• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 1,684 Views, 36 Comments

The Tragic Story of Twilight Sparkle, or Twilight - A Fistful of Apples

Twilight Sparkle, unhappy with her limited knowledge, is greeted by a spirit named Mephistopheles.

  • ...




Applejack stepped into the workshop. She had her saddlebags on, both full of something. Mephistopheles said they were full of notes and figures relating to the Survival Pill business. That was strange, Twilight thought.

"I know you said you just had a gift for me," said Applejack, an easy smile on her face. "But I've been meaning to talk to you recently about those survival pills, and I figure now would be the best time."

Twilight shrugged. If that's what Applejack wanted to do after her gift, talk about business, then that was just fine.

"Well, if you come upstairs I got your gift all ready for you," said Twilight. "But first I'd like you to put on this blindfold!" Twilight levitated said blindfold close to Applejack, but she shook her head as it got close.

"Not now Twilight, business first if ya don't mind."

"If that's what you prefer," said Twilight, eager to show Applejack her gift. Twilight had worked very hard on it after all.

Applejack removed her saddlebags and riffled through them, pulling out a few stacks of paper and hastily scrawled charts. Twilight had no idea Applejack was any good at anything relating to Mathematics.

"Big Mac helped me with most of these," said Applejack. Twilight smiled at realising once again that Applejack wasn't very good at math.

Twilight's smile grew as Applejack looked from paper to graph, graph to paper, trying to figure out what she was supposed to do with them. Eventually she just settled to putting them all on the table and looking at them all that way.

"Well, anyway," she said, looking a little nervous. She paused for a moment, looking at the papers again before speaking. "Ah well, I don't need these things anyway, I know what's going on." Twilight cocked her head, wondering what she was talking about.

"Because of these Survival Pills, our food sales are way down. Nopony is buying our vegetables. Worse, we're not seeing as many sales of the Survival Pills as we used to. The Apple Family's gonna go under Twilight, if we don't do something.

"Now, most ponies come to me, they wonder if there are pills that don't last as long. Ponies tell me they want to eat, but don't want to eat when they're not hungry, and others... well... there are ponies out there who like to sip on something a little stronger than apple juice if you get what I mean."

Twilight nodded.

"I guess then I should make some pills that don't last as long," Twilight said. "This way you'll sell more pills, and you'll sell more food."

Applejack nodded. "That's what I figured." She looked back down at all the papers she had put on the desk and scoffed.

"Now I told Big Mac I didn't need all these things. Just a waste of paper is what it is."

Twilight chuckled. "Well, you might have needed them if you weren't so good at speaking," she said. She briefly wondered why she had said that at all, but quickly put that question out of her mind.

"Well thank you Twilight," said Applejack, gathering everything up off the table and putting them back in her saddlebags. Once that was done she turned back to Twilight and asked, "So, what's this gift you got for me? Should I put on that blindfold now, or wait 'till we get up the stairs?"

"Now please," said Twilight. "Oh, and let me take off your pendant."

Applejack shrugged as Twilight removed Applejack's Artificial Unicorn Horn. After that was done she gently placed the blindfold over Applejack's eyes.

"Can she see anything," asked Twilight to Mephistopheles.


Twilight, satisfied, slowly led Applejack up the stairs and into the old storage room. Soon it'd be a storage room again. Once inside, Twilight had to be careful to guide Applejack so she wouldn't knock over or step on anything and ruin the entire room or worse, hurt herself. Finally she was in the proper place, and Twilight felt giddy as she was finally able to see this project come to an end.

"Okay Applejack, I need you to stand still there and wait," began Twilight. "This might feel a bit weird. Don't be alarmed!"

"A bit weird, Twilight what are you -"

"Now now," interrupted Twilight. "Don't speak, you'll have your gift in a second."

Applejack trustingly stopped talking and Twilight began to concentrate. The entire room began to brighten slightly, and the Cinnabar paint on the floor, walls, and ceilings began to move violently, swirling and revolving around the room, culminating on Applejack. Everything else too was acting strangely, but it was all in accordance with what should be.

