• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 12,904 Views, 749 Comments

What We Lose - Subsolar Drift

What happens after a horrible accident puts Twilight Sparkle into a deep coma?

  • ...

Chapter 6

Today had been hard. Having Twilight awake and around was the best thing in the world. I could hardly take my eyes off her. Her coat was back to it's perfect shade of lavender, glistening ever so slightly in the sun. Her eyes, bright and alert, darted back and forth taking everything around her in. She was undoubtedly alive.

It was great, but it hurt so much. She was lost and confused, looking around at everything like it was new to her. She was uneasy, cringing away from anything she didn’t recognize. Her steps were unsure, following me only because she had no choice.

It hurt to see all that, but the most painful thing was now not being able to comfort her. Not being there to reassure her. To go over and tell her that everything would be okay. Seeing the one mare I loved more than anything in such a bad place, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it.

I've done many impossible things in my life. I'm one of the Elements of Harmony. I was admitted to the Wonderbolts. I've done hundreds of Sonic Rainbooms. But stopping myself from running to her and holding her close, telling her everything would be okay, was by far the hardest thing I’d ever had to do.

I turned back to glance at her, just to see her pause on the bridge through the park and look off, towards the Everfree forest. She closed her eyes, breathing in the cool breeze. Her mane was blown about her face, and for the first time in months she looked peaceful. She smiled. I smiled. She was alive.

My heart felt like it was about to break, the happiness swelling up inside me. My vision blurred ever so slightly as I watched. Her eyebrows furrowed and she opened her eyes, looking down at her hooves. Her face was strained.

The joy I felt moments before vanished, filled instead with a pit of despair. I felt hopeless. She was trying to remember something. She sighed again, giving up. My legs began to tremble.

She frowned and turned to me.

“Ms. Dash, are you okay?”


I struggled to regain control of myself.

“Oh, y-ya. I'm fine.”

She had called me Ms. Dash.

“I uh... just smelled something funny.”

I turned around and started walking.

Ms. Dash.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to hold back the tears.

We walked on.

She was fascinated with the town. Her eyes traced over every little detail on the buildings, enamored with their designs, though still cautious. I steadied myself and tried to hold the tears back. I still wasn't sure if they were tears of pain or of happiness. We didn’t stop. I struggled to keep myself together. I took it one step and one breath at a time.

As we passed Sugarcube Corner, Twi's stomach let out a growl. My stomach rumbled in return. I chuckled a bit and asked, “Hungry?” She nodded. “I'll be right back.” As I trotted over to Sugarcube Corner, breathing in the aroma of freshly baked sweets, Twi went over to some seats outside one of the cafes on the street. I went up to the back door and knocked.

“Who is it?” came Mr. Cake's voice.

“It's Rainbow.”

“Oh, give me one second and I'll be right there!” The sound of dishes clanking together and a cookie tray being taken out of the oven accompanied his reply. A moment later and the door opened and his smiling face met mine. “Good morning Mrs. Dash! What can I help you with?”

I winced at his words, another harsh reminder of what once was. I took a deep breath, “Well I was wondering if I could get two cinnamon rolls to go.”

“Getting food for one of the girls?”

“Well... Kinda.” He raised an eyebrow. “Twilight woke up last night.”

“She did!?” He looked out onto the street and saw Twi watching us. “That's great news!” He waved to her, a large smile on his face. She slowly waved back. “Well this is great! Is Pinkie throwing a party for you two? Do you know if I need to ge--”

“Mr. Cake.” I interrupted, my breaths coming with difficulty. “I don’t really think there’s going to be a party.”

“I’m not sure Pinkie will agree with you on that one! This is something to celebrate.” He moved towards me and wrapped me in a hug. I couldn’t move and could barely think.

“Mr. Cake.” I tried to get his attention.

“Where is she by the way? She told me that she was going to the hospital yesterday, but she didn’t come back.”

I swallowed, trying to clear the lump in my throat. “Well, I asked her and the girls to do me a favor.”

“Okay, well when you see her could you tell her I have some things for her to buy so we can prepare for Twilight’s party.”

My patience finally ran out. “Mr. Cake, she woke up, but she’s not better.”

He frowned and glanced over at Twi again. “What do you mean? She looks fine to me.”

I closed my eyes and focused on the earth beneath my hooves holding me up. “ Sh-she has a-amnesia.” I explained, my voice cracking. “She can’t remember much.” He stood there for a moment, taking it in.

“Not even... you two?”


“Mrs. Dash, I'm so sorry.”

I winced. “Mr. Cake, since she doesn’t remember, it might be for the best if you just call Ms. Dash instead of Mrs. Dash.”

He was silent for a few moments. “Okay then Ms. Dash. Are you sure you’re alright?”

“I’m fine. She's alive and that's all that really matters.”

“If you ever need anything, my wife and I are here for you.” He hugged me again, helping to hold myself together.

“Thanks. Now about those cinnamon rolls, how much are they?” I sniffed, struggling to quell the tears that had swum to the surface.

“No, you don't have to pay. I won't let you. I'll just go grab them for you.” He turned to go get them.

“Mr. Cake, there's no reason I can't pay you.”

