• Published 11th Sep 2012
  • 1,684 Views, 36 Comments

The Tragic Story of Twilight Sparkle, or Twilight - A Fistful of Apples

Twilight Sparkle, unhappy with her limited knowledge, is greeted by a spirit named Mephistopheles.

  • ...



Nightmare Night

"This is the third time this month they've changed the schedule!" said Applejack. Twilight nodded her head sympathetically as she continued to work, impregnating Earth with a specific amount of Fire and Water. Truthfully, it was delicate work and any other pony would risk blowing herself up. But Twilight wasn't just any pony. "I'm tellin' yah, if it happens again I'm gonna march right to the mayor and giving her a piece of my mind."

Twilight ignored the obvious solution, telling Applejack that as she was now also a Pegasus, she could bring rain to her farm herself, and instead went with another suggestion.

"If you're so adamant about it, why don't you run for mayor yourself? Elections are next year after all. If you start campaigning now, you'd be sure to win. Then not only could you schedule the weather properly, but you could do all sorts of good things for all your friends." She hoped the "all your friends" comment consciously translated in Applejack's head as "everpony in town."

"Me... mayor?" asked Applejack slowly. "Why would I want to be mayor? Seems like a lot of work."

"Well you like helping everpony right?" asked Twilight. She stabbed the newly realised clump of Fire-Clay with two silver pins and then set it aside. Apple Bloom peered over the table to get a closer look, and backed off as soon as she realised what exactly it was. "If you were mayor, you could help a lot of ponies. Besides, our current mayor is kind of... ineffectual?"

"I don't think so Twi," said Applejack. "Not my thing."

"Well, if you're sure," said Twilight before picking up another piece of clay.

Applejack chuckled. "It's annoying, but not that annoying," she said. She glanced at Apple Bloom who was now busy with her friends and Spike, fooling around with a small model airship Twilight had built a week before.

"You gonna stick around here a while longer sis?" she said. Apple Bloom looked up.

"Yes Ma'am," she said quickly. Applejack chuckled again.

"That filly," she began. "Next thing you know she'll be gettin' some fancy science cutie mark and trekking over to Canterlot with the fancy science ponies."

As Applejack made her way to the exit, Twilight remarked, "The scientists in Canterlot don't know what they're talking about. Apple Bloom has already surpassed all of them. If there was any justice, she'd be the professor, and all the Earls and Grafs, Consuls and Proconsuls, Mayors and Governors, and even the Princesses, would understand that she was somepony they should listen to. Not those Canterlot phonies."

There was an odd stillness in the air as Applejack played back what she just heard. Not making much sense of it, she opened the door to leave.

"See you Twilight," she said softly, before leaving and closing the door behind her.

"Hey Twilight," said Apple Bloom from behind. Twilight quickly checked with Mephistopheles to see if Apple Bloom had overheard what was said. She hadn't.

"Yes, Apple Bloom?" asked Twilight. The little filly was holding one of Twilight's floating electrum lights. Twilight knew Ditzy wouldn't mind her taking the idea and improving it, and these lights didn't need a metal stand, but could be made to follow a pony around, or stay in any specific place anypony wanted.

"I was wonderin' if I could borrow one of these for my costume tomorrow," she said.

"Sure," said Twilight. "What are you going to use it for?"

"I wanna be an alien."

Twilight chuckled. "But there is no such thing as aliens."

"So?" asked Apple Bloom. "I just thought it'd be fun."

"Well that's fine," said Twilight. "In fact you can keep it. I have a dozen of them already made."

"Wow, thanks Twilight!" said Apple Bloom, cradling her new light in her left foreleg as she walked back over to her friends.

Nightmare Night was tomorrow. Twilight still hadn't decided yet if she wanted to join in the festivities or continue with her work.

On one hoof, now that Luna and those five ponies from Canterlot were breathing down her neck, there was admittedly less work that could be done, which theoretically left more free time available. Attending the festivities would also give her more time to spend with Applejack, though they had already been spending more time than was common recently.

On the other hoof, there was always more work to do. And Applejack might think it odd if Twilight tried to spend even more time with her. And finally, Twilight still didn't have a costume. Though she definitely throw something together if she really wanted.

"Spike! Come here for a moment!"

Spike looked up from what he was doing before rolling his eyes, annoyed, and slowly drudging his way to Twilight.

"Yes, Twilight?" he asked. Twilight ignored his lack of enthusiasm.

"I was just wondering, how interested are you in going to the Nightmare Night festival tomorrow?"

