his breath, waiting for the tester's response. Pumpkin looked as anxious as her co-worker and was biting the tip of her hooves. It was a really bad habit for her. The Goddess however was humming a tune that sounded really familiar, and was feeling all calm and relaxed, unlike the two ponies that were nervously waiting for the colt's reply.

“So how are you feeling?” Pumpkin Fest asked.

The colt’s voice resonated from the speakers of the pod. “Never better! Wow, you really got all the details down! I can see Sweet Apple Acres, and the town looks more rustic than ever!”

Sentinel let out a breath of relief. “That’s good. How’s your movement?”

“Normal. It feels as if I was actually walking for real.”

“Any unnatural sensations or feelings?” she asked.


“Okay good,” he said. “Now I need you to try out-“

The pod began to give out electrical sparks. Pumpkin Fest yelped out as one of the flickers zapped her flank. She ran behind the safety of Sentinel, who wasn’t exactly as calm as you would think.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no" he muttered under his breath, then utter swears in his former language. "This isn’t good!"

“Dude?” the colt weakly asked. “I don’t feel too good.”

“Fest,” he asked sternly. “Help me disable the pod. I’m not having this guy die here.”

“Y-yes, Sentinel!”

The two technicians let their hooves fly over the controls and switches, not pausing for a single moment. The Goddess was crying out in pain as the electrical surge flowed in her circuits. The energy now took on a light glimmer of red.

“Hang in there you two! Everything is going to be alright!” he assured.

“I’m fine,” the Goddess managed to say through her pained voice. “Just get the boy out of there!”

The two ponies worked even faster to troubleshoot the crisis, not even flinching as the sparks electrocuted their hide. The camera recording fuzzed after several seconds before going out. A flash of a demonic face appeared before the end transmission.

Recording Ends.

October 08, XXXX

3:09 PM

Playback Again?