“What did I say? You're not paying today.” He went back into the kitchen, grabbing a bag and placing two of the cooling cinnamon rolls from the counter inside. He returned and gave me the bag. I thanked him and headed off towards the table were my love awaited me.

"Cinnamon rolls on me!" She smiled as I arrived at the table. I removed the two rolls from the bag and gave one to Twi. I watched as she levitated her fork and took a bite. Shaking my head as she glanced over towards me, I began to eat.

We both dug in, enjoying the best cinnamon rolls in Equestria. As always, I ate mine about as quickly as I possibly could, reveling in the amazing flavours that danced across my tongue. I paused for a second, remembering the first time Twi had one of these. Ever since then, they had been her favorite sweet in the world. I glanced into Twi's eyes, searching for some hint of recognition for the tasty treat. All I saw there was marvel at how delicious it was. She looked up and met my gaze. “Thank you very much, this is delicious!” I chuckled a little.

“Ya, the Cakes make the best rolls around.”

“So that stallion you talked to was Mr. Cake?”

I took another bite of the roll. “Mhh-hm!”

We quickly finished and were back on our way. The sun had risen even more and ponies were beginning to rise for their day. I saw one or two coming out to get their mail or the newspaper. I quickened my pace, hoping to get home before anyone I knew really well spotted us.

Finally, we arrived. Down the street just a little way was home. The tree that had become my home stood out from everything around it, and I saw Twi’s stare fixated on it. We stopped out in front and I turned towards her. “Well, here we are!”

She glanced at our house again, then back at me. “A library?”

I chuckled at that. “Yes, but more importantly, your home.” I turned to the door and opened it up. “Come on in.” With that, we entered. I walked fairly quickly to the main room, checking to make sure the girls had done everything right. I’d asked them to come by and grab all the things that would show Twi that we were married. Gone were the pictures, the wedding dress and suit, the little keepsakes from trips. The room felt bare without them.

I shook it off and went over to the window. “Just let me get the curtains.” I pulled them aside and let the light shine into the room. Twilight’s eyes widened with what she saw. It was like a filly in a candy shop. She gazed left and right, trying to see every title and every nook and cranny in the room. Then, I remembered.

“I'll be right back. There's someone who should see you, but needs to know about the uh... Ya know.” I couldn’t get myself to say it out loud. She nodded and I walked over to the stairs. As I ascended them, I steeled my nerves for what was about to do.

I walked down the hallway, passed the cupboard and the bathroom. I stopped in front of the third door. With a deep breath, I pushed it opened and walked in.

I walked over to the bed and stood beside it for a moment. I finally worked up the nerve. “Hey, Spike. It’s time to get up. I need to talk to you.”

With a yawn, Spike began to stir, shifting his blankets away from his body as he groggily sat up. “Morning Dash.” He rubbed his eyes and moved to stand up.

“Spike, wait a minute.” I walked over to the bed and sat down next to him. “It’s kinda important.” He frowned, thinking something over. His face darkened.

“O-okay.” His voice wavered slightly.

I got back up to my hooves, moving over to the desk. I grabbed a quill and scroll. “First, I’m gonna need you to send this to Princess Celestia.” I explained as I jotted down a quick note. I wrapped it up and tied it with a bow, then tossed it over to Spike. With a quick breath and a puff of green fire, the note was gone.

I stood there for a moment watching the smoke drift away. I heard a sniffle from the bed. Spike was crying. “S-she’s g-gone, isn’t she?” He choked out.

“Oh Spike! No, she hasn’t gone.” I moved over to him, pulling him close to me. “It’s okay. She’s not gone.”

He looked at me, his brow furrowed. “But then why did you have to come talk to me? Why the letter to the Princess?” He had mostly stopped crying, but a few stray tears still slid down his face.

“Well, you see Spike, Twilight woke up.” Spike froze.

“She woke up?” he whispered.


Spike’s face lit up as tears came to his eyes once again. It felt good to see him smile again. Twi was like a mother to him, and he has been distraught ever since she fell into the coma. He stayed quiet for days after it happened, refusing to talk to anypony. He still barely talked about it, preferring to just push it all away.

“W-wait.” my voice cracked. “She... She has a problem with h-her memories.”

The smile died on his lips. “Her memories?” Silence filled the room. “What is it?” He asked, as if he was afraid of the answer.

“They’re gone.”


I swallowed, repeating myself. “They’re gone. Her memories. All of them. She doesn’t know me. She doesn’t know any of the girls. She won’t know you.” I struggled to keep my voice even throughout. I tried to contain everything I felt, not wanting to break down now. Spike and Twi needed me to be strong.

He just sat there not moving. Breathing in and out. Taking in what I had said. Finally, it hit him. I watched as the facade of strength broke. He burst out into tears, grabbing at me and pulling me closer, trying to hold on to me.

I embraced him back, tears coming to my own eyes despite my best efforts as the pain dug like a knife into my heart. My whole family was hurting.

“Shhh, everything will turn out alright in the end.” I whispered as I held him.

“It’ll all turn out okay in the end.” I tried to convince him.

“We’ll get our happy ending.” I tried to convince myself.

I didn’t believe the words as they came out of my mouth.