"Are you kidding?" asked Spike. "It's one of the best days of the year! You get to wear a costume, lots of free candy, it's great!"

"So you'd be disappointed if we didn't go?"

"Very," he said, folding his arms over his chest, glaring. "We are going right?"

Twilight decided this was the easy way of deciding. Making Spike decide for her.

"Yes, we're going," said Twilight. She tilted her head in thought and said lowly, to herself, "Though I don't have any idea for a costume. What might be good?"

Spike gasped in fake shock. "Really Twilight, that's not like you! You usually have your costume picked out and ready a month before Nightmare Night!"

"Well, I wasn't even sure we'd be going this year," said Twilight. "There's always so much work to do."

"Which is why we should take what breaks we can," said Spike. "That and, free candy."

Twilight chuckled. "Got any ideas Spike? It doesn't matter to me what the costume is."

"Go as a zombie!" said Spike. "Zombies are awesome."

Twilight nodded. "Fine by me. I'll throw a zombie costume together tonight."

Spike had a huge grin on his face as he walked back to finish what he was doing before, probably imagining what Twilight would look like as a zombie. Twilight had never considered such a costume before, but at this point in her life it didn't matter at all what she decided to dress up as.

"Can I come with you and Spike for Nightmare Night instead of Pinkie Pie, Twilight?" came a sudden voice. Twilight twirled around and saw the face of Apple Bloom smiling hopefully at her.

"Well, I suppose. If you want. Wouldn't Pinkie Pie be more fun though?"

"I like you more than Pinkie Pie," said Apple Bloom, obviously giving no thought to what she was saying.

"Just tell Applejack you'll be with me and not Pinkie, and you can come over around seven in the evening. That alright with you Apple Bloom?"

"Yes ma'am! But uh... while I'm askin'...."

"Yeeees?" said Twilight, sure what was about to be asked.

"Can Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo come too?"

Twilight sighed, but smiled. "Yes, they can if they want."

Apple Bloom's eyes brightened as she yelled off a quick "Thanks!" before trotting back to her friends once again.
Twilight sighed again to herself. Nightmare Night just got a lot more complicated than she expected.

Not too much later in Canterlot Castle, Princess Luna was having a fit of annoyance.

"I think you'd look wonderful dressing up as, say, Princess Celestia?" said Celestia with a grin. Luna frowned at her joke.

"I don't want to dress up as anything, especially not you. The entire holiday is demeaning."

"It is not," said Celestia as if talking to a young child. "Everypony loves Nightmare Night and you should be glad to have such a wonderful holiday in your honour."

"Yes, unlike you who has such horrible holidays and events like the Summer Sun Celebration, or the Grand Galloping Gala," Luna grumbled.

"Oh sister," said Celestia, shaking her head in that condescending way she did often, as if Luna was stupid. "It'll be fun. And good for you. Nopony goes to Ponyville without making at least one new friend."

Luna couldn't help but smile at that. She still held out a glimmer of hope that ponies would like her.

"Is that way you're sending me to Ponyville specifically?"

"It is indeed," said Celestia.

"And what about you sister? Where are you going for...ugh. Nightmare Night?"

"Nightmare Night isn't really my holiday is it Luna? I showed up publicly because you were gone, but now that you're here you don't need me stealing the spotlight."


"Figure of speech," said Celestia. "I mean you don't need me around on your day. Or night as the case may be. And you know what? If you don't like the holiday, you can always change it. Make it a feast or something."

Luna ignored the suggested, suddenly realising something else. "Ponyville is where... your student lives now, right?"

Celestia nodded. "She lives there, yes. You will probably see her during the festival."

"Oh joy."

"Now Luna, I know you're worried about her, but she's a good pony. Plus, we did what you wanted. There is more oversight over her research now. So what's the problem?"

"Nothing, dear sister."

"Spike, are you done yet?" called Twilight. "Everypony's waiting!"

Indeed, all three "cutie mark crusaders" had already shown up in costume ready to go to the Nightmare Night festival, and Twilight herself had been ready a half hour before that. Spike was the only one not finished. Twilight hoped his costume was at least worth the wait.

"Finished!" yelled out Spike. A few more moments passed and Twilight finally got a look at his costume.

"You're a dragon," said Twilight, before Spike even got downstairs.

"Yep!" said Spike.

"But you're a dragon."

"I know. You just said that."

"No, I mean, you're already a dragon!"

The three fillies sniggered quietly to themselves at the exchange, not saying anything.


"So... you know, nevermind, I don't care. Let's just go or we're going to be late."

"Sheesh Twilight, this night is supposed to be fun," said Spike. "No need to be such a grouch over a costume."

