• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 1,686 Views, 36 Comments

The Tragic Story of Twilight Sparkle, or Twilight - A Fistful of Apples

Twilight Sparkle, unhappy with her limited knowledge, is greeted by a spirit named Mephistopheles.

  • ...



Collapsing States

The room was small, holding only a single table. It was round, which implied social equality among those who sat at it, but the five were on one end huddled together, while Twilight was left by herself at the other end. There were no windows in the room. It was as if what was going on was of no importance.

Twilight finally finished the stack of papers she'd be given. Lists of "approved" technologies , supposed "compromises" for the curriculum she wanted to continue with in her classes, edits to books she'd already published. It was both baffling and disgusting.

Likewise all five were currently perusing various ideas, inventions, suggestions, and manuscripts that Twilight had chosen to give them so that it would seem she was not keeping anything behind. It seemed she read much faster than all five as she had to wait a while before they all finished.

"I have a question," said Snow Berry. "Even if we assume that this 'Fire-Clay' works as described, exactly what use is it outside of war? It seems highly dangerous."

Twilight smiled sweetly trying to hold back as much of the predatory glee she felt at the question. "Its uses are endless. With the right care it's simple to produce, cheaper and more powerful than current explosives, and so can be used for all the same things explosives are used for now. Construction, mining, demolition, and yes, warfare. It is also far more stable and safe than current explosives and does not absorb or dissolve in water, so it can be used in wet environments. It can also be moulded into various shapes or forced into cracks and weak spots."

"You're proposed book, One Thousand Medically Beneficial Plants and Their Uses lists dozens of plants that are regulated or banned, including rhubarb," said Sweet Stuff. Snow Berry and Spell Tome balked.

"Rhubarb can be used as a laxative," said Twilight. She'd never tasted rhubarb before, but she knew that ponies found it delicious, and so many ponies, including Sweet Stuff, grew it despite it being illegal.

"Regardless," continued Sweet Stuff, "Many of these plants have not been tested. We have only you're word that they do what you claim. This is the modern era, the time has long passed where anypony could publish a Pharmacopoeia anytime they thought they had discovered something new."

"Then test it," said Twilight.

"That's not our job."

"Then give me permission to test locally."

"That's dangerous."

Twilight couldn't help it and threw her fore-hooves into the air in bewilderment. Before she could open her mouth to voice her frustration, Spell Tome spoke.

"I can understand how you feel Ms. Sparkle," he said. "The young often think they have everything figured out, and if only others would listen they could solve all the world's problems. I hope you understand that however much it may feel you can't be wrong, you might be."

Twilight suddenly tasted the sharp, metallic flavour of blood wash over her mouth. She had literally bitten her tongue in her efforts to not start yelling.

Spell Tome continued. "New ideas must be carefully examined, and well considered before they are slowly introduced into scientific canon. This is especially true in magic and physics, where you seem to have spent most of your time trying to upend hundreds of years of knowledge."

Twilight remained silent. She didn't trust herself to speak and not insult the senile old fool.

"Nothing to say?" he asked. A few moments passed and Twilight remained silent. "I know it is difficult to hear," he continued. "Just remember Ms. Sparkle, lex parsimoniae. It would take much to justify overthrowing all of physics for your complicated pet theories."

"Don't you think you're being rather harsh?" asked Winter Carroll, looking at Spell Tome. "The only simplicity modern science has over Ms. Sparkle's theory is the it is more common and in that way, easier to understand for most ponies. Otherwise it is no more complicated, and is in itself far simpler and harmonious a theory, quite beautiful if I may say so. And as they used to say, 'even if it's not true, it's well conceived.'"

Spell Tome snorted. "It can be as beautiful as the sun itself, but that doesn't matter if it's not true."

Twilight watched, her temper slowly calming as Spell Tome and Winter Carroll argued with each other, the other three sitting back to watch. If nothing else, it was nice to have an advocate on something.

"I don't get it," said Spike. "After all that, why do you say that the meeting was a success?"

"Because, Spike," said Twilight, "I not only got permission to restart my medical classes, but Snow Berry has already fallen right into my hooves. She'll be removed or forced on my side in a few months, tops."

"I don't see how."

Twilight smiled. "You will. It'll be more fun if I don't tell you."


