• Published 19th Nov 2021
  • 665 Views, 19 Comments

Celestia's Pokémon Journey - Norwegian boy

Celestia decided to have a her own Pokémon journey in Sinnoh

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The Man

It was a new day in Sinnoh and the sun was shining, right through Celestia and right into her face. “Stupide sun.” She then turned her back to the sun so she could sleep more but it didn’t work, the sun had already woken her. Celestia sat up and let out a yawn while stretching her arm to the side. “I have been here four days and I don’t understand how the sun can move on its own.” She then got up from the bed. “Oh well, as long as I don’t have to move it, I’m not complaining.” She then decided to scratch her butt as she walk to the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower she got dressed and then decided to find a restaurant to have some breakfast.

Celestia didn’t see Lumi in the main room of the center, she was probably still sleeping, she decided not to wake her up, Celestia decided to have breakfast alone.

Celestia managed to find a restaurant not far from the Pokémon center, its name was the Bronze Dragon, she like the name. She order some salat and bread, with some water. After breakfast Celestia decided to head to the park, she wanted to see if there was someone who wanted to have a Pokémon battle with her, Celestia still felt like novice.

Once Celestia arrived at the park she look around to see if she could battle anyone but it look like no one was available, everyone was having fun battling. Then Celestia happened to look over at one of the benches and sitting there was a woman who look like she was the same age as herself, she had long blue hair and she was wearing a black business dress, the woman was looking at the people battling. Celestia couldn’t help but feel like she had seen this woman before, but where?

Celestia was so focus on the woman she didn’t notice a man walking towards her, he had a smug look on his face. “Hey sexy.” The man sleazy voice brought Celestia back.

The solar princess look to her left and saw a man who was probably a little older than herself, he was bald and he was wearing a black jacket, he was also wearing a pair of black pants with some holes in it. His grin was creeping Celestia out, she could see that he was missing a tooth.

“What’s a beautiful woman like you doing without a boyfriend?” He asked in sexy way, at least he tried.

Celestia had no idea if this was the way humans men hit on a woman but it was creeping her out, she just ignored him.

The man didn’t give up. “Why don’t we go somewhere ells and have a little fun.”

Celestia wasn’t sure what this man planning but she didn’t want any part of it. “No thanks, I’m looking for someone to battle, not a date.” She really hope he would leave her alone, she wasn’t that lucky.

The man’s smile didn’t disappear. “If there’s a Pokémon battle you want then I can give you one and if I win then you and I are going to have some fun together.”

Celestia had to hold down her vomit, she had no idea what was wrong this man. Celestia knew that ponies like this existed in Equestria but experience a human in the human world? It was disgusting. When it came to the battle, she want to have experience but if losing to this disgusting man meant she had to go out with him? That was not an option so she had to win.

“Alright, let’s battle.”

The man just smiled. “I knew you would. There’s an available field over there.” The man nodded his head towards the battlefield, they walk over there.

Both got ready but then Celestia notice that there was no judge there, she didn’t get the change to say something because the man got ready a Pokéball and threw it. “Go Geodude.” Out came a floating rock with eyes, mouth and arms. Celestia took out her dex.

Geodude the rock Pokémon. Many lives on mountain trails and remain half buried while keeping an eye on climbers.

Celestia saw that it was a rock/ground so she new which one she as going to use first, she took out a Pokéball and threw it. “Let’s do it Budew.” Out came the bud Pokémon, ready for battle.

The man wasn’t happy when he saw her choice but he wasn’t about change Pokémon already. “Use Rollout.” Geodude started to spin very fast, then the rock Pokémon headed towards Budew.

“Jump out of the way.” Budew did that and the attack missed but then something happened that took Celestia off guard, Geodude turned around and hit Budew in the back and the Pokémon landed on the ground hard. “You okay Budew.” The bud Pokémon managed to get up.

Celestia then saw that Geodude keep on spinning right in front of the man who was smiling. “Attack.” Geodude rolled forward.

“Use bullet seed.” Budew fired away seeds from it bud but Geodude just avoided the attack and hit Budew again, the bud Pokémon flew backwards. Celestia got worried, she did not want to lose. “Don’t give up Budew, get up.” Budew managed that but she was hurt.

Then the man decided to attack. “Keep on attacking Geodude.” The rock Pokémon rolled towards Budew.

Celestia had to do something and she got an idea. “Shot bulled seed in front of where Geodude is rolling.” Budew jump up and fired of seeds that hit right in front of the rock Pokémon who finally stop, he landed on the ground, so did Budew. “Use absorb.” Budew started to ‘take’ Geodude’s life and shew as healed while Geodude was out.