The sun was just barely setting, and the festival itself only just starting. When Twilight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Spike entered Ponyville proper, lights were flickering on to indicate that visitors were welcome for candy, while others stayed dark to show that no visitors were wanted.

Twilight took her charges around town, briefly stopping from house to house so they could pick up candy. It didn't take that many houses before Twilight noticed something really annoying.

"Look Twilight," said Scootaloo. "You didn't have to make a last minute zombie costume, you could have just gone as yourself!"

Twilight grumbled under her breath, trying to ignore all the little fillies who had decided to dress up as "The Madmare of Ponyville." If it was like this here where she lived, how much worse was it in bigger cities far away?

Spike laughed, seeing her face scrunched up in annoyance. "Maybe you can get some royalties from all the ponies dressing up like you."

"Quiet," said Twilight, trying to keep her cool. She didn't like feeling unappreciated. It was bad enough she was having trouble with the princesses. She didn't need the little fillies spreading the idea around that she was crazy.

Twilight tried to ignore the "madmares" she walked by as she continued to take the girls, and Spike, around to get candy, but it wasn't easy. All those foals had no idea what great things she was going to do, or had already done. They didn't know how much better their lives were going to get.

"Can we go play some games?" said Sweetie Belle, nudging Twilight's side. Twilight nodded and was glad to be alone for a moment as the three fillies ran off to fire pumpkins from a catapult.

"I'm going to go see how Applejack's doing," said Twilight to Spike. "She's running the apple bobbing game, so if you want to come...."

"And get my suit all wet?" said Spike. "No thanks. I think I'll stick with Apple Bloom and her friends, if that's okay."

"Suit yourself Spike. Tell the girls they have fifteen minutes, and after that to come find me. I'll be with Applejack."

Spike ran off without replying.

Twilight wasted no time in finding Applejack and her tub full of water and apples.

"Happy Nightmare Night, Applejack," Twilight called out. Applejack turned and smiled.

"Well howdy Twilight. Nice costume."

"Thank you," said Twilight.

"Where are the girls?" asked Applejack. "And Spike?"

"I let them wander off to play games for a bit. I told them to meet me here in fifteen minutes."

"Quite a handful ain't they?" She chuckled to herself. "But while you're waiting care to bob for an apple?"

"No thank you," said Twilight. "I don't want to ruin the make-up you know."

"Of course Twi," said Applejack. "Can't have you lookin' all pretty now can we!" she laughed at her own joke while Twilight's mind boggled.

Did Applejack just call her pretty? Or at least imply that she thought she was pretty? Twilight felt a blush creep up on her face, and was suddenly very glad she was covered in make-up.

Suddenly three fillies and a dragon came bouldering towards Twilight, forcing her to snap out of it and focus on what was actually happening.

"Twilight! Twilight look!" said Sweetie Belle. "Apple Bloom won a prize!"

Sure enough, the red-maned filly was carrying a small stuffed spider on her back.

"Not the greatest prize," she said. "But it'll do."

"Congrats sis," said Applejack moving past Twilight to give her sister a nuzzle.

The roar of a crowd began to drown out the going-ons close by. Twilight turned and saw ponies gathering around a stage, the Mayor, dressed in a clown costume, apparently beginning some sort of speech.

The three fillies suddenly ran off to see what was happening without so much as waiting for Twilight. After turning to give an apologetic smile to Applejack, Twilight headed after them. Settling as close to the middle of the crowd as possible, Twilight waited with everypony else to hear the Mayor's announcement.

"Thank you everypony, and welcome to the Nightmare Night festival!"

More applause and cheering.

"Now, all the little ponies who have been out collecting sweets should follow our friend Zecora to hear the legend of," she paused slightly for dramatic effect. "Nightmare Moooooooon!" She proceeded to try a "spooky" laugh, though her clown costume really ruined the attempt.

"The spooky voice might work better if she wasn't dressed like that," said Spike lowly.

"No kidding," said Twilight.

"Aww, can we go Twilight?" suddenly asked Apple Bloom.

"Sure," said Twilight. "Though you don't need me to come with you, so if you don't mind I'll stay here."

The fillies seemed not to care at Twilight's lack of enthusiasm.

Later, once again filly and dragon free, Twilight walked back over to Applejack and her apple bobbing game.

Twilight contented herself with merely watching other ponies bob for apples, happy to simply be near Applejack. She felt calm, which, she noted, she hadn't felt in a strangely long time. It was as if she'd been panicked for weeks, and was just now able to relax.

"Hey, Twi," said Applejack suddenly.