"Then there's Sweet Stuff, who'll be next. I'm certain she'll eventually be very receptive to some of the more... interesting uses of the poppy." Spike looked at her oddly. Twilight ignored him and decided to get back to work.

A knock on the door jostled Twilight out of her thoughts. She looked up, put her notepad down, and opened the door. Sweetie Belle was standing there, an annoyed expression on her face. Sensing something was wrong, Twilight quickly invited Sweetie Belle in and didn't pick her work back up, giving Sweetie time to gather whatever thoughts were going on in her head.

"Do you have a sister, Twilight?" asked Sweetie Belle suddenly.

"Not that I am aware," replied Twilight, wondering where this was going. She didn't want to just ask Mephistopheles just yet. Actually talking to ponies and having normal conversations helped keep her grounded.

Finally, she opened up. Sweetie Belle started going on and on about how she was staying with Rarity for the week and Rarity was mean and nothing she did seemed to work out or help, and Rarity didn't want to go to the Sisterhooves Social or do anything at all that Sweetie wanted to do, and Applejack already had a little sister and would she be her sister for the Social?

Twilight blinked, trying to process the sudden wave of foalish ramblings, picking out the important bits of information and discarding the redundancies.

"I'm sorry Sweetie, but I don't think Rarity would like that. I don't think it'd be a good idea for you either."

"But I want to go, and Rarity hates me and I hate her!"

"Oh Sweetie, none of that is true." In spite of herself Twilight made a quick check with Mephistopheles and found that yes, Rarity didn't hate Sweetie and was currently scouring Ponyville trying to find her, and Sweetie was just angry, and certainly didn't hate Rarity.

"If it's bothering you so much, why don't I go talk to Rarity? I'm sure all she needs is a little talking to and she'll go to the Sisterhooves Social with you."

Sweetie Belle pouted, sitting back on her rump and folding her fore-hooves across her chest. But she didn't say no, so Twilight took that as acceptance.

"When I'm done with what I'm doing here, I'll go find Rarity and talk to her. I'm sure everything will be alright Sweetie. For now, why don't you go play with your friends?"

Sweetie groaned, but nodded.

As Sweetie left, Twilight let her mind wander back to more important tasks. Like her work.

"This is because I cancelled Nightmare Night isn't it?" asked Luna, annoyed.

"Yes," replied Celestia. "It is. Everypony is unhappy with you Luna. I know you felt what you did wasn't wrong, but other ponies don't see it that way. And I don't want our subjects to think ill of my sister."

"Their Princess," said Luna under her breath.

"And their Princess," repeated Celestia. She looked sympathetically towards Luna, but it just made Luna feel as if she were being pitied. "Really Luna, it'll be fun. We just show up, say hello to the ponies, watch the contests... maybe we could even compete as sisters! Wouldn't that be something!"

Maybe that's the problem, thought Luna suddenly. They didn't respect her, they only feared her. Did they respect Celestia? Or was she some sort of joke? Was it that their subjects have simply forgotten how to treat royalty properly?

No, thought Luna. That was ridiculous. She shook her head slightly, clearing away the odd thoughts. Even if they feared her, even if they didn't respect her like they should, her ponies were still her ponies. Good ponies. Maybe she did need a chance to show them they should not fear their princess of the night. Now that Nightmare Night was taken care of.... Maybe she could even announce a replacement for the accursed holiday.

"So, shall we go?" asked Celestia, giving Luna enough time to collect her thoughts.

"I suppose. Shall we announce our intent?"

"No, no, I think it would be best if we surprised them."

"Very well," said Luna.

"Yes, I understand Twilight," said Rarity. It seemed like she finally did. "Do you know where Sweetie is right now? I'd like to tell her the good news."

Twilight smiled. "I told her she should go play with her friends while I talked to you. My guess is they're in their clubhouse." It wasn't a guess.

Rarity got up to leave. "Thanks again," she said before heading out the door.

The next day, Twilight joined Rarity and Sweetie at the Sisterhooves Social at their insistence. Spike came too of course, though he would complain every so often that he wanted to compete, but there was nothing for boys to do. Not that he had a sister anyway.

"Don't worry Spike, there are tons of other celebrations and festivals that are open to you."

Spike scoffed "None where I get to eat as much pie as I can and then win a prize for it!"