Slowly the light in the room began to brighten, as did the tip of Twilight's horn as she filtered more energy into her machine. Soon the light became too bright and Twilight had to shut her eyes. Later, the room began to shake slightly and Twilight hoped Applejack was still in the right spot.

Suddenly there was a large bang. Though Twilight was prepared for it, Applejack wasn't and she was flung from her position towards one of the walls. Twilight opened her eyes at the thud of Applejack hitting the wall. Though she was concerned that Applejack might have hurt herself, she was happy to find out that it had worked.

Applejack had a pair of wings.

"Ugh," said Applejack, holding a hoof to her head. "What was that? I don't understand. Can I take this blindfold off now?"

"Yes Applejack. Take a look at yourself!"

Applejack put a hoof to her blindfold before pausing for a moment. She stood up as a hopeful smile suddenly appeared on her face. It looked like she now had an idea of what was done.

In one fluid motion she turned her head to look at her back and pulled the blindfold off. Her hopeful smile turned into a grin so wide it looked like her head might just split in half.

Applejack unfurled her wings and gave them a few test flaps before expertly moving above the ground.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" she shouted at Twilight, hovering just above her head. "I can't believe you were able to do this for me! Thank you!"

And just like that she leaned herself forward and kissed Twilight on the cheek.

"This is just the greatest thing anypony's ever done fer me!" she said. But Twilight didn't hear it. Applejack continued to lob praise and thanks at Twilight, but Twilight didn't hear that either. Somehow, Twilight had been put in a daze by what she knew to be just a simple kiss that Applejack only gave due to overwhelming excitement.

Twilight thought she heard something about "trying my new wings out" and "thanks again" as Applejack flew out of the room, but she wasn't sure. All she knew was that at some point she was alone, dazed and confused not only by what happened, but by her own dazedness and confusion.

Twilight didn't know exactly how much time had passed by the time she managed to shake herself out of her stupor, but by the looks of things it really wasn't that long. Still, that she was so affected by Applejack meant only one thing. A very strange thing that looking back, she should have seen coming, but nevertheless came as a surprise.

Twilight had a crush on Applejack.

"Twilight?" came a sudden familiar voice. "Why are you standing here by yourself?"'

It was Spike, back from running her errands. He was holding a bunch of small boxes which Twilight assumed were her purchases.

Twilight then shook her head to help clear her mind before saying, "Sorry, I was just thinking."

"About what?" asked Spike.

Twilight cracked a goofy grin. "Something secret."

Spike shrugged before setting the boxes down on the floor.

"Should I clean this room up now?" he asked. "You said it could be turned back to a storage room today."

"Yeah, go ahead," said Twilight. "It served its purpose."

Spike then held up something shiny. It was Applejack's pendant. She hadn't picked it back up when she left. Twilight was kind of glad. There was now a good excuse to show up at Sweet Apple Acres tomorrow.

Applejack was so excited when she flew home, she gave no thought to how her family would react to seeing her new wings.

She wasted no time and simply busted through the door, landing clumsily on the floor right in front of Big Macintosh who was just heading back out to do some more work on the farm. His shocked face brought Applejack back down to earth enough for her to realise that she just broke the farm door and would have to get it fixed. She also realised then that she hadn't chosen the best way to tell her family what she'd done.

"Uhhh," began Big Macintosh. "Most ponies would have just done something new with their mane ya know." He wasn't smiling as he spoke.

Applejack looked down at the ground in embarrassment, trying not to look at any of the pieces of broken door littering the floor.

"Sorry about the door," she said. "Got a little excited there."

"Those are some pretty real lookin' wings," he said. "Twilight do this to you?"

Applejack snorted.

"She did this for me," said Applejack forcefully. "You know I've wanted wings ever since I was a filly, and she managed to work some magic to give them to me."