"Yes, Applejack?" said Twilight sweetly.

"I did something interesting yesterday, a few hours after I left your house."

The comment took Twilight off guard, but Applejack continued without a reply.

"I was flying about, and I closed my eyes for a bit. And then I... I flew into a cloud."

"Well I'm sure that's interesting and exciting for you Applejack, but you’ve got to remember you're a Pegasus now."

"That's what I mean Twilight. I thought you just gave me wings. But there's more to a Pegasus than just wings, right? They got some special connection to the sky, and they can move and sit on clouds and stuff. Earth Ponies can't do that, not without magic."

"Well yeah. You're a Pegasus."

Applejack sighed. "I'm not sure how I feel about that Twi."

"What do you mean?"

Applejack took a deep breath. "I was born an Earth Pony. And yeah, I wanted to fly and I'm still mighty happy that I can, but I thought I'd still be an Earth Pony at the end of the day. Now I... I guess it just feels strange."

"But you are an Earth Pony!" said Twilight.

Applejack's ears perked up sharply at Twilight's words.

"Come again?" she said. "I thought you said I was a Pegasus now."

"You are," said Twilight. "But I didn't change you into a Pegasus. You're right, being a Pegasus is a complicated matter, more than just wings. It involves a specific magical nature that other types of ponies don't have, but there's nothing about it that makes it so that I couldn't just turn you into a Pegasus because of you already being an Earth Pony. Just look at Princess Celestia, or any of the other Alicorns. They are Alicorns because they are biologically Earth Pony, Pegasus Pony, and Unicorn Pony at the same time. You're just not a Unicorn. But you are a Pegasus Pony and an Earth Pony. Does that make sense?"

"Well I, uh," said Applejack. Her eyes were unfocused, pointing at the ground, as if she was thinking. "It makes sense, but Twilight, that's incredible! If you made me into a Pegasus, could you, and I'm just spitballin' here mind, but could you turn me into a Unicorn too?"

Twilight opened her mouth to shout, "Of course!" but had to clamp it shut again when she remembered. She couldn't anymore, not without approval from five ponies who didn't know anything.

"It's possible," said Twilight instead. "But I can't do it personally, not now. I told you about the oversight the princesses have graced me with." She couldn't hide the bitterness from her voice.

"Well shoot, I was just thinking," began Applejack. "Think of how amazin' it'd be if everypony was an Alicorn just like the princesses! Everypony could do everything, and nopony would have to worry about fighting about who's better or who can do what, or 'why won't you do this if I do this?' Don't you think that's be great?" Applejack paused for a moment, her eyes wide suddenly. "On second thought, maybe not. You get so many Alicorns running around, ponies might stop respecting the princesses."

It felt like lightning stuck. Applejack was right. If everypony was an Alicorn, then the Princesses, specifically Luna, wouldn't be special. And why would you listen to somepony who wasn't special? Somepony else could take Luna's place, somepony smarter, more amiable to Twilight's goals.

Twilight's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the loud shouts of somepony coming from the centre of town.

"Citizens of Ponyville!" it began, and Twilight immediately recognised the voice. A quick confirmation from Mephistopheles proved it. Luna was here.

"I wonder what's going on?" said Applejack looking in the direction of the yelling. The yelling continued, thought more indistinct. Twilight, wanting to know what was being said, asked Mephistopheles to relay to her what was happening.

Twilight chuckled to herself after hearing the account. Of course Luna wouldn't be met with any praise or fanfare. She just was too out of place in the modern world. Which was probably why she was so concerned about emerging technologies.

Twilight's train of thought was once again interrupted by a sudden group of ponies fleeing towards her. The "Cutie Mark Crusaders," Spike, Pinkie Pie, and a handful of other young colts and fillies stopped when they reached her and Applejack.

"Twilight, it was the scariest thing!" shouted Apple Bloom. "We all heard the story about Nightmare Moon and why we have the Nightmare Night festival, and when we got back to town Nightmare Moon herself came and said she was going to feast on us! So we ran!"

Nods of agreement.

"It was totally scary," said Pinkie Pie. "You should have been there Twilight!"

Twilight patted Apple Bloom on the head.

"Don't worry," she said. "It's just Princess Luna, she's not Nightmare Moon anymore." Twilight paused. "Doesn't mean she should be trusted though."

The comment got a strange look from Pinkie Pie, but everpony else seemed to agree with her.

"Well, since you all got over quite a scare, how about bobbin' for some apples?" said Applejack, pointing a hoof to the game.

