• Published 19th Nov 2021
  • 665 Views, 19 Comments

Celestia's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

Celestia decided to have a her own Pokémon journey in Sinnoh

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Lake Guardians

Night was very near and Celestia decided to set up camp near a lake, her Pokémon was eating the food she had brought with her and she was sitting near the tent watching them eat. Celestia reflect over her first day as a trainer and it was different then she imagen, she never thought that Sunset would chose this region which means she would probably face her in the Sinnoh league and that wouldn’t be easy, that’s for sure. Then there’s Luna, how would she react that Sunset was here? Celestia wasn’t sure how her sister would react.

Celestia placed her hand on the ground and loo up at the sky, the sky had reddish color and it was beautiful, she never managed to create something like this in Equestria, she couldn’t help but wonder how her brother handle the moon and sun alone.

Celestia then heard some movements in the forest behind her, she got up and got ready to act in case it was a wild Pokémon that might attack. “Damn this forest.” That was not a Pokémon but the voice of a female and it kind of sound familiar. “This is why I hate the nature, you never know what’s there. I’m more of a city girl.” Walking out of the forest was girl with blond hair wearing a light blue dress, it was Lumi Koude. She then started to brush of the dirt of her dress. “Now my outfit is ruined, I guess I have to buy a new one.” Lumi then look up and saw Celestia. “Hey, I found you.”

Right now, Celestia was speechless, surprised and confused at the same time. She didn’t expect to see Lumi in Sinnoh, then again, she think that Luna said that Lumi was from a city in Sinnoh. “Yes, you did.” Said Celestia when she could speak again. “You been looking for me, why?” That was a good question.

Lumi walk to her. “Yes, I was looking for you Celestia, I heard from professor Brown that you had started you journey in Sinnoh and I thought I should join you.”

Celestia was now more confused. “How did you know that? Then only one I told to this to other then the professor was my sister, Luna.”

Lumi decided to explain. “You see, I found out by pure luck. Yesterday I got the idea to call professor Brown and ask him if anyone was going on their first Pokémon journey in Sinnoh and he mention you, so I decided to tag along. I got on a train and headed to Sandgem town but when I arrived you had already left, I have been searching for you ever since.” That made sense.

Celestia wasn’t sure what to say, she didn’t expect this to happened and she wasn’t sure if she wanted Lumi to come alone, then again, she could use a guide consider ding she had no idea where to go, her plan was to ask people where she should go. She didn’t bring a map.

“I don’t mind but why do you want to come alone? You want to take on the Sinnoh league?”

Lumi smiled. “That’s right, I ran away last time and now I am going to face it.” Lumi drop her backpack and she notice something. “I think you overfeed your Pokémon.” She then notice Rookidee. “I haven’t seen that one before.” She took out her dex to see the data. “Rookidee? Cool.”

Celestia had no idea what she was talking about but when she look at them, Budew and Rookidee was lying on the ground with their stomach full, Chimchar was sitting on the ground patting his stomach.

“Oh no, I overfeed them.” Said Celestia with some panic in her voice.

“I wouldn’t worry too much, it’s not like you killed them.” Lumi assured her, it help, some. “Hey, here’s an idea, want to have a Pokémon battle?” Celestia was surprised by that suggestion. It would have been great to have some experience but she wasn’t sure, Lumi has experiences but she hasn’t. Lumi saw that Celestia hesitated. “I know that came out of the blue but you gotta have some battle experience or you can’t compete in league,” She had a point. “and I promise I will go easy on you.”

Celestia got a look on her face that said determination. “Alright, let’s battle.” That made Lumi smile. “You’re not going to use one of your stronger Pokémon, are you?” Celestia asked her.

“Heck no, I have one that should be a match for you.”

They decided to have the battle away from the camp, they didn’t want to destroy it. Celestia used Chimchar while Lumi… “Come on out Snorunt.” She threw a Pokéball and out came a Pokémon that look like triangle with a face, feet’s and small hands.

Celestia took out her dex to see what kind of Pokémon it was.

Snorunt the snow hat Pokémon. In some snowy lands, certain folklore says a house will prosper if a Snorunt lives there.

Celestia saw the Snorunt is an ice type, she remember Luna telling that Lumi like ice types best. Celestia didn’t know why Lumi chose Snorunt, was she given a handicap? She could wonder about that later, Celestia put away the dex and got ready.

“Chimchar, use ember.” The chimp Pokémon fire away fire from its mouth.

“Use power snow.” Snorunt attack with ‘snow’ from its mouth which canceled Chimchar’s attack. “Use headbutt.” Then snow hat Pokémon rocket towards Chimchar who was caught off guard by the speed, he was knock back.

Celeista saw the speed that Snorunt had and started to wonder if it was faster and stronger than Chimchar. “Use another ember.” Chimchar got up and jump in the air and fire away fireballs.

“Use double team.”

Then there was many Snorunt and the attack hit an illusion, not the real one. When Chimchar landed he was surrounded by many Snorunt and he had no idea which one was the real one, Chimchar started to panic.

“Calm down Chimchar, panicking doesn’t help.” Easy for her to say, she wasn’t the one who was battling.

Celestia didn’t know what do to, Chimchar only knew two attacks and that was ember and scratch, she couldn’t do much with those attacks.

While Celestia was thinking. Lumi decided to attack. “Use power snow.” Then all of the Snorunt’s attack with snow and Chimchar had no way to go.

Celesta’s mind went blank when she saw the attack. “CHIMCHAR.” Then the chimp Pokémon jump into the air and then he dig himself a hole, which made the attack miss.