"Honestly, I thought you grew out of that. I know I did." He didn't seem so unhappy anymore, though Applejack couldn't tell exactly what he was thinking, which in itself was worrying. Big Mac was usually an open book to her.

There was a long moment of silence between the two of them. Finally, Big Mac sighed softly. "Granny ain't gonna like this. Not one bit. Apple Bloom... I don't think you'll have to worry about what she thinks."

"I can deal with Granny," said Applejack. "These wings make me the happiest I've been since I got my cutie mark. Granny will understand that."

Back at her house, Twilight was busy asking Mephistopheles all manner of questions relating to Applejack, completely neglecting her usual work.

"What's her favourite variety of apple specifically?"

"She likes her own Red Delicious apples the best for eating raw, and likes her own Granny Smith apples for cooking."

"Has she tried lots of different types?"


"Has she... ever been with another pony before?"

"Do you mean physically or romantically?"

"Romantically. But now that you mention it...."


"Does she... like mares?"

"Not very much, no."

Twilight sighed. "Could she be... I don't want to say 'persuaded', but that's the closest word I can think of. Could she be 'persuaded' to like me romantically?"


Twilight sighed again. "How is it you can never help me with other ponies. It's a huge gap in your understanding."

"I've explained this to you before."

Twilight tried to interrupt him by saying "I know, I know," but he continued to speak through it anyway."Just because I understand doesn't mean I like it."

"That you don't like it shouldn't make you continuously ask me."

Twilight grumbled to herself. It didn't matter that he wasn't sure. It just meant he didn't know. She could still get Applejack to like her, that way. Maybe.

She also didn't think she liked mares, but she wasn't about to get confused and have an identity crisis just because she realised her own crush on another mare. It just wasn't that big of a deal. Nevertheless, it pointed to the hope that maybe Applejack liked mares and perhaps didn't know it, or had the potential for developing a taste for mares.

Twilight shuddered. She was making this out to be more sinister than it should be.

"Anyway, back to the questions," said Twilight, before launching into more questions about Applejack.

When Granny Smith became aware of Applejack's new wings, she wasn't happy.

"How could you do this to yourself?" asked Granny Smith. Applejack scoffed at the implication that she had done anything wrong.

"I didn't see you complainin' when Twilight fixed you up!

Granny Smith gave a low grunt, acknowledging the point. Applejack continued.

"I also didn't hear no complaining about those pills! You take em, we sell them and we spend the money, all thanks to Twilight!"

Granny Smith's frown deepened. "Now I ain't saying she's done no good for ponies. I ain't even talking about her. It's about them wings. You was born an Earth Pony and wishin' you was a different pony is for foals. You ain't a foal are ya?"

Applejack stamped her hoof on the ground. She couldn't clearly remember a time when Granny Smith was so disapproving of something she'd done.

"Now you know I ain't no foal Granny," said Applejack, trying to keep calm. "But this was my decision. I'm sorry I didn't grow out of the want-to-be-a-Pegasus phase like Big Mac did. It ain't no slight on being an Earth Pony. I'm not gonna change just because I got some fancy new wings, I'm the same old Applejack as before. I just can fly now. And I'm happy to be able to."

There was a long pause. Granny Smith gave no indication of being convinced. Finally she spoke.

"I don't know what to say," she said. "I don't approve. But there ain't nothing I can do about it. It's already done and everyone'll have to live with it, including me."

"I'm sorry it makes you unhappy Granny," said Applejack. "But these wings make me happy. I've wanted wings for so long and to actually have them, it's... well, it's incredible."

Granny Smith said nothing, but waved her hoof to indicate she wanted Applejack to go away. Applejack frowned, but left.

Applejack didn't seem soundly that night. While she was overjoyed about her new wings, she hated to disappoint granny. But there wasn't anything she could do.