"Spike, they haven't made enough pie for that," Twilight teased.

Spike glared for a moment in mock offense before going back to his usual smile.

"Come on, the big race should be starting soon," said Spike. "If we don't hurry they'll be all out of free apple slices."

As soon as Twilight and Spike took a seat, Granny Smith took to the stands to announce the beginning of the race. Twilight sat close enough that she could easily make out Applejack and Apple Bloom at the starting line, right next to Rarity, who was looking rather awkward, and Sweetie Belle who was clearly having the time of her life.

Something appeared in the corner of Twilight's vision. A small, unassuming speck in the distance that was nevertheless getting larger and more well defined. Other ponies saw it too. Some gasped when the dot turned into two, and it became clear what was going on.

The Princesses, ever-loving, wonderful, Princess Celestia and... Twilight sighed. The other one.

"Why are they here?" asked Twilight silently to Mephistopheles.

"Celestia wishes to improve Luna's perception. She chose the Sisterhooves Social specifically for several reasons. Since sisterhood is the theme, she could not be blamed for coming along with Luna. Thus she can keep an eye on Luna as she makes another appearance in Ponyville. Her presence will also act as a buffer for the ponies, as they do not like Luna, but they love Celestia. She also hopes to tone down or stop any of Luna's social transgressions before they happen. Luna also has no opinion on the Sisterhooves Social, so she will not make a fuss as she did with Nightmare Night. It is not her holiday, so she cannot do anything to it even if she wanted to. Further -"

"Yes, yes, I understand," said Twilight. It would be any moment now before the royal sisters got within earshot, so under her breath, but still loud enough so that everyone around her could hear, Twilight spoke.

"I wonder if Luna's here to ruin this festival too."

Spike didn't reply to her comment, but he didn't need to. It was enough, and when the princesses were on the ground the crowd was already talking, remembering the past deeds of Luna and expecting that they would be repeated.

When the two landed, Celestia smiled brightly and Luna was trying to follow suit. It was obvious however that she was nervous. Her eyes kept darting through the audience, going from face to face trying to gauge the crowd's temperament. Judging from her reaction, it wasn't reassuring.

The murmurs grew louder. Twilight watched as Celestia, who was much taller than all the other ponies, raised a hoof to silence the crowd, but somepony had already made their way to the front by then, and began to speak. Twilight couldn't see over the crowd to tell exactly who it was, though it appeared to be a young mare. Celestia put her hoof down and listened in that caring way she always did to everypony.

"Excuse me, Princess Celestia...."

"Yes, my little pony?"

Twilight noticed a pause before the mare spoke again. She sounded very nervous.

"Um, if you're going to cancel the Sisterhooves Social, could you please wait until after this year's social is done? I've been really looking forward to it and - "

"We are not here to cancel your festival!" Twilight could hear the extremely loud voice of Luna ring out. It was now too frustrating to not be able to see everything, so finally, Twilight began having Mephistopheles describe what was happening.

Luna stomped her hoof on the ground for emphasis and the mare who had spoken backed away in fright.

"Now, now," Said Celestia, once again raising her hoof to calm the ponies. "We are only here to enjoy the festival with our subjects."

Twilight spoke again, under her breath but load enough to be heard. Hopefully not by the princesses.

"I'd feel a lot better if Nightmare Moon wasn't here."

The crowd began to get louder, despite Celestia's assurances.

"Ponies, I assure you - "

"Please Princess, take Nightmare Moon away!" screamed somepony from the crowd. A quick check indicated it was Daisy, emboldened by the anonymity of the crowd. Normally ponies would never talk back to the Princess. Or Luna.

Twilight mentally counted down the seconds before -

"Silence!" shouted Luna, in that annoyingly loud voice of hers. Hadn't she learned by now that wasn't how to speak?

The crowd not only immediately silenced themselves, but kneeled down to the ground in fear. Twilight did so as well to keep up appearances.

"We are not here to ruin your silly festival," shouted Luna. Celestia nudged her sister but Luna didn't notice. "We merely want to bear witness to it! So continue your Sisterhooves Social! Your princess commands you!"

Everybody lowered themselves even further. Some began to slowly back away, and before Celestia could try to calm things down again ponies had begun to run. It was Nightmare Night all over again, just like Twilight had hoped.

