• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 12,880 Views, 749 Comments

What We Lose - Subsolar Drift

What happens after a horrible accident puts Twilight Sparkle into a deep coma?

  • ...

Chapter 2

What We Lose
Chapter 2

I don’t know how long I laid there for. Minutes, hours, I didn’t really care. My brain just switched off. I laid there, just breathing. I fell in and out of consciousness, but I didn’t dream. I didn’t move. I was adrift in a sea of emotions and memories.

Eventually, I heard voices from around me, conversing in hushed tones. It was a quiet talk, but I could still hear. I opened my eyes and saw Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and AJ on the other side of the room.

“W-well what about a-a ... a funeral?” Rarity stammered, her coat wasn’t quite it’s usual luster, patches sticking up here and there. Her eyes were red, she had been crying.

“Funeral!?” AJ blurted out. Rarity shushed her, frowning as they glance over at me. She didn’t see me looking. Assuming I didn’t hear, Applejack continued is a softer tone, “Ya’ll are talkin’ like she’s dead!”

“Applejack, you didn’t feel what I did.” Pinkie said, “It was a doozy, and it wasn’t a good doozy like when I found out the Cakes were having foals. No it had the taste of a lot of feelings, there was the spice of anger, the tang off loss, the salty taste of sadness, but there wasn’t the super-duper sweetness of happy. Only a bitter mess that had a bit of lavender.”

The room fell silent once again, the realization of what Pinkie said sinking in. Fluttershy who had been sitting quietly next to Rarity, began to break down in tears again. Rarity rubbed her shoulder, whispering soft words to try to console her. AJ sighed, and rubbed her foreleg with a hoof.

“W-what about R-rainbow D-dash?” Fluttershy managed to choke out in a whisper. The others tensed as they watched me again. I didn’t really care. How could I? There really wasn’t a point anymore. I was overwhelmed, lost in everything. Tired of everything. I closed my eyes, and returned to focusing on my breathing.

“Do you think that she’ll be okay?” Fluttershy finished, even quieter.

“Dashie is too sad for a party to make her happy. I want to make her smile, but I don’t know how.”

“Do ya think we can trust her ta’ be alone? Ya don’t think she’d... ya know.”

“Look at the poor darling! I think she need to stay with one of us. That would be for the best.”

Tears came back to my eyes, and I tried to blot out the conversation. It was just too painful. All the talk about me, like I wasn’t there. Like she was already gone. I couldn’t take it. I just wanted to be home. I let myself sink into the emotions and memory, and I fell asleep.


I scrunched up my face, trying to stop the light from hitting my eyes. “Stupid sun.” I grumbled, muttering some choice words under my breath. I slowly propped myself up on one forehoof, and glowered at the curtain covered window. Of course, the sunlight gets through the tiny crack and hits my face. Not cool. Sometimes I swore Celestia enjoyed doing this, messing with the ponies who’d never guess she’d do it.

I gave my wings a light flap to get some feeling back into them after the night, then flew over to the window and opened the curtains. Beautiful sunlight streamed in, illuminating the large room. Light fell onto the messy queen bed I just rose from, the other occupant having left earlier in the morning. I looked around at the many bookshelves around the room, covered in various works. My eyes fell on a writing desk, cluttered with papers, and on wonderbolts posters plastered to the walls. A smile grew on my face, as one did every time I saw this room. My room. Our room.

It was surprising how even though I had only been living here for a few weeks, it felt more at home than my old cloud home ever did.

l let myself drop to the floor, lightly landing on my hooves, walking out to the landing. I went down the stairs, looking over the banister and saw the table set and ready for breakfast, minus the food. I trotted into the kitchen, drooling at the smell of french toast and lavender, my favorite.

“Hey Spike, smells great!” I said, smiling as I walked by.

“Thanks Rainbow, should be ready in five minutes.” He replied, carefully returning to roasting breakfast. Perfect french toast was one of the best parts of living with a baby dragon.

I grabbed two mugs off the counter and flapped back into the living room. I headed over to a little table, away from the bookshelves, that hosted our well used coffee pot. Pouring the coffee, hers black, mine with milk and sugar, I sat down at the table and took a sip, sighing happily at the sweet taste of sugar and caffeine in the morning.

The front door opened, and in came Twilight with her morning mane and todays edition of ‘The Ponyville Post’. A smile lightened her tired face when she saw me, and the whole world brightened. My day never really began until I got a smile from her. She sat down next to me and shared a quick kiss. “Morning Twi!”

“Good morning Dash.”

“Ewww.” Chipped in a disgruntled Spike, as he brought breakfast to the table.

“Oh, come on Spike! Haven’t you gotten used to it by now? Dash and I have been together for over half a year. ” She sighed, but her eyes twinkled with laughter.

“You’re the one who’s always calling me a baby dragon! That means I can act the way I want.” Spike retorted, crossing his arms and sticking his nose up in the air.

Twilight giggled at this, her horn glowing as she dished out the french toast. Breakfast went quickly, without incident, and the day continued on. I headed out for weather duty, and to work on some routines for my eventual Wonderbolts audition, like I did most days. Or at least that’s what Twilight thought I was doing. I had a different plan.

