• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 12,904 Views, 749 Comments

What We Lose - Subsolar Drift

What happens after a horrible accident puts Twilight Sparkle into a deep coma?

  • ...

Chapter 5

It was early morning, the sun having just risen over the horizon as we trotted down the dirt path dotted with houses at odd intervals. I could see the town down the road, peaceful and quiet, most of the ponies probably still warm in their beds. My eyes traced the houses we passed. Their thatched roofs, unique shapes, and beautiful gardens like nothing I'd seen before. This truly was a beautiful place.

After I woke up yesterday, the doctors talked over everything with me, the amnesia, the complications. I still didn’t quite understand it all. But since I was in good health besides that, a few more basic tests and I was cleared to go.
I frowned. It felt like everything was moving too fast. One minute I wake up with no idea of who or where I am, and the next they’re shoving me out the door. I sighed and looked up at the clear sky. It was colored with the hues of the sunrise, a couple of wispy clouds in view. I just felt wrong. Like something was missing. And I guess without my memories, something was.

I kept quiet as I walked, taking everything in. Ms. Dash had volunteered to show me around the town, all her other friends had their own business to attend to, so it was just the two of us. Slowly, we passed more and more houses with shops beginning to crop up.
I heard the sound of moving water and turned my head forward. A stream flowed through the town cutting through the park just ahead of us. We headed toward a bridge over the stream, and as we passed over it, a slight breeze blew by. Pausing I breathed in the fresh air and sighed. It was good clean air. It felt good. I frowned again.

I turned forward again and saw Ms. Dash. She had an odd look on her face, as though she was in pain, but then it was gone in an instant. “Ms. Dash, are you okay?”

“What? Oh, ya. I'm fine. I uh... just smelled something funny.” She rubbed her head, and started walking again.

We left the park and entered the other side of town. The buildings got larger, each one vying for my attention. I saw a round, two story building with stunning dresses on display. I saw a building that was shaped like a huge jesters hat. When I asked Ms. Dash what it was, she told me it was the local joke shop. But none could compare to the bakery. It's brown walls looked like gingerbread, all of it's corners decked out in a fake frosting. And the smell, the smell of cupcakes cooking, the aroma of freshly baked bread, and that of the pie resting on the windowsill to cool. It was like a dream. My stomach rumbled.

Ms. Dash looked over to me. “Hungry? I'll be right back.” She trotted over to an alley next to the bakery and knocked on it's back door. She held a quick conversation with the baker, a tall yellow stallion, and gave him a few bits. He went back inside and came out with a bag which he gave to her. He spotted me and waved. I waved back. I must have known him before...

I sighed. Nothing. There was just an empty space where the memories should’ve been.
I looked up and saw Ms. Dash coming back towards me. I glanced back at the bakery and saw the baker looking towards me. He was chewing his lip and frowning. When he realized I saw him he turned away and shut the door.

“Cinnamon rolls on me!” Ms. Dash said, heading towards the tables outside a nearby cafe. We sat down and she took out the food. I levitated a fork and took a bite. It was incredible. The pastry was warm, the gooey center even more so, and it had just the perfect amount of frosting on top. Swallowing, I looked over towards Ms. Dash to thank her for the food. She was sitting there, staring at the cinnamon roll, holding her fork in a quivering hoof. She shook her head and stabbed the offending roll, digging in.

“Thank you very much, this is delicious!” She turned towards me and smiled.

“Ya, the Cakes make the best rolls around.”

I looked back towards the bakery. “So then that stallion you talked to was Mr. Cake?”

“Mhh-hm!” She replied, her mouth stuffed.

We finished our breakfast and headed on through the town. Ponies were starting their day, coming out on to their doorsteps to fetch their morning paper, cup of coffee in hoof. Ms. Dash began to walk a little faster. I followed suit. After a few more minutes, we stopped.

“Well, here we are!” I looked at the building she pointed to. One of the larger buildings around, It was a tree, converted into a building. Its sign read, The Golden Oaks Library.

“A library?”

She chuckled at my confusion, “Yes, but more importantly, your home. Come on in.”

My home? My brow furrowed and I frowned. I slowly entered after her. It was dark inside, the curtains hanging over the windows closed. I couldn’t see a thing. Still, I smelled the books. The aged ones, the new ones. I took a deep breath in. There was also something else there. Something familiar that made me feel like I belonged there. It was the best smell in the world, but I couldn't quite identify it. I loved that smell.

“Just let me get the curtains.” Ms. Dash said, moving past me, the door swinging shut behind us. With a flourish, the curtains opened and the sunlight lit the room up. All around were mahogany shelves chock to the brim with books. There was a desk over on one side, right below a window, and there was a table in the center of the room. There was a stairway on one side of the room, leading up to a small balcony that split off into a hallway and more shelves. There was a doorway on this level too. Through it, a small kitchen and another doorway were visible.

I moved forward, ever so carefully, as if it were all a dream and the slightest disturbance would wake me up.

“I'll be right back. There's someone who should see you, but needs to know about the uh... Ya know.” I nodded, and Ms. Dash walked on up the stairs and down the hallway.

I walked over to one of the bookshelves and ran my hoof along the books reading their titles. I stopped on one. Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone. I pulled it from the shelf and leafed through it. It looked like a good read. I placed the book on a table and sat down. I closed my eyes and breathed. It was perfect.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room.

It was perfect.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

It was so perfect, so right.

And yet.

I cried.