Lumi didn’t expect that to happened. “You gotta be kidding me, Chimchar just learned dig.” She said while all the Snorunt’s disappeared and the original was left.

Celestia had no idea how Chimchar learn dig but right now, she didn’t care. “Attack.” Right after she said that, Chimchar appeared right under Snorunt, launching the snow hat Pokémon up in the air. “Use ember.” Chimchar fired away fireballs and this time Snorunt couldn’t dodge the attack, he was hit and landed on the ground with stars in his eyes.

After the battle, Lumi threat Snorunt and she had pitched the tent she had brought with her. “I can’t believe I lost.” Said Lumi as she sat in front of her tent looking at the bonfire.

“You know you can’t win every time, right?” Celestia told her.

“I know that.” Lumi said with some frustration, she then look at Celestia. “How can you be so humble? You didn’t cheer or anything after you won.”

“Of course I’m happy that I won but I don’t brag about it, I’m not that kind of person.” Celestia almost said pony instead of person.

Lumi let out a sighed. “That’s good to know. So, how was your first day in Sinnoh.”

Celestia had to think for a moment. “It was good, until I ran into Sunset Shimmer.”

Lumi smiled. “That’s good, one should always…” Then her smiled disappeared. “Wait, did you just said Sunset Shimmer?" Celestia nodded. “You mean that bitch is in Sinnoh?”

Celestia didn’t like that Lumi cursed. “I wouldn’t call her a bitch but yes, I ran into her after I had left professor Brown’s lab.”

Lumi’s eyes started to twitch. “Off all the region to choose from she had to come her.” Lumi placed her head on her knees. “That’s just great.”

Celestia could hear that she was frustrated. “Did something happened between you and Sunset?”

“You can say that.” She placed her hands on the ground behind her and look up at the sky. “I meet her on one of the island in Hoenn, I can’t remember which one. Anyway, she started to talk about how she was going to win the league like that.” She then snap her finger. “I decided to challenge her to a battle, I just want to shut her up, she beat me without breaking a sweat.” She let out a groan. “I really hate her.” Celestia had no idea what Lumi was felling, she hadn’t battle Sunset yet but she knew one thing, Sunset was a terrible loser. “Hey, why did decide to come to Sinnoh?”

That question too Celestia off guard, she didn’t expect Lumi to ask that question, not now anyway. “I don’t have any special reason, I read about all the region and Sinnoh intrigued me the most.”

That made Lumi smile. “Hey, it’s pretty special. Did you know…” Before Lumi could continue they saw light coming from the lake, they saw Pokémon that look like giant bugs flying over the water and they were glowing. “Look at that, Illumise and Volbeat.”

Celestia had no idea who those Pokémon was so she took out her dex to see what they were, she pointed at the one that was light blue and purple.

Illumise the firefly Pokémon. With its sweet aroma, it guides Volbeat to draw signs with light in the night sky.

Then the other one which was grey and red.

Volbeat the firefly Pokémon. It communicates with others by lighting up its rear at night. It loves Illunise’s sweet aroma.

Then they started to dance on the lake which Celestia couldn’t help but marvel. “It’s beautiful.” She said with awe in her voice.

Lumi just watch. “It’s sure is.” She then decided to continue where she left off. “Did you know that this lake, which is called Verity, lives a Pokémon called Azelf.”

“A Pokémon lives here?”

Lumi nodded. “Yeap, Azelf is one of three lake guardians, the other are Uxie and Mesprit. It’s says that they have the power to calm down Dialga and Palkia.”

“I remember reading about that before I came here, those two have the power over space and time.” Celestia was actually scared when she first read that, two Pokémon that could control space and time, it’s horrified. “I can’t imagine what would happened if someone got control over that power.”

“Well, that almost happened once.” Celestia’s heart stop when she heard that. “Around eight year ago an organization called team Galactic managed to summon Dialga and Palkia, their leader wanted to create his own new world or something like that.” Lumi then notice that Celestia was terrified, which was not often. “Don’t worry, their plan was stop by the lake guardians and some humans which I don’t remember who was, I was around eleven years back then, I don’t remember much of it but remember the sky becoming wired. “She then scratch her head. “I can’t remember the color of the sky.”

Celestia did not want to talk about Dialga and palkia anymore, they were terrifying. “What about Uxie and Mesprit? Where do they live?” She asked Lumi.

“Well, lake Valor is somewhere between Veilston and Pastoria city, that’s were Azelf lives. When it comes to lake Acuity, that one is near my hometown, Snowpoint, that’s were Uxie lives. And here’s a fun fact, both lakes form a triangle around Sinnoh.”

Celestia was impressed by Lumi’s knowledge. “Wow, you know a lot when it comes to Sinnoh.”

“When you are born in Sinnoh is only natural to know about it.” Celestia had to agree with that. Then Lumi let out a yawn. “I think I’m going to bed, talk to tomorrow.” She then headed into her tent and closed it.

Celestia sat up a little long watching the stars before she became to tired to stay up, she decided to get some sleep.

While the two woman was sleeping, a mystic figure appeared above the lake. The figure look around a little before flying up into the night.

Author's Note:

I hope I wrote the lake guardians right, I'm not very good at this stuff.

As you all can see, Lumi is now in the story.

Now, some information. Lumi is an OC I and FrostTheWold created, she is a trainer that likes ice Pokémon and she ended up in top 16 in the Hoenn league.

When it comes to Sunset, she has nothing to do with Equestria girl. She is from Hoenn and is an arrogant trainer who thinks she is the best, she lost to Luna and ended in the top 8.