The next day Twilight had trouble concentrating. Her mind was so wrapped up in Applejack, she didn't give much attention to her students, who were supposed to have completed projects ready to show off. All of them did, but Twilight just didn't care. Except for Apple Bloom's project. While she had made something very impressive it wasn't what interested Twilight. It was that Apple Bloom was Applejack's sister, and paying attention to Apple Bloom might get Applejack's attention.

"So Apple Bloom," said Twilight, passing up everyone else's projects. "Tell me how you made this." Twilight already knew exactly how it worked, and a quick question to Mephistopheles had informed her of the reason behind it.

Apple Bloom's face perked up at Twilight seemingly more interested in her project than anypony else's. Twilight smiled back, happy that her plan was already working.

"Well, my family's always complainin' about how hot it is in the summer, so I realised I could make something to keep the house cool! See, the air comes in through here," she indicated with her hoof the backside of the device, "brought in by strengthened Xi lines. Then it's compressed and goes in through a filter made of woven strands of Water-Silver. It comes out real cold. The only problem is I haven't figured out a good way to turn it on and off. I have to go in and re-paint the cinnabar lines every time I want to start it."

Twilight nodded. "You could simply use the Earth-Metal interaction to build a disconnected switch."

Apple Bloom's ears folded back. "Oh. I didn't think of that."

"It's alright Apple Bloom, it would have been a lot more work and what you have now is just wonderful. I'm very impressed."

Apple Bloom beamed, and as much as Twilight wanted to shower her in praise in hopes that Applejack might notice, she had other students to look at.

Nothing done by the foals was worth commenting on. Sweetie Belle's idea for a fabric-cutter was interesting, but her design was all wrong and in the end all she had was a stupid looking hunk of painted wood. Twilight couldn't even tell if she had a good grasp of theory or if she had somehow gotten stupid over time. Scootaloo's project was just a small Xi-based motor attached to a scooter. It was too weak to even carry Scootaloo herself, but it was something at least. Sunny Days, Dinky Doo and Peachy Pie's projects were similarly something at least.

Ditzy Doo however had managed something pretty interesting, a floating ball that always gave out light. It was made with Electrum infused with as much Fire and Air as it could hold, covered in a layer of glass. The glass was etched with a particular pattern and filled in with cinnabar paint. Totalling at a radius of only one inch, it gave off about twice as much light as an oil lamp, and was paired with a stand that kept it floating through Xi interactions.

"Good job Ditzy Doo," said Twilight. "How are Snips and Snails doing?"

"Who?" Twilight didn't repeat herself, sure that the mare would figure it out quickly enough. "Oh, right! Snails is doing fine."

"And Snips?"

Ditzy Doo frowned. "Oh I don't know about him."


"He stopped coming after three lessons."

"Why didn't you tell me! I had him listed as a student in my notebook!"

"I forgot. I didn't even notice the first day he was gone." She smiled sheepishly.

Twilight rolled her eyes, annoyed. "Well, alright. I'll change my list later."

Later, when everypony was filtering out of the library, Twilight held Apple Bloom back.

"Hey Apple Bloom, mind if I walk with you?" said Twilight.

"Sure," said Apple Bloom. "But why do you want to walk with me?"

Twilight chuckled. "Well, I have to head over to see Applejack anyway. She left something at my house yesterday and I need to give it back to her."

"Well, alright then," said Apple Bloom. Twilight quickly grabbed Applejack's pendant and left Spike to clean up the library as they headed off together to Sweet Apple Acres.

As they walked, Apple Bloom carrying her project on her back, she spoke.

"So, how'd you give my sister those wings?"

"It's complicated," replied Twilight. "She told me she wanted wings, so I figured I could make some for her."

"Could'ya make me wings?

"I could, but I already disassembled the machine for it."

"Aww, having wings would be so cool." Apple Bloom kicked a rock as they walked. Twilight stopped walking for a moment, causing Apple Bloom to stop too.