I zipped over to the weather office, went up to my office and checked the special cloud order from Canterlot. They were due for delivery first thing after lunch. Double checking that everything was in order, a useful little habit Twi got me into, I headed out.

Next stop, Carousel Boutique. I moved slower than I usually would’ve, not wanting to tire myself out before tonight. Seeing a window open, I decided to let myself in. I landed with a crash, my wing having clipped the edge of the window sill. Luckily for me, I landed on something soft. Unluckily for me, It was a dress Rarity had been working on.

“Rainbow Dash! Can’t you use the door like a normal pony?” She snapped. Mumbling half-hearted apologies, I started to help her pick up the fabrics.

“So Rares, do you have it?”

“Oh yes! That was today wasn’t it. It slipped my mind.” She went over to a shelf, and grabbed a small box. “But here it is! I’m just so happy for you, I’m sure she’ll love it.”

“Thanks, but I really have to get going now, arrangements and all. Sorry ‘bout the dress!”

“Ahem.” Rarity glowered at me.

“Oh ya, the door. Later!” I closed the door behind me, and took off to the skies above Sweet Apple Acres, where the clouds I ordered were waiting for me.

I sat down on the edge of the largest cloud, it was a little firm, but it would be perfect. I set down the box carefully and fluffed up the clouds around it, so everything was just right. For her I wanted to be perfect.

I breathed out, everything was set up. This night was going to be awesome! I headed back home, and took a quick power nap.

Twilight returned at five, waking me with a big kiss. She had been to Canterlot, an old professor of her needed some help with a spell. We chatted idly for a while, until I felt my stomach start to grumble.
“How’d you like to go out to eat tonight?” I asked, my stomach already nervous for later on.

“I’d love to! Any ideas where?”

“Lets just wing it.” I chuckle with a flap of my wings. We went out, and decided on a small diner. Nothing to romantic, but it had good food, so we were happy.

After the bill was paid, we ambled down the streets, side by side, relishing in each other’s company.

“Hey, Twi.”

“Ya Dash?”

“I love you.” I whispered in her ear as I grabbed her under the forehooves, and took off into the sky. She gasped. It wasn’t her first flight, but usually we planned them before hoof, for the sake of saftey.

I did some simple tricks, and she cheered and laughed in delight. The extreme stunts were alway too much for a passenger. I didn’t mind, the sound of her voice alone made up for the lack of adrenaline. Finally it was time.

“Twi, do you trust me?” my voice wavered.


I believed her, and she looked up into my eyes for a moment. I let her fall from my hooves.

She landed softly on the clouds I had ordered, specially enchanted so that unicorns and earth ponies could walk on them.

I landed next to her, showing off my trademark cocky smile. She shook her head and hugged me. We sat side by side and watched the sunset together, not really talking. Day ended, and evening began. Finally, the sun fell below the horizon, and I swallowed my fear.

“Twilight.” I grabbed her hoof in mine and looked into her eyes. “You have changed me. You have made my life a million times better, a million times awesomer! I feel better with you then the Wonderbolts could ever make me. I love you more than flying. I love you more than air, I love you more than I’ve ever loved anything in my life. I want to make you happy, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, Prized Pupil of Princess Celestia, and my dear egghead.” I grabbed the box, and opened it. “Will you marry me?”

The sky brightened and the moon slowly rose up behind her as the tears in her eyes glimmered in the fresh starlight.


We kissed.


The door was pushed open, a grey-maned stallion quickly entered the room. His legs trembled, and he ran a hoof through his mane.

“What’s up doc?” Pinkie asked tentatively.

“You ladies should come with me. We think it’s almost time.”

A moment of silence fell across the room. Tears fell from ponies’ eyes. A shadow fell over my heart.

The others shared a wary look and nodded. Fluttershy came over to me and helped me to my hooves. We left and slowly walked down the hallway in the direction I could never bring myself to go, not after the first time. Nothing good came from this hallway. The walk seemed to take an eternity. No one in the procession talked. Eventually, we arrived at her room. We entered and stood around the bed.

There she was. Her mane had her usual bed head. She never could control that mane. She looked thin, weak. It didn’t suit the mare who was stronger in spirit than any pony I’d ever met. Everything was off, the mare in front of me, didn’t look like my Twi.

The worst part was her color. To others, it would’ve looked fine.But I knew that coat, that color. It was the color of my dreams. Not this imitation. It was too dark, to grey. It was wrong.

The doctor was talking, but I wasn’t listening. The other’s were all watching him, but I had eyes for Twilight only. The mare I loved in that bed. I closed my eyes. I begged to Celestia, Faust, and anyone I could think of. All the memories we had. All the time we shared. I would give it all up if she would just be okay.

I collapsed to the floor, the pain overwhelming me. I must’ve passed out, the others all helping me up and asking if I was okay. I just looked over to Twilight, and another stab of pain hit me. I felt too much. I watched the mare I loved.

Her eye twitched.

Buck me.

I was hallucinating. On top of everything I went though, I was halucinating. I rubbed my eyes.

Her eye twitched again.

I took a step towards her and my mouth fumbling with words. Tears welled up. I shook. I didn’t blink. I didn’t think. “T-Twi? Twi, c-can you hear m-me?” I said through it all.

Her eyes snapped open.