“Damn it.” The man called back Geodude and got ready his next Pokémon. “You’re up Machop.” Out came a little human looking Pokémon that look very tough, so Celestia decided to see the data.

Machop the superpower Pokémon. Its muscles never cramps however much it trains. It lives in the mountains away from humans.

Celestia was impressed by what she read and she saw that Machop was a fighting type, she knew what to do. Celestia called back Budew and decided to choose Rookidee.

The man had never seen Rookidee before but the Pokémon was a flying type, that was obvious. “Alright, use thunder punch.” Electricity started to appeared around Machop’s fist as the Pokémon ran towards it’s opponent.

“Fly up.” Rookidee flaps it’s wings and managed to fly up which made Machop to miss. Celestia was glad that work, she knew that electricity attacks was effective against flying types. “Time to attack, use peck.” Rookidee’s peck started to glow as the tiny bird Pokémon flew towards Machop who didn’t have the time to move, the superpower Pokémon was hurt.

The man didn’t like that. “Use another thunder punch.” Machop attack again with the same move and it was right after he was hit by Rookidee’s attack, so it hit and Rookidee took a lot of damage.

Celestia watch as Rookidee flew backwards a little and landed on the ground with pain. “Can you get up Rookidee?” The Pokémon tried to get up but it was difficult.

When the man saw that he just smiled. “Let’s finished this Machop, use thunder punch one more time.” Machop started to run while electricity form around it’s fist.

Celestia really didn’t want to lose. “Rookidee, get up.” Just as Machop was about to hit the tiny bird Pokémon, Rookidee managed to fly up avoiding the attack. Then Rookidee flap it’s wings and it look like it attack with blades that was made of air? The attack hit Machop hard. “What the…?” Celestia was clueless of what kind of attack it was so she look it up in her dex. “Air slash? Alright then, use another air slash.” Rookidee attack again and Machop was hit again so hard it passed out.

The man just crushed. “Fuck.” He called back Machop and got ready his last Pokémon. “It’s not over until the last Pokémon can’t battle anymore, go Poochyena.”

Out came a Pokémon that look like a small puppy and it was black. Celestia look at the data.

Poochyena the bite Pokémon. A Pokémon with a persistent nature, it chases its chosen prey until they becomes exhausted.

Celestia saw that Poochyena was a dark type and she didn’t have a Pokémon that could match it, then she notice that Rookidee was breathing heavily, he tired after battling Machop so she call the tiny bird Pokémon back and call out Chimchar.

The man made the first move. “Use bite.” Poochyena started to run.

“Use dig.” Chimchar dug a hole which made Poochyena to stop and look around, the bite Pokémon had no idea where Chimchar would appeared. Then it felt the ground move and Chimchar came up sending Poochyena flying. “Use ember.” Chimchar then fire flames from its mouth while in the air which struck Poochyena, the bite Pokémon landed on the ground unconscious.

The man look in disbelieve, he couldn’t believe that Celestia had beaten his Poovhyena this easy. The man look as Celestia called back Chimchar and started to walk towards the exit of the park, she wanted to get away this human as fast as possible.

As Celestia walk she saw the woman with blue hair, the woman gave her a smile as she walk, Celestia had no idea why.

Once Celestia was back at the Pokémon center she saw Lumi siting by a table eating some food, she walk over to her.

Lumi stop eating when she saw Celestia walking towards her. “Hey, where have you been? I tried to knock on your door when I woke up but you didn’t answer.”

Celestia stop by the table. “I woke up when the sun was up so I decided to get some breakfast at a restaurant and I forgot to invited you, I am sorry about that.”

Lumi just shrugged it off.” Don’t worry about it, I would probably not be the best eating companion that early. What did you do after that?”

Celestia was a little uneasy right now. “I went to the park to see if I could get some battle experience.” She stop speaking.

Lumi waited for her to continued. “And?”

Celestia let out a sighed. “I found a man that tried to ask me out if he won over me in a Pokémon battle.”

Lumi pinched her nose. “Please tell you won over this guy?” Celestia nodded her head. “Thank the lord, I can’t believe someone used Pokémon just to get a date.” Lumi wanted to throw up.

Celestia agreed with what she said, she didn’t mention the woman who she just remember look like Chrysalis, there had to be a human of her.

Author's Note:

Yay, I managed to write a new chapter.