• Published 19th Nov 2021
  • 665 Views, 19 Comments

Celestia's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

Celestia decided to have a her own Pokémon journey in Sinnoh

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An Old or New Rival?

Celestia was on her way to Jubilife City and she was now walking through a forest which many Pokémon lived in, she could see one that was walking on four legs and had a big tooth, she had to know that it was so she took out her dex.

Bidoof the plump mouse Pokémon. It constantly gnaws on logs and rocks to whittle down its front teeth. It nests alongside water.

Celestia wasn’t sure if this was the first Pokémon she wanted to catch, why does this sounds so weird? Then Celestia saw a Pokémon hanging from a tree branch, she decided to see the data on that one too.

Burmy the bagworm Pokémon. To shelter itself from cold, wintry winds, it covers itself with a cloak made of twigs and leaves.

Celestia was amazed by how resourceful this Burmy was but it still didn’t feel like this was the first Pokémon she should catch. Then all of sudden something flew over Celestia and landed not far from her, it was a flying Pokémon. The Pokémon stated to poke its peak on the ground, probably looking for food.

This one was very tiny, it was yellow on the stomach then black, it wings was blue and for some reason Celestia thought she had seen this one before, she didn’t know why.

She pointed her dex at this new Pokémon.

Rookidee the tiny bird Pokémon. It will bravely challenge any opponent, no matter how powerful. This Pokémon benefits from every battle, even a defeat increases its strength a bit.

Whatever the reason was, this one felt right. “Alright, time to catch my first Pokémon.” She told herself as she put away her dex and took out Chimchar’s Pokéball, she then threw it and the chimp Pokémon came out. “Let’s us catch Rookidee, use scratch.” Chimchar ran towards Rookidee who had no idea what was going on, Chimchar scratched the tiny bird Pokémon which made him mad, he was interrupted.

Rookidee flew up in the air and he started to glow? Celestia had no idea what the Pokémon was doing, then Rookidee’s peak started to glow and then he flew towards Chimchar. “Dodge it.” Chimchar managed to jump up in the air to avoid the attack but Rookidee turned around pretty fast and managed to hit Chimchar while he was in the air, the chimp Pokémon landed on the ground hard.

Celestia could see that Chimchar was hurt considering he had some trouble getting up but he managed it, then they saw Rookidee flew towards Chimchar and its beak was still glowing and that gave Celestia an idea, it was risky but it could work. “Just stand there.” Cimchar became a little worried when he heard but he trusted his trainer, he stood his ground. Rookidee came closer and closer until… “Jump and use ember.” Chimchar jump up in the and then he attack with fire from its mouth which hit Rookidee right in the back, the tiny bird Pokémon landed on the ground face first.

When Celestia saw Rookidee landed on the ground she took out a Pokéball, got it ready and threw it on Rookidee who disappeared into the ball, then the ball wiggled three times and then came a click. It took a few seconds before Celestia realized what just happened, she went over to the Pokéball and pick it up. “Did I do it?” She asked no one in particular, she then open the ball and out came Rookidee who appeared on the ground. Rookidee was very confused right now and hurt so Celestia took of her backpack and took out a potion from it, she then spray it on Rookidee who started to flap it’s wings.

“Stop moving Rookidee, I know it’s hurt but it will help.” The tiny bird Pokémon had to listen, the pain was too much. It didn’t take long before Celestia was done. “There, that should do it.” Celestia was glad she read about how potion work. Rookidee tried to flap it’s wings, they were a little stiff but he could fly, he thought. Rookidee then look up at the human that a caught him, she gave him a smile with made him relax, he could trust this human. Rookidee then flew up and landed on Celestia’s head.

Celestia was about to say something but someone ells beat her to it. “Ah, isn’t this sweet, it make we want to vomit.”

Celestia and her Pokémon look in the direction of the voice and they saw a girl with red and yellow hair who was wearing a black jacket, Chimchar and Rookidee had no idea who this human was but Celestia knew. “Sunset Shimmer.” Celestia was a little surprised to see Luna’s rival in Sinnoh. “What do you want?” Celestia asked with some venom in her voice, she wasn’t happy to see her, it also look like she was coming from Birch’s lab.

“I am on my way to Oreburgh City so I can get my first badge her in Sinnoh then I’m heading to the Pokémon league to win the whole thing.” Said Sunset with confidence and arrogance.

“Really? After my sister defeated you in Hoenn? I thought you would go home.”

Sunset pointed a finger at Celestia. “That was a fluke, nothing more. If I see her again I will crush her.” She said while making a fist.

Celestia couldn’t help but roll her eyes of what Sunset said. “If you say so.” Celestia then got up and started to walk, Chimchar followed her.

Sunset didn’t like that Celestia turned her back to her. “Hey.” That made Celestia stop. “Don’t you dear turn you back at me.”

Celestia turned to face Sunset. “What? If you expect me battle you then forget it, I just started and you would probably crush me.”

Sunset sneered at her. “As fun as that sounds, I’m not going to challenge you to a battle.” Celestia was relieved when she heard that, she didn’t want her first battle to be against Sunset, she would lose. “I just don’t want you to beat me to the next town, so get out of my way.” Sunset then started to walk and Celestia step aside.

After Sunset had left, Celestia found a river and she decide to fill up one of her water bottle. “I can’t believe it, of all the placed in this world Sunset had to come to Sinnoh, unbelievable. This journey is official ruined.” Right about now, Celestia thought about quitting. Rookidee looked over to Chimchar if he knew why their trainer was in a bad mood, the chimp Pokémon had no idea.

After filling her bottle, Celestia sat down in the grass. “No, I will not let Sunset ruined my journey, I chose this place and I am going to finished it.” She look up at the sky. “This is my first vacation in ages and I am going to enjoy it.” She smiled and was about to get up when she and her Pokémon heard some noise in a bush not far from them, then a Pokémon Celestia hadn’t seen before came out from it.

The Pokémon was very small, probably at same high as Chimchar and Rookidee, it was green and it look like it had some kind of seed on its head. Celestia took out her dex to see the data.

Budew the bud Pokémon. Over the winter, it closes its bud and endures the cold. In spring, the bud opens and releases pollen.

“Budew, it says that it’s a grass and poison.” Said Celestia as she look at the data, then she smiled. “I’m going to catch it.” She look over to Rookidee. “Want to try?” The tiny bird Pokémon just smile as he took to the air and flew towards Budew who about to drink some water from the river. “Use peck.” Rookidee beak started to glow and he flew towards Budew who look in the direction of the voice, bud Pokémon didn’t see the attack and weas hit. Budew flew backwards.

Budew managed to get up pretty fast and then it fired some seeds from its head, they headed towards Rookidee. “Doge it and use hone claws.” Rookidee just flap it’s wings and avoided the attack, then he started to glow for a second. “Now use peck again.” His beak glowed again as he flew towards Budew who fired away more seeds. “Doge them.” Rookidee flew around them and hit Budew again and this time it was hard enough to knock it out. “Go Pokéball.” Celestia threw a ball which hit Budew and it disappeared into the ball, it wiggled a few times and then the klick came, Celestia had caught herself a Budew.

Celestia walk over to the ball and picked it up. “Sunset is not going to ruined this.” She put away the ball, she and her Pokémon headed towards Jubilife City.

Author's Note:

That's right, Sunset is in Sinnoh. Also, Celestia got two new Pokémon.

In the next chapter; an old acquaintance will join Celestia in her journey.