"That was absolutely inexcusable!" said Celestia as soon as she teleported herself and Luna away from Ponyville. "What were you thinking? You've been gone a long time sister, but you've had more than enough time to adjust to things after your return! You should at least know by now that the Royal Canterlot Voice is over four hundred years out of date! So is the royal "We" for that matter. I've reminded you a thousand times!"

Luna snorted. "I meant 'we' in the normal way! You and I! It is important that we put up a unified front! I don't want our ponies thinking that we're disagree on anything!"

"And you did a marvellous job with that didn't you?"

Luna didn't have to response to that. Ponies feared her. And there didn't seem to be anything she could do to stop it.

There was a pause. Celestia sighed.

"I know it's hard for you," she said finally. "But you're too rough with the ponies. The time is long gone where they would respond to the kind of show you attempted to put on for them. Ordering them around, being loud and regal. Ponies want a more mundane ruler, one they can relate to. I though you understood that but I suppose you just need more time." Celestia stopped to give Luna more time, but she had nothing to say.

"And because of that... I'm afraid to say... that I'm going to temporarily strip you of your authority."

"You can't do that!" shouted Luna. Luna wasn't just angry now, she was scared. It was all happening over again. The fights. Celestia's I'm-better-than-you attitude. And now this? Would she be banished too? She didn't want that. She didn't want this to happen again! She started to cry, and that just made her feel even more ashamed and weak and worthless compared to Celestia. And that made her more angry.

"It's only temporary!" said Celestia urgently. "Just until you get back on your hooves and really get to know how rulership works now! Then we can work together to fix your reputation and we can rule together again! Just like we used to!"

Luna didn't want to believe it. But it seemed things were going down the same path as before. Celestia said similar things a thousand years ago. But was this the same situation? Maybe things could still be salvaged. She didn't want events to turn out like they did before. And she was willing to work to prevent them from happening again. She only hoped it'd be enough.

Slowly, trying not to scream at the injustice that was her life, she nodded.

It had been a week since the Sisterhooves Social and things were going well. Luna was more or less out of the picture, according to the newspapers. Twilight was keeping a close eye on Snow Berry, making sure that Mephistopheles updated her every so often on any important activity. It wouldn't be long now before Snow Berry slipped up and provided something Twilight could use. Sweet Stuff had already fallen, much to Twilight's surprise. She would have thought it would have taken months before the pony actually tried the procedure, but Twilight wasn't about to complain.

"Twilight, I have your notes here," said Spike. He carried a large stack of papers that Twilight had written out long ago, back before she was forced to stop her classes. He peaked his head out from the side of the stack and said, "Do I have to carry all these the whole way? Can't you like, invent a cart or something?"

"The cart's already been invented," said Twilight, deadpan. "I can carry those though if they're too much for you." Her horn glowed and the stack of notes lifted off from Spike's claws. Spike breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his forehead before standing up straighter.

"Thanks," he said. "I was worried for a second."

"The last thing I need is my assistant developing back problems," she said, putting on her saddle bags. They needed to hurry or else they'd be late.

Across Ponyville was the Library. Twilight hadn't been there in a long time, not since her last official class with her regular students.

She walked briskly through the door, closing it shut as soon as Spike got inside the Library. Twilight turned around and as an afterthought brought out a desk that had been collecting dust in her absence in the corner, and then placed her notes onto it. Looking around, she was startled to find several chairs already out, filled with ponies. In fact, there were more now than there were before.

"Mrs. Sparkle?" asked one of the new ponies.

"Twilight is fine," said Twilight.

"Twilight," the pony corrected. "My name is Forest Leaf and many of us who have never taken your class before were wondering if we could now. Even though you never finished teaching them, the ponies who came from your classes did a much better job at the hospital than those who didn't and word's kind of gotten around. I'm from Canterlot myself, and after some talking while we were waiting there are a lot of us here from all over Equestria and beyond. So... please, could we stay?"

Twilight looked at the crowd. Many of the faces that looked back had a look of urgent hope that Twilight couldn't bear to deny. It was a hope to learn the truth, and that was something she had always understood completely.

"Everypony can stay. But I'm afraid I can't start the class over again. I suggest, with my student's permission of course, that everypony who is new attempt to catch up from the older students."