"Tell you what Apple Bloom. How about I give you some extra lessons, and you can make your own machine to make wings! I'll keep watch over it so it won't be dangerous. That way you can eventually have wings if you want, and it'll provide motivation for you to learn more."

"Really?" said Apple Bloom. "You think I could give myself wings?"

Twilight laughed, making sure it sounded convincingly mirthful. "Maybe in a year or two, if we focused on what you'd need to know for it."

"That sounds great!" said Apple Bloom, jumping in the air. "Let's do that!"

They chatted the rest of the way, and when they arrived back on the farm, Applejack was there waiting for them.

"Hey there Apple Bloom!" said Applejack. "I take it Twilight here was pleased with your air coolin' thingy." Her new wings were unfolded, but closed as they approached. Twilight then wondered if maybe she should have given herself wings. But it was too late for that now.

"It was very creative Applejack," said Twilight. "But I'm here to drop this off to you." She levitated the pendant in front of Applejack, who stepped forward and let Twilight clasp it back around her neck. She chuckled softly.

"Guess I just plain forgot it after all the excitement of getting these here wings and all," she said. "Thanks again for them. Can't say everypony else has been as excited to see me with them as I have. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were pretty happy though. Pinkie's holding a party for me by the way, she told me to tell you next time I saw you. It's next week."

Twilight gave a genuine smile. "A party for you? I'll be there."

"Twilight says she'll give me extra lessons so I can eventually make wings for myself!" said Apple Bloom. "I can go right?"

"Well I dunno, when will these lessons be?"

Twilight thought about it for a second and said, "I have medical classes every other weekday after my normal classes, so it wouldn't be too hard to give Apple Bloom her extra classes after class on every day when I'm not teaching the medical students."

"Well that sounds fine," said Applejack.

"Yay!" said Apple Bloom, before trotting past them and heading into the house, humming some tune to herself.

"Boy I tell ya, I never thought I'd see Apple Bloom that excited for schoolin'," said Applejack.

"She's very bright," said Twilight. "Brightest student I have. Except for maybe Ditzy Doo, but she's older."

"But Apple Bloom ain't as... well, ditzy and Ditzy Doo."

"That's true," said Twilight, smiling at Apple Jack. Her mane seemed much shinier than normal, her coat a brighter orange. Had it always looked that way? Or maybe it was that Applejack was happier now with the wings? Or it could just be all in Twilight's head. Romantic Attraction did all sorts of strange things to the mind.

"Well, I was out here waitin' for Apple Bloom. Now that she's back I best be headin' off to finish today's chores. You're welcome to keep me company if ya'd like, but I figure you got lots of fancy projects to work on in that house of yours."

"Fancy projects?" asked Twilight. She didn't really know what Applejack was talking about. Her mind had stopped paying attention at being invited to keep Applejack company. Her mind backtracked for a moment trying to figure out what Applejack was asking.

"Oh, yeah," said Twilight, suddenly feeling the urge to mess with her mane. "Lots of work to be done."

In truth, there was lots of work to be done. Several textbook copies were on the way to being completed, and she wanted to get started on those short-term survival pills for Applejack. They said their goodbyes and Twilight made her way back to her own house.

That went rather well, Twilight thought to herself. She then realised that nothing had happened and she shouldn't be congratulating herself on a job well done at acting normal. She was going to have to be a bit more overt, she thought, if she wanted to win Applejack eventually.

When Twilight entered her house, she found Spike already there. He greeted her, and handed her a letter he said had come from the Xiscriber. The one that only the princess could communicate with. Twilight read it quickly. Upon finishing she was confused.

"Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna want to see me," said Twilight to Spike. "The day after tomorrow. I'm supposed to wait for them to send a chariot to pick me up." Twilight asked Mephistopheles why that was.

"They don't want you to teleport in the middle of the courtroom like you have been doing," he said.

"And what do they want to see me for?"

"They want to set down a few rules on your research."

"Oh...." Twilight said aloud. Spike asked her why she said that, but she didn't answer. She was going to have to do something about this.