The little fillies and colts, and Pinkie Pie gathered around, forming a loose line so they could take turns two at a time trying to get apples out of the bucket. Spike stood back next to Twilight, uninterested in the game.

There was one colt who looked very young, as he was much smaller than even the fillies. Twilight silently asked about him and found out his name was Pipsqueak, and he was so young that this was his first Nightmare Night ever. He was too small to effectively reach over the bucket and attempt to bob for apples, and so he had to try to balance on the edge of the bucket. Applejack stepped forward to help him, but before she got there he'd already lost his balance.

Twilight was about to magically levitate him out of the bucket when somepony at full gallop came rushing into the crowd and grabbed the colt out of the water. It was Luna.

Gasps of surprise and whimpers of terror passed through the crowd. Many however seemed to be surprised that Luna did what appeared to be a good thing. For a moment, Twilight locked eyes with the Princess. When their eyes met, Luna momentarily lost her concentration, causing her to quickly drop Pipsqueak onto the ground with a thud.

"Look out!" shouted Pinkie Pie suddenly. "Nightmare Moon just tried to gobble up Pipsqueak! Everypony run!"

Suddenly the crowd went from kind of afraid and slightly curious, to utterly terrified as masses of ponies began to run around in all directions attempting to get away from "Nightmare Moon." Even Pipsqueak, who had just been helped out, picked himself up from the floor and started to gallop away after shouting "Help, Nightmare Moon almost gobbled me up!"

Amidst the ensuing chaos Twilight could hear Luna shout, "Tis' a lie, I did no such thing thou ungrateful whelp!" She stamped her hoof in anger, causing her to momentarily lose control of her magic, though nopony, in their panic, seemed to notice the sudden lightning.

Twilight was the only one who did not run. She simply watched.

"Please, villagers!" shouted Luna, trying to calm the crowd. Nopony listened. "There is no need to fear us! We only wished to help and join the festivities!" Still nopony listened. Things were getting more and more out of control as she spoke, as if every word simply added more panic to the little ponies.

Finally , Luna had had enough.

"Be still!" she yelled, her voice magically enhanced to be loud enough that probably everypony in town heard it. It worked, and immediately everypony stopped running and kneeled on the floor, mildly in simple prostration to royalty, mostly in fear. Twilight was the only one who continued to stand, Spike pulling gently on her mane to get her to kneel like the other ponies. Twilight ignored him, and similarly, Luna did not notice Twilight.

"I have seen enough!" continued Luna in her magically enhanced voice. "Since you choose to fear your Princess rather than love her, and dishonour her with this insulting celebration, we decree that Nightmare Night shall be cancelled! Forever!"

Twilight's mind blanked as Luna suddenly teleported away. She hadn't quite expected that. As the ponies looked around and began to pick themselves up off the floor, the reality of what had just happened began to sink in. Nightmare Night was over. Luna had shown up not for ten minutes and had cancelled it. Fillies and colts began to cry as older ponies tried to console them that everything would be alright. Amidst all the sadness, disbelief, and disappointment however, Twilight couldn't help but think this would be a good thing for her plans.

"You cancelled it?" Said Celestia in disbelief. "Why would you do a thing like that?!"

Luna shook her head. "Sister, you were not there. You did not see the fear in their eyes when they saw me, nor did you see them nearly destroy their own town in panic as they shrieked and fled from my presence. It was never a holiday in my honour, it was always to paint me as a bad pony to be feared and hated. It was an insulting and loathsome tradition, and so I cancelled it."

Celestia couldn't help herself as she held a hoof to her face in frustration.

"Luna, you must believe me when I say Nightmare Night is one of the most beloved traditions in Equestria."

"Was one of the most beloved traditions in Equestria, and at my expense!"

Celestia shook her head. "I'm sorry Luna, you simply cannot cancel it! Now, luckily you only made this announcement in Ponyville, so we can fix this. All we have to do is -"

"No sister!" shouted Luna, putting her hoof down both literally and figuratively. "If this was a holiday ostensibly in my honour, it should be my right to abolish it if I so choose! You have no right to interfere. I have already sent out a royal proclamation, by mail as is the modern trend. Come morning, everypony in Equestria will know they are to no longer defile my name annually with this insipid festival!"

Celestia was speechless. Her ears flattened as she looked at her sister with pity.

"Oh Luna," she said. Luna could feel the pitty radiating off her sister, could see in her eyes that she meant to say "What am I going to do with you?"

Again, Luna's wishes and wellbeing were ignored by her sister. Again, she was vilified and hated by all ponies in Equestria. In a thousand years, nothing had changed.