Twilight smiled as she heard sighs of relief.

"Now I know it's been a long time, but hopefully you won't mind if we pick up right where we left off at Diagnosis of Imbalance..."

"Are we sure we can't wait any longer?" asked Winter Carroll. "I worry that the princess will decide our opinion is worth nothing if not made unanimously."

Twilight kept silent. Sweet Stuff had no intention of showing up, but it wouldn't be prudent to let that bit of information slip.

"Some of us have lives beyond entertaining this mare's fantasies," said Snow Berry. "There is some very important work I need to do."

"We all have work to do," said Spell Tome. "Even Ms. Sparkle, I assume. So I suggest we go ahead and inform Doctor Stuff of today's matters of discussion later as time permits."

"Yes, thank you!" said Snow Berry. She put her hoof forward as if she was accusing Twilight of something before she spoke. "Nopony here said that other ponies are allowed to teach your ideas!"

Twilight's face was a mask of indifference as she said, "Nopony here, nor Princess Celestia, indicated that I could not. In fact, it was stated that they could, so long as it was approved curricula."

"And how do we know about that you are telling us the truth of what they teach?"

"Please, Snow Berry," said Winter Carroll. "We should endeavour to trust Ms. Sparkle, for she's given us no reason to doubt her character. We already gave her permission to teach medicine last month, and that other ponies are now teaching is fully within our approval as of our jurisdiction."

"And what of reports that more than Medicine is being taught? She is going behind our backs to teach things we have not approved!"

Winter Carroll looked at Twilight and smiled. She smiled back.

"Ms. Sparkle," began Winter Carroll. "Are you teaching anything other than medicine?"

"No," said Twilight. "My only class is in Medicine, and that is going to end soon as I'm running out of things to teach in detail. I plan to release a Medical Encyclopaedia and a few other reference books to my students when they're done, just to make sure. And I don't plan to start another medicine class."

"There you have it," said Winter Carroll.

"I think we're getting off track," said Spell Tome. "Our purpose today is not to go over what we've already gone over a month ago. It is to decide on whether Ms. Sparkle's non-medical classes should be allowed, and if so, exactly what Ms. Sparkle is and is not allowed to teach.

In a puff of smoke he produced a sheet of parchment. Twilight couldn't help but be impressed at his skills for somepony who knew so little.

"For your convenience I have made a list of concerns," he said. "First, if you are to begin teaching, we need some way of making sure you do not stray from approved materials. Therefore I suggest a pony to come in and audit your class at random intervals. This pony will then report back to us if there have been any problems. Second, you should include in your curriculum the standard opinions on subjects. Your students will have to decide for themselves which is correct. Third, to make sure this is done, a standardised test will be issued to all of your students at the end of each half year. If any student fails, your class will be closed again. Fourth, at any time a student should be allowed to leave your class to join a regular class, but the reverse is to be subject to our approval. And fifth, though I don't have this written down, due to concerns about other ponies teaching your ideas, any other pony who wishes to teach must follow the same rules regarding tests and audits. I think if these five guidelines are followed, there's no reason to not allow your class to reopen."

"I'm afraid we cannot do that," said Winter Carroll. "Despite any concerns we may have, we do not have that much authority over anypony but Ms. Sparkle. Not without the princess's approval."

"All our comments go to the princess anyway!" said Snow Berry. "If she has a problem with it she will say so."

"This particular one is a question of us overstepping our bounds, not of us following standard procedure."

"In that case," said Violet Moon, who up until now had remained silent. "We should simply inform Twilight of our decision later. If we all agree that Spell Tome's stipulations are fair, then we should send them to Princess Celestia. If she approves we will contact Ms. Sparkle and that will be that. The question now is what if she doesn't approve of number five?"

The four ponies stood silent for a moment.

"I believe number five, if not overstepping our bounds, to be acceptable," said Winter Carroll. "But if it is, then we should drop it. Therefore either response from Celestia will allow Ms. Sparkle to start her classes again. We will deal with any other potential teachers once we know what it is we can do with them."

Twilight heard Snow Berry grumble, but he didn't say anything against it.

Spell Tome nodded his assent and likewise the other two.

Finally Twilight could go home and ignore all this.